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November 2019

the journal for hazardous area environments

Sound advice for
petrochemical plants
European downstream
safety performance
in 2018

. 6
Research Software Augmented Reality NO
HSE calls for partners in The role of software Wearables & PPE in
EN e
M d
wearables research In safety Industry 4.0
contents november 2019 14

Nominations are now open for the those companies and individuals you think most deserve
Hazardex 2020 Awards for Excellence. recognition for the most innovative products, systems and
The Hazardex International Conference and services. The deadline for nominations is 14 December 2019.
Exhibition in Harrogate, UK, on 26 & 27 For further information on the awards, categories, and how to
February 2020 will feature a hazardous area nominate a company, please visit:
and process safety awards programme to Contact Russell Goater on +44 (0) 1732 359990 or russell.
A look at the digital transformation of safety and the role that software
highlight examples of excellence across the sector. Categories for further details on attendance or
open for nomination are Contribution to Safety, Contribution to sponsoring this must-attend event. plays in managing and analysing the data produced by PPT
the Environment, Technical Innovation, Best User Application
and Best Customer Service. …Alistair Hookway, Associate Editor, Hazardex
Entry is free, and this is the ideal opportunity to reward
in this issue
5 News Extra & Standards
• US administration issues new pipeline safety rules
• BP deploys Mars technology on UK continental shelf
• UK HSE calls for partners in high hazard research programmes
• Canadian operator to reinforce controversial Great Lakes oil pipeline
• Explosion hits Russian research facility harbouring smallpox virus
Petrochemical and chemical plants have become increasingly complex
• Top executives cleared of negligence over Fukushima disaster
• Hinkley Point C nuclear plant to run almost £3bn over budget and the potential for excessive noise remains high

17 Standards: Further pause for thought

20 PPTex Supplement 6 – Products
39 HSE calls for partners in wearables research
44 Paving the way for broader adoption of PPT
50 The role of software in safety
54 Wearables & PPE in Industry 4.0
28 Concawe, the European downstream industry organisation, has
published personal safety performance results for 2018

30 Case study - Reliable leak detection in industrial gas pressure-relief stations

31 Case study - SOCOTEC UK and Casella 40

33 Sound advice for petrochemical plants

36 European downstream safety performance in 2018
40 Risk of electrostatic ignition during FIBC discharging operations
44 Play it safe – adhere to the Machinery Directive A look at why the greatest risk posed by static electricity in a flammable or
combustible atmosphere is an explosion due to electrostatic discharge

46 Event previews

30 Hazardex is a controlled circulation journal published monthly.

Completed print or online registration forms will be considered for
Hazardex content is the property of the publishers or relevant content
providers. The publishers and sponsors of this magazine are not responsible
November 2019

free supply of printed issues, web site access and online services. for the results of any actions or omissions taken on the basis of information
Annual subscription for non-qualifying readers is: UK £147; EU in this publication. In particular, no liability can be accepted in respect of any
the journal for hazardous area environments

£215.25; Airmail £315 and single copy price is £23.10 plus P&P. claim based on or in relation to material provided for inclusion.
Sound advice for
petrochemical plants Editor Group Publisher IML Group
40Downstream Alan Franck Russell Goater Blair House, High Street, Tonbridge, Kent
European downstream TN9 1BQ, UK
safety performance
in 2018 Associate Editor Circulation Tel: +44 1732 359990
Alistair Hookway Email: Tel: +44 (0)1732 359990 ISSN 1476-7376
Sales Executive Design
Kathryn Startin Graham Rich Design
Research Software Augmented Reality NO
.6 Production and Events
HSE calls for partners in
wearables research
The role of software
In safety
Wearables & PPE in
Industry 4.0
de Holly Reed
PP in

Register for weekly email newsletter & up-to-the-minute news at

4 News Extra Shutterstock

Strikes on Saudi oil facilities highlight

vulnerability of infrastructure to low-tech attack
T he attacks on state-owned Saudi
Aramco oil processing facilities at
Abqaiq and Khurais in eastern Saudi
Saudi Arabia has US-supplied Patriot
anti-missile systems that have shot down
a number of incoming ballistic missiles at
damage on theoretically much better-armed
Saudi Arabia which is supposedly defended
by the US, the world’s greatest military super-
Arabia on 14 September 2019 have high altitude, but the destruction at the power.
been claimed by the Iran-backed Houthi two refineries illustrates how vulnerable the
movement, the rebel movement fighting country’s oil (and other) infrastructure is to And the US and Saudi Arabia are particularly
Saudi-led forces in the Yemeni Civil War. relatively low-tech drones, which the Houthis hesitant to retaliate against Iran because they
have in abundance. fear a counter-attack would not be a cost-free
The attacks caused large fires at the refineries exercise. Iran is now recognised as a drone
which, according to the Saudi Arabian interior Billions of dollars spent by Saudi Arabia superpower. Oil production facilities and the
ministry, were put out several hours later. Both on cutting edge Western military hardware desalination plants providing much of the
facilities, however, were shut down to effect has not so far included equipment to shoot fresh water in Saudi Arabia are conveniently
repairs, cutting Saudi Arabia’s oil production down drones and cruise missiles, which can concentrated targets for drones and small
by about half – representing about 5% of fly beneath the radar and are consequently missiles.
global oil production – and causing some difficult to detect before they hit their target.
destabilisation of global financial markets. Nor is this strategic shift limited to potential
The United Nations says the Houthis’ arsenal war zones. Between 19 and 21 December
Saudi Arabia’s energy ministry said the includes anti-ship cruise missiles, waterborne 2018, hundreds of flights were cancelled at
facilities were expected to be operating back improvised explosive devices, ballistic and Gatwick Airport in the UK following reports
at full capacity by the end of September, and cruise missiles and rockets, as well as of drone sightings close to the runway. The
the country would tap into its oil reserves to weaponised drones, according to a Reuters reports caused major disruption, affecting
maintain exports in the interim. report. A new type of Houthi drone appeared approximately 140,000 passengers and 1,000
in mid-2018 which the UN has said can fly flights. Similar events in April and May 2019
The USA and Saudi Arabia have blamed up to 1,200-1,500 km - putting Riyadh, Abu disrupted flights out of Milan Malpensa in Italy
Iran for the strikes, which the latter denies. Dhabi and Dubai within range. and Frankfurt airport in Germany.
Previous attacks have included a series of
explosive blasts on tankers in Gulf waters, Iran denies arming the Houthis and says it And in January 2019, a Greenpeace drone
including two Saudi vessels in May, and played no part in the recent strikes. President dropped smoke bombs on the French
attacks on other Saudi oil assets, including Hassan Rouhani said the attacks were carried nuclear facility at La Hague to demonstrate its
two oil pumping stations. A transformer out by “Yemeni people” in response to the vulnerability.
station near a desalination plant in Shuqaiq in Yemen war.
the south was struck in June. In the wake of these attacks, media
In strategic terms these events illustrate an commentators and industry experts have
The previous attacks caused limited damage, important development. A middle ranking emphasised how important it is for operators
but the strikes on Abqaiq and Khurais power such as Iran, under sanctions and of strategic facilities and sites all over the
knocked out 5.7 million barrels per day of with limited resources and expertise, acting world to strengthen their defences against
production. alone or through allies, has inflicted crippling low-tech devices of this type.
News Extra 5

San Bruno gas explosion 2010 – Image: Wikimedia CC / Mister Oh reconfirming the Maximum Allowable
Operating Pressure (MAOP). In addition, the
rule updates reporting and records retention
standards for gas transmission pipelines.

The Hazardous Liquid Rule encourages

operators to make better use of all
available data to understand pipeline
safety threats and extends leak detection
requirements to all non-gathering
hazardous liquid pipelines. In addition,
the rule requires operators to inspect
affected pipelines following an extreme
weather event or natural disaster so they
may address any resulting damage.

The Enhanced Emergency Order

Procedures final rule adopts the provisions

US Administration
of a 2016 interim final rule (IFR) which
established temporary emergency order
procedures in accordance with a provision

issues new pipeline

of the “Protecting our Infrastructure of
Pipelines and Enhancing Safety Act of
2016” (PIPES Act). An emergency order

safety rules
may impose emergency restrictions,
prohibitions, or other safety measures on
owners and operators of gas or hazardous
liquid pipeline facilities.

T he US Department of
Transportation’s Pipeline
and Hazardous Materials Safety
will modernise federal pipeline safety
standards by expanding risk-based integrity
management requirements, enhancing
The new rules have been in the pipeline
for almost a decade, and were drafted
in response to a massive gas explosion
Administration (PHMSA) has adopted procedures to protect infrastructure from in San Bruno, California, that killed eight
three new rules that will strengthen the extreme weather events, and requiring people in 2010, and large oil spills into
safety of more than 500,000 miles of greater oversight of pipelines beyond Michigan’s Kalamazoo River in 2010 and
onshore gas transmission and hazardous current safety requirements. the Yellowstone River in Montana in 2011
liquid pipelines throughout the US. and 2015.
The final rules address significant
A PHMSA statement said the new rules, Congressional mandates from the Pipeline PHMSA previously required integrity
applicable from October 1, 2019, will Safety Act of 2011 and recommendations assessments only in certain areas, including
enhance its authority to issue an emergency from the National Transportation Safety high-population places where a critical
order to address unsafe safety conditions Board. pipeline failure would cause serious harm.
or hazards that pose an imminent threat Companies have already begun extending
to pipeline safety. “The tremendous growth in US energy integrity management programs to so-
production will require greater anticipation called moderate consequence areas, but
“These are significant revisions to federal and preparation for emerging risks to public PHMSA’s rule will offer clarity on where
pipeline safety laws and will improve the safety,” said PHMSA Administrator Skip the assessments will be made.
safety of our nation’s energy infrastructure,” Elliott. “These forward-looking rules will
said US Transportation Secretary Elaine L. help ensure pipeline operators invest in Federal regulators are expected in the near
Chao. continuous improvements to pipeline safety future to release their proposals for pipeline
and integrity management.” shut-off valves and rupture detection
US pipelines deliver trillions of cubic feet equipment. A separate proposal due
of natural gas and hundreds of billions of The Gas Transmission Rule requires sometime next year would extend safety
tonnes/miles of liquid petroleum products operators of gas transmission pipelines regulations to so-called gathering pipelines
each year. The gas transmission and constructed before 1970 to determine that transport natural gas from drilling
hazardous liquid pipeline safety rules the material strength of their lines by locations.
6 News Extra Hyundai Nexo FCV - Shutterstock

South Korea’s uphill struggle

to encourage hydrogen cars
U nlike in many other countries
where electric vehicles are the
major beneficiary of moves away from
The constraints
businesses meant to help shoulder half the
costs, delays in finding sites and opposition
from residents have also hobbled efforts.
around refuelling and
fossil fuel-powered vehicles, the South
Korean government is encouraging the the limited number of And this opposition has multiplied since a
use of hydrogen cars. stations are causing fatal FCV filling station incident. Last May, a
hydrogen tank explosion killed two people
much frustration
President Moon Jae-in is a major and injured six at an industrial park in the city
proponent of the hydrogen car of Gangneung, 240 kilometres east of Seoul.
programme and says he wants to see
850,000 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles Hyundai Nexo, and the corporation itself A preliminary investigation found the blast
(FCVs) on South Korean roads by 2030. plans to invest $6.5 billion by 2030 on was caused by a spark after oxygen found
This will be no mean feat given fewer hydrogen R&D and facilities. its way into the tank.
than 3,000 have been sold so far in the
country. One of the main problems is building One month later, there was an explosion at
refuelling infrastructure where each a hydrogen refuelling station in Norway.
The government has earmarked $1.8 hydrogen filling facility costs many times
billion to subsidise car sales and to build more than an electricity charging point. Safety concerns have fuelled protests by
refuelling stations for the five years to 2022, South Korean resident groups worried
according to a recent Reuters report. Despite government plans for 114 about hydrogen facilities being built in their
hydrogen stations to be built by end-2019, areas, and local opposition has led to a
Subsidies cover about half the cost of the only 29 have been completed. Difficulties number of potential operators withdrawing
main South Korean FCV car model, the in gaining funds from local governments or plans to build refuelling facilities.
News Extra 7

Others cite the difficulty of making such economy is the establishment of a network This is compounded by the fact that while
facilities pay when the government of hydrogen buses in the south-western refuelling itself takes only five minutes or
stipulates that fuel costs are kept as low as city of Ulsan, traditionally a centre for heavy so, the next driver must wait another 20
possible to encourage takeup. industry. minutes before sufficient pressure builds in
the storage tank to supply the hydrogen for
But the Government is forging ahead with By 2030, it plans to have 15% of personal a full tank in the vehicle.
its plans. In August, Moon’s administration vehicles as hydrogen cars and replace 40%
announced it would more than double of city buses, or 300, as fuel cell buses That means that operators might only be
spending on the hydrogen economy to over powered by hydrogen. The municipal office able to service 100 fuel cell cars a day,
$417 million next year. also plans to set up a total of 60 hydrogen compared to up to 1,000 at a regular
refilling stations within the city in the next gasoline stand.
That includes $300 million on FCVs and 12 years.
refuelling stations, up 52% from this year In the Asia-Pacific region, other big
and a huge leap from the 29.8 billion won In an interview with the Korea Herald, supporters of FCVs include China and
spent in 2018. Ulsan Mayor Song Cheol-ho said: “We Japan.
will do our best to turn Ulsan as the global
Hyundai is banking on Seoul’s aggressive mecca of the hydrogen industry by taking China, far and away the world’s biggest
targets to help it achieve economies of the advantage of being the world’s first auto market with some 28 million vehicles
scale and bring down costs. manufacturing base of hydrogen cars, and sold annually, is aiming for more than
our capacity of producing over 60% of 1 million FCVs in service by 2030. That
It aims to cut the cost of a hydrogen car hydrogen in South Korea.” compares with just 1,500 or so now, most
before subsidies to 50 million won once of which are buses.
annual FCV production reaches 35,000. It In the meantime, according to the Reuters
hopes to make 40,000 per year by 2022, report, the constraints around refuelling and Japan, a market of more than 5 million
compared with plans for 11,000 next year. the limited number of stations are causing vehicles annually, wants to have 800,000
much frustration. FCVs sold by that time from around 3,400
Another leg of the country’s hydrogen currently.
8 News Extra

Clair platform – Image BP

B P’s North Sea division has
successfully executed a pilot project
testing innovative ways of remotely
communications and radio link from the
Shetland island of Papa Stour. The team never
had to leave their base onshore.
monitoring methane emissions around
its offshore assets. This includes the Following the successful results, the specialist
use of drones with advanced sensor drone will be deployed to all of BP’s North Sea
technology originally designed by NASA assets in 2020, including ETAP and Glen Lyon.
for its Mars exploration programme.
This UK continental shelf trial follows the
One test involved a fixed-wing remote piloted roll-out of a major leak detection drone
air system (RPAS) circling the Clair platform programme in BP’s US operations. BPX
at a radius of 550 metres for 90 minutes, Energy is now using drone-mounted leak
travelling for a total of more than 185 km, detection technologies, which enable up to
significantly beating the previous UK drone 1,500 well sites to be surveyed every month
endurance record of 100 km. across all of its operating basins.

BP deploys Mars The pre-programmed drone, once airborne,

managed itself autonomously. Throughout the
The flights generate data around the location
and size of a leak and issue a work order to

technology on UK flight, the drone live-streamed data collected

by the methane sensor, similar to the one
fix it. The technicians in the field are quickly
dispatched and equipped with Fieldbit’s multi-
continental shelf as installed on NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover. source Augmented Reality (AR) technology

part of methane
– or smart glasses – which enables them to
BP says the test demonstrates the feasibility virtually link to technical support in the office.

monitoring of this approach to monitoring methane. The

Clair field is 75km west of Shetland and the
Through the use of this technology, both
are able to see the affected area and work

initiative drone was tracked and remotely controlled by

a team of three qualified pilots using satellite
together to fix it, improving safety, accuracy of
repairs and productivity.

– Glamox EX de LED floodlight
Designed for long lifetime and high efficiency
• Reduced maintenance
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Please refer to our website
for information about
our 5 year warranty.
News Extra 9

evidence base for further industry guidance.

In October, HSE will host a workshop to

discuss the options for shared research
regarding optimising offshore working

The workshop, to be held in Aberdeen, will

provide a forum for discussing key knowledge
gaps and identify opportunities for shared
research to address them. The basis on which
this research can be undertaken will be a key
outcome of the meeting.

Remote Visual Inspection

UK HSE calls for partners Visual inspection of tanks, vessels and
pipework is a cornerstone of the examination

in high hazard research process and is often the primary means

of defect detection, sizing and diagnosis.

programmes Technology now makes replacing the direct

human element of visual inspection possible,
and remote visual imaging could be used
to undertake these parts of the examination

H SE’s Shared Research Programme

supports external investment and
collaboration in HSE’s research portfolio.
Projects - these have a defined aim and
objectives, designed to address a specific
research question in a clearly defined time
process. This is of particular interest in the
high hazard industries, where intrusive human
intervention, for example vessel entry, could
This allows resources and expertise frame. Projects would either be offered on an be reduced.
to be shared for the benefit of all. By individual or multi-client basis; and
supporting the shared research approach, The limitations of the technology have yet
contributing partners will be able to help Research Club Memberships - these provide to be fully explored, and no meaningful
shape the focus of the research activity, a mechanism to support smaller organisations comparison has yet been made with the
gain ongoing access to emerging findings and to increase the reach of the findings of established standards for visual inspection.
and have early sight of draft outputs. research undertaken via the mechanisms Numerous variables and the impact they may
described above as well as for the findings of have on defect and corrosion diagnosis, and
Shared research is commissioned and HSE-specific research and HSE operational hence integrity, have yet to be considered.
managed through an appropriate range of support activities.
commercial relationships, depending on Integrity of Corroded Bolted
the scale of activity and involvement. For general enquiries, further information and Flanged Joints on Offshore
These include: to express interest in HSE’s Shared Research Installations
Programme contact: shared.research@hse. Corroded bolted flanged joints are
Partnerships - long term relationships widespread on the UKCS and establishing
with individual clients, who share key their condition and ongoing integrity is
organisational objectives with HSE and Current opportunities: important for safe and reliable operations.
covering a large suite of work, addressing Optimising Offshore Working
joint topics of concern over a number of Patterns A shared research project is proposed,
years; Over the past few years, shift rotas have consisting of a series of distinct but
changed significantly on the UK Continental interrelated work packages to provide an
Programmes - centred on relevant cross- Shelf and there is now more variation than ever evidence base to underpin integrity decisions.
cutting themes, which impact both the in shift patterns and working arrangements. Benefits are expected to be safer, more
regulator and regulated. Offered on a single reliable, efficient operations.
or multi-client basis, programmes would However, the health and safety effects of
run over a number of years and consist of a longer offshore tours of duty have received Another project involves Wearable
series of linked activities or projects around very little attention or research. Given current Technologies in the Workplace. Further
identified topic areas; industry shift pattern trends, there is a pressing information on this is available in the PPTEx
need to address these gaps and develop an section of this edition.
10 News Extra

Seal Sands site – Image: INEOS

O n October 3, UK-based chemicals
giant INEOS announced its
intention to consult with employees on
“The acrylonitrile process needs careful
management and involves handling
significant quantities of hazardous material.
the proposed closure of its acrylonitrile The company feels that it would not
manufacturing plant at Seal Sands on be possible to guarantee the long-term
Teesside in north-east England. safety of our employees or our neighbours
through continued operation of the plant
The site, which employs 224 people, has and have thus reluctantly concluded that
been under INEOS ownership since 2008. we should consider the option to close,”
In the event the plant closes, the company the statement said.
said, not all of these positions will be at risk of
redundancy due to the continuation of other In October 2018, the Greenpeace blog
activities at Seal Sands. Unearthed published a letter it said was
obtained under freedom of information
In a statement, INEOS said that over the past legislation from an INEOS director to the
10 years, the group had invested almost UK Government threatening to close
INEOS cites safety €200m in the site to try to counter decades
of significant under investment. Despite
the plant because of the excessive
cost of implementing planned new EU
and environmental reinvestment of all profits in the site to reverse environmental regulations.

cost concerns
this situation, the company took the view that
nothing more could be done to ensure that In the letter, INEOS said the Seal Sands

as reasons for operations were both safe and economically

viable. It would require another €200m just
acrylonitrile plant was only just breaking
even, and the compliance costs of meeting
potential closure to meet INEOS standards and environmental
regulations, the company said, and it intends
the Waste Incineration Directive (by June
2020) and the Waste Water Emission
of UK plant to consult on any viable alternatives to Directive (by November 2021) were
closure. estimated at €100m.
News Extra 11

Straits of Mackinac, Michigan, USA

C anadian pipeline operator
Enbridge Energy has received
a permit from the US Army Corps of
Enbridge is countersuing following the
administration’s withdrawal from the
Engineers to install 54 supports under
its Line 5 oil pipeline which runs under According to NPR Radio Michigan,
the Straits of Mackinac between the another lawsuit has been filed by the
lower and upper Michigan peninsulas. National Wildlife Federation, claiming the
federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials
The supports are designed to make the Safety Administration’s (PHMSA) approval
current pipeline more secure – in places it of Enbridge’s spill response plan was
is 25 metres above the lakebed. arbitrary and capricious. This case is
currently before the 6th Circuit Court of
The straits connect two of the Great Lakes, Appeals.

Lake Michigan and Lake Huron, and the
State of Michigan is suing Enbridge to shut Line 5 carries 540,000 barrels per day of

operator to
down the pipeline, claiming a leak would light crude oil and propane and is a critical
cause an environmental catastrophe. part of Enbridge’s Mainline network,

which delivers the bulk of Canadian crude
Enbridge says it can safely operate the exports to the United States.

66-year old pipeline while plans advance to
replace the exposed section of Line 5 with A company spokesman said Enbridge had
a new section inside a tunnel under the been waiting 17 months for the permits

Great Lakes lakebed. Under the previous Republican

state administration, permission was given
and upon receiving them started work
immediately. He said putting the pipeline

oil pipeline for the Canadian company to pursue the

tunnel project, but the current Democrat
in the tunnel, 100 feet below the lakebed,
would eliminate any span issues and the
administration wants the pipeline closed. need for supports.


NET Cyber Heads: ready-made gas detector head or gas sensor housing
with built-in voltage, 4-20 mA and RS-485 Modbus transmitter

CYBER HEADS The NET3 Cyber Head from N.E.T. is an ATEX/IECEx certified stainless-steel enclosure
complete with sensor and electronics, designed to be used as a component of a fixed flammable
gas detection system or as a full conformity standalone field device. NET3 Cyber Head is ideal
solutions for gas detection system manufacturers who prefer not to invest in:

• Developing a sensor or finding it on the market.

• Developing electronics and firmware to process signals, compensate it and linearize it.
• Designing their own detection head.
• Obtaining ATEX/IECEx certification for the device.

NET3 Cyber Head is a ready-made solution, bringing you a complete “sensor + electronics +
housing” package to be integrated in your next gas detector project or even to be used as a complete standalone field device directly
connected to a controller. The units are available for the full N.E.T. comprehensive detection range (Infrared sensors, Electrochemical
cells and Catalytic Pellistors) and the unit will be configured and pre-calibrated with the requested sensor. The full Cyber version
features 4…20mA output and RS-485 Modbus output, along with fault and alarm contacts, over a 10-30 Vdc power supply.

There is also a Cyber 4…20mA-only version, with a very attractive price.

Combustible dust and IP65 protection are available on request, using an optional adapter (II 2GD protection). The enclosure is fitted
with an external M46 thread at the front end to allow easy fitting of accessories and comes with three possible threads at the rear
to fit in most detector housings (¾”,1” or M20). Full PC software and connection boards are available to plot live readings, perform
calibrations and modify the unit’s settings.
12 News Extra

Image: Shutterstock
A n explosion on September 16
caused a fire at the Vector
Institute, a biological research facility in
Russia Today reported that emergency
responders were treating the explosion
and fire as a major incident, given the
Siberia known for being one of the two sensitive work of the Institute.
sites in the world housing samples of
live smallpox virus. The centre is known to be working on
many potentially fatal pathogens. In
The US Centers for Disease Control and 2004, a researcher died at the laboratory
Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta is the only other complex after accidentally pricking
place known to maintain live samples of the herself with a needle carrying the Ebola
deadly pathogen. virus.

Explosion The blast at the facility, also known as the Smallpox killed about 300 million people

hits Russian
State Research Center of Virology and in the 20th century and three in 10
Biotechnology, in Koltsovo near the Siberian people who contracted it died. Survivors
city of Novosibirsk, injured one worker who were often left scarred and blind. The

research suffered third-degree burns. last known smallpox outbreak was in

1977 and the World Health Organization

facility Local officials told the state-run TASS news

agency that the blast was probably caused
declared the disease eradicated in 1980.

harbouring by a gas explosion in a room on the building’s

fifth floor during scheduled maintenance work.
This incident follows another explosion at
a Russian facility conducting advanced

smallpox The news agency quoted the officials as

research. In August, an accident at
a missile test site killed five nuclear

saying there were no biohazard substances scientists. US officials said they believed
involved and the incident did not pose a threat researchers at the site were working on a
to the surrounding community. nuclear-powered cruise missile.

Digitalizing hazardous areas.

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 Rugged, intrinsically safe smartphones for Zone 1/21, 2/22, and Div. 1/2 areas
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News Extra 13

Nuclear energy too expensive and

cumbersome to save climate - report
N uclear power is being overtaken
by renewables in terms of both
cost and capacity as it is increasingly
as existing fossil-fuelled plants continue to
emit CO2 while awaiting substitution.
years, while nuclear and coal are set to retire
a net 24 GW.

seen across the energy sector as less “To protect the climate, we must abate China, still the world’s most aggressive
economical and slower to reverse the most carbon at the least cost and in nuclear builder, has added nearly 40 reactors
carbon emissions, an industry report the least time,” Schneider, a prominent to its grid over the last decade, but its
has said. international energy consultant and advisor nuclear output was still a third lower than
to organisations such as the International its wind generation.
By 2019, new wind and solar generators Atomic Energy Agency and the European
were beating existing nuclear power plants Union, said. Although several new nuclear plants are
in cost terms, and grew generating capacity under construction, no new project has
faster than any other power type, the annual Nuclear is also much more expensive. The started in China since 2016.
World Nuclear Industry Status Report cost of generating solar power ranges from
(WNISR) showed. $36 to $44 per megawatt hour (MWh), the Global nuclear operating capacity has
WNISR said, while onshore wind power increased 3.4% in the past year to 370
“Stabilising the climate is urgent, nuclear comes in at $29–$56 per MWh. Nuclear gigawatts, a new historic maximum, but
power is slow,” said Mycle Schneider, lead energy costs between $112 and $189. with renewable capacity growing quickly, the
author of the report. “It meets no technical share of nuclear in the world’s gross power
or operational need that low-carbon Over the past decade, the WNISR estimates generation has stayed at just over 10%.
competitors cannot meet better, cheaper levelised costs - which compare the total
and faster.” lifetime cost of building and running a plant In the decade to 2030, 188 new reactors
to lifetime output - for utility-scale solar have would have to be connected to the grid to
The report estimates that since 2009 the dropped by 88% and for wind by 69%. For maintain the status quo, which is more than
average construction time for reactors nuclear, they have increased by 23%, it said. three times the rate achieved over the past
worldwide was just under 10 years, well decade, the WNISR estimates.
above the estimate given by industry body Capital flows reflect that trend. In 2018,
the World Nuclear Association (WNA) of China invested $91 billion in renewables but In May, the International Energy Agency
between 5 and 8.5 years. just $6.5 billion in nuclear. warned that a steep decline in nuclear
capacity will threaten climate goals, as
The extra time that nuclear plants take to In the United States, renewable capacity is advanced economies could lose 25% of
build has major implications for climate goals, expected to grow by 45 GW in the next three their nuclear capacity by 2025.
14 News Extra

Inside the Fukushima Daiichi plant - Image: Tepco

the risk a huge tsunami posed and had
failed to take necessary safety measures.
They demanded a five-year prison term for
each of the men.

The men were present at meetings where

experts warned of the threat posed by large
tsunamis off the Fukushima coast and had
access to data and warning that a tsunami
exceeding 10m could trigger power loss
and a major disaster at the plant.

In addition, a Tepco internal study, based

Japanese power company top on a 2002 report by a government

panel, concluded that a wave of up to

executives cleared of negligence 15.7m could strike after a magnitude-8.3

quake. The earthquake that triggered the

over Fukushima disaster March 2011 tsunami was recorded as


T hree former executives of Tokyo

Electric Power (Tepco) which owns
the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi nuclear
The defendants had all pleaded not guilty to
charges of professional negligence resulting
in death, arguing that the data available to
The tsunami killed more than 18,000
people along Japan’s north-east coast,
including Fukushima.
power plant have been acquitted them before the disaster was unreliable.
of failing to prevent the March 2011 They apologised for the triple meltdown The nuclear meltdown sent plumes of
nuclear meltdown. at the plant, but said they could not have radiation into the atmosphere and forced
foreseen the massive tsunami that triggered the evacuation of 160,000 people living
This, the only criminal action resulting from the disaster. near the plant, some of whom are still
the disaster, saw former chairman Tsunehisa unable to return to their homes.
Katsumata and former vice presidents Sakae The Fukushima Daiichi plant suffered
Muto and Ichiro Takekuro accused of failing meltdowns in three of its six reactors after Tepco has said it will take 40 years to locate
to act on information that showed the risks it was struck by a tsunami on 11 March and remove the melted fuel from the reactor
to the plant from a major tsunami. 2011. Waves reaching up to 14 metres cores, although some experts believe
in height knocked out the plant’s backup decommissioning could take longer.
While no one is officially recorded as having power supply, causing fuel inside the
died as a direct result of the meltdown, reactors to melt. The government has estimated that
the charges related to 44 elderly people the total cost of dismantling the plant,
who died during or after they were forcibly Prosecutors had argued that Katsumata, decontaminating surrounding areas and
evacuated from local hospitals. Muto and Takekuro should have understood compensating victims at about $200bn.

Japan could dump radioactive water from Fukushima into ocean

O n September 10, Japan’s Energy
Minister said storage facilities for
radioactive water at the Fukushima
Water is flushed around the destroyed
nuclear plant’s fuel cores to stop them
from overheating and exploding, and
However, in advance of the panel’s
recommendations, Harada said that the
country had few alternatives. “The only
nuclear power plant would be full Tepco now has a stockpile of more than option will be to drain it into the sea and
by 2022. As a result, he said, future 1 million metric tonnes of contaminated dilute it,” he said.
contaminated water might have to water.
be dumped in the Pacific Ocean. The announcement has provoked strong
Tepco has already announced that opposition from environmentalists,
The electric utility overseeing the crippled it will run out of room to store the fishermen and nearby countries.
power plant, Tokyo Electric Power Company contaminated water from the Fukushima South Korea’s foreign ministry said in
(Tepco), is running out of room to store plant in as little as three years. A a statement that it expected Japan “to
the contaminated water, Energy Minister government panel is expected to offer its take a wise and prudent decision on
Yoshiaki Harada said at a news conference. recommendations in the coming months. the issue.”
News Extra 15

Artist’s impression of new Sizewell C plant - Image: EDF Energy

Hinkley Point C nuclear plant to run almost £3bn over budget

F rench power group EDF said the new

nuclear plant it is building at Hinkley
Point C in south-western England
being funded, taxpayers and customers will
not cover the increase in costs. EDF and
its partner on the project - China General
Also, EDF said that while it was still aiming to
finish in 2025, the chance of the plant being
delayed to 2026 has risen.
will cost up to £2.9 billion more than Nuclear Power Corp (CGN) - will pay.
previously estimated due to challenging The cost overrun will not hit UK consumers
ground conditions at the site. However, the companies are being cushioned but may affect future nuclear projects. The
by the high fixed price for electricity agreed proposed EDF-built and operated nuclear
This raises its estimate for the project, on the by the UK government in order to make costs power station at Sizewell could be financed
Somerset coast, to between £21.5bn and predictable for consumers and to provide under a new model where consumers would
£22.5bn. EDF also said the risk of the project leeway for the builders. see costs of construction added to their
being late had risen. energy bills as the project went along.
Last week, prices for new wind power
“Cost increases reflect challenging ground delivered by 2025 were set at prices as low Today’s announcement could therefore make
conditions which made earthworks more as £40 per megawatt hour. By comparison, it harder for EDF to get support for building
expensive than anticipated, revised action power from Hinkley Point C is expected to Sizewell.
plan targets and extra costs needed to cost £92.50 per megawatt hour.
implement the completed functional design, As the price of zero carbon offshore wind
which has been adapted for a first-of-a-kind The National Audit Office warned two continues to plummet, making a forty-
application in the UK context,” EDF said in a years ago that by agreeing this price, the year bet on another nuclear station with a
statement. government had subjected the country funding model that exposes consumers to
to a “risky deal in a changing energy such overruns would be a big call for any
Because of the way that the project is marketplace”. government to make.

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Standards 17

Further pause for thought

speaking, there are attempts within trade We rely on the engineering judgement
associations and in regulatory bodies of many people to adopt and adapt the
to try and share any knowledge gained standards to the particular situation. At the
by experience that can contribute to an moment, I am aware of a debate about
increase in safety. But to make that work the reliance of our installation standard
completely, those involved in an incident IEC 60079-14 on equipment already being
need to have at least some protection suitable for normal industrial installation.
from litigation if they are to have the Normally, that would be ensured by a
confidence to be completely open about reference to, for example, IEC 60364
what happened. Low Voltage Electrical Systems, in its
various parts. However, most countries
From my work in being part of the have already adapted IEC 60364 to local
Every two months, SGS Baseefa Technical committees and working groups writing requirements (for example, BS 7671 in the
Manager and IECEx Service Facility
standards, I am well aware that it is UK), so the requirements throughout the
Certification Committee chairman Ron Sinclair
MBE gives his perspective on the latest impossible to write a coherent set of rules world are already differing.
developments in the world of standards that are future proofed against subsequent
developments. We could say that the We are lucky that, barring a very few

T wo months ago, I wrote of the

potential failure of an old reservoir
dam at Whaley Bridge in Derbyshire,
“safe” policy is to always follow those
written rules, but what do we do when
we come to a situation that the rules were
specific technical differences, primarily
introduced in North America, the
construction standards for Ex Equipment
and how this caused a reflection on not intended to address. Do we always apply without change almost everywhere
the need for rigorous inspection and need to re-write the rules and apply them in the world (I do not consider that the
maintenance in any safety critical to everything? That is not necessarily the additional marking for ATEX required in
industry. best policy. Europe is a technical difference in that
sense). However, for installation of that
I am relieved to say that the dam held I remember long discussions that our equipment, IEC 60079-14 only seems
long enough for the emergency services general requirements document for to provide a starting point, with many
to pump the water from the reservoir and Ex Equipment (IEC 60079-0) should different national interpretations and in
just over a week later the residents of address the requirements for all possible some cases (North America) it is not
Whaley Bridge were allowed to return to installation locations. All equipment should applicable at all.
their homes, and the two railway lines, be suitable for an ambient temperature
from Manchester to Buxton and from range of possibly -50°C to 60°C with The potential for disaster lies in the
Manchester to Sheffield were re-opened. relative humidity up to 90%. installation, not the equipment. Would
everyone be open and honest if
Much relief all round, but now the This could be done, but at what cost. inadvertent use of the wrong installation
repercussions are starting. The body Would industry pay double the price for rules led to a major disaster?
responsible for the safety of the dam has all equipment so that it can be made
refused to release details of the recent suitable for installation conditions that About the author
inspections “on grounds of national would only be seen by less than 5% SGS Baseefa Technical Manager
security”. This secrecy automatically raises of all equipment? Clearly not. So, the Ron Sinclair MBE is chairman of BSI
suspicions that there is something to hide, standards are written to accommodate Committee EXL/31, responsible for
even if there isn’t. the most typical conditions that will the UK input to both European and
be encountered, and it is left to the International standards for Electrical
How often do we end up in a situation manufacturers and purchasers to agree Equipment for use in potentially
where the lack of information given to any special requirements. We know that explosive atmospheres. He is also
chairman of Cenelec TC31, represents
the public and to directly interested aluminium junction boxes have a very
electrical standardisation interests on
parties can cause rumours to start? This short life if they are mounted on the deck
the European Commission’s ATEX
applies particularly to industries where of a production platform in the North Sea,
Standing Committee and chairs the
we are handling hazardous materials, but is that a reason to ban the use of IECEx Service Facility Certification
whether they are a health hazard or a aluminium alloy in all hazardous areas? Committee.
fire and explosion hazard. Generally Clearly not.
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Media Partners
November 2019
Wearables & PPE
in Industry 4.0
HSE calls for partners
in wearables shared
research programme

Early product success

could pave way for
broader adoption

The role of software

in safety

Case study - Reliable

leak detection
in industrial gas

Case study:
and Casella
20 PPTex – Products

Hazardex announces partnership with Connectivity

H azardEx has announced that sister

title Connectivity – a leading Industry
4.0/IoT online information resource
Connectivity is a weekly e-newsletter and
website offering thought leadership to UK
engineers, highlighting the practical benefits
– is sponsoring the annual HazardEx of Industry 4.0/IIoT and takes readers industry and provides the latest news and
International Conference and Exhibition, through how best to implement them. knowledge regarding Industry 4.0.
co-located with PPTex, on February 26-
27 at the Majestic Hotel in Harrogate. Engineers across industry are desperate For more information about the Hazardex
for a better understanding of what the and PPTEx event, please visit: http://www.
The main focus of the two-day event Fourth Industrial Revolution and IIoT can
is the conference, with 2020 hosting a do for them and their companies. Many are Hazardex-PPTex-Conferences--
Personal Protection Technology focused aware of these concepts, but most have Exhibition-and-Awards-2020.aspx
content channel alongside the main little or no knowledge of their potential.
Hazardous Area Operations and Process Connectivity offers insights and knowledge
Safety conference. from key companies from across the

Smart IIoT glove receives $40M investment

I IoT wearable provider ProGlove has
developed a solution to improve
the efficiency of scanning processes
reduce scanning time by up to 4 seconds
per scan. Additionally, the company’s
smart glove provides direct feedback to
in a variety of industries. Founded in the user via optical, haptic and acoustic
2014, ProGlove released a handsfree signals, helping to eliminate mistakes and
barcode scanner in the form of a improve overall process quality.
glove in 2016. ProGlove offers three
variations of its technology – the “Industrial wearables define the future
Image: ProGlove
Mark 2 standard range, the Mark 2 of assembly, production and logistics
mid-range and the Mark basic range. processes. Our smart wearables are
The Munich-based company recently including manufacturing, automotive, designed to function as a natural
raised $40 million to continue its logistics, and transportation. The Mark 2 extension of the workers’ tools,
expansion into international markets. is a replacement for traditional handheld strengthening the role of the human in
scanners which can be bulky and a today’s automated world,” said Andreas
The Mark 2 scanner glove is designed nuisance to handle. The small form Koenig, CEO of ProGlove.
to improve productivity and efficiency factor, lightweight, wearable design of
and can be used in a variety of industries ProGlove’s scanner unit allows users to

Everbridge partners with RiskBand to deliver wearable security

E verbridge has partnered with phone, such as lone workers in the inside the office, working remotely, or
RiskBand, a provider of wearable, field. With the additional modality traveling the globe.
live-monitored safety devices. The and simple access of the RiskBand
alliance is part of Everbridge’s wearable device, Everbridge is Fatal work injuries have increased over
strategy to reach the broadest set of expanding its addressable market the last decade, with 5,147 occupational
workers, including those that may not for protecting employees regardless fatalities recorded in the U.S. in 2017.
always have ready access to a mobile of their physical location, whether This challenge is only magnified by an
PPTex – Products 21

increasingly mobile workforce, as well as integrate its Safety Connection platform

the prevalence of lone worker scenarios with RiskBand’s wearables, allowing both
across multiple industries served by both Everbridge and RiskBand customers
Everbridge and RiskBand. to receive emergency messaging and
provide detailed reporting of their location.
Designed for enterprise-level personal The data from an employee’s RiskBand
safety and security, RiskBand’s wearable device is shared back to the Everbridge
devices bolster an organisation’s platform, allowing an organisation to
Image: RiskBand
emergency communication and response deploy the appropriate emergency
strategy. A single push of a button response.
provides two-way voice, user profile data, to a company’s security operations centre.
images, and geolocation, in near real-time As part of the partnership, Everbridge will

MIT and Eni develop Safety++ wearables

R esearchers at MIT have been

collaborating with Italian oil
company Eni on the Safety ++ project
rest of the network. An altitude sensor in
the jacket combines with the carabiner
which senses if the user is strapped in or
which explores innovative solutions not when working at height. If the user is
to improve worker safety in extreme not strapped in, a warning is sent to the
environments. The MIT Design Lab user via haptic feedback in the vest.
has developed an entire ecosystem
of connected wearables. Shoes++ have been designed that use
Image: MIT pressure sensors to measure the weight of a
The most important part of the system is load being lifted by the user. If a load is too
the connected vest – an easy and non- of the vest which also acts as a bridge heavy, the sensors communicate with the
intrusive way of collecting biological data. to other wearables. The Jacket++ has vest which then sends haptic feedback to
The Undershirt++ features a series of multiple sensors integrated into either arm the user and nearby workers that the load
small vibration motors that permit tactile to measure air quality, noise levels, smoke, being lifted is too heavy and help is required.
communication with the user through and any airborne chemical that could cause
vibrations which operators recognise bodily harm. When the sensors detect The entire Safety++ system communicates
and associate with specific issues after such gases, a warning message is sent through a system of interconnected nodes
appropriate training. The vest can also via the vest to all operators in the affected that allow each element of the ecosystem to
monitor the health of the user using area. This warning is also forwarded to the communicate with each other. The system
biosensors that measure heart rate, control room. is a reliable communication network that
breathing, galvanic skin response and dynamically adapts to the areas in which it
spatial position through a gyro. The Carabiner++ has a pressure sensor is used and establishes a solid platform to
that detects when the carabiner has been support the integration of various elements.
The collected information is sent to a engaged and a wireless module which
central processor located in the back streams data and communicates with the

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PPTex - Research 23

HSE calls for partners in Wearables in the

Workplace Shared Research Programme

A s part of its cross-industry

collaboration safety project series,
the UK Health and Safety Executive
regulatory colleagues. Project co-sponsors
will have a key role in providing direction,
information and industrial application insight.
Deliverable: A report
detailing good
practice for integrating wearable devices into
has called for industry and academic IT systems.
partners to join its wearable technology Work Package 1: Knowledge
shared research programme. Gaps Work Package 4: Data
A technical review will be conducted on Analysis
There is growing evidence that wearable wearables that can be used for the monitoring A detailed analysis of the data collected will be
devices can significantly benefit health and of MSDs, personal exposure to hazardous undertaken to identify the benefits, common
safety in the workplace through positioning substances and physical hazards in a work analytical approaches and barriers to using
and sensor technologies. The advancement environment. This state-of-the-art review will data from wearables to help reduce risks.
of the Internet of Things has meant that many identify the latest technologies, products,
of these technologies are increasingly being applications and providers, linked to their This time resolved data will provide a rich
deployed, helping to improve workplace potential value. source of information on personal exposure
productivity. to a hazard for any time periods of choice and
Deliverable: A report categorising the available on MSD risk levels at different work sites for
HSE recently hosted a workshop with key technologies based on suitability, availability different tasks and for different individuals.
industry leaders and technology providers and costs.
which focused on identifying the potential Deliverable: A guide to key methods and
benefits and challenges of using wearables Work Package 2: Device approaches to analyse and interpret data
for health and safety applications. A series of Performance & Evaluation from multiple wearables to provide insight
key research questions were developed and A range of available wearables will be acquired to improve health and safety outcomes and
areas for research prioritised. and evaluated. These will be selected by the controls.
Steering Group based on the outputs from the
This programme will endeavour to validate the Work Package 1 review. Work Package 5: Worker
use of the technologies for workplace health Acceptability & Behaviour
and safety and to help find solutions to the The evaluation will be based on the The introduction of wearables in the workplace
key issues and barriers to effective adoption comparison of performances and may be a cause of concern for the workforce.
of wearables in the workplace. The priority characteristics (e.g. cost, data access) against An approach for the evaluation of worker
areas to be researched within this project standardised and traceable measurement acceptability will be developed through direct
are: (1) Monitoring occupational personal technologies in standard conditions relevant employee engagement before and during the
exposure to hazardous substances and to occupational settings. device trials.
physical hazards on construction sites and
(2) Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in Deliverable: A report detailing the Evaluation of improved behaviour and
workers identified at greater risk. performance of wearable technologies and compliance will be undertaken after
in what circumstances they could be used implementation of the wearables.
Through this Shared Research Project appropriately to monitor health and safety risks.
sponsors will be better placed to adopt Deliverable: A guide highlighting common
appropriate wearables technology which Work Package 3: Data issues experienced surrounding worker
can enable better monitoring of worker time Collection & Integration acceptance and approaches to enable
spent in hazardous areas, improved exposure This work package aims to provide greater positive behaviour change though the use
prediction, better productivity and immediate clarity around integrating wearables into IT of wearables.
feedback on efficiency of control measures. systems. This will review areas of complexity
ranging from data compatibility, data volume The final output will be a good practice guide
Overview of Technical Work and data velocity through to system integration on the appropriate use of wearables to support
Packages and data protection. continuous improvements in workplace health
The specific details will be reviewed and and safety; this will focus on the two priority
agreed on a collaborative basis via a steering Tests and evaluations will be undertaken using areas of MSDs and health exposures.
committee comprising industry project suitable wearables selected for use in previous
sponsors and HSE. The work will be led by work packages and in line with sponsors’ For further details, please contact David
HSE topics specialists supported by their specifications. Johnson at:
24 PPTex - Market research

Smart and wearable personal protective

Early product success could pave way for br
In recent years, there has been a lot of
discussion about connected workers
and smart and wearable products
will be products that have the potential
to transform workers’ environments
through advanced situation awareness.
Every Occupational Health and Safety
(OHS) manager has the primary task of
ensuring the safety of their workforce and
being the future of the personal These products will have real-time direct compliance with mandated regulations
protective equipment (PPE) industry. communication capabilities to mitigate risk and enforcement agencies. They also
This article by Sanjiv Bhaskar of Frost and avert life-threatening accidents. have to work within tight budgets. Any
& Sullivan looks at some of the results attempt to adopt smart and wearable
from the company’s recent research Frost & Sullivan’s survey, Personal PPE products will have to address key
into this sector and highlights possible Protective Equipment (PPE) Voice of questions about cost, safety, compliance,
future trends. the Customer Study 2017, indicated employee and business productivity,
that nearly 75% of buyers were open to automation and the impact on network
The development of innovative wearable adopting smart and wearable products. security. The industry is also highly
products, evolving end-user industries, Similarly, almost 70% of wearers of PPE fragmented, competitive and price
rapid adoption of the Internet of Things were open to the adoption of smart and sensitive. Commoditisation is prevalent
(IoT) and related technologies are some of wearable products. This does indicate that at every product category level. These
the key factors driving critical investment the industry is ready for the adoption of factors play a major part in hindering smart
in next-generation PPE products and smart and wearable technology if it meets and wearable PPE product innovation,
solutions. However, the real game-changer their safety and financial goals. adoption and growth.
PPTex – Market research 25

2017 – 2025, estimates that 67.7 billion IoT communication. Its G7c takes a fraction of
devices will be in use by 2024. Of these, the time required for a regular gas detector
almost 11 billion devices are likely to be for to help in evacuation of workers exposed
factory and industrial automation. Add to this to hazardous gases. This time lag can be
the rapid deployment of 5G platforms, and the difference between life and death for a
growth could be significantly faster. worker.

Larger companies and global corporations RealWear is offering HMT-1 and HMT-1Z1
are pursuing the adoption of smart and wearable Android tablets for use in almost
wearable PPE products due to a favourable any industry. These products, in conjunction
return on investment (ROI). Major benefits with its cloud-based Foresight platform,
include higher productivity, reduced cost of offer a hands-free, voice-activated platform
workers’ compensation insurance premiums, with 95% accuracy, even in environments
and lower medical treatment costs. with high ambient noise. The company is
finding increasing acceptance in the market
Frost & Sullivan’s 2016 study, “Wearables for its offerings.
and Smart Personal Protection Equipment
(PPE) Technologies for the Industrial These are a few examples, and their
Market,” highlighted several smart and success could lead the way for wider
wearable products. However, not all have adoption of similar products and
advanced in the past three years. Some technologies. Nevertheless, the industry is
companies that have advanced in the experiencing rapid change, and the next
marketplace have adopted a “systems three to five years will be critical as solution
approach” and we believe this approach cost reductions and better ROI for end-user
will find better traction in the coming industries transform the smart and wearable
years. Companies that help in creating PPE sector.
an ecosystem with the lowest cost and
disruption and can show enhanced ROI will
see better adoption in the coming years. About the author
Smart and wearable products can prevent

e equipment -
accidents and protect workers, which could
be a game-changer.

roader adoption
Companies offering their services to the
high-risk industries include RealWear,
Guardhat, Blackline Safety, Corvex,
Kinetic, and Levitate Technologies. These
companies attract clients in the oil and gas,
End-user industries where workers are mining, and manufacturing industries.
exposed to hazardous environments are
incubators for testing and adoption of smart Guardhat is providing a lot more than a
and wearable products and technologies. hardhat with embedded sensors. It offers a
Oil and gas, mining, and firefighting are full end-to-end situational awareness system
some examples that are considered “high- that uses its own KYRA platform. Its solution Sanjiv Bhaskar is Vice President
value worker” industries. Due to workers’ goes beyond its hardware and integrates of Research, Visionary Science
exposure to highly hazardous conditions, with any connectable sensor and with a Practice, at Frost & Sullivan. He
the adoption of technologies that can help variety of third-party platforms, making it has been with the company for 20
reduce the risk of accidents and fatality is easy to implement solutions for years and previous positions have
significantly greater. its clients and integrate with Industry 4.0. included Global Director - Personal
Protective Equipment Markets and
Director - Environmental and Building
Another important factor is the rapid Blackline Safety has developed multi-
Technologies Practice. His expertise
development and deployment of IoT gas detection equipment with 3G wireless
includes extensive knowledge of PPE,
technology in everyday life. IoT products and and two-way speakerphone, thereby
wearable technology, industrial safety,
devices have impacted our lives in many connecting workers with a live monitoring occupational health & safety, and smart
ways. Our recent research, 2019 Update- team. Its devices offer inbuilt cellular and working practice and technology.
Total Internet of Things (IoT) device Forecast, satellite connectivity, allowing two-way
26 PPTex - software

The role of software in safety

P ersonnel Protection Technologies
(PPT) are changing the way that
both individuals and companies detect
To make technology
truly effective, ease of
is about highlighting and refreshing the
vision for what is possible when safety and
technology combine.
risks in hazardous environments. Their engagement and ease of
prevalence in industry is increasing Safety improves incrementally with
implementation are both
as companies look to modernise and every introduction of new standards and
improve their safety operations.
essential in understanding improvements can be seen every year.
how it can improve However, safety 2.0 is about the full adoption
As PPT becomes a more viable option current operations of new technologies in order to create the
for use in high hazard industries, there is next wave of disruptive change in the safety
an increased need for a smarter way of sector where standards and solutions are
managing and taking advantage of the The strong demand, growing supply improved in parallel. Digital safety enables
data produced by smart safety devices. and decreasing costs of PPT indicate faster access to vital information in order to
For this article, Hazardex Associate that a digital transformation of safety understand when and how to act to protect
Editor Alistair Hookway spoke to is well underway. This next generation lives and assets. It also enables the capture
Restrata CEO Botan Osman about the of wearable & IoT devices, paired with of safety-related data, which means that
digital transformation of safety and the Cloud-based platforms, is unlocking the over time, analytics can be used to impact
role that software plays in managing and potential for the next major chapter in safety long term improvements in the way safety
analysing the data produced by PPT. management. This ‘safety 2.0’ generation managers operate.
PPTex - software 27

Software as a Service Regardless of where an emergency team, engineer and any other personnel on the
Cloud-based platforms have been built that crisis response team, or operations team is, site would be to exit that area immediately.
integrate real-time data from IoT sensors they will be able to get a real-time view of This feedback could come via a smartwatch
and wearables – for tracking, access what’s happening in a situation and become or other wearable device and would display
control, and travel management at either completely geographically independent a warning to any personnel in the vicinity
a specific site or for an individual person in terms of the way that they respond to of where the initial data is recorded. All
– with localised site-based management incidents. workers would then be tracked via the
to offer a global view of an enterprise’s enterprise software to ensure everyone is
operations. These platforms are particularly As with all technological developments, the accounted for and been able to retreat to a
pertinent for lone workers operating in increased use of PPT has come with its own safe location.
hazardous or restricted environments. issues. Just a few years ago, Big Data and
Tracking paired with mass communications network restrictions were difficult hurdles Expectations of software in terms of user
functionality enables Control Centre to overcome, but recent improvements to experience and design are now higher than
Operators to respond quickly and accurately network speeds and the development of ever before. Even industrial safety-based
when an alert is raised. satellite technologies have meant these software is required to be well designed
are no longer major barriers to adoption. and engaging for the user. Intuitive software
Having associations with multiple hardware This also means that Cloud-based software that is simple to use and easy to integrate
vendors means that software can be platforms can overcome unlikely downtime with hardware allows data produced
designed to be hardware agnostic so that restrictions and benefit from the large by PPT to be effectively managed and
it can integrate with almost any type of amounts of data produced by PPT in an monitored. Together with PPT, software can
wearable and provide a seamless view of an effective and continuous manner. play a crucial role in developing smarter
entire enterprise, regardless of whether the safety operations and minimising risks in
organisation is using legacy equipment or For some companies, there can be hazardous environments.
investing in new technology. This is where the trepidation when engaging with new
future of wearables will be paramount in the technology even though this means losing
sector. The ability to connect each individual out on opportunities to save time and About the author
on a site with sensors and understand money and improve safety. However,
their exact location, heartbeat, access gas technology adoption is not simply just an
monitors etc., changes the way organisations implementation of the technology itself.
are able to detect and manage risk. It’s also important to consider how new
technology fits into the wider context
Enterprise software offers companies a of an organisation and how it can help
granular global picture of every site under change a corporate culture for the better.
their jurisdiction in real-time – an indication To make technology truly effective, ease of
that paper tick sheets may soon be a thing engagement and ease of implementation
of the past. One of the benefits of Software are both essential in understanding how it
as a Service (SaaS) Platforms is that they can improve current operations.
are simple to launch and can be expanded
across sites rapidly, allowing an enterprise to The future Botan Osman is CEO of Restrata
and was appointed into the position in
access data across all their sites holistically. Ultimately, the future of safety is all about
2017. He previously served as Global
data and the analysis of such data that
Director for Business Development
For example, if a client has multiple sites correlates around people, assets and
& prior to that as Country Director
registered across various access control environments. The way those three subjects Kurdistan. Botan joined Restrata in
systems, different Bluetooth systems etc., interrelate will enable insights to improve 2013 from the Kurdistan Regional
and were then to open a brand-new site the way that safety managers respond in Government of Iraq, where he founded
with no hardware whatsoever, handset the moment, but also enables long-term the KRG Department of IT & served the
mobile devices can quickly be deployed improvements to safety operations. Of Head. He also served as the IT Advisor
with an app-based version of the software, course, it is wearables, smarter software to the Prime Minister. Botan holds a
almost overnight. The Cloud-based software and connected devices that will play huge BEng in Software Engineering from
paired with the handset app can efficiently role in obtaining this data. It’s all about the Manchester University and has over two
decades of experience in Technology
register people moving in and out of sites initial, and accurate, data capture at the
& Security Industries in UK, Europe &
and zones, with the added ability to muster point of an event along with the relaying of
Middle East. He has also completed
and evacuate. feedback on that data back to the point
executive programmes at Harvard
of the event. For example, if an engineer Kennedy School of Government, NDU
The power of using Cloud-based software wearing a gas detector is alerted to high & the UK Defence Academy.
is that it brings together the total picture. gas levels, then the feedback for that
28 PPTex - augmented reality BW CATCHER operates in the North Sea for Premier Oil
and will use augmented reality to improve communication
with onshore support, enhancing operational efficiency

Wearables & PPE in Industry 4.0

T he fourth industrial revolution is
seeing changes in every aspect of
manufacturing and resource extraction,
this opens up new possibilities for how to deal
with hazardous environments.
Wearables & remote
As the cost of IoT sensors has fallen, the
including worker safety. While 20th Hazardous environments capability to extract information from products
century personal protective equipment & worker safety and equipment has grown at a commensurate
(PPE) will continue to be necessary in Although the UK Health and Safety Executive rate. This has been coupled with the spread
hazardous environments, the need for (HSE) has reported a long-term reduction of industrial connectivity, and organisations
personnel to enter those environments is in the number of workplace fatalities since adopting these technologies have already seen
decreasing. The proliferation of sensors 1981, the number has remained broadly flat considerable returns. In 2016, GE estimated
collecting process and production in the last decade. A similar trend can be that its Digital Thread – the connection of
data from vital assets, combined with found in the HSE’s number of working days data throughout its value stream – generated
wearables and platforms for remote lost due to workplace injuries, which also $700M USD in productivity gains.
collaboration, means fewer trips to saw a general decline until 2010/11, and has
hazardous environments. been broadly flat thereafter. In the field or on the factory floor, the ability
to leverage this connectivity is the key to
Occupational safety has come a long way The obvious explanation for these trends bringing experts into hazardous environments
since the first industrial revolution. In fact, we is that, as safety standards and PPE have remotely. Dario Buccellato, Regional Manager
were well on our way to the second – with the improved, workplace injuries and fatalities for Europe, America and Africa – Inspection
introduction of electricity and emergence of have generally declined. However, we may services at DNV GL, offered the following
mass production – before seeing any significant well have reached the point where these example: “For Oil & Gas, Hazardous Area
progress on worker safety. By the time the third numbers can no longer be reduced by Classification (HAC) is a major concern, and
industrial revolution got started in the 1960s, passing stricter regulations or requiring more that’s where we see the advantage of applying
with automation and computerisation, the PPE PPE. So long as workers are present in remote technologies to inspection: not having
landscape had changed considerably. hazardous environments, some level of risk people in workshops where there’s cutting and
will be present as well. welding or around equipment that’s running at
Today, we are undergoing a fourth industrial high speeds or temperatures.”
revolution, one driven by connectivity and The obvious solution is to reduce the
Big Data. The biggest difference between the number of interactions workers have with DNV GL has been working with the Onsight
factories of today and those of tomorrow is not hazardous environments, and this is where augmented reality platform developed by
what’s inside them, but what’s between them: Industry 4.0 comes into play with two Librestream Technologies to enable its
real-time information about industrial processes technologies in particular: wearables and inspectors to visit offshore operations virtually,
and production from all around the globe. And remote connectivity. rather than requiring them to be on-site.
PPTex - augmented reality 29

The result is fewer exposure hours, but the “We have surveyors in Oslo that sometimes digital instructions, and even enhancing their
catch is that a facility must have a sufficient have to travel almost two days to reach a perception with thermal imaging.
level of connectivity to make remote vessel in West Africa,” said Gabriel de Moraes,
collaboration possible. “If you look at the Technical and Maintenance Coordinator, BW Each industrial revolution has brought new
environments involved, they might be a factory OFFSHORE, who is coordinating the Onsight opportunities to enhance worker safety, from
and an office,” Buccellato said. “Of course, you augmented reality platform deployment. machine guarding and respirators to hearing
have a good connection in the office, but you “Depending on flight schedules, the surveyor and eye protection. The fourth industrial
need it when you go to the workshop as well. may need to stay onboard for a few days, even revolution brings the potential to reduce
Nowadays, many factories are equipped, but though their scope onboard may take just a exposure hours in a way never before possible,
there’s still the need for upgrades. Fortunately, couple of hours.” with wearables as the next generation of
digitalisation is one of the first items on personal protective equipment.
everyone’s agenda.” Buccellato pointed to two related benefits
of remote collaboration. “There’s also the About the author
Users can also compensate for lower levels of environmental impact,” he said. “Not having
connectivity by selecting an augmented reality people flying and travelling means you don’t
platform that can operate in such conditions. just reduce the cost of travel, but the carbon
Some remote expert solutions are designed to footprint as well. Plus, we can have an inspector
maintain functionality at connection speeds of who’s available for eight hours, instead of having
less than 100kbps. It’s an important feature in someone traveling for six and working for two,
many industrial use cases, especially those in so you can manage your resources in a different
remote locations. way.” This fits well with the trend towards
as-a-service (aaS) models, which brings with
Beyond safety with remote it increased expectations regarding customer
collaboration support and expert availability.
While the opportunity to reduce the total
number of exposure hours is perhaps the most Finally, remote collaboration enabled via
obvious advantage of using wearables for wearables and augmented reality provides a
remote collaboration, there are several ancillary new avenue of response to the impending skills
benefits to doing so as well. For example, gap in manufacturing. The now infamous study
remote collaboration can significantly accelerate from Deloitte and the Manufacturing Institute Ian Wright is a philosopher-turned-
writer, with bachelor’s and master’s
the time it takes for inspections and verifications projecting 2.4 million unfilled positions in
degrees in philosophy. Ian was Managing
on offshore assets. BW OFFSHORE recently manufacturing over the next decade has raised
Editor at and is now
announced that it will be deploying an pressing questions about how to respond.
a freelance writer covering topics
augmented reality platform for just this reason Wearables present a potential technological within digital transformation, such as
on the Floating Production Storage and solution to this problem, enabling expert augmented reality.
Offloading (FPSO) vessel, BW CATCHER. support for connected workers, providing

Offshore technician shares data and video with an onshore

expert using a wearable thermal camera and augmented
reality software for immediate diagnosis and repair
30 PPTex - Case study

your customer, then an image is much

more convincing.” The gas that needs to
be detected at Tessenderlo Kerley Ham is
CH4 (methane). The uncooled FLIR GF77
can visualise these methane emissions in

Camera ergonomics
The camera is much smaller than the cooled
GF-Series units, and much easier to carry
around. This camera was built for intensive use
and with the goal of making leak inspections
as comfortable as possible.

Case study - Reliable leak “The rotating optical block also makes it easier
to inspect areas that are high up or difficult

detection in industrial gas to reach,” said Van Hout. This type of OGI
camera enables an operator to inspect over

pressure-relief stations railings and underneath components without

strain or uncomfortable positioning.

Reliable image quality

T essenderlo Kerley International is a

chemical group that supplies value-
added liquid, soluble, and solid plant
Pressure-relief stations
Philip Schraeyen and Jan Van Hout, project
leaders at The Sniffers, carried out the
The GF77 has three imaging modes:
IR, visual, and the FLIR proprietary High
Sensitivity Mode (HSM), which accentuates
nutrition for agriculture applications. inspection. The pressure of the natural gas plume movement to make tiny gas leaks
At its production unit in Ham, Belgium, that arrives in the oven station is reduced from more visible.
the company focuses on the production 65 to 5 Bar in a pressure-relief station, which
of potassium sulphate, which is needs to be monitored thoroughly for leaks. During a thorough inspection of one of
predominantly used as a fertiliser for The station has about 150 potential leaking the pressure-relief stations, Van Hout and
flowers, fruits, and vegetables. sources at weak points such as valves and Schraeyen were able to find a leak at one of
other connections. the connections. “The gas leak is clearly visible
This case study examines how Belgian in the HSM image and the image quality is
inspection company The Sniffers used the “One of the biggest differences between using surprisingly good for such a compact, cost
FLIR GF77 uncooled optical gas imaging optical gas imaging cameras versus other effective camera,” said Van Hout.
camera during a leak detection job at devices is speed,” said Schraeyen. “With a
Tessenderlo Kerley’s plant. Flame Ionization Detector or FID for example, Both inspectors also made good use of the
this inspection job would take longer. With an GF77’s 1-Touch Level/Span functionality. This
Gas ovens OGI camera we can inspect the entire station feature allows users to choose a small area of
An essential part of the potassium sulphate in two minutes.” interest in a gas image – with one touch of the
production process involves combining raw screen – enabling the camera to auto-adjust
materials in a furnace that is heated above Visual power the level and span based on the contrast at
600° Celsius, creating a reaction between An FID or other contact-based device that spot in the image.
potassium chloride and sulphuric acid. In requires the inspector to carefully hold the
2018, Tessenderlo Kerley decided to make sensor very close to the leak source. This can “All in all, the FLIR GF77 is a reliable and highly
a serious investment to reduce its carbon be a time-intensive task and can also cause ergonomic camera for leak detection jobs,”
footprint and to convert nearly thirty oil-fired a safety hazard, having to be close to the gas said Schraeyen. “And it’s an ideal camera
ovens into natural gas ovens. cloud to identify the leak. Optical gas imaging for inspections at industrial companies like
cameras allow inspectors to scan for leaks Tessenderlo Kerley that want to reduce safety
Natural gas is now supplied to the site in Ham from a distance without the need for an aerial risk or prevent product loss.”
via a brand-new pipeline that branches off to platform.
the different furnaces and these are inspected About the company
for leaks on a regular basis. For this highly In contrast to FIDs, optical gas imaging FLIR Systems designs and produces thermal
specialised inspection work, Tessenderlo cameras provide a visual image of the leak. imaging cameras, components and imaging
Kerley relies on third parties such as The “This says so much more than numbers,” sensors. For more information go to: www.
Sniffers. said Schraeyen. “If you need to report to
PPTex - Case study 31

dBadge2 noise dosimeter critical that we are able to identify airborne

contamination quickly and effectively to put
it right.”

Rob and his team are responsible for

conducting exposure monitoring and
providing assistance and advice to protect
against physical and chemical agents in
the workplace, relying on their sampling
equipment to accurately detect harmful
dusts, gases, airborne metals in the

“Using Casella’s Apex2IS we monitor

for a number of harmful substances, for
example silica dust, toxic volatile organic
compounds, airborne metals, and we
need to have complete confidence in the
solutions we use, and in the integrity of
the samples we collect. The Apex pumps
are a huge asset to our team and in our
experience the accuracy, durability and

Case study - SOCOTEC

reliability of the solutions are second to
none,” he says.

UK and Casella In addition to air monitoring, SOCOTEC

employs Casella Sound Level Meters
and dBadge personal noise dosimeters
to measure for occupational and

A n effective method of protecting

workers against harmful exposure
to hazardous substances is through
conduct a range of services to assist clients
in monitoring, assessing and controlling
human exposure to health risks, helping
environmental noise. Rob says: “Some of
our biggest clients are in the quarry and
mining industry based around the UK.
personal monitoring. Personal sampling employers and employees to minimise or When we go out to these sites, we are
pumps offer an enhanced monitoring eliminate these hazards. To help address always equipped with our Casella kit.”
system to identify, assess and control its needs for measurement of exposure to
health hazards in the workplace whilst harmful particulates and vapours, SOCOTEC Travel is a frequent part of the job for Rob
providing quantifiable data records. has looked to Casella for its air sampling and his team, so equipment reliability and
monitoring solutions. ease of use is essential. “A concern for us
SOCOTEC UK is a provider of testing, when we have remote work,” says Rob,
inspection and compliance services, with Since 2004, SOCOTEC has equipped “is the failure of kit, which could result
comprehensive solutions across a number its occupational hygiene team with the in significant loss of time and money. If
of sectors from infrastructure and energy Casella’s Apex1 and Apex2IS air sampling equipment is faulty and unreliable this means
through to environment and safety. Delivering pumps, and Casella’s occupational & repeat visits to the site are required. In our
seven million tests a year to more than 5,000 environmental noise kits since 2010. The experience, however, using Casella pumps
clients, SOCOTEC offers a wide range of organisation has over 90 Casella products this is very rarely an issue and we can trust
testing, inspection and compliance services and most recently introduced the Casella in the ability of the kit. It’s for this reason we
in the UK and the international SOCOTEC Flow Detective Plus in conjunction with continue to work with Casella and why it’s a
Group has operations in 25 countries and Apex2IS Plus air sampling pump. partnership built on trust and confidence.”
7,800 employees.
Rob Preston, Occupational Hygienist Team Casella is dedicated to reducing
SOCOTEC’s fleet of occupational hygienists Leader at SOCOTEC, says: “We carry out occupational health and environmental risks,
offer the assurance of compliance with a lot of occupational hygiene assessments and supporting businesses in solving their
legislation and regulations, including across a number of high-risk industries, monitoring and analysis needs. For more
COSHH Regulations, Control of Noise at in large industrial manufacturing sites, information go to:
Work Regulations and Control of Vibration automotive, nuclear and waste and recycling.
at Work Regulations. SOCOTEC’s team We visit many environments where it is
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Acoustic enclosures for industrial blower units on Malaysian project Noise control & acoustics 33

Sound advice for petrochemical plants

P etrochemical and chemical plants
have become increasingly complex
and the potential for excessive noise
exposes personnel to several health, safety
and environmental hazards. Whilst these
hazards are mainly due to the highly toxic
Innovative solutions
Forward-thinking plant operators across the
industry should be considering ways to utilise
remains high. Rob Lomax, Sales Director chemicals and associated gases – including noise mitigation technologies throughout their
at Wakefield Acoustics, looks at noise sulphur oxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen facilities on a greater scale. Thankfully, several
control technologies and the opportunities oxide – the health impacts of excessive on-site solutions exist that will transform operations.
presented by installation in petrochemical noise are increasingly being recognised by
and chemical plants. plants around the world. As no two plant installations are the same,
careful consideration must be given to each
Petrochemical and chemical plants produce To implement best practice and comply with system’s function, location, permitted noise
many important building blocks and products noise legislation, operators should be taking levels and much more in order to determine
for industry processes. These plants are a proactive approach to implementing noise the most effective noise control solution for
multifaceted – containing large numbers management and mitigation measures within the application. As a result, when it comes to
of industrial plant items and often moving high-risk petrochemical and chemical plants specifying noise mitigation products for on-site
high volumes of air or gas, while operating to reduce on-site noise and ensure employee equipment in such environments, there is
at elevated pressures and temperatures. All health and safety. no one-size-fits-all solution and a number of
this combined means that such areas can be factors must be deliberated.
exceptionally noisy. In the UK, the most recent noise legislation
is under The Control of Noise at Work A key noise mitigation solution available to the
With noise control and environmental Regulations 2005, whereby the upper and petrochemical and chemical sectors – and
legislation becoming more stringent and lower daily noise exposure action levels have one that generally offers the best level of noise
employee health and safety remaining at the been reduced by 5 dB from 90 and 85 dB (A) mitigation – is full acoustic enclosures. Ranging
forefront of all processing practices, ensuring in the previous directive, to 85 and 80 dB (A), from drop-over canopies to site-assembled
that noise is effectively mitigated has become respectively. modular units, acoustic enclosures are
a key concern for process plant operators manufactured with a range of access options,
across the petrochemical and chemical Today there is also an increased emphasis on such as hinged removable panels, personnel
processing sector. controlling noise at source wherever possible, access or sliding doors, and framed lift-off roof
a sizeable shift from the focus of earlier sections for major maintenance operations.
Noise regulations legislation on assessment and quantification
The intrinsic dangers of petrochemical of exposure levels, and recommendations for Full acoustic enclosures can ensure noise
processes are far reaching. Countless studies hearing protection. levels fall below those set by the Control of
have shown that the petrochemical industry Noise at Work Regulations, however, there
34 Noise control & acoustics

are other considerations which also need to to external surfaces to further reduce breakout A case in point
be made before installation can take place. noise, and given the high heat levels which For a major petrochemical operator with a
For instance, plant operators must carefully can sometimes be generated in process air complex plant operation in Malaysia, the
consider the installation location, taking and gas lines, they can be treated with a heat process of early identification and noise
account of hazardous area conditions and resistant paint finish after fabrication. mitigation proved central to their drive for
temperatures such that appropriate ventilation reduced on-site noise.
and gas /fire detection system are considered. Unique challenges
Petrochemical plants cause some acoustical The company embodied the problems faced
When required, electrical installations and engineering challenges. Petrochemical by many of the world’s leading petrochemical
ventilation systems are normally integrated processes operate largely outdoors, with enterprises, with a large expanse of wide-
into the enclosure design, and the latter can the processing equipment located in close ranging noise sources located on a single
include run and standby axial/centrifugal fan proximity on open-frame steel structures. site, leading to high noise levels. As with
arrangements with ATEX certification where These operations, which include pumps, many similar operations, the excessive noise
required. Enclosures can also be painted compressors, blowers, agitators and coolers, levels were a cause for concern, prompting
with a variety of high specification finishes for run out in the open, with limited barriers in the provider to seek an innovative solution to
corrosive environments. place to restrict equipment noise from carrying reduce noise, protect the workforce as well as
beyond the confines of the plant. provide easy access for maintenance.
The sound of silence
Attenuators and silencers offer another Compounding this is the sheer size and A detailed noise survey showed that a high
solution and are designed to suit a variety of scale of these operations, which incorporate level of noise was being experienced by
air-movement applications, including open- a large and varied amount of stationary operators across the entire workspace. Such
inlet units complete with air filtration, and in- sound sources, along with miles of complex, were the levels of noise on site, that the entire
line silencers for reducing breakout noise from intertwined piping systems. As a result, the facility had become a mandatory ear protection
process pipework. noise levels generated by these facilities can zone when the machinery was in operation.
often be significant.
These units are generally manufactured to In addition to hearing protection reducing the
client specifications, and can be fully welded Whilst it is particularly difficult to provide operators’ noise exposure, it also presented
where required, determined by system a complete solution to address all noise, several operational issues, including the
operating pressures and temperatures. identifying key contributors is fundamental to necessity for regular hearing assessments,
Depending on the level of acoustic reducing the noise impact on site and on the instruction and training on noise, and the
performance required, silencers can be surrounding community. requirement to display signage in relevant high
designed with a layer of acoustic lagging noise zones.
Noise control & acoustics 35

Excessive noise levels

An analysis of the noise emissions produced
by plant equipment enabled the process
design engineers to identify six blowers as one
of the major sources of noise.

The company was aware that if left untreated,

the noise levels from these blowers could
reach 100 to 105dB(A) due to the breakout
from the casing alone. This was further
compounded by the fact that multiple plant
items were installed in close proximity on
the site, meaning it was quite conceivable
that overall noise levels in the plant areas
could reach 110dB(A), posing significant
risk of hearing damage for operators and Noise attenuation package for industrial blower units, Flue Gas Desulphurisation Plant, Saudi Arabia
maintenance personnel.
low level quick release access panels for reductions exceeded all expectations,
As with most large petrochemical plants and viewing of the oil sight, integrated cable entry reducing the noise levels by around 25dB(A)
refineries, the noise emissions from processes and internal lighting for ATEX zone 2. to 85dB(A) across the plant.
and equipment are highly regulated due to the
potential impact they can have on employees, Due to the high heat loads from the enclosed In addition, with integrated access panels
the nearby community and the environment. blower casing, enclosures were fitted with a installed in the enclosure housing, the plant
forced ventilation system comprising of an operator has been able to reduce downtime
Additionally, the company needed a system axial flow fan, with a suitably sized attenuator for maintenance.
that was easy to install, simple to access unit to limit noise emissions. In this instance,
should maintenance be required on the for the petrochemical site the ventilation fans
About the author
blowers, and compliant with the health and were supplied with ATEX-rated motors, in a
safety requirements of the plant. run-and-standby arrangement.

Noise control Additional considerations

Noise control measures for industrial plant A number of other factors were carefully
items can be particularly complex to design considered throughout the design and
from an acoustic perspective, given the large implementation of the acoustic enclosures.
number of noise transfer paths. In addition, As the main drive motor was not enclosed,
any housings fitted around the equipment which itself generated approx. 82dB(A), this
can present significant challenges for the ‘half’ enclosure approach meant that noise
ventilation of the equipment. emissions from the exposed mechanism
would need to be considered in the overall
Following initial consultation with a leading acoustic requirement.
industrial and environmental noise control
manufacturer, the company opted to control To overcome this issue and meet the required
the noise by installing close-fitting acoustic noise level of 85dB(A), the industrial and
enclosures. The enclosures were designed environmental noise control manufacturer had
to be close fitting around the blower body to over attenuate the noise emissions from
itself and incorporated a sealing plate around the main enclosure unit in order to guarantee Rob Lomax is Sales Director at
the drive shaft to the motor, enabling it to be the resultant levels met the limits set by the Wakefield Acoustics, one of the
naturally cooled. petrochemical company. UK’s leading manufacturers of
advanced industrial, commercial and
environmental noise control systems.
The careful consideration of ventilation ensured Breakout noise from associated pipework
With over 20 years’ experience as
that only the main blower casing required was treated by means of in-line absorptive
a noise control engineer, he has
cooling. This not only improved safety, but also silencers, along with external acoustic lagging.
extensive knowledge of designing
reduced operational costs for cooling. Bespoke and estimating noise control
acoustic enclosure design was necessary as As a result of the implementation of acoustic equipment for industrial and building
the plant operator required an acoustic lined enclosures and other effective noise control services applications.
tunnel section and guard for motor coupling, measures across all six blowers, initial noise
36 Downstream

European downstream sa
C oncawe, the European
downstream industry
organisation, has published personal
This represents a significant rise in
annual number of fatalities following two
consecutive years of the lowest number
safety performance results for 2018. of annual fatalities recorded (two fatalities
This article is based on selected in both 2016 and 2017). The 2018 data
sections of Concawe Report 6/19 – indicates that continued efforts are
‘European downstream oil industry essential to achieve the target of zero
safety performance - Statistical fatalities in the downstream industry.
summary of reported incidents 2018’
- and provides comparisons with the Concawe members study lost workday
industry’s safety performance over injuries (LWI) in addition to fatalities to
previous years identify further opportunities for continuous
Table 1 - Fatalities by sector 2009-2018 safety performance improvement.
In 2009, Concawe began to compile
Process Safety Performance Indicator injured when the vehicle left a motorway 2018 has seen a severe reversal in
(PSPI) data. These describe the number of and overturned. Equipment reliability and the downward trend over recent years
Process Safety Events (PSE) expressed as human factors were identified as causal in numbers of fatalities in European
unintended Loss of Primary Containment factors in this incident. One contractor died downstream oil industry figures. Annual
(LOPC). The 2018 PSE data represents 40 as a result of losing control of a vehicle on fatalities in 2018 are at the highest level
out of 42 of the manufacturing companies. a straight road and another contractor died since 2012 for manufacturing and since
following collision with a stationary vehicle 2016 for marketing.
1. Fatalities on a highway. Both incidents reported
There were ten fatalities reported for 2018. human factors as the sole causal factor. Increased focus on understanding causal
Six contractors died following a single factors and putting in place clearly defined
explosion at a fuel loading terminal serving A single manufacturing contractor was also preventative actions are required to achieve
a refinery. A further three fatalities were fatally injured in an incident categorised and sustain our objective of zero fatalities.
recorded as a result of road accidents. as ‘Struck by’ - no further details of this
All were engaged in marketing activities. incident have been provided. In 2013, the membership agreed to adopt
A tanker truck driver (own staff) was fatally 15 incident categories to describe both
Downstream 37

afety performance in 2018

fatalities and lost workday injury of cause and better benchmarking, but
(LWI) in an attempt to learn risked losing information on longer term
more from the actual incidents. trends. However, by revisiting pre-2013
These categories allow for better data, a reasonably consistent pattern
benchmarking and alignment can be seen.
with other industry organisations,
particularly the IOGP that Explosion or burns and Road
represents the upstream sector of Accidents are the most prevalent fatal
the oil and gas industry. incident categories recorded in the
period 2009-2018. Road accidents
Figure 2 summarises the have declined as an overall percentage
categories of all fatalities which Figure 1 - Number of fatalities by category 2013-2018 of all fatalities compared to 1998-2008
were allocated by participating when they represented almost half of
companies in the period 2013 to against the same 16 categories as lost all fatalities. No fatal road accidents were
2018. As new information regarding fatality workday injury in 2013, Explosions or Burns recorded in 2016 and 2017 but in 2018 three
categorisation for historic incidents has been (twelve fatalities), Road Accident (seven people were fatally injured in separate road
provided to Concawe throughout 2018, fatalities) and Struck by (six fatalities) have accidents.
Figure 2 does not compare directly with been the largest contributors to fatalities in
previously reported data in the Concawe the industry. Together, the three categories Falls from Height and Stuck by categorised
2017 report. There are two additional account for approximately 74% of the incidents are the next most prevalent, the
manufacturing Explosion or Burns fatalities fatalities experienced in the industry since former category accounting for over 10% of
in the period 2013-2017, not included in 2013. Two of the 34 fatalities in this period fatalities over the last 10 years.
the 2017 report. A manufacturing Falls from have not been allocated to a category.
Height fatality which had been erroneously 2. Lost workday injuries
assigned to marketing has now also been Until 2013, Concawe compiled fatality data In 2018, there were a total of 586 lost
corrected. against broad categories that could change workday injuries, with 56% of these in
year to year. Expanding this to 16 distinct manufacturing and 44% in marketing.
Since Concawe moved to reporting fatalities categories provided for greater transparency Manufacturing LWI are split evenly across
38 Downstream

staff and contractors whereas marketing LWI therefore essential for the creation of a between the sectors emerge between less
are more prominent among staff (59%), than supportive safety culture and the fostering of frequent LWI categories.
contractors (41%). the right organisational behaviours necessary
to achieve zero incidents or accidents in Concentrating on the most frequent
There was an overall increase in lost workday operations. categories of these incidents offers the
injury frequency (LWIF) compared to 2017. opportunity to address prevention of lost
The LWIF went from 0.97 LWI/Mh in 2017 Table 4 indicates a relatively small number workday injury across both sectors.
to 1.02 LWI/Mh in 2018 across all workers. of categories contribute to most LWIs
Thirty-five companies reported LWI in both reported. Slips and Trips (same height), For the first time in 2018, Concawe collected
2018 and 2017. Of these, 17 companies Struck by and Falls from Height together causal factors where available for each LWI.
(49%) reported a lower overall LWIF in account for almost 54% of all LWIs reported Causal factors are described in alignment
2018 than in 2017, 4 companies had the in 2018 and this holds true for each sector, with API RP754 (2016) and multiple factors
same LWIF in 2017 and 2018 (11%) and 14 manufacturing and marketing, as detailed in may be recorded per LWI. Causal factors
companies (40%) had a higher LWIF in 2018. Table 5. Other frequent categories include were not available for 23% of LWI (135
Explosion and Burns and Caught in, under or LWI incidents). In many cases, this reflects
Manufacturing staff are the sector with the between in manufacturing (9.8% and 8.9% ongoing investigations and causal factors for
highest LWIF (1.50 in 2018, compared with of manufacturing LWI) and Cut, Puncture, such incidents may be recorded by Concawe
1.53 in 2017) and marketing contractors Scrape and Overexertion, Strain (9.0% and in future.
have the lowest recorded LWIF of all sectors 6.7% of marketing LWI). Slight differences
in 2018 and the largest improvement in LWIF
since last year (0.73 in 2018, compared with
0.81 in 2017). Marketing staff LWIF rose
modestly from 0.95 to 0.97 in 2018.

For comparison purposes, the LTIF

(frequency of LWIs + Fatalities) has been
calculated for each category of workers,
compared with the LWIF and presented in
Table 3 below.

There is little difference between the two

measures when the total number of fatalities is
lower relative (10) to the number of LWI (586).

Table 4 - Categories of lost workday injuries in 2018

Table 3 - Comparison of LWIF and LTIF in 2018

It has long been accepted that to achieve a

sustainable zero-fatality safety performance
a company must continually work to reduce
lower level safety incidents (such as lost
workday injuries, restricted workday injuries,
medical treatment cases, first aid cases and
near misses). Although lower level incidents
such as slips and trips can result in relatively
minor consequences, the actual root causes
behind both minor and major incidents
generally prove to be very similar.

The effective investigation of all incidents

(near miss, minor and major) to obtain a
Table 5 - Categories of LWIs in 2018 - manufacturing vs. marketing
full understanding of their root causes is
Downstream 39

The most commonly reported causal factors The latter category was more prominent in incidents
across all LWI are Human Factors (34% of 2018 than in 2017, while incidents related to * Operational Safety focused on Struck
causal factors reported), Safe Work Practices Overexertion and strain were less frequent by, Caught in under and between and
& Procedures (13%), Risk Assessment in 2018 (5.5% compared to 9.5% in 2017). Working at Height
(10%), Procedures (7%) and Design (7%). However, the pattern of categories is broadly * Road Safety
There was little difference in the application of consistent year to year and similar across
these factors in manufacturing and marketing both manufacturing and marketing. Figure 3 shows the historical evolution of the
related incidents with Human Factors and main performance indicators over the past
Work Practices & Procedures, consistently For the first time in 2018, Concawe collected 10 years across all workers. Fatal accident
the first and second most frequently information about LWI incident categories rate FAR is 1.73 in 2018, the highest since
reported factor, respectively. Manufacturing split between staff and contractors. For the 2012. The Lost Workday Injury Frequency
incidents reported Risk Assessment and most frequent LWI incident category, Slips LWIF of 1.02 is the highest since 2014
Equipment Reliability as third and fourth most and Trips, the staff / contractor split is 65 / when it was 1.08. Similarly, the All Incident
frequent causal factors. Procedures and 35%. Other LWI incident categories provide Frequency AIF of 2018 is 1.89, similar to
Risk Assessment were the third and fourth a more equal split. The percentage staff / that in 2017 (1.90) and higher than the best
most frequently reported causal factors in contractor split for Explosion or burns is 42 / performance of 1.59 in 2016.
marketing incidents. 58, Struck by 52 / 48, Road Accident 50 / 50
and Falls 46 / 54. The Road Accident Rate has decreased from
There was little difference between the 0.41 in 2017 to 0.29 in 2018, the lowest
most frequently reported causal factors While there is no direct correlation between rate ever recorded. This is accompanied
in some of the most commonly occurring categories of LWI and fatalities, the data by an approximate 9% rise in km driven
incident categories. Human Factors was suggest that focus on reducing LWI in three since 2017. It is not clear to what extent
the most commonly assigned causal factor areas could have the potential to address this observation is impacted by changes in
in Slips and Trips, Falls from Height, Road the causes of the majority of fatal incidents reporting activities.
Accident and Struck by LWI incidents reported in recent years.
in both manufacturing and marketing. For the full report, go to: www.concawe.
Risk Assessment, Safe Work Practices & These areas are: eu/wp-content/uploads/European-
Procedures, Procedures and Design were * Process Safety to address Explosion, downstream-oil-industry-safety-
also commonly reported causal factors Burns and Pressure Release-related performance.pdf
in these incident types. Manufacturing
Explosion and Burns LWI incidents most
frequently reported Risk Assessment as a
causal factor.

3. Performance trends over

the last 10 years
Performance indicators are particularly useful
for identifying trends and patterns when
considered over time. The historical trends
for the European downstream oil industry
over the past ten years are summarised in
this section. Ten years has been chosen as
Figure 2 - Frequency of causal factors assigned to lost workday injury incidents (note: more than one
a period reasonably representative of actual causal factor may be assigned to an incident)
operating conditions and practices in place
within the industry.

Since Concawe began collecting LWI

data against the 16 categories in 2013 a
pattern has been emerging in the data.
As in fatalities, a limited number of causes
contribute to most LWIs. In 2018, almost
70% of LWIs were caused by the following,
Slips & Trips (same height) 33%, Struck
by 11.5%, Falls from Height 9.6%, Cut,
Puncture, Scrape 8.6% and Caught in
Figure 3 - Performance indicators over the last 10 years 2009-2018 European downstream oil industry
under between 7.2%.
40 Electrostatics

Risk of electrostatic ignition

FIBC discharging operati
I n this article, James Grimshaw
of Newson Gale looks at why the
greatest risk posed by static electricity
Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers
(FIBCs) have long been considered a great
innovation in the transportation of dry
high strength thermoplastic, polypropylene,
along with a linear insert. FIBCs are efficient,
and transportation of dry bulk goods such
in a flammable or combustible flowable material since their introduction in as sand, fertilisers, plastic granules, seeds,
atmosphere is an explosion due to the sixties. Commonly referred to as a “bulk resin and powder coatings, to name a
electrostatic discharge. bag”, “big bag” or “tote”, FIBCs have a body few, can be unloaded at a fast rate, with
made of flexible woven material, typically the anywhere between 300 – 500kg typically
Electrostatics 41

However, the use of FIBCs are not without hoisted above the tank using a fork lift and
their risks and when filling and emptying the resin was dumped through a circular
FIBCs in hazardous areas, electrostatic port on a hinged tank cover. There was no
charge can accumulate on both the independent venting of displaced vapour
contents (product) and the fabric of the and the tank lid was not gas tight. Despite
material itself. It is common under these the operator reporting that the ground wire
circumstances for the rates at which static was missing from the FIBC, it did not stop
electricity charges are generated to exceed him proceeding to unload the container
the rates at which the charges can relax, regardless.
allowing the accumulation of a static electric
charge to develop within the process. Incident A**
Although the operator himself was not
The danger to plant personnel and the grounded, the nature of the operation
surrounding environment is if the charge involved making a lacquer, meaning that
is released in the presence of a flammable static dissipative footwear would probably
atmosphere, an ignition can occur. Since have been ineffective as there was
many products are combustible, the inherent possibility of a film of lacquer on the floor
electrostatic discharge hazard from the around the tank. Common in processes
material cannot be overlooked. Eliminating* where coatings are prevalent, a build-up
the potential risk of an electrostatic ignition is on the sole of the shoe regularly occurs.
of paramount importance. A cleaner sole will typically give off a
lower resistance. Despite this, he was
Case Studies not considered a likely source of ignition.
The tank lid was open allowing solvent
vapour to readily escape into the operating
area. Although it was not categorically
determined whether the fire occurred
immediately or after the FIBC was nearly
completely empty, as the operator was
standing within the vicinity of the tanker
during the operation, he turned away when
he observed the flash. An operator typically
stands within close proximity of the FIBC
during emptying, first to untie the strings
and later to shake out residual powder. In
this scenario an ignition occurred and the
operator was caught in the flash-fire zone
and severely burned in the process.

n during
In the first incident an FIBC Type C bag
was used to transfer resin to a 6,000 gallon
mixing tank. This operation involved making
lacquer for can coatings. The mixing tank

was equipped with thin conductive wires
running lengthwise through the spout and Minimum Ignition Energies (MIE) of regularly
connected to a bare stranded aluminium transported gases, vapours & dusts in milli-
joules (mJ)
wire and alligator clip. The FIBC was

in 30 seconds or less. Used in agricultural,

chemical, food and pharmaceutical
industries, FIBCs have proven to be simple
to use, cost effective and strong, and are
more convenient than rigid IBCs for powder
transfers because they can be collapsed
Use of different types of FIBC
after use and stored away.
42 Electrostatics

not believed to be a contributing factor as

there was no fire or explosion inside it.

Incident B**
In the event of an ignition during an FIBC
operation, plant personnel that are usually
within close proximity are likely to be caught
in the flames. The operator once again was
in the vicinity of the FIBC but not touching
it. As a result he received second and third
degree burns to his stomach and face.
The sprinkler system installed above the
tank did not emit water; however, pallets
of resin bags were singed at a distance of
20 – 30ft from the tank. A major hazard in
any explosion is when material is dispersed
into the general plant area and a secondary
ignition occurs. Although the hinged lid
was closed there was again no provision
for venting either the purge gas or the air
entrained into the tank by the powder flow.
A significant displacement of flammable
vapour therefore took place into the
operating area.

Unlike the first incident, in Incident B it was
reported – but not conclusively determined –
However, the use of FIBCs are not without their risks that a grounding connection had been
properly made ensuring continuity to earth
and when filling and emptying FIBCs to dissipate static charge. However, it
was not possible to completely ascertain
whether this was the case as the grounding
Findings Unfortunately, this incident involved the clamp was unavailable for examination. As
The investigation into the incident made same operator and was not dissimilar a result, an FIBC operational error causing
the assessment that a spark discharge had to the first. The main difference being loss of continuity could not be ruled out
occurred from the ungrounded FIBC during the FIBC was designed with an internal since the FIBC involved was destroyed
emptying. The lack of continuity to ground conductive aluminium liner bonded to in the fire. Although polypropylene has a
meant that charge could not be dissipated. the polypropylene in the spout. This was unique blend of qualities and characteristics
Charge on an insulated object is retained connected to an external grounding tab that make it an ideal material for the
because of the resistance of the material to which a grounding clamp was to be construction of FIBCs; it is also highly
itself. For a conductor, such as the FIBC, connected by the operator. The FIBC flammable and susceptible to ignition via
to remain charged, it has to be isolated was suspended over the tank as before, a spark discharge. If we are to generalise
from earth. As it was known that the resin and after applying the grounding clamp failures for FIBC operations, these typically
had low minimum ignition energy (MIE), it the discharge spout was pushed through occur due to manufacturing defects,
was assumed that flammable vapour was the port in the tank manway so that it is operator error or disabling continuity to
a significant factor in the ignition process extended 10-12 inches inside the tank. The a verified earth via a grounding clamp.
reaching well in excess of an acceptable level. draw cord was then cut to open the spout
and release resin into the tank. What actions could have
Materials with low MIE will regularly reach the been taken to prevent these
minimum explosive concentration (MEC) in The FIBC was not opened at the top to vent incidents?
an FIBC emptying operation such as the one the contents and prevent drawing vapour With any incident the first place to start
described due to the flow-rate and ability to into the FIBC. On this occasion flow was is to determine why electrostatic charge
charge, and may be at risk of combustion delayed and the operator “puffed” the FIBC was “permitted” to accumulate. Charge
by several sources of ignition. In this incident to free the flow. Within 10 seconds of flow a generation normally occurs due to the
electrostatic discharge was the ignition source. flash occurred. Failure to vent the FIBC was process of contact and separation of
Electrostatics 43

the material which takes place between However, the complexity of dissipating
particles and the equipment, known as static effectively requires careful planning
triboelectrification. Any material will naturally and a sound approach to risk management.
become charged by triboelectric action. The correct bag and grounding system can
Particle separation within FIBC processes always be negated by plant personnel that
occurs between conveying equipment and purposely or inadvertently circumvent safety
the bulk bag during filling and emptying. procedure; however, as documented in
The nature of FIBC operations means that Incident A, the effects far outweigh the time
they are particularly susceptible to charge it takes to perform the necessary checks
accumulation. and conclusively confirm visually that (a)
Tips for correctly grounding Type C FIBC bags the operator has clamped on, and (b) the
In these incidents electrostatic charge • Ensure that the grounding system selected system has confirmed a resistance to
had been allowed to accumulate can check and continuously monitor the ground of 1 x 107 ohms or less.
because the FIBC was isolated from full range of resistance through the bag.
• Ensure the grounding system not only
ground, whether this was through the Regular static hazard awareness training
check the condition of the bag’s static
negligent actions of the plant operator combined with grounding equipment that
dissipative threads, but also ensure
or inconclusive grounding methods. As that the ground circuit includes a direct displays compliance with industry guidelines
grounding wasn’t achieved, charge was monitored connection to a verified True will go a long way to eliminating fires or
allowed to accumulate. Had grounding Earth grounding post. explosions caused by static electricity.
• Ensure the grounding system does not
been accomplished via a Type C bag
monitor a limited percentage of the
with either passive (single pole clamp
permitted range of resistance as they may
and cable) or through active means pass faulty bags and reject acceptable * “For the avoidance of doubt. ‘eliminate’
(monitoring systems), connection to a bags. shall have the meaning that the likelihood
true earth ground would’ve been verified • Ensure Type C bags are manufactured of electrostatic discharge will be eliminated
in accordance with the electrostatic
and charge subsequently dissipated. In or mitigated to a low level where the risk
recommendations of IEC 61340-4-4 /
accordance with industry guidelines such and harm will be eliminated, in line with the
NFPA 77 or CLC/TR: 50404
as NFPA 77 “Recommended Practice internationally recognised recommended
on Static Electricity” and IEC 61340-4- best practice. We would like to clearly
4 “Electrostatics – Part 4-4: Standard outline that static electricity as such can
test methods for specific applications electricity does not accumulate on the bag. never be completely eliminated.”
– Electrostatic classification of flexible Once the connection of two grounding
intermediate bulk containers (FIBC)” the clamps has been made onto the grounding Incident A** and Incident B** - Reference
resistance through the bag should be less tabs, the FIBC system will identify if the bag Britton, L (1983). Static Hazards Using
than 1 x 107 ohms (10 meg-ohm). is operating in accordance with the relevant Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers for
standard. This is achieved by sending an Powder Handling.
Given the magnitude of charge that can intrinsically safe signal through the bag. The
build up on bags, an active grounding system verifies the grounding of the bag by About the author
system is the recommended – and safer ensuring the signal returns via a verified true
choice. This is because the system can earth ground (static ground NOT verified
determine whether or not the bag’s by the FIBC). Should any charge have
construction complies with the relevant accumulated on the bag, it will leave via
standards and will also ensure the bag the static dissipative threads to the verified
is grounded for the duration of the filling/ ground.
emptying operation.
The static dissipative loop system check
Some systems are able to validate and continuously monitors the resistance of the
monitor the resistance of Type C bags bag so that if it rises above 1 x 107 ohms,
ensuring that conductive elements of the a red LED on the remote indicator station
bag are capable of dissipating charges in illuminates to tell the operator the system
compliance with the necessary guidelines. has gone non permissive. James Grimshaw is Marketing Manager
Type C bags are designed to dissipate at Newson Gale, a position he has held
for over two years, and is a member
static electricity through static dissipative Summary
of the Institute of Leadership and
threads that are interwoven through the Of course, recognition of the hazard is only
Management. Prior to his current role
bag’s material. Grounding tabs located the first step. It is easy to assume that the
he was Marketing Manager at offshore
on the bags are points where grounding use of simple clamps will automatically sensors manufacturer Guidance Marine.
systems can be connected to ensure static eliminate the risk posed by static electricity.
44 Automation

Play it safe - adhere to the

Machinery Directive
T he Machinery Directive sets a
high and common safety level for Anyone involved in the
of Essential Health and Safety Requirements
(EHSR) in the field of machine building.
a broad classification of equipment specification, design, Importantly, the directive is unified with
in terms of design and use. While the CE requirements and spans almost 21 EN
directive also governs the movement
manufacture, import, standards to help guide machine OEMs on
and operation of compliant machines supply, purchase or safety requirements. In short, the publication
throughout EU member states, its modification of machinery has become the foremost authority on the
primary objective is to ensure worker design of safe machinery.
safety. In the modern era, as industry
should be familiar with
continues to leverage advanced the directive Among the many unique qualities of the
equipment to optimise productivity Machinery Directive is its broad coverage of
and efficiency, safety responsibilities machinery design. Moreover, the publication
must not be compromised. Although first published in 1989, it was in mandates a technical file be maintained
2009 that the Machinery Directive 2006/42/ on the machine to outline its initiation and
In this article, Linda Caron, Global EC became law in Europe. The publication’s the risk avoidance measures deployed to
Product Manager Factory Automation primary role is to ensure common safety maximise safety.
at Parker Hannifin, discusses what levels for any machines introduced to
the Machinery Directive entails, how the market and put into use. Today, the Of course, a safe machine demands the
to adhere to it, and what qualifies as a Machinery Directive sets out the foundation use of safe components. However, what
‘safety component’. and regulatory basis for the harmonisation is actually meant by the term ‘safety
Automation 45

component’? Well, in terms of the directive, a downstream; high B10 value (life expectancy are available that can read spool position
safety component is one which: serves to fulfil in switching cycles); and comprehensive sensors and actuate pump unloading valves
a safety function; is independently placed on monitoring capability to achieve the highest to have a second hydraulic shutdown path.
the market; and if it fails and/or malfunctions level of diagnostic coverage. Only by
could endanger the safety of persons. selecting a proven product from a reputable Ultimately of course, there is no margin
supplier is it possible to ensure that machine for error or oversight when it comes to
An interesting observation is that although safety attributes are maximised. safety. Meeting the stipulations of the
the primary purpose of the Machinery Machinery Directive as some kind of ‘tick-
Directive is to ensure common safety, it stops The Machinery Directive also points out that box’ exercise is one thing, but ensuring
short of mandating the use of safety-rated to meet enhanced safety levels, redundancy the safety of machine users is a far more
products. The publication does, however, and monitoring must be included in the important objective. Anyone involved in
clearly differentiate standard components controls in accordance with EN ISO 13849- the specification, design, manufacture,
used in a safety application against those 1, as well as validation of the system in line import, supply, purchase or modification
designed and intended as safety-rated with EN ISO 13849-2. of machinery should be familiar with the
products. Also highlighted is the need for directive.
common sense strategies, such as the The market’s latest intelligent, scalable
use of e-stop buttons, the removal of air controllers exemplify how the state-of- For the machine builder in particular, imagine
in a pneumatic machine to protect from the-art is evolving when it comes to safety the cost of non-compliance, which could
unexpected movement (where safe to do control systems, in this case for hydraulic see sales bans, large fines, adverse publicity,
so), and the addition of technical measures mobile machinery. Such controllers are warranty and/or product liability claims,
where risk cannot be designed out. more run-time efficient and can execute claims for unfair practice and even criminal
larger applications in a quicker cycle time. consequences in the case of personal injury.
By definition, safety-rated products are Moreover, modern controllers can offer Armed with these thoughts, the peace-
classified separately and subject to more features that include the execution of safety- of-mind provided by using safety-rated
demanding requirements, testing and related applications in the lockstep core, products from a reputable supplier, is little
expectations for performance. A case in ECC-protected Flash and RAM, and the short of priceless.
point are safety exhaust valves which meet implementation of a safety-certified Real-
the needs of the directive to remove air from Time Operating System (RTOS).
pneumatic machinery during either an e-stop About the author
or a fault condition event. By adopting some of the larger modules
available, design engineers have the option
As part of the purchase decision, safety to use one certified controller on all sections
valves should tick a number of major criteria, of a hydraulic directional control valve. This
which include: fast exhaust time to faulted choice provides a cost-effective way to
condition; fast switching time; utilising series- meet safety function PLc without introducing
parallel flow so that both valve elements additional hydraulic components. For
(redundant design) shift to supply air functions requiring the higher PLd, controllers

Linda Caron is a Global Product

Manager for Parker Hannifin
Corporation in Factory Automation,
Pneumatic Division, Motion Systems
Group in Richland, Michigan. Linda is
a CMSE, Certified Machinery Safety
Expert (TÜV Nord) and has held various
roles over 27 years in both Fluid Power
(with Parker and Festo) and the within
the Electrical industry, serving global
markets from Oil & Gas to the Food &
Beverage industry. Linda’s focus is on
the IIoT space, network connectivity
and machinery safety.
46 Events

National Oil Companies Assembly

Date: 4 December 2019 As the transformation of the existing NOC
Location: London, United Kingdom model continues, the Assembly will
allow attendees to:
The Oil and Gas Council National Oil - Maximise margins, maximise profits:
Assembly returns to London this December. Find out how to optimise CAPEX/OPEX
The forum offers a unique platform for decision making in light of external
national and international oil companies and disruptions
their partners to engage with their peers - From maintaining volumes to securing
from around the world and discuss the key markets: Using tech to maximise - Access the capital markets: Explore
energy issues of the day. Supported by key reserve recovery and expand focus into alternative means of funding capital
representatives from national champions petrochemicals and carbon capture & requirements
Saudi Aramco, ADNOC, NNPC as well as build a strong portfolio of international - Promote employee buy in & generate
the world’s biggest investor Blackrock, it investments excitement amongst managers about
provides the only international gathering - Remain competitive in a changing strategic change
solely focused on national oil companies landscape: Understand the implications
and SOEs. of the evolution of the energy mix on your Website:
organisation event-events/noc-assembly/

European Conference on Plant & Process Safety

Date: 11 – 12 December 2019 Hotel in the heart of Cologne. Suppliers
Location: Cologne, Germany to the hazardous processing industry with
specific knowledge on process safety are
The conference will bring the technical invited to participate with a stand at the
safety specialists and managers from Network Forum.
Seveso sector companies together to
learn and network. The event is broadly Topics at the conference include:
supported by the European industrial - Learning from incidents
chemical associations. - Risk reduction tools
- Plant monitoring & Integrity
The conference will be held at the Maritim - Human Performance Website:

The Oil and Gas IoT Summit

Date: 22 – 23 January 2020 The Oil and Gas IoT Summit 2020 picks
Location: Lisbon, Portugal up the industry’s transformation story
12 months on. Focusing on case study
Returning to Lisbon The Oil and Gas evidence and lessons learned our speakers
IoT Summit brings together an exclusive will share their personal experiences,
community of around 120 major stakeholders challenges and REAL results. With one eye
from worldwide operators, EPCs, regulators on the future, we’ll also take a look at the - Benefit from strategic insights into new
and, technology providers to debate and key trends and developments that look set change management methodologies
discuss the key issues and trends shaping to shape the industry in the next 12 months - Discover implementation best practice
the digital transformation of the industry. and beyond. strategies
- Meet new solution providers
IoT in Oil and Gas is maturing. Moving Join us to: - Make powerful new industry
from concept to strategy and now to daily - Explore the business drivers powering connections
applications which are making real, bottom this digital sea change
line improvements and delivering process - Take an in-depth look at emerging
efficiencies. trends and technologies
Data File/Buyers Guide 47

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Schmersal launches first ex-proof RFID safety sensor

At Motek 2019, the Schmersal Group is showcasing the first RFID-based safety The EX-RSS16 is available with
sensor which has been designed in accordance with ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU or without latching. For example,
and can be used in EX zones 2 (gas EX, category 3G) and 22 (dust EX, category 3D). the variant with a magnetic latching
This means that the EX-RSS16 combines two important properties for system safety: ensures that a door is held closed
functional safety in accordance with ISO 13849 and explosion protection. At the even when there is no voltage.
same time, the sensor features ignition protection classes Ex ec and Ex tc, covering Because of the built-in RFID
the explosion protection function without requiring another energy-limiting device. technology, the EX-RSS16 enables
Schmersal launched this new development this year. individually coded variants with a
The wear-free safety sensor is perfect for position monitoring of various kinds of coding level of high in accordance
safety equipment, including the monitoring of doors, position monitoring of machine with ISO 14119, thus offering
axles or other rotating, lateral shifting or removable safety equipment. Three different excellent tamper protection.
actuation directions also allow a flexible choice of installation position. T: 01684 571980 E: W:

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