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Question Bank

Unit I

Q1. What do you mean by entry control loop and exit control loop
in ‘C’ language? Write the syntax of any command from each type
of loop.
Q2. What are the rules to declare a variable in ‘C’ language?
Distinguish which of the following are valid or invalid variable
i. 123sppu
ii. sppu_123
iii. sppu @ 123
iv. sppu123.
Q3. Explain the use of array. What are different types of array?
Describe each on detail with example .
Q4. Explain the functions of relational and logical operations
Q5. Explain round off error and truncation error with example.
Give syntax of:

(i) For loop

(ii)While loop
(iii) Do-while loop

Q6. Write short note on decision-making statements in ‘C’ language

Q7. What do you mean by C keywords, identifier and literals?
Explain with example.
Q8. Define storage classes in C. Write importance of storage
Q9. Define structure and explain how it differs from other data
Q10. .Explain break, continue and goto statement with example and
their use
Q11. What are loop control structures? Explain for loop, while loop
and do-while loop with their syntax.
Q12. Define flowchart. What are the necessary steps to draw a
Q13. Write a C program to accept two numbers compute its sum and
print the result.
Q14. What is a function? Explain with an example.
Q15. What is array of pointers? Explain with an example in C
Q16. What is an operator? Explain the arithmetic, relational, logical,
and assignment operators in C language.
Q17. Write and explain the basic concepts of a C program.
Q18. Write the guidelines to use printf() function in C language.
Q19. Explain the different types of loops in C with syntax and
Q20. Write a C program to read and display a text from the file.
Q21. What are the different data types in C? What is their length and
Q22. State the character set used in ‘C’.
Q23. Give the meanings of various character strings used in
formatted input and output.
Q24. What is difference between local and global variables?
Q25. Compare call by value and call by reference.
Q26. Define significant digits with an example. What is its
Q27. Explain accuracy and precision of numbers.
Q28. Explain floating point representation of numbers .What is the
importance of normalized floating point representation.
Q29. Explain how various arithmetic operations are performed on
normalized floating point’s numbers.
Q30. Explain truncation and rounding errors with example.

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