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Culture or Globalisation


In today’s world, as the modern technology had advanced, more and more devices were

being introduced to the society as a result for convenience use and for the purpose of

communication process. Both the culture and globalization could have positive effects and

negative effects on the society as well. Culture (Daniel, 2014) can be defined as race or religion

of different people in different countries. It is also the way of different lifestyles in different

countries in where they adapt to the nearby areas. It can also be depending what your interests

are and it is also assumed that there are also no homogenous religion. Culture can sometimes

be good because different people living in different countries can also be used to observe each

other’s country’s culture to know the changes and the way and lifestyles they are living or

adapting to the surroundings they are in. Hence, on the other hand, culture can be observed in-

depth within the society as well as also outside the world while globalisation can only be

observed just outside the world. Culture can be observed such as anthropology and

ethnography which means the study of groups of people such as religion, ethnicity and dilect

group as well as the study of methods within the community. Globalisation can also be viewed

as cosmopolitan which means familiar with and at ease in many different countries and cultures.


Globalisation is the changing of technologies and methods (Art Carden, 2008) which are

being influenced to the world. The tools and methods are influencing in everyday daily routine

(Daniel, 2014). It includes dealing with the public relations while culture does not include dealing

with the public relations. Globalisation means, it is like living in a small village of the world. It

also makes connection with the reality world to let the society know what is happening in which

area on time. Globalisation means, it is a mechanism of communication and assimilation among

the communities, management of businesses and association, states of variety of population. It

is also a system directed by global commerce and supported by many different types of

technology as in today’s world whereas culture is the process of belief, customs and communal

attitude in the group of community. Globalisation can reach the information within a short period

of time to the target audience because networks could quickly captured the images and send to

the media on time. Comparing between culture and globalisation, it is like two step flow theory

which means that the information are directly being sent to mass media for analyzing and then

to the opinion leaders and finally to the target audiences. By having more and more new

advanced technology, people are able to get to know the unknown information by obtaining from

different places. For culture, there can be arguments between person to person (Daniel, 2014).

Globalisation is better than culture because people tend to know things easily within a

short limited period of time. Both the globalisation and culture, gives us more about in-depth

analysis of the information as well as to the community. One of the effects which is related

between globalisation and the culture is the transmission of schooling in different countries. For

example, if the society in Singapore prefers to go to another country for gaining new skills, it is

better that these people can learn new experiences and cultures in which they may find it

different in his or her local country. If the person is interested, he or she can even receive a field

in discussions that is not primitive to his or her own country as well as also the transmission of

knowledge to the home country. Globalisation is necessary for the community (Mondal, 2012)

because it gives community the aid in receiving global acceptance, impact as well as

transaction. The positive effects of globalisation is the rising of media analysis aids in

persuading against other countries where the civil rights are disrupted for the advantages of the

affluent and energetic people. This could head towards to changes in the civil rights (Panos,

2011). The negative effects of globalisation is that the society possessing to different skills and

countries getting an opportunity to connect with each other, it could lead to a catastrophe in

maintaining attitudes and ethics.

In Globalisation, without the communication process as well as the devices, people

would not have known the information on time as well as the reaching of the information could

be delayed. People also would not have greater awareness (Mehdi, 2013) on their surroundings

as well. Globalisation is used to know about how our world is changing day by day and to be

able to know and get along well with the surroundings changes.

Globalisation can make the world change (Rick Wartzman, 2013) into a small village due

to the development of new devices. Advances in the telecommunications infrastructure, from the

rise of the telegraph and its modern offspring, the Internet, and mobile phones, have been major

factors in globalisation. The world is becoming interconnected (Pagel, 2014) day by day. The

term globalisation can sometimes be not an opportunity but also a challenge. The world is also

connected every day by the internet, by pop culture media and by international travel.


For the culture, the positive effects (Rahim, 2012) are it is mainly comprised of four main

components which are creativity, respect, communication and participation. This is because

without these components, we might not be able to know each other’s culture effectively. These

four main components lead to a good culture to different society in different countries. For the

creativity, it is needed because every objection of the prospective should be maintained

creatively. This is because without that the generations would not have remained. For respect, it

is the way to express ideas, thoughts and education because it is probable to escape the

repetition of fault and gives more education to the society. Communication is the most important

process for the culture because it allows the society to notice what is necessary, to pass on

knowledge, ideas and thoughts and to carry out the responsibility. Participation is necessary

due to the involvement of planning and strategizing.

The negative effects of these four components are resignation or rejection could reduce

the level of participation. Higher level of defensiveness could also lead to lower level of

communication process. Irrelevant judgment also put an end on creativity. Open defiance wipe

out the level of respectivity. Culture has never been stationary in a state of immobility or unusual

even in older times. Sometimes, culture can also have the competition of racism from person to

person and it should be carefully controlled. For example, the culture such as water pot in other

countries remaining in the olden days now had already vanished due to the replacement and

advancement of new technologies due to globalisation.

Negative effects of globalisation on culture is the factor of language used in the public.

For culture, language (Josh, 2015) plays a major basic role. By looking from the side of

globalisation, it marginalizes some languages and could even cause some languages to vanish

out. For instance, English Language is the most commonly widely used language which helps it

out to communicate between person to person effectively and efficiently. So, it is very important

that culture should not loose the opportunity of maintaining some usage of the languages.


The relationship between culture and globalisation (Mehdi, 2013) are developmental

agreement, customization and transformation which means culture faces globalisation and

accepts new culture and loses its own. In conclusion, both the globalisation and culture are

essential to the society because these two factors contribute convenience for the community as

well as the surroundings as well. Globalisation also makes the society keeping to stay in touch

with the current information to keep alert and have awareness on our environment what is

happening these days. It also makes the society keeping with up to date information in order to

live in equality with new era. The same also applies in culture as well. People should try to

maintain (Art Carden, 2008) only for culture because it is necessary that if the culture is not

maintain carefully, people would not have known what culture had been carried out in the olden

days and this culture should also be passing out to generations by generations. Culture and

globalisation should also be modernized as they are always changing among the society and

they likely need to be informed to the society to live in equality with new age.

References Lists

Works Cited

Bersin, Josh. Culture Why It is the hottest topic In business today. 2015
business-today/#2715e4857a0b6144b370b6e2 (accessed March 13, 2015).

Carden, Art. Does Globalization Destroy Culture. 2008 (accessed July 08, 2008).

Golebiewski, Daniel. Religion and Globalization New Possibilities and Furthering Challenges. 2014
challenges/ (accessed July 16, 2014).

Mourdoukoutas, Panos. The Good, the bad, and the ugly side of globalization. 2011
ugly-side-of-globalization/#2715e4857a0b4ad6fcaf3c21 (accessed September 10, 2011).

Pagel, Mark. Does globalisation mean it will become one culture? 2014 (accessed November 18, 2014).

Rahim, Mondal Sekh. Interrogating Globalization and Culture in Anthropological Perspective the Indian
Experience . 2012 (accessed May 2012).

Sanaei, Mehdi. Globalization and Multi-Culturalism and A Shift of Concepts and Principles. 2013
and-principles (accessed April 15, 2013).

Wartzman, Rick. What Globalization Really Means. 2013

globalization-really-means/ (accessed October 23, 2013).


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