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Delhi Technological University

USME, East Delhi Campus

Mid-Term Examination 2018-19

Course: MBA Semester: IV

Subject: Project Management Subject code: MGT-41
Maximum Marks: 20 Maximum Time: 90 minutes

Part A: All 10 Questions are Compulsory. 1/2 Mark for each Question

1. Common problems in managing projects include which of the following?

a. Making profits
b. Following specifications
c. Satisfying customers
d. Staying within budget, within time constraints, and within scope

2. A project begins with a _______ being presented to a funding entity. This document typically
includes monetary cost and benefit elements as well as nonmonetary factors such as the strategic
justification for the project, expected behavioral impacts, increases in efficiency, service
improvements, competitiveness effects, and so on.

a. project charter
b. business case
c. project description
d. portfolio

3. What is the Sacred Cow model?

a. Upper management’s favorite model

b. Secret of the company
c. Most focused on organization goals
d. Expected to be “profitably milked” for a long time

4. Risk is generally believed to focus on profits, but:

a. very few projects fail financially.

b. about 50 percent of projects fail financially.
c. risk in projects is primarily focused on timely completion.
d. uncertainty plagues all aspects of the work and is present in all stages of PM.
5. Effective Project Portfolio Management attempts to link the organization’s projects_______.

a. exclusively to the budget

b. to the human resource constraints
c. directly to the goals and strategy of the organization
d. directly to the corporate culture

6. Which of the following is the most important for success of the project?

a. The Project Manager has support of top management

b. Sufficient financial resources
c. A competent team
d. Good working environment

7. What should a PM do to ensure adequate resources are available for project success?

a. Be good friends with upper management

b. Make deals with other PMs for exchanging resources
c. Be ready to negotiate resource tradeoffs, such as subcontracting, if necessary
d. Request an extension of the project due date

8. Most of the PM’s time is _______________

a. wasted
b. overtime
c. spent communicating
d. spent planning

9. The project manager needs ________ credibility.

a.technical and personal

b.administrative and personal
c.technical and administrative
d.technical and financial

10. The Project Manager’s job includes which of the following?

a. Reducing conflict and stress between different types of Project Team members by
promoting understanding and appreciation
b. Learning about foreign people and their national customs
c. Keeping employees from different cultures and backgrounds off important project teams to
reduce friction and internal team conflict
d. Taking team members to cultural events to increase appreciation of each other
Part B: Both Questions Compulsory. 6+4 Marks

11. Given the following network (times are in weeks), determine:

(a) The ES, LS, EF, and LF for each activity.

(b) The slacks on all activities.
(c) The critical activities and path.

12. A four-year financial project has net cash flows of $20,000; $25,000; $30,000; and $50,000
in the next four years. It will cost $75,000 to implement the project. If the required rate of return
is 0.2, conduct a discounted cash flow calculation to determine the NPV. What is the Profitability
Index for the project?

Part C: Attempt either Question 13 or Question 14 5 Marks

13. a) Name and briefly describe the three primary goals of a project. (2 Marks)
b) List the six main characteristics of a project and briefly describe the important
features of each. (3 Marks)

14. a) In what ways may the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) be used as a key document
to monitor and control a project? (2 Marks)
b) What are the basic steps to design and use the WBS? (3 Marks)

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