Lesson Plan in Biology Ii

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Biology II

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
a. identify and explain each stage/phase of mitosis
b. exhibit willingness to help one another in performing the activities assigned to
the group
c. handle and manipulate the microscope and prepared slide properly

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Mitosis
Source: Science and Technology Textbook for Second Year Biology Textbook
Materials: prepared slides/specimen, microscope, instructional materials
Background Knowledge: Mitosis occurs in most multicellular organisms

Values: Cooperation within the group is needed in

an activity to arrive at a correct observation

III. Procedure

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

A. Preparation:
Good afternoon class! Good afternoon teacher!
Before anything else, let us first stand
up and start our class with a prayer.
How are you today? Were okay teacher.
Well are you ready to lend your ears for
our discussion today? Yes teacher.

B. Motivation:
( Giving of Trivia )
Class, did you know that the biggest
organism in the world is the blue whale
which is composed of 100 quadrillion
The human body is composed of
approximately 50 - 75 trillion cells.
While the smallest organism in the world
is amoeba which is composed of only one

Ok class, I want you to look under your

chair. You will see a piece of colored
paper. For those who have the same
colored paper, group yourselves.

I will be giving each group a brown

envelope. Inside the envelope are the cut-
out picture and your task is to put them
together to find out what is the mystery

Do the activity for 5 minutes.

(after 5 minutes...)

Group 1, what is the mystery creature that Tiger

you have formed? Bird
How about the group 2?
For the Group 3, what is the mystery Eagle
creature? Manatee/Dugong
How about the group 4?

C. Presentation of the lesson

Our lesson for today is related to the

activity we had. Since these animals are
composed of cell. These cells carry on
many functions needed to sustain life.
They grow and divide, thereby producing
more cells. This cell division is referred
to as mitosis.
Today, we will be tackling about the
process of mitosis.

For you to have an in depth

understanding of our lesson today, we
will have an activity. Again, group
yourselves with the same group you have
on the first activity.

We will be giving worksheets as your

guide and where you can also put your
notes and answers.
(distribute the worksheets)

Cells do not divide at the same time.
Thus, in the slide, you will find cells at
different stages of mitosis. With the LPO,
locate and study the cells at these stages.
Then switch to the HPO to study the
nucleus in detail. Answer also the
questions given in your worksheets.
Activity 5.1 Observing Mitosis
prepared slides of the onion root tip

1. Study the different stages of mitosis

in onion root tip in the figure below.

Q1. What happens to the structures in

the nucleus in each stage?
Q2. What happens to the cytoplasm?
Q3. What happens to the cell wall?

2. Observe the these stages in a

prepared slide of onion root tip cells
under the low power objective (LPO),
then in high power objective (HPO).

(After the observation...)

For the Group 1, report your findings

about PHOPHASE base on what you
have observed under the microscope.

For the Group 2, report your findings

about METAPHASE base on what you
have observed under the microscope.

For the Group 3, report your findings

about ANAPHASE base on what you
have observed under the microscope.

For the Group 4, report your findings

about TELOPHASE base on what you Report on Prophase
have observed under the microscope. Report on Metaphase
Report on Anaphase
Report on Telophase

From other groups, do you have a

question to the report of group 1, group 2, Questions from each group
group 3, group 4.
Based on your observation and report,
what concept did you get from our (answers may vary)
activity?  cells undergo mitosis
 mitosis occurs in most organisms
 mitosis is the division of cell

What did you felt upon finishing the

activity and coming up with correct We are overwhelmed and we found out
observation? that there is a need for us to cooperate in
order to arrive at a correct and precise

Were you able to appreciate the value of Yes teacher.

cooperation within the group?

D. Discussion

Since our topic for today is focused on

mitosis, who can give an idea of what
mitosis is? According to what I have read and my
Ms. Rissa, what is your idea of mitosis? observations too, mitosis is the division
of a single parent cell into two new
daughter cell.

Very good explanation!

For elaboration, mitosis is a way of
dividing the replicated chromatin into
two similar and equal parts. Each of these
parts is passed on to two new nuclei.

Mitosis has four stages namely


Look at the first stage which is the

prophase. What did you observe in the

Ok, Mr. Yute, what is happening inside As what I have observed, there is a dense
the cell in the illustration? Describe. and dark spot on the cell.

In stage 1, prophase, the chromosomes
are thicker and shorter because of
repeated coiling. At this stage, the
chromosomes are double-stranded. Each
strand is called a chromatid. The two
chromatids produced from the one
chromosome are still attached at one
point, called the centromere or
kinetochore. The nuclear membrane and
nuclei may still be present.

I will show you a short video clip on

(Show video clip...)

Let’s proceed to the second stage the

What did you observe in the illustration?
Ok, Ms. Stefani, what is happening now
inside the cell in the illustration? As what I have observed, the dark spot
Describe. starts to form at the middle of the cell.

Ok. Good!
In stage 2, metaphase, the spindle is at the
center of the cell where the nucleus used
to be. The nuclear membrane has
disappeared. The chromatids are almost
at the middle of the spindle. Each
centromere of the sister chromatids is
attached to a single spindle fiber.

I will show you a short video clip on

(show the video clip)

Lets proceed to the third stage the

What did you observe in the illustration?
Ok, Ms. Chengrose, what is happening
now inside the cell in the illustration? As what I have observed, the dense or
Describe. dark spot divides into two and it goes on
the opposite side of the cell.
In stage 3, anaphase, the centromere
initially divides and the new single-
stranded chromosomes move away from
each other toward the opposite poles of
the spindle. These new chromosomes
come from chromatids of double-stranded
chromosomes formed in the prophase and
the metaphase stages.

I will show you a short video clip on

(show a video clip)

Finally, let’s proceed to the fourth stage,

the telophase.
What did you observe in the illustration?
Ok, Mr. Jerry, what is happening now
inside the cell? Describe.

As what I observed, the dense spot is at

both ends and is already dividing into two
new cells.

Ok, good!
In stage 4, telophase, the chromosomes
are now at opposite poles of the spindle.
They have started to uncoil and become
indistinct under the light microscope. A
new nuclear membrane may have formed
around them. The spindle may have

I will show you a short video clip on

telophase including cytokinesis.
(show a video clip)

E. Wrap-up/Closure
Since we had already finished our activity
and discussion, you already learned

What did you learned from our lesson

today? Ok, Ms. Niez.

Very good! How about you, Ms. Maila?

Very good! How about the others? What I have learned that cells undergo cell
are the stages of mitosis? Ms. Katherine. division to form new cells.
I have learned that organisms are
Very good! composed of cell/s.

The stages mitosis is prophase,

metaphase, anaphase and telophase.

IV. Evaluation

In a piece of paper, identify the stages of mitosis. Draw each phase/stage in
chronological order and explain each stage in your own words in one sentence

V. Assignment

A. Research further on the stages of mitosis. Elaborate each stage and submit
it next meeting. Put it in a one whole sheet of long bond paper.

B. Read in advance "Meiosis" on pages 128-134, Science and Technology

Textbook for Second Year and answer the following questions:
1. What is Meiosis?
2. What is the difference between Mitosis and Meiosis?
3. What re the stages of Meiosis?
Prepared by: Pablo A. Ragay Jr.
BSED-II major in Biology

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