Shoo Fly

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Singing Lesson Plan

Title: Shoo Fly! Grade Level: Kindergarten

Source: Hannah Lynn Mell

Materials needed:

Participating students

Shoo Fly song


A.S: Does everyone know what a fly is? Aren’t they kind of annoying when they’re buzzing
around you?

1. First, ask students if they know what a fly is? Provide some background about a fly, like
the buzzing sounds they make and how annoying they can be.
2. Now, you will introduce the lyrics to the Shoo Fly song.
3. Start by introducing the song phrase by phrase. Sing one phrase and have the student
repeat after you. Repeat this process until you reach the end of the song.
4. Now, you will sing two or three phrases together. Sing the phrases and have the
students repeat after you. Repeat this process until you have reached the end of the
5. After, you will now try bigger chunks and work in halves. Sing the first half of the song
and let the students repeat after you. Then sing the last half and let the students repeat
after you.
6. Now you will sing the whole song with the students.
7. After learning the whole song and putting it all together, introduce the activity.
8. Have your students stand in a circle, facing the inside, while holding hands. You will also
be participating and holding hands in the circle with the students.
9. For the activity, you and the students will be singing the song.
10. For the lines “shoo fly, don’t bother me” you and the students will be walking around in a
11. For the lines “I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star” you will let go of the student to your
left’s hand and that student will lift their right hand while still holding the person next to
them, which will create a bridge that you will crawl under.
12. You will first go under the bridge and everyone will follow after you while you sing the “I
feel” lines.
13. After going under the bridge, you will now be facing the outside of the circle.
14. Repeat the activity and then you will go back to facing the inside of the circle.
15. Have fun!

Closure: Review what a fly is and talk about the activity and what you did during the song.
Educational Objective: By the end of the lesson students will have learned basic
memorization skills by memorizing lyrics to a song

Social/ Cognitive Physical Musical Non-Musical

Holding hands Learning a National Standards “Core” Music Content
Standards Standards
with your peers song phrase around the 1. Singing Creating
by phrase circle facing Imagine
Going under a the inside
bridge that Memorizing a MU:Cr1.1.Kb
your peers song by Going under 2. Play Plan and
create while following along the bridge Instruments Make
singing the and repeating
song together lyrics Walking Evaluate &
around the Refine
circle facing 3. Improvising MU:Cr3.1.Ka
the outside
of the circle Present

4. Composing Performing

5. Reading & MU:Pr4.2.Ka

6. Listening Evaluate, &

7. Evaluating

8. Integration Analyze
(outside arts)

History/Culture Connecting
Connect #10

Connect #11

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