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In today’s modernized world, it is very important to have public relations on a

nation-building campaign because with that the society could be persuaded to

participate and form a larger and stronger group on a nation-building campaign in order

to have more development and maintain stronger on building a nation campaign.

Without having the influence of the public relations on a nation-building campaign, the

community would not be able to know the updated information on time and they would

not be able to know what is happening in various circumstances.

The relationship between the public relations and the building of a nation, it is

said to have fixed on the coordinated relations and also to illustrate a communication-

centered, participatory way for developing the national relationships in the global states.

It is also said that developing the relationships between the public relations based on a

nation-building campaign is not as easy as always (Marina, 2002) because it usually

initiated with putting much efforts, requiring more time and in terms of persuading for the

interests for the community to come and participate in order to build it more successful.

The terms, ‘Public Relations’ and ‘Nation-Building’ with regards to ‘Nation-

Building’, means that it indicates to the mechanism of building or managing a communal

personality applying with the capability of the state. This procedure targets at the

consolidation of the society within the state so that it remains politically stationary and

workable in the long run. For the ‘Public Relations’, it means that, it is the management

of communication between an organization and its publics ( Grunig & Hunt, 1984).

Without the public relations impacting on the building of nations campaign and the

factors mainly, power and unity in the community, it could be said that the nation cannot

be move forward and develop in unity and might result in conflicts. This essay will be

further discussing about the roles and impact of the public relations on a nation-building

campaign such as SG50 organisation.

Roles and Impact of Public Relations on a Nation-building campaign

The roles of the public relations on a Nation-building campaign (Stephenson,

2005) are mainly the communication process, advising the important and necessary

issues, organizing as well as also by having the strategic management. Without having

the communication process, the society would not be able to communicate with each

other and they would not have known the exact and updated information on time.

Advising is also an important process so that the society can have a better

understanding and getting a better image on the understanding of what they are trying

to do based on the nation-building campaign.

The process of organizing and the strategic management; it will help the society

and the organizations gain more success (Stephenson, 2005) and the society will be

able to gain more participation in those organizations. Moreover, this essay will be

mainly discussing and elaborating about the roles and impacts of the public relations on

a nation-building campaign as well as giving the analysis on the communication

between public relations and nation-building campaign. Furthermore, it will also be

telling more on how the public relations have carried out on the nation-building

campaign in its communal and how powerful it is which could be created in building

relations between the citizens in Singapore.

The purpose of doing this public relations based on a nation-building campaign

(Marina, 2002) is to encourage the community to participate strongly in this campaign

as well as also to gain and have better knowledge, ideas and understandings on what

they are doing in the situation.

The impact of the public relations on a nation-building campaign is that, it could

gain more success and more developmental in order to build a stronger nation

campaign. Another impact of the public relations on building a nation campaign is that, it

needs more power and unity from the community in order to be successful. The roles of

public relations on a nation-building campaign is to capture and analyses the particular

society’s attention on how the communication activities are used which is different from

other countries of public relations regarding with applying mass media to set up a

favorable emotion among the community towards associations and their developments

of programs ( Munshi & Kurian, 2005). Lastly, it promotes a change in the public

relations at associations level beyond releasing the information, towards the

approaches where the practices of communication might provide the certain issues and

interests of the citizens in the country as well as also where the practitioners inspired

the action which build up permission and participation ( Pal & Dutta, 2008; Tufte, 2005;

Martinez, 2007; Tilson & Alozie, 2004).

There are also both positive and negative roles based on the public relations on

building nation campaigns. The analysis of the positive roles are that, in terms of the

relationship between the public relations and nation-building campaign, it is essential to

have genuine and commonly helpful relations with the person rather than with the

organizations via the gatherings and clear determination which makes the system as a

means to contribute the framework in order for the communal to participate in the

activity. By having genuinely and commonly helpful relations and minds (Marina, 2002),

it could be proven that the society could show the strength to develop cohesion,

sophistication and the grasp in terms on the public relations of nation-building. The

analysis of the negative roles of the public relations on a nation-building campaign is

that, it will not be able to form a tightly knit community and nation. This is because it

requires more younger generations with a discipline, with a confidence and finally with a

strength to encourage the younger generations to participate and also as well as to

stand up for its rights to take on whatever challenges that will be facing and coming

through the way.

In connection with the public relations to the nation-building campaign, it had

been analyzed and found out that SG50 was a result of an effective coordinated

campaign that involves a series of the connection actions, the engagement of the

activities that is within the settlement of the information of the public relations.


To sum up, this essay has already drawn out a theoretical framework for the

public relations in connection with the nation-building campaign. The analysis provides

that to improve public relations for a nation-building campaign, it requires an

understanding of the social aspects as well. In this essay, it tells us that, the public

relations could create a relation constructing among the community and various factors.

In relation to the relationship with the public relations and nation-building campaign, the

most likely factor is mutual relationship. This is because building relationships could

enhance a nation-state and developing all the standard living of the society in each


In addition, the public relations that locates control back in the hands of the

society would produce a more straightforward, supportive nation. It should also try to

maintain the relationship and cooperation between nation-building campaign and the

public relations in order to pass it from generations to generations. This is also

necessary in order to give education and practical about having the relationship and

cooperation to the society. By looking at this essay, it tells us that without having unity,

there would not be strength which influences the public relations and nation-building

campaign. Between the nation-building campaign and the public relations (Taylor &

Kent, 2006, p.308), it is important and essential to have stationary social and intergroup

relationships, and the need to advance as a nation state and applicable to our current

society. Also, without having the influence of public relations and relationship on nation-

building campaign, there would not be stability in a country or state due to its leading to

more arguments and conflicts ranging from various societies.

References Lists

Works Cited
Grunig and Hunt. (1984). What is Public Relations? Retrieved 1984, from What is Public Relations?:

Munshi, D. and Kurian P. (2005) ‘Imperializing Spin Cycles: A Postcolonial Look at Public Relations,
Greenwashing, and the Separation of Publics’, Public Relations Review, 31: 513-20.

Martinez, Jr.,B. (2007) ‘Emerging Cultural Paradigm in Public Relations Strategies for Social Change’,
paper presented at the International Communication Association, San Francisco, May 2007.

Pal, M. & Dutta, M. (2008) ‘Public Relations in a Global Context: The Relevance of Critical Modernism as
a Theoretical Lens’, Journal of Public Relations Research, 20: 159-79.

Stephenson, C. (2005). Nation Building. Retrieved January 2005, from Beyond Intractability:

Tufte, T. (2005) ‘Communication for Social Change – Struggles for Visibility and Voice, Culture and
Diversity’, paper presented at the International Communication Association Conference, New York, May

Tilson, D. J. & Alozie, E. (Eds) (2004) Toward a Common Good: Perspectives in International Public
Relations. Boston: Pearson.

Taylor, M., & Kent, M. L. (2006). Public Relations theory and practice in nation building. In C.H. Botan &
V. Hazleton (Eds.), Public Relations theory II (pp. 299- 315). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Ottaway, M. (2002). Think Again: Nation Building. Retrieved September 2002, from Global Policy Forum:

PRO385 Essay Assessment Criteria

1 Written expression
.  Writes fluently and develops a logical argument
 Demonstrates technical accuracy in terms of N
punctuation and grammar
2 Relevance to the essay question N
.  Addresses the essay question fully
 Offers comprehensive scope and coverage relevant to
3 Analysis and evaluation N
 Demonstrates outstanding grasp of key concepts,
including public relations and chosen topic
 Demonstrates highly analytical, critical understanding
and interpretation
 Supports claims and conclusion through evidence
presented in essay
4 Research and references N
 Demonstrates outstanding use of evidence and
sources, including MCC385 unit materials
 Uses APA style accurately
5 Structure N
 Offers clear introduction and conclusion
 Develops logical and coherent argument
 Meets word length (1500 words)

Total (25%)
General Comments:

This is a very poor attempt overall. You have not understood the question nor have you
presented a clear idea of your argument.
The case study is hardly looked at. There are just cursory mentions of the campaign without any
details given. Key concepts are not clearly explained nor is there any strong theoretical
framework. Your weak command of the language has made it very difficult to comprehend most
parts of the essay. You need to edit and proofread your essay thoroughly. Make your sentences
simpler and write in your own words. You need to improve your in-text citation and referencing.


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