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Student Number
Surname Thu

Given name Myat Thu


Unit Code
Unit name Communication Research

Enrolment mode Internal / external

Date 18th March 2016

Assessment name Research Proposal Assessment 3

Tutor Jesslyn Lau

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Does young female Singaporeans have realistic expectations of the

quality life after watching Keeping up with the Kardashians?

Done by:

Student Name/ ID No:

Myat Thu(32813747)

Unit Code and Name:

MCC213 Communication Research

Class: C

Unit Coordinator: Kai- Ti Kao

Local Lecturer: Jesslyn Lau

Assignment Name/ Title:

Assessment 3/ Research Proposal Part 2


1. Research Question------------5

2. Available methods & chosen research method-------------5

2.1 Surveys------------6

2.2 Interviews--------------8

2.3 Textual Analysis------------------9

2.4 Chosen Research Method-----------------9

3. Potential ethical issues-----------10

4. Timeline and Budget----------10

4.1 Budget---------------10

4.2 Timeline-----------------13

5. Research Proposal Summary-----------14

6. References----------15

1. Research Question

The research question would be “Does young female Singaporeans have

realistic expectations of the quality life after watching the show: Keeping up with the

Kardashians?” Based on the literature review done in Part 1 of this research proposal,

this topic is mostly significant because it gives the community a wider range of views

and mostly education to the society as well. Moreover, it also basically gives ideas and

knowledge so that they could have a better understanding and provides clarity on

watching these reality shows. Watching reality television shows also displays much of

moral dilemmas as well as having a more immediate and lasting impact on the society

(Peek, 2014) than traditional programming if they interpret behaviors (Staff, 2014) in the

shows as appropriate ways to act in real life situations.

2. Available methods and the chosen research method

From this research topic proposal, it could be seen that there are variety of

research methods accessible for the researchers to choose from. The available

methods and the chosen research methods are mostly, surveys, interviews and textual

analysis. The triangulation of methods would be simultaneous triangulation of

quantitative survey and qualitative in-depth interviews as they are used at the same

time. These three methods identified will help this research to get accurate results from

the participants. Focusing on Weerakkody (2009), the research methods chosen by the

researcher for this research proposal would be involving both the qualitative and

quantitative methods which are; online surveys, in-depth interviews and mainly the

textual analysis. These three methods are suitable to use because they always keep

changing and updating information between the researchers and the respondents.

Without changing and updating information in the research methods, the researchers

and the respondents would not know what is happening in various circumstances and

also as well as having false information, analyzing and the collection of wrong data

which leads to inaccuracy.

2.1 Surveys

Survey is a form of quantitative method. For the survey, it is very important to

carry out this research because it creates the outline and it needs to be accurate and

involve the following steps such as, developing the survey instrument or questionnaire

so that the target audience can understand and answer easily without having

anomalous results. Using survey will be efficient for this study as it reduces time and the

efficiency of price. In addition, survey research runs minimal risks of compromising

necessary and relevant data (Wyse, 2012). It is also suitable because large amounts of

data can be collected from large samples and large populations in a cost-effective way

(Sapsford, 2006). The survey analyses details such as the emotion for watching these

shows were for hobbies and for enjoyment. For this research, it would be using an

online survey (Wyse, 2012) because the advantage is that, it is more precise which

means that, the limitations of the inaccuracy is greatly decreased with the online

surveys because the number of the respondents get in their feedback straight into the

structure. Another reason is that, the common methods (Sarah, 2012) depend on the

concentration and attentiveness of the respondents to enter all the necessary

information correctly, and typically it should try to avoid human’s error. Online survey is

much more effective because it tries to minimize time for both the researcher and the

respondents; as for the respondents, they can respond to the online survey

questionnaires at any time.

The justification for this method is that, it tries to construct the survey outline, by

choosing a representation of the selected group of respondents and lastly carrying out

the survey in an efficient manner in order the get the best possible data from the

respondents. The disadvantage for the online survey method is that the participants

might not be classified under sample size (unrepresented), whilst online is limited to

participants with internet access and technical failures. Moreover, it may be given

feedback (Deren, 2013) by those out of the area of destinated community, emerging in

evidences corruption as well as decreasing amount of feedback results in

unrepresentative samples. In my research topic proposal, the online survey could be

used to collect feedback results and other data and information from the respondents.

The collection of data through surveys are suitable as they are accomplished, useful

and generalized. For this topic of research, the target audience for this research topic

would be involving of young female Singaporeans of aged 18 years old to 50 years old;

a generalized online survey questionnaire would be required for them to answer.

2.2 Interviews

Interview is a form of qualitative method. For this research topic the chosen

method will be interview. Each interview would take at least half an hour to conduct this

research. The justification of choosing this method is that the data collected are

qualitative in nature and the opinions expressed by various interviewees are analysed

according to common themes and sub-themes of opinions, either manually by using

pattern coding. This method is good because it tries to give more precise possibilities.

Moreover, for this research topic, it would be using in-depth interviews. The advantages

of using in-depth interview (Wyse, 2014) is that, it can seize the attention of the

respondents affection and performance. Another benefit is that (Chamberlain, 2015),

the in-depth interview manage targeting which means that the reporter is the only one

that has force over the conversation and also it can manage the reporter to target and

on the right path to finish. In-depth interviews can be in-the-moment and are

complimentary from industrial disturbances. The disadvantages of the in-depth interview

is that, the in-depth interview depends on the amount of currency meaning (Wyse,

2014) that it needs a team to manage the interview which means that it will have to

spend more on groups costs. Moreover, it needs to make restriction on the proportion of

sampling (Opdenakker, 2006). This is because if there are more respondents than

expected within the same area, the price will likely rise.

The justification for choosing this in-depth interview is that, the information

collected from the in-depth interview are subjective in quality and need to be

investigated correctly.

2.3 Textual Analysis

Textual Analysis is the process of connection the researchers used to represent

and view the elements of a listed or visual information. It is mainly used to represent

contents, format and the usage of information involving in the wording. For the textual

analysis (Hoover, 2013), the method that would be using is discourse analysis because

it clearly investigates the quality of expressions and the usage of conversations in an

information, showing how an issue or subject gets ‘talked about’ in media or other

content. It also mainly examines (Fatimam, 2012) how the central arguments of a

wording are directly connected to the theory and the reasons of the invention of the

information and the institutions they possess to (Thwaites, 2002). This method is

chosen for this research because it targets primarily on communal issues, it does not

generally target to represent discourse systems; it also tries to justify them in terms of

social communication and social systems.

2.4 Final Chosen Research Method

From all of the research methods discussed above, the final chosen research

method would be an online survey. As this method is reliable and easy for the

researcher to use and could have more accurate results. Firstly, it is necessary to

prioritise the information that you want to learn from the public in the survey. Secondly,

it is important to create your own questions such as using the likert scale questions.

Then, take the answers from the respondents within a limited time and enter your data.

Finally, try to analyse and summarize the data. Moreover, a summary of findings will be

done. The target audiences for doing this online survey would be young female

Singaporeans through emails to conduct this research.

3. Potential ethical issues

Ethical issues are essential that the researcher does the right thing while making

his or her research. It is also necessary that researches should not have any threats to

the participants. In the stage of doing the research, it is important for the members to

engage freely. The data presented to the participants should also be sheltered to

prevent from any cause or damage. Personal identities and their comments should be

saved as unidentified to strengthen the highest participation level during the research.

During the collection of data and analysis stage, judgment should be made without

particular tendency. Fairness is another way for the data collection in order not to have

any anonymous data collection. Before the process of doing research, it is necessary to

double check whether the research is on the right framework.

4. Timeline and Budget

For this topic research, it will take three months to carry out this research topic. It

will also be gathering the data using online surveys to get accurate data results and

information from the respondents.

4.1 Budget

10 | P a g e
Activity Details Duration Cost
Research on - Basic research 1 Week NIL

the Topic and on the topic and

Methodology methodology.
Broadcasting - Broadcasting 2 Weeks $100

Live of Reality LIVE of Reality

TV Shows. TV Shows to

connect with the

Creating - Creating Survey 1 Week NIL

Survey Questionnaire

Questionnaire and other

and methods for

Instruments discussion.

needed for

Selection of - Select 2 Weeks NIL

Participants Participants of

each group


- Need to tell the

participants time

and place.
Establishing - To produce 2 Weeks $150

series of reality more and more

TV Shows. new series of

11 | P a g e
reality television

Materials and - Writing 1 Week $60

Refreshments. Materials.

- Light


for the

Checking - Researcher are 1 Week NIL

essential that all

the participants

are informed of

the right timing.

Analysing and - Data will be 2 Weeks NIL

Summarizing collected by the

Data researchers.
Total $310


4.2 Timeline

Activity Week
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 12 13 14 1 16

0 5
Research on

the Topic and

12 | P a g e

Live of the

Reality TV






needed for

Selection of


series of

reality TV

Materials and

Analysing and



5. Research Proposal Summary

13 | P a g e
Mentioning in the first part of the proposal, it also tells more about that people

(Zala, 2015) are devoting most of their times watching these reality television shows

and such that compared to individuals and groups of people watching reality television,

the individuals are more likely to watch to achieve the needs for togetherness due to

less level of social interactivity. The objective research for this research proposal is to

find out whether young female Singaporeans have realistic expectations of the quality

life after watching reality TV Shows. So, the research question would be: Does young

female Singaporeans have realistic expectations of the quality life after watching

Keeping up with the Kardashians?

This research topic is mainly done by using an online survey, in-depth interview

and textual analysis. By having an online survey, the results getting from the

participants are dependable. Online survey is a type of positivist paradigm because it is

a quantitative method based on sampling. The target audience for this research is 18

years to 50 years old of Singaporeans females because most of them devote their time

mostly on reality television shows. An online survey will be doing in this research.

During the research, the respondents have the right to speak out their views and

opinions and any feedback to have better analysis of the results.

6. References Lists

14 | P a g e
Works Cited

Chamberlain, Dr. Andrew. 3 Reasons Tough Interviews Are Good for You. 2015.
for-you_b_8492966.html (accessed November 06, 2015).

Deren, Rafal. Is an Online Survey Right For You: Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Survey
Formats. 2013
advantages-and-disadvantages-of-different-survey-formats/ (accessed August 07, 2013).

E.Wyse, Susan. The 4 Main Reasons to Conduct Surveys. 2012.

main-reasons-conduct-surveys/ (accessed June 29, 2012).

E.Wyse, Susan. Advantages and Disadvantages of Face to Face Data Collection. n.d.
(accessed October 15, 2014).

Fatimam. Textual Analysis vs. Contextual Analysis. 2012. (accessed
January 30, 2012).

Hoover, David L. Textual Analysis. 2013.

(accessed 2013).

Opdenakker, Raymond. Advantages and Disadvantages of Four Interview Techniques in Qualitative

Research. 2006
(accessed September 2006).

Peek, Holly. The Impact Of Reality TV On Our Teens and what can parents do. 2014.
parents/ (accessed August 11, 2014).

Staff, NPR. Watching Reality TV Can Impact Real-Life Behavior. 2014.
real-life-behavior (accessed August 24, 2014).

Thwaites, T, Davis, L & Mules, W 2002. Introducing cultural and media studies. Palgrave, New York.

Volcic, Zala, and Karmen Erjavec. 2015. WATCHING PINK REALITY TV: Gendered commercial ethno-
nationalism in bosnia and herzegovina. Feminist Media Studies 15, (1): 74, http://0- (accessed
February 3, 2016).

Weerakkody,Niranjala. 2009. Research Methods for Media and Communication.

15 | P a g e
Oxford University Press.

Sarah Mae Sincero. Advantages and Disadvantages of Surveys. 2012. March 18, 2012).

16 | P a g e

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