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Question Bank Unit-2

Q1. Express the following numbers to normalized floating

point representation (Use 4 significant digits for mantissa and
two digits for expoment).
i. 2.873
ii. 4875.676*103
iii. 0.000003125*10-3
iv. 0.00010000631*102

Q2. Round the following numbers to two decimal places.

i. 24.541
ii. 7.4679
iii. 102.6554
What would be the effect of truncating the above

Q3. The height of an observation tower was estimated to be 49

m, whereas its actual height was 47m.calculate its absolute and
relative errors.

Q4. Calculate the absolute and relative errors in the following

cases and comment on the result.

i. True value=1*10-6, Approximate value=0.5*10-6

ii. True value=1*10-6 , Approximate value=0.99*10-6

Q5. If X=0.4000 is correct to 4 significant digits , find the relative


Q6. Obtain the number of or real or complex roots of following

polynomial. f ( x )=4 x 4 +2 x 2−1
Q7. Using Birge-Vieta method find root of x 4 + x 3 +5 x2 + 4 x+ 4=0 at
the end of two iterations with initial value of x 0=1.

Q8.Using synthetic division for f ( x )=2 x 3−6 x +13,Find f ( 3 ) , f ' ( 3 ) , f ' '(3)
and f '' ' ( 3 ) .

Q9.Find the real root of equation x 4 −3 x 3−3 x 2−3 x +2=0 using

Birge –Vieta method.Take p0=0.5, show two iteration only.

Q10. What is machine epsilon? How machine epsilon and

rounding errors are related.
Q11.Explain truncation and rounding errors with an example.
Q12.How finite word length of computer affects errors.
Q13.Find the error Ex and relative error Rx and determine the number
of significant digits in the approximation of the following:
i. Let x=2.71828182∧~x=2.7182
ii. Let y =9850∧~y =98000
iii. Let z= 0.000068 and ~z=0.0000

Q14.Let f ( x )=3 x 7−2 x 5+ 3 x 3−5 be the given polynomial. Determine the

maximum number of positive and negative roots with the help of
Descartes’ rule of signs.

Q15. State and explain Descartes’s rule of sign with example given as
x 3+ 2 x 2 +10 x−20=0

Q16.Explain Descartes’s rule of sign to find number of real positive,

negative and imaginary roots.
Q17.Use synthetic division and perform three iterations of Birge-
Vieta method to find the root of the following equation with initial
approximation p0=0 f ( x )=x 3−2 x 2−5 x+ 6=0.
Q18. Use synthetic division with x=1,to find
f ' ( 1 )∧f ' ( 1 ) for the equation f ( x )=x 3−x 2−1.0001 x+ 0.9999=0

Q19 Obtain the root of thr following polynomial using Brige-Vieta

method upto two iterations of synthetic division .
f ( x )=2 x 3−5 x=1

Take initial approximation as p0=0.5

Q20. Find the root of equation x 3+ 2 x 2 +10 x−20=0 that is near 1.Using
Brige-Vieta method at the end of second iteration.

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