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Osteoarthritis extensor moment, which may help to

................................................................................... counteract the lateral knee joint opening
and medial compression that would

Abnormal biomechanics: a precursor occur if the knee adduction moment

acted as an unopposed force. Although it
may be useful to determine whether
or result of knee osteoarthritis? there is an association between quadri-
ceps strength and the knee adduction
A Teichtahl, A Wluka, F M Cicuttini moment during gait, further longitudi-
nal studies are required to substantiate
whether quadriceps weakness is a major
cause or effect of knee OA.
Biomechanical studies are required to differentiate between the Knee joint laxity, which is defined as
causes and results of knee osteoarthritis displacement or rotation of the tibia with
respect to the femur,18 is another biome-
chanical variable argued to contribute to

lthough osteoarthritis (OA) is a of the knee adduction moment.5 8 Fur-
common cause of disability in ther examination of dynamic factors the pathogenesis of OA. One study
people over 65 years,1 the causes associated with the knee adduction showed that varus-valgus laxity is
and pathogenesis of knee OA remain moment is required to help better under- greater in the unaffected knees of pa-
largely unknown. In addition to biologi- stand the biomechanical pathogenesis of tients with unilateral OA than in healthy
cal studies, there is increasing interest in knee OA. control subjects,19 suggesting that knee
Although biomechanical factors are joint laxity may predispose to disease.
the contribution of biomechanical vari-
likely to contribute to the causes and However, such presumptions rely on the
ables in the pathogenesis and manage-
pathogenesis of knee OA, their effect on subjects with unilateral knee OA devel-
ment of this disease.2–6
joint morphology is unknown. Whereas oping bilateral disease, which may not
OA of the knee occurs most com-
transpire. Nonetheless, it has been
monly in the medial tibiofemoral increased mechanical load at the knee
shown that varus and valgus alignment
compartment,3 and increased regional results in increased bone mineral
of the lower limb is associated with the
load across this compartment’s articular density,9 10 little is understood about car-
progression of medial and lateral com-
cartilage is believed to be an important tilage response to repetitive altered load.
partment knee OA, as determined by
factor in the pathogenesis of the Previous studies on people with knee OA
joint space narrowing and deterioration
disease.2–6 The external knee adduction showed that a larger knee adduction
of physical function.20 Moreover, changes
moment is argued to distribute 60–80% moment was associated with greater
resulting from the relation between
of total intrinsic knee compressive medial joint space narrowing.2 6 How-
alignment and disease progression can
load to the medial tibiofemoral ever, because knee joint space consists of
be detected after only 18 months of
compartment,3 and people with medial other structures such as menisci, joint observation.20 This suggests that over a
tibiofemoral OA tend to walk with larger space narrowing is not always a valid relatively short time frame of interven-
knee adduction moments than normal indicator of articular cartilage volume.11 tion, the correction of biomechanical
subjects, resulting in increased medial Although there is emerging evidence variables in people with established knee
compartment pressure.2 7 Despite this, that cartilage volume will be a useful OA may delay the progression of disease.
there is no clear evidence to suggest measure in studies of the pathogenesis Recently, a study combined several of
whether biomechanical abnormalities of OA,12–15 future work must examine the previously discussed variables and
such as increased knee adduction mo- how human tissues, including hyaline examined the role of quadriceps strength
ments cause or occur as a result of OA cartilage, respond to altered biomechani- in the progression of knee OA using sub-
because all previous studies have exam- cal variables such as the knee joint loads jects with malaligned and lax knee
ined people with established disease. experienced during locomotion. joints.21 Although earlier results sug-
The knee adduction moment is gener- gested that women with reduced quadri-
ated by the combination of the ground “Quadriceps weakness has long ceps strength have a greater risk of
reaction force, which passes medial to been anecdotally recognised as a developing knee OA,16 Sharma et al21 con-
the centre of the knee joint, and the per- feature common to knee OA.” cluded that greater quadriceps strength
pendicular distance of this force from the at baseline was associated with in-
centre of the joint.3 Given that varus While joint compressive forces such as creased likelihood of OA progression in
alignment of the lower limb theoretically the knee adduction moment have re- malaligned and lax knees. Although
increases the perpendicular distance of ceived considerable attention in recent these results infer that strong quadriceps
the ground reaction force from the times, the relation between muscle reduce the risk of developing knee OA,
centre of the knee joint, it is not surpris- weakness and knee OA is also becoming they also suggest that strong quadriceps
ing that radiographic varus alignment is better understood. Quadriceps weakness are a risk factor for the progression of
associated with the magnitude of the has long been anecdotally recognised as disease in people with malaligned and
peak knee adduction moment in subjects a feature common to knee OA. Although lax arthritic knees.
with healthy and osteoarthritic longitudinal studies have shown that Biomechanical factors are increasingly
knees.5 6 8 However, only 50% of knee quadriceps weakness is a characteristic being recognised as potential contribu-
adduction moment variability in subjects of people with established knee OA, tors to the causes and pathogenesis of
with medial tibiofemoral OA is ac- weakness is also likely to be a risk factor knee OA. Until recently most studies on
counted for by the mechanical axis of the for the development of disease.16 17 A pre- the biomechanics of knee OA have
lower limb, emphasising the need for vious study showed that baseline knee tended to be cross sectional rather than
dynamic evaluation of the knee joint extensor strength was lower in women longitudinal, making it difficult to differ-
loading environment.5 Preliminary stud- without radiographic knee OA at initial entiate between the factors that are a
ies have shown a moderately strong and examination who later developed OA cause or result of the disease. Longitudi-
significant association between both the changes, compared with unaffected nal studies in normal subjects are re-
line of progression and degree of foot women.18 It may be that weak quadriceps quired to determine whether biome-
rotation during gait and the magnitude strength during gait reduces the net chanical variables, such as the knee

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Other studies in subjects with OA will be 4 Kaufman KR, Hughes C, Morrey BF, et al. imaging. Am J Radiol 1998;170:593–7.
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chanical variables in disease progression, 5 Hurwitz DE, Ryals AB, Case JP, et al. The
site differences in cartilage development: a
to identify potentially modifiable factors possible explanation for variations in knee
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with knee osteoarthritis is more closely osteoarthritis in later life. Arthritis Rheum
to alter the course of disease. Once these
correlated with static alignment than 2000;43:2543–9.
data are available, simple interventions radiographic disease severity, toe out angle 14 Raynauld JP, Pelletier JP, Beaudoin G, et al.
such as gait re-education or orthoses and pain. J Orthop Res 2002;20:101–7. A two year study in osteoarthritis patients
may provide a future strategy for modify- 6 Miyazaki T, Wada M, Kawahara H, et al. following the progression of the disease by
Dynamic load at baseline can predict magnetic resonance imaging using a novel
ing the biomechanical risk factors asso- radiographic disease progression in medial quantification imaging system. Arthritis Rheum
ciated with the onset or progression of compartment knee osteoarthritis. Ann Rheum 2002;46:311.
knee OA. Dis 2002;61:617–22. 15 Slemenda C, Heilman DK, Brandt KD, et al.
7 Schipplein OD, Andriacchi TP. Interaction
Reduced quadriceps strength relative to body
Br J Sports Med 2003;37:289–290 between active and passive knee stabilizers
weight: a risk factor for knee osteoarthritis in
during level walking. J Orthop Res
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..................... 16 Brandt KD, Heilman MS, Slemenda C, et al.
8 Andrews M, Noyes FR, Hewett TE, et al.
Authors’ affiliations Lower limb alignment and foot angle are Quadriceps strength in women with
A Teichtahl, A Wluka, F M Cicuttini, Monash related to stance phase knee adduction in radiographically progressive osteoarthritis of
University, Melbourne, Australia normal subjects: a critical analysis of the the knee and those with stable radiographic
reliability of gait analysis data. J Orthop Res changes. J Rheumatol;1999;26:2431–7.
Correspondence to: Associate Professor 1996;14:289–95. 17 Felson DT, Lawrence RC, Dieppe PA, et al.
Cicuttini, 3rd Floor, 553 St Kilda Rd, 9 Wada M, Maezawa Y, Baba H, et al. Osteoarthritis: new insights. Part 1. The
Melbourne, Vic 3001, Australia; Relationships among bone mineral densities, disease and its risk factors. Ann Intern Med static alignment and dynamic load in paients 2000;133:635–46.
with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis. 18 Sharma L, Lou C, Felson DT, et al. Laxity in
Rheumatology 2001;40:499–505. healthy and osteoarthritic knees. Arthritis
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