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Grammar, se — \“d ne alee = "Wh? questions (1): What / How / How old f What Is Your Name? 2 At a Halloween Party 3 Who Am I? 4 What a Careless Boy! Z Greetings Z “Punctuation ‘% Subject pronouns (1):1/ you / he / she / we 6 +4 Simple present tense (1):is am /ore 3 +f. "Whe questions (2): Who 4 Imperatives tH 5 What Is in the Hat? 6 A Cute Soft Toy 7 Naughty Perry 8 Cody's Pet Indefinite articles: a /an Singular & plural 20 ‘% Deronstratves: thi / tot these / those a Simple present tense (2): have / has 2 +. Subject pronouns (2: / toy See, eae 32 + With & without articles 38 Common Errors Quiz Challenge Yourself | Challenge Yourself 2 Challenge Yourself 3 Challenge Yourself 4 Revision Cards Answer Key Nice to meet you, ? Miss Lee. EJ Let's learn croctings: wn’ questions (1) punctuation + We can use the following greetings to say hello to people or welcome them ‘® Always begin the first word of each sentence with o copital letter. + We can use ‘wh-’ questions to ask for a name or an age. We sometimes use these questions to greet people. » We need to use punctuation in all sentences and questions. °® Aiways begin a name and ‘Mr / Miss iS} Let’s warm up A Match the sentences. © copita letter. Alvays use o copital etter for the pronoun if - Hil . ° A. Iam fine, thank you. eae i How are you? . ° B. Goodbye. . 3) Goodbye. : °C. Hello! ae Let's practise ara Match the sentences. Write the correct letters in the _| Good morning, Miss Chan. What is your name? Good night, children. Nice to meet you, Ann. How old are you, Lily? Good night, Mum. Nice to meet you too. Iam eight years old. My name is Derek. Te Oh Of 20 ee Good morning, class. Finish what the children say with the given words. Goodbye Hello _ How are you? | Good afternoon Tam seven years old Good morning Tam fine, thank you Hi. Good afternoon. D_ Fillin the | with the given punctuation marks. . (2)__ si‘. épiease. | 2. Please __________ the cups. number card. *4. Ohno! Please So: oispee blanks with «+ (Subject pronouns) Dear Chris, How are (1) 2 (2) Thave a sister and a brother. My sister is called Nora. (3) is ten years old. My brother is called Brian. (4) old. *(5) are a close family. Molly B_ Chri: + (Simple present tense) Hi Molly, Thank you for your e-mail. This (1) my family photo. Am I smart? My family and I (2) at home now. My mum (3) in the kitchen. My dad (4) my room. We (6) in the garden. I (5) in very happy this evening. Chris ing an e-mail to her new pen friend. Fill in the am happy to be your pen friend. is five years is writing a reply to Molly. Fill in the blanks with € Molly is meeting a new friend in the street. Finish what they SAY. (Grootings; wh? questions) Be Pee Moll via il) (1) soa Sac ca 7) Ted : (2)__________! Iam fine, thank you. rs (el \p See Ted : My name is Ted. *3, Molly: Tam Molly. How old are you? Ted : 4, Molly: Goodbye, Ted. Ted : D_ Molly is helping her mum at home. Look at the pictures. Finish what her mum says with the help of the given words. mperatives) clean close put away turn off turnon > a ae ee? oo spon gs - e the window. e pee the TV. (3) —______ the fan. *(4) *6) J Let’s learn indefinite onicies; singulor & plural + We use an indefinite article (a / an) before a singular noun to mean ‘one’. abanana~ = anapple an eye an ice cream a grape an orange an umbrella {P We use ‘on’ before @ noun that begins with a /e /i/0/ u © To change a noun from singular to plural, we add ‘s’ to the noun one banana ed = two bananas es a oneorange @Q = sxornges @@OOOO ‘PWe con put a number (e.g. ‘one’ to ‘ten’) before a noun. io] Let’s warm up A Circle the correct answers. 1. Ihave a/an book. 2. Maggie has a/ an eraser. 3. Joe has five train / trains. 4. We have ten desk / desks. au Let's practise B_ Fill in the blanks with a or lan. 1. Miss Lee has ___ apple @ ‘i 2. Iam_______ boy e. 3. Tommy has ___ ice cream 7 : 4. Itis_____ elephant a rl 5. This is _______ window aa. 6. Sue has _______ umbrella p € Read each sentence. If the sentence is correct, put a tick (/). If you find a mistake, circle it and write the correct answer. 7. My brother has an school bag. eC See Mum has a dress. ae Mr Brown is a doctor. Uncle Bob is an headmaster. Linda has a eraser. PT amr IS Miss Lee is a English teacher. *7. Lily has an big orange. Change the following words to plural by adding gs. chair 2. cat pen 4. computer egg 6. school whiteboard = *8. pencil case Look at the pictures and write what the children have. :Thave six _._________ (ruler). == : =) icv.@ eee oe etree EN ETCH —— :1___ (toy plane). / et es 7 —— It). & 33 \ © DPD 8 D ———EE——E——————E——EEEe—E_ Let’s use grammar F Tinky is playing a guessing game with her friends. Look at the pictures. Finish what the children say with the help of the given words. (Ge et ape) apple cup egg grape ( ) lemon orange teddy bear toy car >) ® Guess what I have. 1. Molly: You have two a, 3. 4. 5. 6. iyeeevommovean Bob : You have _ Rosa: You have Meg : Ken : Demonstratives © We use the demonstratives ‘this / these’ to refer to people or things that are near us. acat. I like this cat. ; “‘e are dogs. Ilike these dogs. gigs Bia \ © We use the demonstratives ‘that / those’ to refer to people or things that are far from us. That is a robot. Ilike that robot. i Those are balls. I like those balls. es & Let’s warm up a Circle the correct answers. 1. like this / these pen. 2. That / Those is my book. 3. This / These are flowers. 4. Llike that / those toys. a Let's practise B What is Tim saying? Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks with or ie = Is my picture. Tim <> = Pe tliko= ea pig. 32 Tillke) eee tse. 4, _______ flower is beautiful. 5. Look! ___is anice bird. “This i is acat. | These are cats. 2. | Thatis my toy. acute doll. D Fill in the blanks with this/'that/ these / those . flee) _ are cows. (2) eee orelpigs: 2. Tlike (1) pond. llike (2) ________ tree. Sa) balls are small. (2) ______ teddy bear is big. 4. Rachel: (1) ________ Is my room. Mandy: I like (2) _______ flowers in your room. *5. George: What is _______? Samuel: It is my picture. George Samuel C let’s use grammar E Tinky and Perry are on a farm. Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks with this / that/ these / those . 5 A (1)________ rabbits cute. | ny (1) apple tree | is tall. Yes. Look! (2) _ hens are fat. | 3° >) #4,- UIT) (()) ——— Titel, Whatis ) P| (12, fy, “ | \ | Oh no, it is a bee! Quick! Run! | Me too. Leck at (2) | Egger aay _ fish. It is beautiful. @ J Ret’s learn sino present tense (2); subject pronouns (2) © We use the simple present tense of ‘has / have’ to talk about someone owning something. © ‘It’ and ‘they’ are subject pronouns. We use ‘it’ to refer to an animal or a thing. We use ‘they’ to refer to two or more people or things. 3 Cet’s warm up A Choose the correct answers. Write the correct letters in the |. 1(@ has @® have) a dog. L] He (@ has ® have) a sister. LE] We (@ has ® have) a big family. a CO LO (@ They ® She) have a nice teacher. (@ They @® It) has big ears. a peNn > B Fill in the blanks with the given words. have } e sChas The chair four legs. I nine rulers. He____a happy family. 7 They many friends. My sister —— a hat. We_______ three erasers. Fill in the blanks with the given words. have has am are You (1) a brother. Joe (2) _ a sister. Amy (1) ___a rabbit. Ryan andI(2)__ a bird. The turtles (1) _________ big. They (2)___——_ short legs. 1*(1)______a monitor in Class 1£.1(2)____—S a good friend in my class. Look at that dog! It (1) _____ long ears. It (2) ____* 35eerem ° D_ Replace the nouns with the given words. ee eee 1. abird 2. Miss Chan ae 9, UIMETSUi) —____ *4. | omniputerstl 6. DadandI *8. you and Ann 10. \Serryand Tim) —___ E There is one mistake in each question. Circle it and write the correct answer. 1. Look at this table. They is good. [Sa 2. Ihave two little sisters. She are cute. a 3. Helen has a rabbit. They is white. - 4. My brother is tall. She has short hair. ee 5. Sam and I are classmates. They have a good class teacher. as 6. These are my dolls. It have brown eyes. Let’s use grammar Perry is telling his friends about his family and home. Finish what he says with the given words. F 3 ee emt ttre it >. ». >. >: have has is am are they 3} 5 This is my mother. She (1) _______ two smalll birds. They (2) ______ cute. This is my father. He (1)_________a big fish. It (2) ____ a long tail. These are my brother and sister. They (1) babies. They (2) —________ no hair. This is my garden. <1) s _ beautiful. These are my grandmo’s horses. a2) Short ears. Let's learn Adectives; with & without aries » We can use adjectives to describe people or things. Here are some common adjectives: big small fat thin short _—tall_~—long He is thin. He has a small nose. C3 ‘8 We put an adjective atter the verb ‘be’ or before a noun. » We use the articles ‘a / an’ with a singular noun to mean ‘one’. We do not use ‘a / an’ before a plural or uncountable noun. 3 Let's warm up A Match the adjectives with their opposites. as small . 2: long ° ih tet’s practise ils 2. Po Ee Look at the picture. Circle the correct answers. The cow is big / small. The farmer is tall / short. The monkeys are (1) fat/ thin. They have (2) long / short arms. The pig is (1) fat / thin. Tt has a (2) long / short tail. big fat long short — small tall thin ¢ Ton (jasaeois | Thave'a(2)saess nose. Thave (3) _"" > hang This is my friend, David. | He is (1) | Heihas o (2) eee ose. Fle! hGs'(3) esas ee heir o Fill in the blanks with @ or an. If no article is needed, put an X on the line. ess = 2. nose. 2. eS reas arm 4 Sere Stingers’ ears 6. eet Ss Se Bye" hair 8. ee ICce shoulders 10. Sse 1008: mouth m2, _ eee feet Read each sentence. If the sentence is correct, put a tick (V). If a word is missing, put a |a in the correct place and write the missing word on each line. Alan has big mouth. en: Those boys have long arms and legs. The panda has short tail. My class teacher has short hair. Your birds have small wings. —— This monster has orange nose! Let’s use grammar Tinky and her friends are writing about the animals they like. Finish the sentences with the help of the given words. big fat long short — small tall thin Tlike this horse. Tt (Si) = se and thin: Tt has a (2) _____ mouth. Mihgoe)ee = (nik). (By Tinky) I like these rabbits. They are small and (1) qe /(2) essai eee = os “(6 0rS): C= Z.\— (3) se eet 5 (legs) SOQ a (67 B00). ST Tlike this cat. tet (1) eee see eee. Fe od (2) Pee Ie > (eyes) (ape | (hair) (By Molly) a Bob is writing about his uncle. Circle the correct articles for Q1- Q4. If no article is needed, circle a For Q5, write the correct form of the given Words. dncetnite articles: with & without articles; singular & plural) Thave (1) a/an/X uncle. His name is Mark. Uncle Mark has (2) a / an/X short hair and (3) a/an/X small nose. He likes *(4) a/an/X models. He has ten (5) ____________________ (model plane). B_ Bob is showing his friends around his home. Fill in the blanks with the given words. (Demonstrotives; adjectives) this that { big long smal ( these those ~ short tall thin Bob : Look at my toys. (1) ___ is my toy cat, (2) ________is my toy dog. Joan: Your toy cat is (3) ___________. It has a(4)_ tal. Molly: Your toy dog has (5) ___________ eyes. Joan: What are *(6) ___? Bob : They are sweets. Look over there. (7) ____.___ are cakes. Let's eat the cakes. € Joan is nine an e-mail to Bob. Fill in the blanks with T/you/ = (Subject pronouns) Dear Bob, Howiare:(1)'seee ts? ; My brother and *(2) ________ have some new toys. My brother has\q toystrain: (3) Sees silong: (4) has, green windows. I have two robots. (5) ____ have long arms. *(6)__________like our new toys very much. _ Joan ¢ D Bob is writing an entry in his blog. Fill in the blanks with the GIVEN WOFUS. (simple present tense) have Hello friends, | | | 1 (1) =S3ESE Bob. 1 (2). a sister and a brother. They (3) _______ in Primary 6. They (4) _____ some nice books. My | sister (5) _______ some good story books. My brother (6) __________ a good science book. | Tt(7) =" Saeigmit(8) many | beautiful pictures. I like the book very much.

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