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©Rituparna Biswas, Faculty of Mechanical

What is Pure Bending?
• If a length of a beam is subjected to a constant bending moment and no
shear force or zero shear force, then its stresses will be set up in that
length of the beam due to Bending Moment only. Then the stresses will be
set up in that length of the beam due to BM only and that length of the
beam is said to be in Pure Bending or Simple Bending.

• The stresses set up in that length of the beam are known as Bending

©Rituparna Biswas, Faculty of Mechanical

Assumptions of Bending
The following assumptions are made in the theory of simple bending:
• The material of the beam is perfectly homogeneous (i.e., of the same kind
throughout) and isotropic (i.e., of equal elastic properties in all directions).
• The beam material is stressed within its elastic limit and thus, obeys
Hooke’s law.
• The transverse sections, which were plane before bending, remains plane
after bending also.
• Each layer of the beam is free to expand or contract, independently, of the
layer above or below it.
• The value of E (Young’s modulus of elasticity) is the same in tension and
• The beam is in equilibrium i.e., there is no resultant pull or push in the
beam section.

©Rituparna Biswas, Faculty of Mechanical

Bending Equation

©Rituparna Biswas, Faculty of Mechanical

Consider a small length dx of a beam subjected to a bending moment
As a result of this moment, let this small length of beam bend into an arc of a
circle with O as centre as shown in Fig
Let M = Moment acting at the beam,
θ = Angle subtended at the centre by the arc and
R = Radius of curvature of the beam.
Now consider a layer EF at a distance y from NN the neutral axis of the beam.
Let this layer be compressed to E′ F′ after bending
Initial Length = GH = EF = R θ
Final Length = (R+y) θ
Strain = [(R+y) θ - R θ]/R θ = y/R
Now we know, ϵ = σ/E => So, σ/E = y/R => σ/y = E/R

©Rituparna Biswas, Faculty of Mechanical

σ/y = E/R
Therefore, Stress Intensity, = σ = E*y/R
Thrust force on elementary area = Stress * Area =
Moment of this force about axis, = y*

We know, I = integration (y2* ) )

M = E*I/R
M/I = E/R

©Rituparna Biswas, Faculty of Mechanical

Section Modulus
• It denotes the resistance offered by the beam
• For the beam of same material, Section Modulus Z is always same
• Z = I/y

©Rituparna Biswas, Faculty of Mechanical

Points to Remember
• First find the M for any problem from the
chart on the right
• Then find the I for the geometry or Z, from
the chart attached on the right
• And finally finding σ becomes easy.

©Rituparna Biswas, Faculty of Mechanical


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