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Question Bank

Q1. Determine square root of 29 using bisection method up to
three decimal places.

Q2. Use bisection method to find the roots of the equation

e −3 x=0 , correct to three places of decimal.

Q3. Use bisection method to determine the root of f ( x )=e−x −x=0


Q4. Find the real root of the equation x 3−x−1=0lying between 1

and 2correct to three decimal places by using bisection method.

Q5. Using bisection method find the root of equation

x −1.8 x 2−10 x+17=0 that lies between the interval (1,2) at the end

of 5th iteration.

Q6. A real root of the equation f ( x )=x 3−5 x +1=0lies ∈¿ interval

(0,1) perform four iterations of the secant method.

Q7. Use secant method to determine the root of the folloeing

equation f ( x )=cosx−x e x =0. Find the root correct upto ‘3’ places of
decimal point.

Q8. Using secant method find the root of equation

3 2
x −3 x + x +1=0.

Q9. Find root of f ( x )=x 3−5 x−7=0 correct upto three places of
decimal point.

Q10. Evaluate the root for the equation f ( x )=cosx−x e x=0 using
(i)bisection method (ii) False position method .
Q11. Locate the rot of f ( x )=x 10−1 between x=0∧1.3 using bisection
method and false position. comment on which method is

Q12. The current in a particular is given by I3-5I-7=0.Find the

value of current using regula falsi ad bisection methods.

Q13. Find the root of f ( x )=e x −4 x=0 using Regula falsi method
correct upto ‘3’ decimal places.

Q14. Obtain smallest positive root of f ( x )=x 3−5 x +1=0 with initial
approximation of x0=0.5 using chebyshev method at the end of
second iteration.

Q15. Find the real root of 2 x2 −3 sinx−5=0 correct upto four

decimal places with initial value of x0=1using Newton
Raphson’s method.

Q16. Find the smallest positive root of the equations e− x =sin x using
NR method, taking initial value x0=0.

Q17. Find the negative real root of the equation x2=4sin

x=0,correct to four decimal places using NR method.

Q18. Using Newton Raphson method solve the equation

f ( x )=x−e−x =0 ,correct upto 5 significant digits after decimal point.

Q19. Explain the shortcoming of Newton Raphson method with

the help of an example given below .Determine the positive root
of f ( x )=x 10−1 using Newton raphson method and an initial huess
of x=0.5.

Q20. Find the smallest positive root of x3-5x+3=0 using Newton

Raphson method using 4 iterations.
Q21. Find negative root of x 3−sin x +1=0 correct to 4 decimal
places using NR method. Take x0 =-2.

Q22. Find the double root of equation, f ( x )=x 3−x 2−x +1=0 using
Newton Raphson method. Use x0=0.8 as initial approximation.

Q23. Find the root of x 3−20 x+ 20=0 lying between 1 and 1.1
correct up to 4 places of decimal using modified Newton
Raphson method.

Q24. Obtain the roots of following system of equations using

NR method for two variables.
f ( x , y )=x 2+ xy −10=0 , g ( x , y )= y+ 3 xy 2 −57=0 Solve upto 1st iteration
only. Take x0=1.5 and y0=3.5.

Q25. Find the equation of a straight line which approximates the

following data
xi 1 2 3 4 6 8
Yi= f (x i) 2 3 4 4 5 6

Q26.Fit a straight line for the following data:

x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
y 0.5 2.3 2.1 4.2 3.6 5.8 5.5
And evaluate value of y at x=4.5.
Q27.Find the least squares approximation of second degree for the
discrete data given below

xi -2 -1 0 1 2
Yi = f (x i) 15 1 1 3 19
Q28.Use least square approximation to fit a law y=a+bx +c x 2 to the
following data.
xi 1 2 3 4 5
yi 3.38 8.25 16.6 28.5 44.00

Q29.Fit the parabola of the form y=a x2 +bx +c to the following data
using least square approximation criteria.
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
y -5 -2 5 16 31 50 73

Q30.R is the resistance to motion of a train at speed V. Find a law of

the type R=a+bV2 using following data.
V km/hr 10 20 30 40 50
Rkm/hr 8 10 15 21 30

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