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Recycling of Organic Waste in the City of


Group No. 4
Submitted to: Jesse Ziter, Lecturer
Date: December 01, 2019

Group Members:

Rashika Padmanabhan Shreyanshkumar Muhammad Azhar

105193885 105162364 105155265

Ajay Krishnan Kevin Patel

105193931 105163950

Group No. 4
Table of Contents

List of Acronyms and Chemical Formulae………………………………………………….i

Executive Summary……………………………………………………………..………..….ii
1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Population Statistics ............................................................................................... 1
1.2 Waste Composition ................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Causes and Effects of Organic Waste .................................................................... 1
1.4 Proposed Solutions ................................................................................................. 2
2 Background and Literature Review ............................................................................... 2
2.1 Biogas Production from Kitchen Waste ................................................................. 2
2.2 Biogas Generation from Agricultural Waste .......................................................... 3
2.3 Composting Using Biodegradable Waste .............................................................. 3
3 Requirements and Criteria ............................................................................................. 4
3.1 Solution Requirements ........................................................................................... 4
3.2 Criteria for Success ................................................................................................ 4
4 Design Solution ................................................................................................................. 5
4.1 Biogas Plant............................................................................................................ 5
4.1.1 Process Flow of Biogas Plant ....................................................................5
4.1.2 Advantages of Biogas Plant ......................................................................7
4.1.3 Limitations of Biogas Plant .......................................................................7
4.2 Composting ............................................................................................................ 7
4.2.1 Steps Involved in the Composting Process ...............................................7
4.2.2 Advantages of Composting .......................................................................9
4.2.3 Limitations of Composting........................................................................9
5 Cost Analysis .................................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Cost Estimation for Biogas Plant ........................................................................... 9
5.2 Cost Estimation for Composting .......................................................................... 10
6 Timeline .......................................................................................................................... 10
6.1 Biogas Plant.......................................................................................................... 10
6.1.1 Phase 1: Pre-fabrication Activities ..........................................................10
6.1.2 Phase 2: Fabrication and Construction of Plant Parts .............................10
6.1.3 Phase 3: Commissioning and Startup ......................................................11
6.2 Composting .......................................................................................................... 11
7 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 11
8 Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 12
9 References ....................................................................................................................... 13

Group No. 4
List of Tables
Table 1 Cost estimate for biogas plant ………………………………………………. 10
Table 2 Timeline for compost ……………………………………………………….. 12

List of Flowcharts
Flowchart 1 A schematic flow diagram of the process involved in biogas production……7
Flowchart 2 Illustrating the process of composting………………………………...…….. 9

Group No. 4
List of Acronyms and Chemical Formulae
CH4 - Methane

CO2 - Carbon dioxide

CHP - Combined Heat and Power

EWSWA - Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority

EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

IRR - Internal Rate of Return

MSW - Municipal Solid Waste

NaOH - Alkaline

pH - Potential of Hydrogen

PW - Paper Waste

Group No. 4 i
Recycling of Organic Waste in the City of Windsor

Executive Summary
This proposal explores the feasibility of recycling organic waste and generating renewable
forms of energy and eco-friendly fuel. It provides a background to the key issues surrounding
organic waste and provides clear evidence to support the implementation of organic waste
collections and alternative treatment methods. This proposal offers basic idea to the Windsor
city council on how to deliver sustainable organic waste management into practice.

The annual waste diversion report from the Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority (EWSWA)
determined that the total waste generated in Windsor-Essex to was 151,653 tonnes, which
comprises of 41% of organic waste and emits 1.9 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases inflicting
severe environmental and socio-economic damages. Poor management of this organic waste
leads to the generation of methane gas, loss of natural resources, human health issues, and
pollution of rivers. Managing organic waste illustrates the impact on the environment, and
sustainable practices could reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Our focus is on recycling, reusing, and reducing organic waste using two primary methods
known as biogas technology and composting, and their potential application on Windsor's
electric and heat energy supply. We also aim to provide the municipality of Windsor a feasible
and affordable alternative method for managing the growing landfills.

Biogas plants can promote sustainable production of renewable energy from agriculture
residues, food, and beverage waste. The end product can be beneficially utilized by fertilizer
manufacturers, nurseries, farmers, and Windsor’s electricity department. The proposed biogas
technology can be implemented within four months, an estimated cost of around $794,379,
which can process about 2,382 tonnes of organic waste annually.

Composting is the recycling of household waste into a valuable soil reformation that contributes
to soil health and can be used as manure for cultivation. The proposed backyard composting
procedure requires approximately ten to twenty days to construct a composting unit based on
the size of the compost pile, which amounts to $4,500 to $13,000.

Our team has proposed the design solution, construction, and procedure for both processes
along with their advantages and limitations.

Group No. 4 ii
1 Introduction
After intensive research of the data analysis based on Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, it
is predicted that accumulation of organic waste would soon be an issue in the city of Windsor.
The primary reason is due to the constant increase in the population along with the inevitable
rise in garbage disposal and other pollutants.

Our team comprises individuals with industrial and research work experience in the fields of
Mechanical, Electrical, and Industrial Engineering. Our group members have also conducted
several studies, specifically on climate changes and pollution during their undergraduate
programs. This experience and knowledge gained helped us in performing useful research on
Windsor waste management, which has an impact on climate change and thus providing a
workable engineering solution.

The primary outcomes of our research follow:

1.1 Population Statistics

The city of Windsor is a popular tourist destination as it is near to the U.S. city of Detroit
across the Detroit River. The city is also recognized for its automotive industry and cultural
diversity [1]. According to the census performed in 2016, the population has risen since
2011 from 319,246 to 329,144 in the Windsor and Essex County [3]. Windsor is tied for
the third fastest-growing city in Canada, with a 2.5 percent population increase annually,
according to the latest census data released by Statistics Canada [2].

1.2 Waste Composition

In 2010, Windsor and Essex County residents generated 153,8193 tonnes of waste and
recycled approximately 38.5% (59,229 tonnes) through various waste management
programs. The waste composition consisted mainly of organic materials (41%), other
refuse (22%), recyclable paper (20%), and different recyclable types of material (18%) [4].

Each resident in Windsor generates approximately 140 kilograms of wasted food per year
– at the cost of more than $1,100 per year. The Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority
(EWSWA) is responsible for the overall management of solid waste and recycling [5]. The
primary sources for organic waste generation are municipal solid waste, industrial solid
waste, agricultural waste, and wastewaters [7]. Approximately 50% of Windsor-Essex
garbage comprises organic waste [6].

1.3 Causes and Effects of Organic Waste

Landfills are the places where the municipality of Windsor disposes all kinds of waste, which
results in the emission of landfill gases. These gases are produced due to bacterial break
down that occurs on organic waste, which comprises 90 to 98% of methane and carbon
dioxide and 2% to 10% of various other gases.

Group No. 4 1
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that landfills are the third-leading
cause of methane gas emissions into the environment, thus affecting the climate adversely
[8]. The amount of these gases generated depends on the various factors of the waste present
in the landfill, such as the age of the landfill, oxygen content, the amount of moisture, and
temperature [9].

Currently, Windsor does not have an organic waste collection plan and has no proper facility
for processing organic waste [10]. Prevention of these greenhouse gases in Windsor is
necessary to restrain detrimental effects such as global warming, ozone layer depletion, and
temperature rise.

1.4 Proposed Solutions

Necessary action must be taken towards waste management such that it improves health and
creates a clean environment. Hence, we are focusing on improving waste management in
Windsor by converting organic waste into a renewable energy source through biogas
generation and composting, which can be an effective and efficient way to deal with this

2 Background and Literature Review

The National Waste Council conducted an analysis of household waste in Canada in 2017 and
categorized it as follows:

 Non-preventable waste: Manure, sewage, animal slaughter, and garden waste [11]
 Preventable waste: Uneaten vegetables, fruits, and cooked food leftovers [11]

The most effective way to reduce organic waste is by converting the waste mentioned above
into biogas or compost. The conversion of organic waste into biogas takes place in an
anaerobic environment, which results in the end product that can be used as fuel for the
generation of energy. Composting occurs in an aerobic condition which involves the
decomposition of household waste. The various factors that have to be considered for the
process mentioned above are raw material, temperature, microorganisms, space, time, and
budget [12].

A few relevant literature surveys on organic waste management are listed below:

2.1 Biogas Production from Kitchen Waste

Ravi Agrahari and Tiwari researched that kitchen waste is the best input for biogas
production in a community level biogas plant. Biogas is produced when bacteria degrade
organic matter in the absence of air, which contains around 55-65% of methane and 30-
40% of carbon dioxide. The gas can effectively be utilized for the generation of power
through a biogas-based power-generation system after dewatering and purification of the
gas. Additionally, the slurry produced in the process provides valuable organic manure for
farming and sustaining soil fertility [13].

Group No. 4 2
2.2 Biogas Generation from Agricultural Waste

A survey (conducted by the students of A. Abubakar College of Engineering) was done to

ascertain the amount of biogas that can be generated various forms of feedstock. A
practical laboratory-scale experimental design using agricultural waste was performed to
find out the effects of alkaline (NaOH) on the volume of biogas generated using a mixture
of pineapple, banana, and orange peelings as the feedstock [14].

Results obtained reveals a high volume of gas generated when the operating conditions
inside the digester are maintained at the moderately alkaline condition (pH > 7). Further
findings also show that the digester temperature remained within the range of 27°C to
35.5°C throughout the experiment [14].

2.3 Composting Using Biodegradable Waste

Buba Apagu Ankidawa and Emmanuel Nwodo from Modibbo Adama University of
Technology (Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering) at Yola,
Nigeria, proposed this research on composting techniques. The primary aim was to recycle
household biodegradable waste. Mixtures of organic materials were recycled by
decomposing them under a controlled environmental condition.

The initial moisture content for the compost mixture for both wet and dry materials was
computed. The dry materials were weighed as they were collected and found to weigh 18
kg with an average moisture content of 34.9% and a chosen moisture goal of 50%.

The compost mixture was scaled down to half its quantity for easy turning with an optimal
environmental condition. The adequate proportion of both the dry and wet material were
used to meet the required Carbon/Nitrogen (C/N) ratio, and an appropriate volume of air
in the pore spaces of the compost pile and microbial decomposition was initiated. At the
end of the decomposition, a stabilized organic matter which can be used as a fertilizer
supplement by horticulturists, landscapers, orchardists, farmers, etc., was obtained [15].

Group No. 4 3
3 Requirements and Criteria
The municipality of Windsor must consider the following requirements for the proper disposal
of organic waste and criteria for the success of the project.

3.1 Solution Requirements

 Minimum, one acre of useable land, is required for a medium-scale biogas plant, which
can process about 2,500 tonnes of organic waste annually [16].
 The plant must be located within a minimum distance of one kilometer from the nearest
residential area [16].
 There should be ease of access for transportation to the city of Windsor, Essex,
Leamington [16].
 For composting, the backyard area must be a minimum of 500 square feet.
 The reduction of 50% of organic waste from landfills and greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere must be achieved within five years after the completion of the project.
 Proper segregation and collection of organic waste in industrial and residential areas
must be followed.

3.2 Criteria for Success

The following criteria will determine the success of the proposed solutions (biogas plant
and composting):

 For the biogas plant, a minimum of 20% internal rate of return (IRR) must be achieved
over ten years [16].
 Based on the cost analysis, both these processes are estimated to be cost-effective.
 Implementation of the proposed solution is expected to be successfully completed
within the planned schedule.
 It is expected that a minimum 50% of landfills should be reduced within five years
after the installation of biogas plants and by the usage of composting techniques.

Group No. 4 4
4 Design Solution
The team has proposed two solutions for the decomposition of organic waste efficiently:

 Biogas plant
 Composting

4.1 Biogas Plant

Biogas is a type of biofuel produced naturally from the decomposition of organic waste.
When organic waste, such as food scraps, animal manure, wastewater, and sewage, breaks
down in an anaerobic environment (without the presence of oxygen), it produces gases
such as methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). These gases are primarily known as
biogases, and the process is also known as anaerobic respiration. Due to the high content
of methane in biogas (typically 50%-75%), it is flammable, and therefore produces a deep
blue flame and can be used as an energy source [17].

4.1.1 Process Flow of Biogas Plant

The various parts and working principle of a biogas plant are explained below: Mixing Tank

Organic waste is fed into the mixing tank unit of the biogas plant, and this
mixture is known as the substrate [18]. Digester Tank

The digester tank is also known as the fermenter. The chemical breakdown of
organic waste into a smaller substance by bacteria, yeast, or other
microorganisms is known as fermentation, and this process takes place inside
the digester tank. The fermenter is heated approximately to 38-40 °C, and the
decomposition of the substrate takes place under the exclusion of light and
oxygen by microorganisms.

The final product after fermentation comprises methane and carbon dioxide and
traces of hydrogen sulfide [18]. Hydrogen sulfide causes corrosion to the parts
of the tank and emits a bad odour, so it is recommended to remove it from the
output obtained after fermentation [19]. Fermentation Residue Storage Tank

The substrate obtained after fermentation is pumped into the residue storage tank
for further process. The residue is also called the digestate, and it can be utilized
as a high-quality fertilizer and a soil conditioner. The fermentation residue
usually has a higher nutritional value than manure and is less odorous. The
digested substrate is passed through screw presses for dewatering and then

Group No. 4 5
subjected to solar drying and conditioning to give high-quality organic fertilizer
[18]. Combined Heat and Power Unit

The gaseous output of the biogas plant is collected at the roof of the tank. It is
then passed through the combined heat and power (CHP) unit for generating
heat and electricity. The electric power generated is directly fed to the power
grid, and the heat generated can be utilized to increase the temperature of the
buildings, to dry firewood, or to dry harvest products such as grain. Also, after
the proper purification of biogas, it can be used as a clean, renewable transport
fuel [18].

For a small-scale biogas unit installed in homes, the gas generated is directly
connected to a pipe and can be used for cooking [17]. The construction and
working principle of the biogas plant is explained based on the below flowchart.

Organic Waste

Mixing Tank

Digester Tank or

Residue Biogas

Combined heat and
Residue strorage
power Unit

By-product Production of Heat

/Fertilizer and Electrical Energy

Flowchart 1: A schematic flow diagram of the process involved in biogas production

Group No. 4 6
4.1.2 Advantages of Biogas Plant

The benefits of a biogas plant are as follows:

 Biogas is eco-friendly: The process produces a clean source of energy. The gas
is non-polluting, which helps in reducing the greenhouse effect, and the raw
materials used are renewable and safe [20].
 Reduction of soil pollution: Helps in clearing the overflowing landfills
effectively and avoid the flow of toxic liquid substances to the underground water
 Produces organic fertilizers: The by-product of the biogas generation process is
a high-quality fertilizer, which is a perfect supplement to chemical fertilizers [20].
 Ease of implementation: The technology used to produce biogas is economical.
It is easy to set up and requires little investment when it is implemented on a small
scale [20].

4.1.3 Limitations of Biogas Plant

The constraints of the biogas plant are:

 Biogas contains impurities: If not properly refined, the contaminants present in
biogas can corrode metal parts and eventually lead to high maintenance costs [20].
 Effect of temperature on biogas production: Optimum temperature at which
bacteria decompose organic waste is 38-40 °C, but during the winter season, a
huge amount of heat energy is required to attain this temperature. It will be a
concern in Windsor [20].

4.2 Composting

Composting is an aerobic (in the presence of oxygen) method of decomposing organic

matter into a humus-like material, known as compost. Humus is a dark, organic material
that is formed in soil during plant and animal matter decomposition.

Compost is an excellent fertilizer for soil. All organic waste, except dairy products, fish,
bone, meat, pet waste, and chemically treated plants, are used for composting [21]. All the
organic waste involved in composting is known as a compost pile.

4.2.1 Steps Involved in the Composting Process

 Select a suitable location for composting. The backyard is the best choice for this
process since an unpleasant odour can be generated from the compost.
 Dig a hole in the ground, based on the size of the compost pile, and plaster the
inner circumference with cement.

Group No. 4 7
 Now layering of the compost pile must be done. The first layer is the bare earth
itself. A layer of twigs is provided on the top of the pile to help with drainage and
aeration. Now, we need to add alternate layers of moist and dry organic matter.
 Always water the pile to maintain the required moisture content. Once the
collection is sufficient, close it with a lid made up of plastic, wood, or any similar
 Remember to turn the pile every few weeks to provide enough oxygen supply
required for the process [21].
 This process will take around four to six months to produce compost [21].

The steps involved in composting is explained based on the flowchart below:

Organic Waste
Leaves / Grass
Fruits / Vegetables
Kitchen Waste
Woody Materials

Water and Air

Carbon dioxide

Manure / Compost

Flowchart 2: Illustrating the process of composting

Group No. 4 8
4.2.2 Advantages of Composting

 Compost bins are easy to construct and economical [21].

 It helps in conditioning, aerating, and retaining moisture in the soil, which assists
in plant growth [21].
 It is environmentally responsible as it reduces landfill wastes and provides an
alternative to chemical fertilizers [21].
4.2.3 Limitations of Composting

 The main disadvantage of composting is the unpleasant odour released during the
process and the difficulty in controlling it [21].
 Increase tendency towards attraction of pests (rats, racoons, rodents, skunks, etc.)
into the residential environments.
 It is economical for small scale production [21].

5 Cost Analysis

5.1 Cost Estimation for Biogas Plant

The cost analysis is carried out for a biogas plant that processes 2,382 tonnes of organic
waste annually and produces 5 GWh/year of energy.

S.No. Required Items and Process Cost (CAD)

1. Feasibility study 18,900
2. Design and Engineering 93,780
3. Training and Commissioning 10,800
4. Mixer tank, Digester tank, Residue storage tank, Gas holder 285,840
5. Power system (CHP unit) 186,750
6. Mechanical equipment and Pipework 98,595
7. Building and Yard 60,000
8. Contingencies or Future changes 37,734
9. Interest during construction 1,980
Total 794,379

Table 1: Cost estimate for a biogas plant [22].

The cost involved in setting up 7,125 GWh/year of energy by coal-fired power plants is
1.59 billion CAD [23]. Whereas, for processing 75,000 tonnes of organic waste produced
in Windsor and Essex County, produces 150 GWh/year energy using a biogas plant, which
costs around 24 million CAD.

Group No. 4 9
5.2 Cost Estimation for Composting

 The price for essential equipment required for setting up compost is; Shovel ($50),
Gloves ($20), Mask ($4), Safety Shoes ($70) and cement bag ($50 per 40 kg) [25].
 For large quantities, it may also be necessary to consider additional costs such as
delivery and equipment rental [24].
 A backyard compost constructed by family members, made on flat soil with concrete
and closed with a roof will cost around $4,500 to $13,000 based on the size of the
compost pile [26].
Note: All the prices mentioned above are in Canadian dollars.

6 Timeline
6.1 Biogas Plant

Biogas project will be implemented in three phases:

 Pre-fabrication activities
 Fabrication and construction of plant parts
 Commission and start-up

6.1.1 Phase 1: Pre-fabrication Activities

The proposed design will be approved by the municipality of Windsor, and

collectively, the below activities can be completed with a month duration.

 Design approval
 Budget approval
 Project plan
 Material procurement

6.1.2 Phase 2: Fabrication and Construction of Plant Parts

Construction of the following plant parts and setting up of the entire biogas unit will
take up to two months.

 Mixing tank
 Digester tank
 Fermentation residue storage tank
 Combined heat and power unit
 Pipeline from biogas plant to consumer site

Group No. 4 10
6.1.3 Phase 3: Commissioning and Startup

Commissioning and startup of the biogas plant are expected to be completed within
one month. It involves the trial run of the entire process from feed intake until the
generation of electric power.

The entire project implementation is anticipated to be completed in four months' time


6.2 Composting

The timeline for composting is detailed as follows:

S.No. Activities Duration (Days)

1. Planning and scheduling of composting unit 2
2. Digging hole and plastering of the inner circumference 10
3. The layering of the compost pile 5
4. Watering of the compost pile 2
5 Decomposition duration 90 - 150

Table 2: Timeline for compost [21].

7 Conclusions
The goals for organic waste management suggested in this proposal is aiming to use up to
70% of the total organic waste currently produced as solid municipal waste in Windsor for
energy generation and high-quality fertilizer production.
This main objective of this paper is to contribute in helping the Windsor City Council and
local stakeholders to agree on a joint roadmap to reach the goals and targets. The target for
recycling organic waste in the city is realistic and can be achieved if consistent investments
are made for extensive capacity treatment facilities in an area characterized by a high urban
density. This implies the need for technological solutions being able to mitigate environmental
impacts and proper management of organic waste.

The proposed systems aim to divert substantial amounts of organic waste to produce a quality
compost that can be used safely on agricultural soils and can be marketed as an organic
fertilizer to generate heat and electric energy.

Another suggested small-scale solution for organic waste management, which is compositing,
and it is designed for residential use. The composting method helps to condition the soil,
aerates the soil, assists plant growth, retains moisture in the soil, and prevents plant diseases.
Hence, we conclude that the biogas plant and compositing are the best solutions for reducing
greenhouse gases and its impacts on climate change.

Group No. 4 11
8 Recommendations
A significant change in current Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) collection practices is required
for organic waste, specifically for food waste, which is considered to be the most significant
portion of the urban waste that is currently collected in Windsor.

Considering the current situation of MSW in Windsor, an active commitment of the

municipality and proactive engagement of the public and the concessionaires are necessary to
speed-up the actions aiming to demonstrate organic waste components.
The municipality should be able to support this long-term strategy by overarching and
continuous communication activities to raise awareness of different waste producers through
campaigns and advertising about proper MSW management procedures.

We believe that the Windsor City Council will trust new initiatives and be available in sorting
organic waste and other recyclables as a habit of modern and globalized citizens living in one
of the most vital and dynamic cities of Canada.

Group No. 4 12
9 References
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[27] WELTEC Biopower, "Concepts for waste plants,", 2019. [Online].
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Group No. 4 15

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