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Types and Kinds of Systemic Relations of the Language

1. Systemic relations of language units generally.

3.Kinds of syntagmatic relations.

Syntagmatic relations.

A linguistic unit enters into syntagmatic relations with other units of the same level
it occurs with. SR exist at every language level. They can be of three different
types: coordinate, subordinate and predicative.

a) Coordinate SR exist between the homogeneous linguistic units that ax

that is, they are the relations of independence: you and me; They

were tired but happy.

Suhordinated SR are the relations of dependence when one linguistic unit depends
on the othex- teach + er - morphological level; a smart student - word-group
level; predicative and subordinate clauses - sentence level. Predicative SR are the
relations of interdependence: primary and secondary

Syntagmatic relations are immediate linear relations between units in a segmental

sequence. The combination of two words or word-groups one of which is modified
by the other forms a unit which is reffered to as a syntactic » syntagma».
There are four main types of notional syntagmas: predicative (the combination of a
subject and a predicate), objective (-/- a verb and its object), attributive (a noun and
attribute), adverbial (a modified notional word, such as a verb, adjective, or adverb,
with its adverbial modifier). The other type of relations, opposed to syntagmatic
and called «paradigmatic», are such as  exist between elements of the system
outside the strings where they co-occur. Unlike syntagmatic relations,
paradigmatic relations cannot be directly observed in utterances, that is why they
are reffered to as relations «in absentia».

2. Kinds of paradigmatic relations.

Paradigmatic relations
coexist with syntagmatic relations in such a way that some sort of syntagmatic
connection is necessery for the realization of any paradigmatic series. This is
especially evident in a classical grammatical paradigm which presents a productive
series of forms each consisting of a syntagmatic connection of two elements: one
common for the whole of the series, the other specific for every individual form in
the series.
A linguistic unit can enter into relations of two different kinds. It enters into
paradigmatic relations with all the units that can also occur in the same
environment. PR are relations based on the principles of similarity. They exist
between the units that can substitute one another. For instance, in the word-group
A PINT OF MILK the word PINT is in paradigmatic relations with the words
bottle, cup, etc. The article A can enter into PR with the units the, this, one, same,
etc. According to different principles of similarity PR can be of three types:
semantic, formal and functional.

A linguistic unit can enter into relations of two different kinds. It enters
into paradigmatic relations with all the units -that can also occur in the same
environment. are relations based on the principles of similarity. They exist between
the units that can substitute one another. According to different principles of
similarity PR can be of three types: semantic, formal and functional.

Semantic PR are based on the similarity of meaning: a book to read = a book

for reading.

Formal PR are based on the similarity of forms. Such relations exist between the

members of a paradigm: man - men; play - played'- will play ~ is playing.

Functional PR are based on the similarity of function. They are established


the elements that can occur in the same position.

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