My Personal Interests

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Sumulong, Maryrose V.

Understanding Thy Self

GED0110- SEC 1

An apocalypse is something that a person shouldn’t anticipate because we

really don’t know if this will be destructive to the human world or not. In my previous watching of
documentary about the “end of the world”, I always I ask myself if I would survive in that tragic event. I
really can’t answer the question because I, myself, also don’t know. If I were given the chance to do or
prepare all the things that I need to do before an apocalypse, here are some of my bucket list. By the way,
these goals are usually just short term goals because long term goals is already impossible for me to
achieve it.

My personal interests:

* Visit Santorini, Greece

* Visit the biggest library

* Go for a 2-day hiking

* Stand on top of a mountain

* Spend a night in a treehouse

* Learn to shoot with a gun

* Let go of a floating lantern

* Visit hidden beaches of Philippines

* Have someone win me a giant stuffed animal

* Ride a horse on the beach

* Explore different kinds of cave

Sumulong, Maryrose V.
Understanding Thy Self
GED0110- SEC 1
* Visit a pink sand beach

* Ride a double decker bus in London

* Have a wardrobe I actually like

* See the fireworks in Disney

* Watch the ball drop in New York Time Square

* Go scuba diving

* Ride a camel in the desert

* See the northern lights

* Visit a fish spa

* Sightseeing in the London’s eye

* Visit the 7 wonders of world

* See the great pyramids

* Experience a white Christmas

* Go on a weeklong sleepover with my best friends

* Ride in a transparent boat

* Have a perfect wedding

* Dye my hair with crazy colors

* Sleep on a hammock at the beach

* See a heaven’s trail

* Go to Amsterdam

* Kiss on the beach at a sunset

* Party on a yatch

* Get a small tattoo that means a lot

* Ride in a hot air balloon

Sumulong, Maryrose V.
Understanding Thy Self
GED0110- SEC 1
* Swim with dolphins

* Ride in a helicopter

* Shower in a waterfall

* Walk the great wall china

* Watch baby turtles hatch

* See the mountains in Alaska

* Write a song

* Learn self-defense

* Sleep under the stars

* Design my own dream house

* Send my parents on an amazing vacation

* Plant a tree

It took me a lot of time and effort of thinking on what do I really want to achieve and I made a
long list. If you would ready my, you could definitely say that I am so fond of traveling but in real life
I’ve never been into any country because of financial constraints. These bucket list of mine wouldn’t be
possible without the use of money since living or visiting places around the world is really expensive. I
wanted to achieve this list because I want to just be happy with the simplicity of life. I was expecting that
after the apocalypse, I would be dead so I want to make the most out of it before disappearing. I want to
savor all the richness of life, not having a lot money, but experiencing the beautiful things that God has

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