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ECE 3125 ~ ECE 3242 – Practice Problems ~ Oct 08, 2012

1: Obtain and sketch the autocorrelation function of a band-limited signal

with double-sided power spectral density of 2 x 10-8 W / Hz in the frequency
range І f І ≤ 2MHz.

2: Consider a signal with PSD

Gx(f) = 5 δ(f) + 10 sinc2(5f) W / Hz.

(a) Sketch and fully dimension this PSD.

(b) Find the power in the dc component of the signal

(c) Find the total power

(d) Given that the area under the main lobe of the sinc-squared function is
approximately 0.9 of the total area, which is unity if it has amplitude,
find the fraction of the total power contained in the signal for
frequencies between 0 and 0.2 Hz.

3: Consider the autocorrelation functions Rx(τ) and power spectral densities

Gx(f) given below.

Rx(τ) = K exp(-αІ τ І)cos 2πb τ

Rx(τ) = K1[1 + exp(-αІ τ І)cos 2πb τ] + K2 cos 2πb τ

Gx(f) = K exp (- αf2) + K1 δ(f-10) + K1 δ(f+10) + K2 δ(f)

Where α, b, K, K1 , and K2 are positive constants.

(a) Sketch and fully dimension each function

(b) Determine the value of dc power, if any, in each case.

(c) Determine the total power in each case.

(d) Determine the frequency of the period component, if any, in each case.
4: Consider a signal x(t) with PSD Gx(f) = 10-5 W / Hz. This signal is passed
through an ideal LPF of bandwidth 2MHz.

(a) What is the power spectral density of the output signal y(t)

(b) Obtain the auto-correlation function of the y(t).

(c) Compute the power content of y(t).

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