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Plan International Ethiopia, Population council and

Humanity Inclusion

A training manual for social

discussion facilitators in regards with
obstacles faced by girls and people
with disabilities during their
January 2020

A training manual for social discussion facilitators in regards with obstacles faced by
girls and students with disabilities during their education.

Table Of Contents

The scope of the project


Part One

The content of the training manual for social discussion facilitators in regards with
obstacles faced by girls and students with disabilities during their education.

1.1 The purpose of the training manual for facilitators

1.2 Beneficiaries of the manual

1.3 The content and structure of the manual

1.4 Training methods

1.5 Materials/inputs that are required for the training

1.6 Forms that are required for the training (look at pages 115-119)

Part two

The process of training of the social discussion facilitators

2 Entrance of training and introduction

2.1 Pre evaluation of the trainees

2.2 What results do the participants expect from the discussion/training?

2.3 Setting out training/discussion laws

2.4 Daily report

2.5 Building kinship

2.6 Discussion ethics expected from participants

Part Three

Social discussion in regards with Gender and Harmful tradictional practices

3 Social Discussion

3.1 The principle of social discussion

3.2 The main objective of social discussion

3.3Results expected from social discussion

3.4 Principles of social discussion

3.5 The role and skill of a social discussion facilitator

3.6 The process of social discussion

Part Four

Obstacles for the education of girls and students with disability

4.1 The view in regards with the education of girls and its benefit

4.2 The obstacles to the education of girls

4.3 Facts within our country, Ethiopia, in regards with the education of girls

4.4 Facts within the community in regards with the education of home servants

4.5 The loads that are encountered by home servants and characteristics

4.6 The main obstacles that render home servants unable to obtain education
4.7. The benefit of home servants obtaining education

4.8. The obstacles of girls with disabilities in their education

4.9. How can we get rid of the obstacles of girls with disabilities?

4.10 Being able to understand harm and facts we should be acquainted with

4.11. Understanding risks and disabilities

5.1 Sex and Gender

5.2 Gender related issues

Part Six

6.1 Sexual harassments and harmful traditional practices

6.2 Sexual harassment

6.4 Gender and Human rights provisions

6.5 Reconnaissance travel and designing plans

6.6. Social behavioral change process

Part Seven

7. Investigating significant issues in depth

7.1 Noticing current process and testing/ identifying successful experiences and

Part Eight

8. Identifying and collecting capacity and assets

8.1. Description of social Values

Part Nine

Reaching decisions and making plans

9.1 Reaching Decisions

9.1.1 Preparing Vision

9.2 Plan preparation process

9.3 Action plan preparation

Part Ten

Activity to be implemented

10.1Performing implementable activities

10.2 Assessing process, organizing data and measuring changes

Part Eleven

The social discussion plan and execution in regards with the obstacles faced by girls
and students with disabilities on their education

11. Preparing social discussion plan

11.1 Recruitment of facilitators and training

11.3 Program Introduction

11.4. Gathering basic initial evidence

11.5 Selection and location preparation of discussion participants

11.6 Performing social discussion


The scope of the Project

Among the Ethiopians that flood from rural areas to the city, most of them are girls.
They mostly fled to the cities in their childhood to get away from forced marriage or
severe poverty and their destination is the city surrounding with low living
standard. Since these parts of the community have no educational and city life
preparations, it makes the problem even more severe. They mostly make becoming a
home servant their work opportunity for survival. Among the characteristics that are
common to the migrated girls are disability, seclusion, being far from the eyes of the
community and living whilst being guarded within the house. Since all the girls are
lacking attention, they do not have education opportunities or reserved and positive

Plan international Ethiopia, population council and humanity inclusion have

devised a project together and in Addis Ababa, Shashemene, Bahir dar cities, for
girls that have been away from education to obtain education opportunities, by
including those with disability and by protecting from gender injustice, they hope to
make it possible to investigate the basic causes of the harmful traditional practices of
social seclusion or non-inclusion. And by additionally identifying other related
significant problems, to remove them permanently and for girls that could not be
reached to obtain education, for those with disability to equally participate, by
having gender equality prevalent, by having high influence within the community,
they work to make positive changes. In regards with the lives of girls who could not
be reached and in general to obtain sustainable change within the community, they
are working closely and through cooperation with many stakeholder bodies and
partner companies at several levels.

Accordingly, at this time, plan International Ethiopia, Population council and

humanity inclusion are working together in regards with girls within the ages of 10-
19 which have migrated from rural areas to the city, who are working has home
servants and who are not going to school and who are prone to modern slavery and
abuse of labor, the secluded and those who are facing different offences and that
could not be reached and that live under difficult living conditions within the city.

Thus, educating girls means reaching the full family and the community and even
the whole country and by believing this, for girls to obtain education opportunities,
by identifying the constraints, by enabling the efforts that are being made to remove
wrongful societal beliefs that render students with disability unable to equally
benefit and female genital mutilation and early marriage and similar harmful
traditional practices, by enhancing the confidence and efficiency of the society and
the surrounding administration , it is working by devising a project with a slogan
“No girl should be absent from school.”. The objective of this project is educating
secluded and unreachable girls and by providing awareness creation to the society,
by enhancing knowledge and skill, by changing the obstacles of reaching the
required goal like gender injustice, social beliefs and views that basically worsen
harmful traditional practices and to be able to stop the problem in a sustainable
manner, it aims to build the capacity of the society and the surrounding government

Plan international Ethiopia, Population council and Humanity Inclusion feel high
levels of satisfaction by primarily helping girls obtain education and having those
with disability equally participant and beneficiary and by playing a role in
protection from harmful traditional practices on the project that will be implemented
in Addis Ababa, Shashemene and bahir dar cities and they confirm their high level
of readiness to further strengthen the efforts that are done in preventing and
changing the actions that make girls susceptible to dangers

By providing access for education to girls, it is appropriate to prevent actions that

negate the health, safety, confidence and human rights of girls. But the deep
traditional beliefs and values that are considered to be correct have made girls and
women unable to openly discuss issues that are based on gender and that cause
negative influences on their health and life and has made them unable to seek
solutions and this has become a difficult problem. Thus, the three non governmental
organizations have prepared this social discussion training manual to help in the
confirmation of wide accessibility and wide societal awareness and understanding in
regards with issues that are planned within the project concerning girls.

This social discussion facilitators’ training directive is mainly prepared in regards

with societal bodies that migrate from rural areas to the cities and who are secluded
and unreachable and that should obtain regular education and that are working as a
home servant and who are unable to become equally participant and beneficial due
to their disability and who have become unreachable due to harmful traditional
practices and unjust gender issues and by preparing a properly structured, strong
and continuous discussion program and by and enhancing the tradition of
conducting clear discussions among the society members, by clearly discussing who
to remove wrongful beliefs, views and ways of thinking and harmful practices
clearly, by properly utilizing social knowledge and asset properly, it aims to enable
the enhancement of the sustainable change bringing process. Thus, it aims to enable
and make the societal discussion participants primary societal change process
driving forces and agents of change.

Accordingly, plan international, along with other partner companies helps

community-based organizations and teams and social children protection
committees, parents and guardians teams, school committees, girls clubs and anti-
harmful traditional practice venues that are based on the society to strengthen
prevention techniques. In this regard, the obstacles for the education of girls- by
firstly having the project purpose of no girl being absent from school, to enable the
society on which work is being conducted on to be able to substantially remove
educational obstacles, by discussing together and by exchanging ideas, to be able to
identify the cause and solution for the problem and by facilitating a condition to be
able to prepare an action response program together, by preparing this training
manual for the facilitators that will participate during this social discussion, they
have implemented it.

Girls comprise about 51% of the total population and by playing a significant role in
the country’s development growth process, they are making significant
contributions to the social and economic development. But due to the unjust gender
view that is found within the society, girls have still been made to be placed at a
lower level within the society and have been victims of different sexual abuses and
harmful traditional practices today.

Thus, this has made girls and women victims of different reproductive health
problems and has made a great contribution to the post natal and maternal death
count and besides this, it has hindered and made women backward in regards with
education, economic and social growth. This is becoming a significant problem to
the country’s growth. In regards with the implementation of human rights for girls,
the educational rights of children and the removal of sexual abuses and outlaying
gender equality and in regards with international agreements that have been set out
concerning people with disability, since Ethiopia is a signatory, for the FDRE
government to be able to implement these agreements and provisions, it has devised
different national policies and strategies and it has implemented them. Among these,
the mentionable ones include the female policy that enables the confirmation of
gender equality (2000), the revised family law to prevent girls and women from
sexual abuse and harmful traditional practices (2007), the revised criminal law(2011)
and other similar ones. Accordingly, to improve the health of women, to enhance
their educational and economic growth and their decision making, different actions
have been carried out and are still being carried out and encouraging results have
been recorded up to now.

But since Gender in-justice is a deep and complicated view in regards with society,
economy, culture and political structure; women are still facing problems in being
full participants in the country’s development process, in being beneficial as much as
men in the change that is obtained and in efficiently participating equally with main
in the decision making process. Additionally, due to the low and mistaken view the
society has for women, girls and women are still being victims of different sexual
abuses and early marriage, female genital mutilation and similar harmful traditional
practices. Due to this, they have also become victims of different reproductive health

Thus, by using the social discussion, to be able to identify the important issues
within the society in regards with the benefit of educating girls, making people with
disability equal beneficiaries, and Gender injustice and other harmful traditional
practices and to be able to remove the problems, by having society representatives
that are comprised of the societal bodies discuss and by investigating conditions that
worsen the problems and by identifying and knowing the knowledge the society
has, the values and the capacity, by using efficiently and by making prevention
works through a sense of ownership, by building capacity to solve problems on
one’s own, it is a method that enables sustainable societal views, character and
action changes. Thus, for the societal discussion to be successful and to achieve the
planned change, since the role of the facilitators is large, for them to first have
enough knowledge in regards with obstacles for the education of girls, the obstacles
of people with disability, gender issues and harmful traditional practices, and to
obtain the appropriate effective facilitation skill, this social discussion facilitator’s
training manual has been prepared.
Part One

The content of the training manual for social discussion facilitators in regards
with obstacles faced by girls and students with disabilities during their education.

1.1 The objective of the facilitators’ training manual

This social discussion facilitator’s training manual has the main objective of
identifying the obstacles that hinder girls from obtaining education
opportunities and by abolishing influences that occur on girls with disability
and sexual abuses and female genital mutilation and early marriage and similar
harmful traditional practices, to be able to obtain sustainable societal change, on
the community focused efforts that are made, for the facilitators that lead the
society discussion process, giving knowledge in regards with the purpose of the
community discussion and the benefit of educating girls and about gender and
harmful traditional practices.

1.2 The Beneficiaries of the Directive

This facilitators’ training manual is primarily prepared for facilitators that lead
the community discussions in regards with obstacles that render girls unable to
obtain education opportunity, obstacles that render those with disability unable
to become equal participants and beneficiaries, harmful traditional practices,
female genital mutilation and early marriage. But after the training, the
facilitators can use the skills and knowledge they obtain to conduct similar
community discussions and on processes that will be carried out to follow up
on action response programs in regards with gender, sexual abuses. And other
organizations that work on gender can also use it as a reference.
1.3 The content and structure of the manual.
The training manual is structured in five different parts and each part is
organized in sub chapters that hold different related topics.
the topics that are included in the manual are about social discussion principle,
discussion procedure and action response process, the role of facilitators, the
use of educating girls and providing basic awareness regarding gender and
harmful traditional practices, and shows step by step how to conduct successful
community discussion. Additionally, since the manual includes participatory
and adult learning methodology by employing action
methodologies(mimicking games and team work), it helps in aiding the
trainees easily remember the knowledge they obtain at any time.
1.4 Training Methodologies
This facilitators’ training manual uses the following listed training methods.
A. Description
Description is the explanation the trainer provides for the participants with
respect to different training topics and ideas that are not clear and the trainees
on their behalf; state their ideas to the participants and after the participants
discuss and agree on a single idea, it is a process whereby a general summary
of the presented ideas is presented and after the questions that are raised by the
participants are first made to be answered by the participants, it is a process
whereby a summarized explanation is given.
According to the suitability, the trainer can use a flipchart or power point to
make his presentation.
B. Question and Answer
During the facilitators’ training and during the community discussion period,
the facilitators will identify important issues that are inviting for discussion and
by identifying ideas that require an in depth investigation to be carried out,
they will use a systematic questioning method and besides asking the
questions, it is a process whereby the participants of the discussion can raise
questions for the facilitator in regards with ideas that are not clear and will
obtain the appropriate response;/answer.
C. Discussion
Discussion is the exchange of ideas that is conducted on the topic or idea that is
presented by the trainer or on topics that are raised by the participants. This
training manual uses discussion as a main training method. This method is a
very useful method in regards with obtaining the required response on
community discussions that will be carried out on the benefit of educating girls,
female genital mutilation and early marriage.
D. Team Work
This is one of the very common training methods and to perform certain works,
the participants will be divided into5-8 teams and by discussing on the raised
topics, questions or ideas, it is process whereby they will be made to present the
ideas on which they reached common agreements on to the participants.
Team work is one of the methods that enables the members of the society to
combine their knowledge and capacity and obtain the required goal in regards
with the change process that will be made with respect to the benefit of
educating girls, the obstacles faced by those with disability, Gender and
harmful traditional practices.
The key points that are required to conduct group work are listed sequentially
as follows.
 Selecting 5-8 group members for the team work by using different methods.
 Preparing the activity for each team( Sometimes, all teams could have the
same activity).
 If the training is going to be conducted in a hall, taking chairs according to
the number of the group members to a different corner and making a
suitable location for the individual use of every team, or making a suitable
discussion location outside the hall, making available instruments for every
team to record their discussions with(Flipchart, Marker, Scotch Tape) on
their table.
 Making sure that enough contemplation and discussion time is given on the
raised idea/ request or discussion topic.
 Requesting every team to select a secretary and presenter among the team
 By going around and looking at the team work process, providing any
required assistance.
 Having the teams finish their work within the allotted time period and by
returning to their seats, having each team make its presentation to the
participants through the selected presenter.
 Following this, the trainer will gather the idea that is presented by the whole
team and by presenting a summary, it will have the participants discuss on
E. Role playing Game
The role playing game takes 5-10 minutes according to the circumstance and
by taking a fictitious or true condition, it is a method that enables its
imitation description.
To use this role playing game, these are the key actions to be taken
– Selecting the appropriate topic or feature/s
– by dividing into groups, by assigning the role the participants will play on the
required topic, assigning them to play and by presenting to the participants, it
is a way of discussion through counter responses.
- The participants who will be acting on the role playing game will show what
they feel about the issue/idea.
- It helps in understanding human relations and understanding characteristics.
- Through the feedback the participants will get for their activities, it helps
them improve their characters.
- It creates the opportunity to conduct a free and open discussion
F. Narration
Narration is a way of presenting events that are considered to happen in the
lives of people or that have happened and are imagined to happen through a
tale. The tales that are presented on the narration will put into consideration
the effect and result they will have if they are encountered in real life and it
enables the participants to think in depth and discuss accordingly. Thus, since
narration method enables the participants to listen and relate situations with
their own life in regards with discussions carried out with respect to the
benefit of educating girls, the problems faced by disabled individuals and
gender and harmful traditional practices and by investigating these sensitive
issues in depth, it is a method that enables the identification and
understanding of reasons and the trainees should have skills that enable them
to create and utilize narrations.
1.4.1 Training Aid Techniques


During the community discussion process, before the day’s discussion begins,
there will always be a period whereby the participants will attentively
contemplate and share their ideas upon their own will. The reason why it is
required to facilitate the period whereby the participants will attentively
contemplate is to enable the participants to contemplate what kind of change is
created inside them and since they are in silence, it is hoped to create an
opportunity to view or think of certain things in a manner they did not perceive
or know before.

Additionally, the ideas that will emanate during the reflection process will invite
for further discussion and thus, their benefits are significant.


- To have the participants develop the experience of reflecting and helping

them develop new ides
- To help participants notice the character changes they developed during the
discussion process.
Time That will be taken – 20 minutes
Method: Private Work
During reflection and contemplation, the directions and actions the facilitators
should follow are the following.
- Confirming that the discussion venue is quiet and suitable for discussion
- To avoid whispering among the facilitators and the participants, having all
participants attend quietly.
- People should not move around to change seats and if there are participants
who arrive late, they should stay outside until the reflection/silence
The facilitators should firs raise certain topics and request in regards with the
introduction and explanation of the process and they should notify the
participants to be on their own and reflect for at least five minutes.
For Example: During the reflection process, the facilitators could start by
asking questions like the following.
 What views do I have in regards with the benefit of educating girls? What
views do I have in regards with people with disability?
 What views do I have in regards with gender equality? What characters do I
have that I should privately change or improve in regards with the equality of
women? If there are such, what should I do?
 What types of views do I have in regards with harmful traditional practices?
 What tangible activities have I performed up to now in regards with
abolishing sexual abuse, early marriage and female genital mutilation?
 What contributions have I made for the gaps in the implementation of laws
in regards with the implementation of gender equality and abolishment of
harmful traditional practices to be improved?

After the participants finish the private reflection process, voluntary

individuals will be requested/appreciated to share their ideas to the general
participants.\No comments should be given by the participants or facilitators
in regards with ideas that are raised during the reflection period.

Assessment: Asking how the participants found the reflection

1.5 materials/inputs that will be required for the training.

- Flipchart
- Different color markers
- Colored papers that will be posted
- Scrap papers/carton- Scotch tape
- Note book
- Pen
1.6 Forms that will be required for the training(Look at pages 115-119)
The following listed forms are found attached at the final part of the manual.
The facilitators should prepare these forms with a sufficient amount before the
training and should present to the participants and after the training is
completed, the information that is filled on the forms will be used by the trainer
when he prepares the training report and by finally attaching the forms to the
training report, they should be given to the company which prepared the
Form 1. Trainees’ pre and post training evaluation form
A. Pre training evaluation means the evaluation that will be carried out to find
out the awareness level of the trainees before they start the training in
regards with social discussion and educating girls and about people with
disability and gender. This helps in assessing the change the trainees will
obtain after taking the training.
B. Post- Training helps in evaluating and understanding how much
knowledge the trainees acquired and how changed they are after they finish
the training. The trainee will compare the post evaluation result with the pre
training evaluation result and will assess the change of the trainees.

Form 2. The form to register the detail information of the trainees: this form is
used to register the name and full address of the trainees on the first day of the

Form 3. The trainees’ daily participation follow up form: is a form that is signed
every day in the morning and afternoon to confirm the participation of the

Form 4. Daily training process evaluation form: is the form on which the
trainees state their comments on the day’s training condition at the end of the
day’s training.( The form will be prepared by multiplying the number of
trainees with the number of days and it will be given to every trainee. The
evaluation point the trainees give will be incorporated on the format that is
found at the end of the trainer’s daily training process report form. The
evaluation the trainees will fill on the final date will be an evaluation
concerning the general training content of the whole days.

Form 5. The structure of the training: is the form that contains information such
as the training process, the result that is expected form the training and the time
table of the training and this enables the participants to be aware of the training
topics that will be given within the day and in how many days the training will
be carried out. The training time table that will be prepared in relation to this
will enable the trainees to know the date on which each training topic will be
covered and the amount of time that will be taken by the training. This time
table form should be given to the participants according to the number of
trainees on the first date of the training.
Part Two

The training process of the community discussion facilitators

2. The training introduction and getting to know one another

The objectives:

The introduction of the facilitators and the participants to one another has the
objective of enabling the participants to better communicate with each other and to
create a strong relation built on respect and to have a training/discussion process
that has the spirit of working together.

It helps in creating a suitable foundation that enables the participants to understand

the objective of the training and to follow up actively with attention.

Time that will be taken: 210 minutes

Important materials: scrap papers, pen


- Firstly, an opening welcome speech will take place and after that a short
descriptive speech is made to be given about the objective of the community
discussion and training by the company’s representative or the invited guest.
- Following this, after the facilitators introduce themselves to the participants,
they will give a statement in regards with the training process of the
community discussion and what will be expected from the participants after
the training.
A. The Introduction of the participants.
The facilitator participants will be made to greet one another and this will
help in creating a strong relation among the participants during their stay and
by creating good relations among them, it will help in making the discussion
suitable and successful and in addition to this the introduction to one another
will help in these regards:
- It will create a better understanding and closeness among the members of the
- It will make the common stay the members of the discussion will have
- It will appreciate the self confidence of the participants and their ability to
boldly state ideas.
The introduction period of the participants

The facilitator will firs write numbers on small papers( for example if the number
of participants is 40, by writing 1-20 two times, i.e. two papers that will hold the
number one will be prepared, and in this regard the numbers that are written from
1-20 will each be written two times and by rolling them as lottery, they will be
placed on a wide carton and each participant will be made to pick a single paper and
the participants who pick out the same number will be placed in pairs and they will
be introduced to one another by asking the following listed questions about the
other party.

- Their names
- The company they came representing(Kebele/Woreda)
- The trainings they had taken previously in regards with disability, gender,
harmful traditional practices: the changes they had within the society
This introduction method will help make participants active and it will
entertain them. The participants can also use other introduction techniques
besides these.

2.1 Pre-evaluation of the trainees


To evaluate the knowledge and tangible change the trainees acquire at the end of the
training regarding the use of educating girls, the awareness they have about people
with disability, about gender and harmful traditional practices and community
The amount of time that will be needed: 20 minutes, prepared evaluation

Important instruments: prepared evaluation questions

Performance technique/method: personal work of the participants


 The facilitator should make a statement regarding pre-evaluation to the

 The facilitator should firs tear papers to small sizes and write numbers
starting from 1 on each number(1,2,3,4---) and afterwards, by wrapping the
papers as lottery, he should put them in a wide carton and should make
each participant pick one and should tell them to keep the number they pick
to themselves as it is their private identification number.
 He should also tell the trainees not to write their names on the
questionnaires but to instead write the number that is written previously on
the lottery paper they picked out and since they will use this number on the
post training evaluation, they should keep or remember this paper.
 The facilitator will give away the pre-evaluation questionnaire that is
prepared for the participants.
 The facilitators will return the questionnaires by filling them within 20
minutes back to the trainer.
 The facilitator will collect the filled forms and will place them in order to be
able to compare them with the post training evaluation result.
 After the facilitator has the evaluation and similarly the questionnaires filled
out by the participants, by assessing the results of the two, he/she will have
to include the knowledge and awareness change the trainees have obtained
during the training in the evaluation report.
2.2 What do participants expect through the discussion/training?


Before the discussion/training begins, identifying what the participants expect

from the discussion/training and what risks they expect will enable in making
the facilitator to make the discussion process suitable and successful and to
prepare in advance.

The amount of time that will be required: 15 minutes

Important instruments: different colored papers to be posted/scrap papers/

Cards, markers and flipcharts

Implementation method/technique: contemplation, personal work


The facilitator will give the participants papers with different

colors/scrap papers/ cards and will request that they write the following listed
points on every paper individually.

- What do they expect from the training?

- What do they expect form facilitators?
- What do they expect from trainees?
- What are the risks they expect?
- The facilitators will take four flipchart papers and on each paper they will write the
listed questions as topics and will post them on the wall and will prepare them
- After the participants write down their ideas, they will be requested to post them on
the flipchart that is prepared on the concerning topic.
- Confirming that the facilitator will summarize and write the idea of the participants
and conducts the discussion in a manner that enables the participants to obtain
the result they expect from the discussion.
- Regarding the risks the participants stated in detail, they should state that they will
work together for them not to occur and if there are administrative problems,
stating that a request will be made to the concerning body for the appropriate
solution to be provided.

2.3 Setting out training/education laws


- Before the training/discussion begins, the participants should agree and set
out training/discussion laws. This will help the participants and the
facilitators to have a peaceful, respectful, caring, training process whereby
there is listening and learning from one another during the training period.
- By respecting the law and regulation that is set out through the agreement of
the participants and the facilitators, it will enable them to fulfill their own
responsibility and to enhance accountability.
- It will make the training/discussion peaceful, comfortable and effective.

Time that will be taken: 20 minutes

The implementation method/technique: team work, discussion

Important instruments: flipchart, marker, glue


According to the number of training participants, by dividing them into 3-5

teams and by giving them flipcharts and markers, they will be requested to set
out the training law and regulation they will be guided by during the training
period through discussion and agreement.

- After they finish the group work, the representative of each team will be
requested to state the law and regulation the team agreed upon to the
- After each team states the additional ideas it has, the facilitator will ask if
there are important laws that are not listed and will add(for example,
switching off mobile phones, not performing side discussions, respecting the
ideas of others, hearing one another, making active participation, punctuality,
- By writing the laws on one flipchart with large font, posting it on the wall and
asking for it to be implemented- whenever it is found to be important,
remembering these laws and confirming their implementation.
- Following this, appointing an agent that will enforce the laws that have been
set out among the participants(time sheet controller)
- Assigning willing participants that will conduct entertaining/motivating
games during the training and asking the participants to select through
common agreement.
2.4 Daily report
Daily report means the method through which the discussions that have been
carried out within a day, the comments and ideas, core ideas on which
awareness has been created will be presented by being written through
sequence in a clear manner to the participants.
- The objective of daily reports is helping the participants remember the core
points that have been raised on every discussion period.
- It will help in making the training topics and discussion ideas of each date
have correlation.
Time that will be taken: 10 minutes
Implementation method/technique: team work, discussion
Materials that will be required: flipchart, marker, glue
Before the discussion begins, the facilitator will prepare one or two
voluntary daily report reporters among the participants by making requests.
- The selected daily report presenters will hold the core points of the ideas that
have been raised on the discussion periods they were assigned in through
their note books and will record the activities that have been performed and
the agreements that have been reached according to their sequence.
- The daily report writer should respect and register the idea and view of every
- He should as much as possible the intonation of the description of the
- They should present the daily report that has been registered on the following
day before the beginning of the training in a manner that is entertaining and
reminiscent briefly(within less than 10 minutes) to the participants.
2.5 Building Kinship
To make the training suitable and successful, the trainer should first have
good relations with the participants. The trainer is not expected to know
everything but by understanding the participants’ skill, knowledge and
experience, creating a good relation with the participants will aid the
education process.
For the training participants and the trainees to trust each other and to
understand one another, they should have an honest, trustworthy, respectful,
and easily approachable character. And by creating a training environment
that is entertaining and comfortable, it is possible to openly discuss the benefit
of education to girls, the obstacles faced by people with disability, gender and
harmful traditional practices among the trainees on the discussions that will
be made by being close and by openly discussing unusual and difficult issues
openly and helps in openly describing and discussing them.

2.6. Discussion characters expected from participants

Helping trainees to understand the personal characters they should
implement and are expected to implement during the training period will
enable them to participate effectively during the training and to develop the
considered effective facilitation skill and knowledge.

The amount of time that will be required: 30 minutes

Important instruments: flipcharts, marker, glue/scotch tape

Implementation method/technique: Team work, discussion, brief statement of


- The facilitators divide the participants into groups and give them flipcharts to
write on and markers
- The participants will be requested to discuss and write what kinds of
characters or skills they will be expected to have during the
training/discussion period
- After they finish the discussion, every group will be requested to state the
good participant characters they identified and agreed upon and wrote to the
general participants.
- The facilitator will ask if there are points besides the listed characters that is
neglected and should be written.
- Based on the detail characters the participants presented, the facilitator will
state the following listed points in the note book to the participants and will
have them discuss in depth.
The facilitator’s Notebook
The Discussion Characters expected from participants
The community discussion trainee facilitators should have the following
listed characters to be able to effectively train and to enhance efficient
facilitator skills during the training period.
A. Confidence
Every participant has his/her own specific character, skill, knowledge, art
and life experience and this knowledge and experience makes the
discussion that will be carried out on the benefit of education of girls, the
equal participation and benefit of those with disability, and harmful
traditional practice very useful and effective. Thus, you should not
hesitate to clearly state your knowledge, information and life experience in
regards with this issue and you should make sure that your ideas are
properly heard.
B. Listening to the ideas and comments of others.
Every participant is equal during the discussion period. Thus, the idea and
view of every participant has equal respect and benefit and thus, it is
important to give opportunity to every participant to give his/her
believed idea/comment on the issue. No participant should interrupt or
stop the speaker when he/she is presenting his/her idea. If somehow
different participants start simultaneously speaking on the issue, to
protect the discussion process from being disturbed, it is important to
have them present their ideas turn by turn by raising their hands.
C. Understanding the beliefs and views of others
Understanding the idea and view of every speaker properly: if you maybe
have a different idea from the speaker, instead of contradicting him/her
you should attentively try to understand why the speaker said what he
said why he felt as mentioned. The main objective of the discussion is
discussing and creating understanding and it aims at sharing knowledge
from one another and does not intend to have ideas prevail on others
through arguments.
D. Working together for common benefit.
One of the objective for which all the participants of the meeting have all
been present together is because each of them care for one another and
since the problem of the society is their common problem and it is since
he/she cares about his/her safety. Thus, since every participant has the
knowledge and capacity to resolve the problem from its foundation, it is
important that he/she understands and believes that he/she will make a
very useful contribution by thinking in a united form and by working
together to obtain changes. Thus, the training techniques that will be used
by the facilitator trainers should help and enable the trainees in
developing these characters
Part Three
Community Discussion in regards with Gender and Harmful
Traditional Practices

3. Community Discussion
At the end of the discussion, the trainees will:
- Develop awareness in regards with the principle, target and guidelines of
community discussion.
- Will develop awareness in regards with outcomes that will be expected form
community discussions
- The trainees will develop awareness in regards with the role and skills of
- They will understand the benefit of community discussion in regards with
obtaining gender equality and getting rid of harmful traditional practices.
- They will develop the skill of effectively conducting community discussion on
gender and harmful traditional practices.
Time that will be taken: 120 minutes
Method: team work, short statement of the facilitator
Implementation method/technique: discussion, short statement of the
Instruments: discussion flipchart, marker
 The facilitator will give a short statement in regards with the principle and
purpose of community discussion
 Requesting the participants to remember and discuss about the
discussion/meeting process they recently carried out, the points they
discussed on and the consensus they reached.
 Based on the meeting/discussion process they previously had, asking and
discussing about what the role of the facilitator was and what it should be.
 The facilitator should write the points that will be raised by the trainees on
the flip chart.
 The facilitator should give a broad statement in regards with the
community discussion manual, the procedure and the outcomes that are
expected and about the role and skill of facilitators and should conduct
discussions by making correlation with the ideas that are raised by the
3.1 The principle of Community Discussion
Community discussion means the panel or stage on which the members
of a community gather around on to discuss the issues that require
attention and the discussion process should be all inclusive and should
encourage the participants to raise their ideas and feelings clearly and to
discuss and should motivate the community to be effective and give out
important knowledge.
Every community has its own values, skills, knowledge and capacity.
And since every member of the society is part of the solution, the
knowledge, experience and idea of every individual is very useful in the
process of developing the society’s capacity.
There will be 35 up to 50 participants within the community discussion.
Every community discussion will have three main roles.
These are the facilitator, data collector and the participants.
To be able to conduct a successful community discussion and to gain an
implementable response in regards with the benefit of educating girls,
the obstacles faced by people with disability and their equal benefit and
participation, gender and harmful traditional practice community
discussion, They should have basic knowledge about the principle of
community discussion and about gender issues and harmful traditional
practices and they should effectively develop their social discussion
process skills.
3.2 The Main objective of the Community Discussion
The basic objective of the community discussion in regards with the
benefit of educating girls, making people with disability equally
beneficial and participant, gender and harmful traditional practice is
identifying the major problems around the society, coordinating the
knowledge, art, asset, strength and information there is and building
capacity to abolish harmful traditional practices like female genital
mutilation and early marriage together.
This means the process through which the community discussion
participants will discuss on the issue openly and share different ideas
and views and will learn from one another and by seeking common
solutions that are organized for the common problem during this
discussion, it creates an encouragement to create a general community
change by working together and by setting out action plans together for
its implementation.
This will make every discussion participant know its strength, capacity,
art and effectiveness and understand the skills of others, admire and be
motivated for action. The community can be based by these assets and
values it has and can set out the common solution plan to abolish gender
injustice, female genital mutilation, early marriage and similar harmful
traditional practices and it will work by deciding and by providing
sustainable solution to the problem through implementable response.

Detail objectives of the community discussion

1. Regarding issues that require attention within the society like the benefit of
the education of girls and women, the equal benefit and participation of
people with disability, sexual abuses and early marriage, female genital
mutilation and similar harmful traditional practices; to be able to give an
implementable response, enhancing the awareness and skill of individuals
and the society and making the motivated for change.
2. By coordinating the society’s Asset, values and capacity, by building the
capacity of individuals and institutions, enabling the implementable response
the society provides in regards with the problems that seek attention to
become coordinated and all inclusive.
3. Creating suitable conditions for the change process to spread from individual
to individual, form family to family, from society to society and to become
4. By investigating the unjust gender relations within the society and by
abolishing the social and cultural relations that are based on superiority and
inferiority, enabling it to become a method that is based on equality and that
helps the common change process.
3.3 Results that are expected from the community discussion
The community discussion will include representatives from different
community sectors and the participants:
- Will obtain basic awareness and knowledge about the education
obstacles of girls, the obstacles of people with disability, female genital
mutilation and similar harmful traditional practices that are conducted
within the society.
- Detail discussions and identifications will be made in regards with the
basic reason the society takes in conducting these harmful traditional
practices that are performed on girls and in regards with the problems
that are caused by them on girls and children.
To prevent these harmful traditional practices through a sense of
ownership and to be able to remove them permanently, they will seek
a solution that is focused on the community with respect to obtaining
implementable change within the surrounding by identifying the
community’s capacity, assets and values, common plans will be made
through common targets, the procedures will be tested, the
implementation will be followed upon.
- To remove the obstacles to the education of girls, to remove the
problems faced by people with disability, to abolish female genital
mutilation and early marriage and to help the girls who are victims of
the problem together identifying the condition through with works can
be carried out with the society, government companies and other
partner companies and strengthening relations.
- Encouraging volunteer participation and strengthening it and in
general creating public change movement.
3.4 Community Discussion Principles
A. The community has capacity
The community discussion participants should identify the capacity
the community has and by understanding the importance of proper
utilization, they should believe and be confidence that it has the
capacity to transfer positive changes to other communities. During
the community discussion process, there should be a spirit of full
confidence among all the participants. This condition will enable the
members to freely and confidently state their inner ideas and to
identify common problems and to provide solutions.
B. Respecting Societal Values
By giving the appropriate attention to the community’s life style and
personal experiences and beliefs and working together by focusing
on the community
C. Being Customer Oriented
Instead of a solution action that is ordered and suggested a solution
to the problem by an expert, a community discussion will have a
significant effectiveness when it is based on the needs of the society
and when it is implemented through agreement after solution
recommendations for the problems are obtained through common
discussion to fulfill their needs. Forcing the community members to
accept and implement the procedure they do not believe in will not
enable to obtain the required sustainable change. Thus, it is
important for the community to work using ideas that are emanated
by them and by being based on knowledge and efforts.
Additionally, by identifying sectors that are more susceptible to the
problem and by giving them attention, it is important to conduct
meeting that will help in expediting the response. And by
implementing the decisions of the meeting, satisfying/fulfilling the
customer’s needs should be focused on.
D. Focus on Gender
By understanding that girls and women are more prone to the
problem due to social and cultural influences, when social
discussions are carried out, by enabling them to be equally
participant with their male partners, confirming the sufficient
participation of girls.
E. Inviting participation
By encouraging the full participation of the whole community, by
listening to one another and by including the views of others and by
respecting it and by understanding one another, confirming the
freedom to state ideas and risk factors.
3.5 The role and skill of a community discussion facilitator
Facilitation means the art of extracting the knowledge, experience and ideas of the
participants. A facilitator should well know how to write and read and should
have good participation in different social activities and should be wise, patient
and should have good ethics to strengthen the acceptance and relation he will
have among the participants.
To perform community discussion appropriately and to make the discussions that
will be made on the education of girls, the inclusion of people with disability,
gender and sexual abuses and early marriage, female genital mutilation and other
similar harmful traditional practices successful, the role of facilitators is vital.
The community discussion facilitators that have been selected according to the
above listed recruitment requirements will first be trained appropriately and will
be made to grasp the required sufficient knowledge on the basic issue of the
discussion and should have the skills of an effective facilitator to conduct a
community discussion. Thus, to enable them to develop this knowledge and skill,
the facilitators should be trained from 5 to 7 days according to the budgetary
3.5.1 Characteristic features of an effective facilitator
- Should know and respect the community’s culture, norm, tradition, faith and
- Should be a good listener and should be able to properly understand the
ideas, comments and views of the participants.
- Should know what to say
- Should properly know the objective of the discussion and should have
sufficient knowledge on the topic of the discussion.
- Should have a picture that invites good communication skill and friendliness
- Should respect the ideas of participants, should not share personal thoughts
to the participants nor should he give comments.
- Should respect all equally and should equally invite participation.
- Should properly utilize time
- Should follow up and control the direction of the discussion and what is
being carried out during the discussion attentively.
- Should be willing to lead the discussion
3.5.2 The role of the facilitator.
The community discussion facilitator should invite sharing of
knowledge and experience during the community discussion on the
benefit of educating girls, making people with disability equal
participants, harmful traditional practices(female genital
mutilation, early marriage) and should help and encourage all the
participants to equally participate and be beneficial and for the
discussion procedure to be suitable.
This means leading the discussion and making the participants of
the meeting notice the core idea of the discussion on their own and
encouraging the discussion participants to identify the important
problems and to seek solution The points the facilitators should remember when community
discussions are being carried out:
-Controlling the feeling of being a teacher and knowing that
this is a discussion and not a training workshop.
- Controlling the urge to answer questions on one’s own,
inviting answers to be given first by participants for the
questions that are raised by them, not giving answers equally.
- Asking questions that invite discussions and making the
discussion process continuous.
- Making the participants of the discussion focus on the main
objective of the discussion.
- Understanding and accepting that there is a difference of
opinion among the participants of the meeting.
- Explaining unclear ideas by paraphrasing and using
- The role of a facilitator more than anything is facilitating the
discussion and he/she should remember that it is not trying
to convince or preach his ideas in regards with the education
of girls, the participation of people with disability, about
harmful traditional practices, about female genital mutilation
and early marriage.
- By having the participants of the meeting discuss and
contemplate the issue in depth, it is having them understand
the significance of the problem and seek solution ideas and
state them. Conditions that require the attention of facilitators in the
process of leading the discussion process.
It is important to have all participants participate equally on
the discussion : but if there are participants who wish to be
heard and wish to force their speeches on the speeches of
others and attempt to control the discussion, the facilitator
should have them recall the discussion regulation the
participants previously set out together and should ask them
to implement it. Encouraging Shy Participants
Some people (Specially women) are natural shy and are afraid to speak
and state their ideas in front of people. Especially since it is uncommon to
openly discuss about enabling girls to acquire education opportunities,
making people with disability equal beneficiaries and participants, about
harmful traditional practices, female genital mutilation and early
marriage and since it is usually held as a secret, women who are victims
of the problem are afraid to speak about their life experience and what
they encountered openly. Thus, by encouraging such participants to help
them make effective participations on the discussion;
- Making them participate in team discussions and games played in
pairs and building their self-confidence. By stating in advance that they
will be requested to give feedback on comments and ideas that are
raised on the discussion period, encouraging them to give their ideas.
- During break times, by privately speaking to them and explaining that
their ideas will have great benefit in obtaining changes in regards with
girls obtaining education, the benefit and participation of people with
disability, female genital mutilation and early marriage, encouraging
them to actively participate in the discussion and to state their ideas
freely. Controlling disagreements that arise during the discussion period.
Sometimes it is not easy to openly discuss about girls obtaining
education, the benefit and participation of people with disability, gender
and harmful traditional practice related issues. The discussions that will
be made to identify cautionary issues that will be raised in this regard,
may create outrage and anger feelings among the participants and could
lead the discussion process to an unwanted direction. On the other hand,
it could be a discussion that creates encouragement, happiness and
motivation feelings and that could lead the discussion to continue
through focus and actively and could enable in obtaining sustainable
solution ideas. Thus, the facilitator:
Should give solutions to disagreements that may arise during the
discussion process appropriately. By accepting the disagreements that
could be present among the participants, identifying and understanding
the reason for the disagreement with possible speed and seeking a
Encouraging respect and understanding one another and if the
disagreement arises due to a topic that is besides the issue of discussion,
by explaining that they should communicate about it after the discussion,
asking the participants to return to the main idea of the discussion. Creating a healthy learning environment
- Having the participants of the meeting develop a suitable dependable feeling
that invites friendship
- Notifying the participants of the meeting to freely state their ideas and that
there is no such thing as a wrong idea and that any idea they give is
- Creating an information sharing, learning and capacity building discussion
condition that will create confidence and motivation.
The objective of community discussion is identifying issues that are related to
girls obtaining education, the benefit and participation of people with
disability, sexual abuses that happen on girls and women, harmful traditional
practices and other related important issues that require attention and by
deeply inspecting the causes, to be able to reach a decision and by
implementing decisions, it is obtaining behavioral changes in individual,
family and community levels. The principle in regards with the provision of feedback/comment
The facilitators will have the participants discuss by stating the following
listed points in regards with the process of giving feedback.
- The feedback should begin with a good comment and should end with
encouraging words.
- The feedback should be focused on the activity of the appropriate
person to which it is given( For example, what speech process the
speaker followed)
- The feedback should be truthful, in depth, educational and should state
what should be improved.
- It should be constructive and should help for improvement
- It is appropriate to give gratitude for the activity game/role playing
game participants.
3.6 Community Discussion Process

A. Creating

B. Identifying issues
G. Reflecting, evaluation
that should be given
and summary.

F. Taking Discussion
implementable Process
C. Performing detail
evaluation on issues that
require attention.

E. Preparing an
action plan and
giving decision D. Gathering Assets and

3.6.1 Creating Relations

Since good relations are the basis of the change process, the
facilitators should create strong relations with the participants of
the discussion and the society for the discussion and the future
change process to be fruitful and successful.
During the discussion, to establish good relations between the
facilitator and the participants of the meeting, there should be a
feeling of tolerance and hearing one another and respecting each
participant’s way of life, environmental and individual habits, faith
and by understanding the knowledge, art, skill, tradition and
values of every participant; by utilizing this asset, believing that it is
possible to abolish early marriage, female genital mutilation and
similar harmful traditional practices strengthens the relation
process. It will make a sense of ownership in regards with the
A. Listening skill
The skill of attentively and actively listening
On the community discussion that will be carried out in regards
with girls obtaining education, making people with disability
equal beneficiaries and participants and harmful traditional
practices like female genital mutilation and early marriage ,
when people speak about what they encountered and their
experiences in the process of identifying conditions that seek
attention, they will require good listeners and when they
confirm that they are actually being listened to, they will believe
that it is possible to obtain solutions for the problem. Thus, the
facilitators should have the listening skill that will enable them
to conduct effective community discussions.
B. Objectives
- The trainees will understand the difference between hearing
and listening.
- The actual practice the participants will have on attentive
listening will enable them to develop the active listening skill
that will enable them to effectively facilitate community
Amount of time that will be taken: 60 minutes
Implementation method/technique: role playing game,
feedback, discussion

Role playing game one

- By selecting two voluntary individuals(a male and a female) from the
participants, asking them to play the following role playing game.
- The paired participants(who will imitate), on the place that is prepared in
front of the participants( by imitating as though they are indoors or on a
field), they will sit and by one of them being a speaker and the other one
being a listener , they will act for 5 minutes.
- Having the couple sit in front of one another
- The person assigned to be the speaker will talk about any issue he chooses
(about something he encountered or something that worries him) to the
person who is assigned to be the listener.
- Asking the other participants to attentively watch the discussion action game
that is being carried out among the two people.
- When the time that has been given for the action game ends, by having the
participants return to their seats, asking the participants to identify and state
the discussion character conditions that were prevalent among the two
discussing individuals during the discussion process( For example: Was the
listener attentively listening? Boredom and showing an “I know this already”
feeling, etc..)
- The trainers should not tell the participants which actor performed his actions
correctly and which did not.
- By asking the participants to state what they noticed and understood, asking
them to give feedback and by discussing on the feedback that has been given,
registering the characters the participants considered to be correct.
Role playing Game Two
Amount of time that will be taken: 60 minutes(Total)
Implementation method/technique: role playing game, feedback, discussion
- By selecting other two individuals(making gender variety) from the
participants, having them sit like the first actors and having them perform by
taking in the characters that are mentioned to be that of a good speaker and
listener on the previous discussion process through the given feedbacks.
- The two individuals should sit in front of participants and having the person
who is going to be speaking should tell the listener about any topic of his
choosing regarding the happy or significant issue he encountered for 5
- Requesting the participants to attentively follow up on the game process of
the two individuals and to record the characters they see and to give attention
to the facial expressions(sign languages) that cannot expressed through
- After the 5 minutes that have been allotted for the action game run out, by
having the participants return to their seats, asking the participants to state
and discuss the discussion character that was between the two participants
during the discussion process.
- The Facilitator should bring up the following listed questions and make them
o What feelings does attentive listening create?
o What feeling does inattentive listening create?
o What are the characteristic features of a good listener? How do you
know that your listener is properly listening to you?

Following this, by looking at the following picture, by showing the picture

that shows a good listener and an inattentive listener, asking them to state
the difference.

Picture one.
How do you describe the relation between the individuals on picture one?
Picture Two

How do you describe the relation between the individuals show on picture two?

What do you think the relation between the individuals shown on pictures one and
two look like?

- Finally, the facilitator should state that listening to one another is important in
regards with community discussions that are carried out in with respect to
gender, harmful traditional practices and should state and discuss the points
that are found on the facilitator’s journal found below and the listed charcters
of a good listener.
- Stating that all trainee facilitators should practice characters that are required
to become a good listener.
- The facilitator should have the participants discuss broadly based on the
comments that are raised in accordance with the feedback that has been given
by the participants on the role playing game that has been carried out on
attentive listening by making a statement on the following note for the
Characteristic Features of Good Listeners
- Making eye contact and performing active follow up
- When the speaker speaks, not interrupting and controlling the urge to speak
- By holding ideas that are not clear, asking questions after the speaker finishes
his speech.
- Not showing any facial cues and actions( for example: sign of anger,
frowning, scornful look, scratching hair, touching forehead, etc)
- To obtain new ideas form the speaker listening attentively and through a
sense of confidence.
- Finally, to confirm that you have understood the idea the speaker has spoke
about, summarizing and recapping. (for example, what you said is----------?
or as you said----------------)
3.6.2 Identifying Issues that require attention.
The obstacles to the education of girls, the problems in making
people with disabilities equally beneficial and participant,
identifying important issues in regards with sexual abuses and
harmful traditional practices and by identifying the reasons that
initiate the actions, using methodological questioning techniques
and listening to the ideas and comments of participants and
registering. On the discussions that will be held to identify the
significant issues that require attention within the society, the
facilitators should not create pressures on the participants with a
sense of # I know; and should not force their ideas on them. In this
regard, it is not possible to identify the correct problem of the
society and the solution action that will be taken will also not be
Since the community has its own capacity to identify its own issues
that require attention and for the identification and action response
process to be successful and effective, the participants should assess
themselves and the environment and they should identify the
issues that seek attention and whey when they seek their solutions
themselves only, thus, the role of the facilitators should aid and
appreciate this process.
A. Methodological questioning Technique
Methodological questioning technique means the questions that
will be raised by the facilitators during community discussions
in regards with girls obtaining education, the equal benefit and
participation of people with disability, and harmful traditional
practices should not enable the answers to be closed in short
with a #yes, or #no. Thus, for the participants to deeply look at
the issue and by having many different alternative answers, for
them to be able to give broad information and to discuss well,
methodological questioning techniques should be employed
This questioning technique builds the capacity of individuals
and also gives value to the speakers enables covering issues that
seem unreachable and issues that are considered to be shameful
and enables the participants to give responses that emanate
from the truth and actions broadly and remove answers like
#yes or #no. Thus, community discussion facilitators should
develop their skills in regards with methodological questioning
3.6.3 In depth investigation of issues that require attention
To know the cause of issues participants identified as those which
seek attention, to know in detail the influences they cause and
related issues; by using different techniques( navigation and plan
works method), it is important to carry out in depth reviews and
assessments. This is a useful procedural step that helps in making
decisions with respect to taking solution actions for the problem
and to set out action plans sequentially.
3.6.4 Identifying and gathering capacity and assets
Identifying and gathering capacity and assets means identifying the
society’s internal and external assets, social and cultural values and
associate institutions that are helpful in giving solution action
responses for the identified issues that seek attention. This asset
identification and gathering action can also continue after decision
based on its importance.
3.6.5 Giving decisions, setting out plans
This is the level on which an action plan that will enable taking
implementable actions using the society’s assets and capacities in
regards with the basic causes that have been identified after
investigating the issues that seek attention will be set out with
respect to girls obtaining education, the equal benefit and
participation of people with disability, sexual abuse, early marriage,
female genital mutilation and other harmful traditional practices
and related issues.
3.6.6 Taking implementable actions/implementing
The participation of the general community is required to
implement the action program that has been identified and decided
by the community according to the schedule sequentially in order
to get rid of the identified issues that seek attention in regards with
girls obtaining education, the equal benefit and participation of
people with disability and gender/
This will enable the community to work with a sense of ownership
to remove the problem and to obtain sustainable solutions. In this
regard, the facilitators should work with the society and other
supporting bodies and community members to design the schedule,
to follow up its implementation and to facilitate and encourage the
change process.

3.6.7 Evaluation, revision, comment/reflection

This is the level at which the community reviews and evaluates the
conditions it passed through during the individual and
methodological process , the belief and character changes and the
problems that have been encounter. The members of the society
will have to participate in the measurement and evaluation process
of the change that has been obtained.
By identifying issues that require attention in regards with girls
obtaining education, making people with disability equal
participants and beneficiaries, and issues related to gender, to be
able to obtain sustainable change, it is important to first know the
identity, cause and influence of these issues that require attention.
Thus the facilitators and the participants of the family discussion
should first understand the difference between sex and gender and
should have deep understanding about issues that are related to
gender and issues that require attention.
Part Four
The Obstacles to the education of girls and people with disability
4.1 The views about the education of girls and the benefit
- The trainees will know about the benefits of education to girls
- They will grasp wide awareness about the obstacles of education of girls
- They will notice the current prevailing condition in regards with the education
of girls.
Amount of time that will be taken: 30 minutes (Total)
Implementation method/technique: Team work, discussion, short description by
the facilitator.
Instruments: flipchart. Color markers, scotch tape
 The facilitator will write a statement in large font with the caption “the
benefit of education of girls” on different flip charts.
 By giving two scrap papers with different colors, the facilitator will give 2-3
minutes for contemplation and writing to the participants and will
automatically request them to write what benefits they thought education
had on different papers
 After the participants finish writing, the facilitator will post the papers the
participants give on the flipcharts that have been prepared according to
their division.


The benefit education of girls could bring forth

Among the problems educating girls removes are early marriage, increase in
health supply need, having healthy babies, having self confidence and
freedom, being participants in social, economical and political affairs are the
main ones. Thus, when the participation of girls increases within the society,
their capacity to give decisions in their life also increases. And by being
significant participants of work in their future life, they will devote 80 up to
90 percent of their income to their parents and the society. Among the major
benefits of accessibility of basic education to girls are creating capacity and
skill, self confidence, being able to give choices and decisions on their lives,
and on the issues of their families and the society and enabling equal
participation are mentionable.

4.2 The obstacles towards the education of girls

- They will identify and know the obstacles towards the education of
- The Accessibility and obstacles of the education of girls
- They will understand about the education of home servants and the
benefit it will have in their future life.
Amount of time that will be taken: 50 minutes(Total)
Instruments: Flipchart, color markers, scotch tape
Implementation Method/Techniques: Team work, discussion, a brief
statement by the facilitator.
Activity One
 The facilitator will write a statement about the benefits of educating
girls with large fonts on different flipcharts.
 He will give 2 scrap papers that have different colors and by giving
them 2-3 minutes for contemplation and for writing, he will ask them
to immediately write what benefits the education brought forth in
their head/what they thought on different papers.
 After the participants finish writing, the facilitator will post the
papers that will be given by the participants on the flipcharts that
have been categorized and prepared.
Facilitator’s Note
The obstacles to the education of girls
Among the major obstacles to the education of girls, poverty is the
main one and besides making girls unable to reach schools, even if
they start school, among the reasons that make them unable to finish
in sufficient ways include social and cultural traditional practices, i.e:
harmful traditional practices, sexual abuses, early marriage, early
pregnancy and the negative views within the society about people
with disability are the main ones.
The obstacles to the accessibility of education of girls
Among the 30 million girls within Ethiopia, it is known that only 16.8
percent of them are educated. The extensive poverty in Ethiopia is
the main obstacle to the education of girls. After girls obtain
education opportunities, among the obstacles they encounter when
they return to their homes include, doing household chores, taking
care of their younger siblings and additionally, since they do not
have enough time to study and do home works, this is a significant
problem. Additionally the small awareness within the society about
the education of girls and the cultural and social views that are given
are main influences.
4.3 Facts within our country, Ethiopia, about the education of girls.
- Knowing the facts within the society about the education of girls
Amount of time that will be taken: 50 minutes(Total)
Implementation method/Technique: Team work, Discussion, Brief statement
by the facilitator.
Instruments: Flip chart, color markers, scotch tape
Activity One
 The facilitator will give 2 scrap papers that have different colors to the
 After the facilitator gives 2-3 minutes for contemplation and for writing, he
will ask them to write what they think are the facts and views in regards
with home servants within the society on different papers.
 After the participants finish writing, the facilitator will post the papers that
will be given by the participants on the flipcharts that have been categorized
and prepared.
Facilitator’s Note
Facts within our country, Ethiopia about the education of girls
1. For the 100 male students that are able to obtain secondary education, a
respective amount of seventy seven girls only can get the opportunity.
2. 17 percent of girls in Ethiopia are education, on the other hand 42
percent males can write and read.
3. Only 27 percent of girls get the opportunity to enter universities and
learn, and from these a quarter drop out before they graduate.
4. Wanting girls for sexual relations around schools will have negative
influence in the social participation and relations they have with others.
5. The number of girls who are encompassed in the primary education and
that take their lesson in classes have increased from the 30.2% in 2008 to
a 64.5 percent in 2018.
6. The number of girls registered to learn their primary school education
has increased from 21percent to 49 percent in the last two decades.
7. Educating girls has large contributions in the economy of family,
community and the country.
8. Educating girls will enable the decrease in the death of infants and
children, enables low birth rate and high average life expectancies.
9. There is a strong link between educating girls and the opportunity of
their kids getting education
10. By creating education opportunity to girls will enable the decrease in the
long hours of work endured by women and will create better lives in the
future and will enable the creation of one’s own work opportunity.
4.4 Facts Within the Society in regards with the education of house

- The benefits of house servants getting education

Amount of Time that will be taken: 50 minutes(Total)

Implementation method/Technique: Team work, discussion, short statement by

the facilitator
Instruments: Flipchart, color markers, scotch tape

Activity One

 The facilitator will give 2 scrap papers that have different colors to the
 After the facilitator gives 2-3 minutes for contemplation and for writing, he
will ask them to write what they think are the facts and views in regards
with home servants within the society on different papers.
 After the participants finish writing, the facilitator will post the papers that
will be given by the participants on the flipcharts that have been categorized
and prepared.

Facilitator’s Note

Facts Within The Society In regards with house servants.

The reason why girls are home servants is mainly due to the poverty in the
rural area. Gender inequality, limitation in work opportunities, and low levels
of education. House servants are usually girls and the work is usually
incorporated in social and cultural structures and organizations. House
servants are usually discriminated and are susceptible to different social and
human rights violations. And since they are not seen as legal employees, their
livelihood is based on the good will of their employers. Most house servants
migrate from the rural areas and most of them do not have access to
education, nor do they have scientific knowledge and skills. Due to this, most
of them are forced to have low work opportunities and choices. Due to this,
they are forced to long hours of work, small amounts of salary,
discrimination, inappropriate human rights violations, labor rights violations,
insults, sexual abuses, physical abuses, mental disruptions, contempt, bitting,
rape and sometimes suicide.

The reason for this is mostly since the employers do not recognition to the work and
Services of the house servants and since the location of the work is undisclosed and
since there is no legal employment contract. The extensive negative belief within
the society in regards with house servants and the low work level and estimate that
is given within the society lowers the value that is given to house servants.

4.5 Burdens that are faced by house servants and the characters
The burdens that are levied on house servants by the society and their
characteristics will be identified
Amount of Time That Will Be Taken: 50 minutes(Total)
Implementation Method/Technique: Team work, Discussion, Short statement
by the facilitator
Instruments: Flip Chart, Color Markers, Scotch tape
Activity One
 The facilitator will give 2 scrap papers that have different colors to the
 After the facilitator gives 2-3 minutes for contemplation and for writing, he
will ask them to write what they think are the facts and views in regards
with the burdens of home servants and their characteristics within the
society on different papers.
 After the participants finish writing, the facilitator will post the papers that
will be given by the participants on the flipcharts that have been categorized
and prepared and listing the burdens of house servants and their

The Facilitator’s Note

Burdens on house servants and their characters

Since the location of house work is limited within the house of an individual, it
is the house employer/owners responsibility to give directions and supervise
the household works as a manager. The house servant is paid in cash or in kind
and the characters of the work include the following.

1. Long work hours with no rest.

2. Small and un-equivalent payments
3. Small amount of social protection and cover
4. Having labor works beyond the capacity and age limit performed
5. No life insurance
6. No Health insurance medical care and insurance
7. No social security and protection
8. Being susceptible to different human rights violations.
9. Being susceptible to psychological, physical and sexual offences.
4.6 The main obstacles that hinder house servants from obtaining education
- The obstacles that hinder house servants from obtaining education
opportunities will be identified
 Amount of time that will be taken: 50 Minutes(General)
 Implementation Method/Technique: team work, discussion, short statement
by the facilitator
 Instruments: Flipchart, color markers, scotch tape
Activity One
 The facilitator will give 2 scrap papers that have different colors to the
 After the facilitator gives 2-3 minutes for contemplation and for writing, he
will ask them to write what they think are the facts and views in regards
with why home servants do not/have not found education opportunities on
different papers.
 After the participants finish writing, the facilitator will post the papers that
will be given by the participants on the flipcharts that have been categorized
and prepared
 The facilitators will ask the participants to identify which listed characteristic
features hinder them from obtaining education and by listing and identifying
them, writing them and discussing on them.
 The Facilitator’s Note
House servants usual venture into the work as an option for temporary
means of sustenance but since they have low levels of education, this
hinders them from entering other alternative fields of work and a condition
whereby they will lead their lives by being limited as a house servant will be
created and due to this they can become vulnerable to abuse of labor and
limitation of social activity. A significant number of house servants are girls
under the age of 16 and they live through labor work at their young age.
Most employers bring people from rural areas to the cities under the
pretense of providing them with education but they are usually far from
obtaining education and they are susceptible to heavy labor work and
Among the main obstacles that make house servants unable to obtain
education opportunity include:
 As a compensation of education time, the employers will not be willing to
pay them monthly salary.
 The employers will create work loads within the house and make the
workers unable to take up their education.
 High levels of time shortage.
 Being unable to pay for education and education aid instruments and
 Unwanted pregnancy
 Sexual and physical harassments
 The low levels of awareness in the society about the benefit of education.

Offences carried out on house servants.

Lots of girls and women are working by being hired as house servants in different
locations within our country. It is indicated on many research findings that these
house servants are engaged in this field of work for many reasons; but the main
reasons include the following.

 Disagreements that happen with their families

 By escaping disagreements and conflicts that happen during their marriage
 To get away from early marriage
 The poverty of their parents
 Not being educated and the low education level of their parents
 By wishing for the city life and by travelling in secret from the rural area to
the city
 By being deceived by the hopes given by illegal human trafficking agents.

These house servants are main victims of different sexual abuses and damages due
to the unavailability of gender inequality within the community. Most house
servants face different psychological, physical and economical harms and sexual
harassments and rapes and similar sexual offences by their employers and through
the agents. This type of sexual offence is a violation of human rights.

4.7 The Benefits of house servants obtaining education

They will understand the benefits of house servants obtaining education.
 Amount of time that will be taken: 40 minutes(total)
 Implementation method/technique: Team work, discussion, short
statement by the facilitator.
 Instruments: Flipchart, color markers, scotch tape

Activity One

 The facilitator will give 2 scrap papers that have different colors to the
participants on different flipcharts.
 After the facilitator gives 2-3 minutes for contemplation and for writing, he
will ask them to write what they think the benefits of house servants
obtaining education opportunities are on different papers.
 After the participants finish writing, the facilitator will post the papers that
will be given by the participants on the flipcharts that have been categorized
and prepared
 The facilitators will ask the participants to identify community education
benefits and by listing and identifying them, writing them and discussing on
The Facilitator’s Note
By enabling house servants to obtain education opportunity, it will enable
women to become equal participants majorly in social and cultural structures
and organizations. It will enable employers to perform equal social and
human rights protection on house servants and to confirm legal employment.
By providing access of education to house servants and by enabling them to
have basic science education and skills, it enables many people to have better
work opportunities and choices. It will also enable house servants to have
better salaries, to be seen equally, to have their human rights reserved, it will
decrease labor abuse of house servants and enables to prevent them from
different sexual abuses, physical abuses and mental disruptions, contempt,
beating and unwanted pregnancy.
Accordingly, the employers should give recognition to the work and service
of the house servants and the location of the house should be disclosed and
there should be an employment contract. And this will change extensive
negative belief within the society in regards with house servants and the low
work level and estimate that is given within the society. Additionally, when a
house servant acquires education opportunities, she will be able to keep her
private and general health. She will also be able to prepare foods with better
sanitation and she will be able to protect herself and the family from water
borne and contagious diseases.
4.8 The obstacles to the education of girls with disability
- It will enable the participants to know about the obstacles and results of
disability at an individual, community and institutional level.
- They will understand about the benefit of education of girls with disability.
- They will identify and know disability and related issues.
 Amount of time that will be taken: 60 Minutes(Total)
 Implementation Method/Technique: team work, discussion, short statement
by the facilitator
 Instruments: Flipchart, color markers, scotch tape
Activity One
 The facilitator will give 2 scrap papers that have different colors to the
 After the facilitator gives 2-3 minutes for contemplation and for writing, he
will ask them to write what they think about the obstacles of people with
disability and on different papers.
 After the participants finish writing, the facilitator will post the papers that
will be given by the participants on the flipcharts that have been categorized
and prepared
 The facilitators will ask the participants to identify which listed obstacles of
people with disability are prevalent within the society and by listing and
identifying them, writing them and discussing on them.
The Facilitator’s Note


Environmental obstacles that are related to physical access ability are usually
easy to identify ; this is because they can be seen. Obstacles that are related to
accessibility are difficult to identify but they are very relevant. The
environmental obstacles include stairs, small or black toilet stands, poor road
conditions and mother tongue language educations not being given.

Characteristic obstacles are usually difficult to overcome and they create high
levels of harm on kids. The blind hatred and negative language that is used to
describe kids can be very hurtful to the child’s confidence. For example, kids
with disability are usually identified as incapable, ineffective or as problem

Results of Obstacles..
The above mentioned obstacles of education could cause different problems
and outcomes. During exchange of ideas- a child has a different language from
his equally aged friends, teachers or the teaching instruments within the school(
This includes children who use sign language or brail). Since the school doesn’t
go along with different needs this is institutional. Lack of motivation- If
students have little motivation due to the above listed obstacles or if they have
little or no motivation, dependability, low self confidence and lack of
confidence could be a combination of environmental, belief related and
personal obstacles- Some of these have been listed above.

Harm- psychological, physical and/or sexual offence victim children will face
obstacles in education, development and participation. If there is general
intervention from schools and families, it is possible to remove these. Disabled
girls and women face different obstacles but social discrimination, dependency
and family issues worsen these. Social issues-meeting with other kids and
playing, communicating, leading with social and cultural acceptance methods.

4.9 How can we get rid of the obstacles of girls with disability
-We will make the participants know the methods through which
we can decrease obstacles in regards with disability.
- They will identify and know disability and related issues.

Time That will be taken: 50 minutes(total)

Implementation method/Technique: Team work, discussion,

short statement by the facilitator

Instruments: flipchart, color markers, scotch tape

Activity One

 The facilitator will give 2 scrap papers that have different colors to the
 After the facilitator gives 2-3 minutes for contemplation and for writing, he
will ask them to write what they think about the methods that can
alleviate/get rid of the obstacles of people with disability that have been
mentioned previously on different papers.
 After the participants finish writing, the facilitator will post the papers that
will be given by the participants on the flipcharts that have been categorized
and prepared
 The facilitators will ask the participants to identify the methods through
which the obstacles of people with disability can be alleviated/removed and
by listing and identifying them, writing them and discussing on them.
The Facilitator’s Note
Regarding how to remove the obstacles of girls with disability, explaining
the following.
 Identifying and understanding the needs of individuals
 Performing awareness expansion works at different places
 Giving rights to people with disability at policy level and enabling their
rights to be respected.
 Making environments and services accessible to people with disability

4.10 Being able to understand damages and truths we are supposed to know

- Participants will be made to know about the human rights of people with
- They will identify the facts in regards with disability and related issues.

Time That will be taken: 40 minutes(total)

Implementation method/Technique: Team work, discussion,

short statement by the facilitator

Instruments: flipchart, color markers, scotch tape

Activity One
 After the facilitator gives 2-3 minutes for contemplation and for writing, he
will ask the participants to write what they think are the facts and beliefs
within the society about disability on different papers.
 After the participants finish writing, the facilitator will post the papers that
will be given by the participants on the flipcharts that have been categorized
and prepared
The Facilitator’s Note
Facts We Should Know
 It is often considered difficult to obtain the exact number of people with
disability. This is because different countries have different methods of
statements about disability.
 The issue of data collection quality and methods, the reliability of sources
 Families hiding children with disability.
 According to the international disability report the world bank and the
world health organization published together, there were 15 million people
with disability, who represent 17.6 percent of the total population in
Ethiopia at the time.
 According to the national census that was carried out recently in 2007,
805,492 people(who represent 1.09 percent only from the 86 million people)
were found to have disability.
 According to the report of the labor and social affairs ministry, 95% of the
people with disability that live in the country live in poverty.
 More than one million(15%) of the world’s population have different types
of disability.
 20% of the poor individuals within developed counties, one fifth has a
 80 % of the people with disability live in developing countries
 Children with disability have a lot less opportunity of going to school and
obtaining education when compared with children who do not have
 Among the people who live in low and medium income countries and who
need supporting instruments/equipment, only 5%- 15% of them have
obtained the support.
 When compared with males with disability that live in low income countries
and have jobs, only 20% of females with disability have jobs.
 People with disability have 4-10 fold chances of being victims to abuses.
4.10 Understanding risks and disabilities
- Do participants know about risks and disability?
- What do they know about the causes of disability and risks?
- Do they know the types of disability?

Time That will be taken: 30 minutes(total)

Implementation method/Technique: Team work, discussion,

short statement by the facilitator

Instruments: flipchart, color markers, scotch tape

Activity One

 After the facilitator gives 2-3 minutes for contemplation and for writing, he
will ask the participants to write what types of disabilities they know and
what they consider could be the causes on different papers.
 After the participants finish writing, the facilitator will post the papers that
will be given by the participants on the flipcharts that have been categorized
and prepared

The Facilitator’s Note

People could encounter one or several disabilities at different levels of magnitude.

The types of disability are as follows:

1. Physical damage
A collection of conditions that cause the non-coordination or lack of control of
activities or lack of any physical action
2. Hearing impairment
 This indicates different degrees of loss of hearing. These are:
Small: in regards with hearing soft noises like whispers: could be
supported by hearing aid devices

Medium: Having hearing problems during discussions; can be supported

by hearing aid devices.

High: can only hear loud noises or shouting

Very High: Not being able to hear any noise. It is not possible to help the
hearing capacity through hearing aid equipment

3. Speech impairment
This disability creates influence on communication and speech skills.
 Not being able to create words or not being able to identify sounds,
speaking problems, problems related to the sound quality or a
combination of these. Not being able to understand through written or
speech language or having difficulties in using the right words.
 Not being able to listen could have problems during speaking. This is
because the ability to listen is a decisive factor in the growth of speech.
4. Limited Mental growth
 This requires supervision and support in performing many day to day
activities. It begins during childhood before the age of 18.

5. Sight impairment
It is related to partial or total loss of sight and the ability to see or read. Sight
impairment could be seen at different levels.
Small: limited difficulty in seeing and reading
Medium: Having difficulties in reading and seeing at regular distances.
People at this level can be aided by supporting instruments.
High: Having difficulty to see from distance and from near
Very High: Being completely unable to see, such kinds of people require brail
or non-visual instruments like audio.
6. Learning difficulty
This includes certain learning problem types. Learning difficulty could entail
problems in regards with certain average or more than average learning
related skills.
Part Five
Sex and Gender
5.1 Sex and Gender
- The participants will gain awareness about the difference between sex and
- They will obtain broad awareness about issues related to sex and gender.
- Gathering information skills to identify issued related to social, economical
and political relations will be developed.
- They will identify and understand the reasons for the issues that require
attention in regards with sex within the society
- They will grasp basic knowledge about international and national laws that
have been set out to prevent sexual abuse- They will identify abuse
prevention methods that are based on sex.
Amount of time that will be taken: 120 minutes(Total)
Implementation method/technique: Team work, discussion, short statement
of the facilitator
Instruments: Flipchart, color markers, scotch tape
Activity One
 The facilitators will prepare by writing the words male and female on
different flipcharts through large fonts.
 Giving the participants two scrap papers which have different colors.
 After the facilitator gives 2-3 minutes for contemplation and for writing, he
will ask the participants to write what comes to their mind when they hear
the word “Male” or “Female” on different papers.
 After the participants finish writing, the facilitator will post the papers that
will be given by the participants on the flipcharts (male-female)
 The facilitator will request the participants to identify which of the listed
characters are natural and which are given by the society and by identifying
them in detail, discussing on them.
 The facilitator should use the following explanations that have ben listed on
the notes and should explain the difference between sex and Gender and
should facilitate a discussion.
Facilitators’ Notes
Sex: Shows the general natural difference between males and females. This
is identify based and will not change.
Gender: means the characters the community members have learned or
accepted within different societies in regards with males and females. These
characters are different within different societies and due to the
technological advancement that has increased from time to time, they
change due to the changes in ways of thinking.
Thus, gender decides the relation that should exist between a male and a
female, the characters of a social participation , roles, actions and needs
within a society on certain times. It also additionally decides the social,
economic, political service and asset distribution, ownership and decision
making power balances between males and females.
5.2 Issues related to Gender
5.2.1 Gender Equality
Objective: participants will develop deep understandings about the
principle of gender equality and the influences lack of gender equality
causes and by exploring the gender relation issue found within the society,
they will develop the skill of investigating social and economical practices
that hinder the existence of gender equality.
Time that will be taken: 180 minutes(Total)
Instruments: flipchart, color markers, scotch tape
Implementation method/technique: Team work, discussion, short statement
by the facilitator.
- The facilitator will divide the participants into groups and will give each
group flipcharts and markers.
- Asking the participants to discuss on the following points for 20 minutes and
to explain how they understand them.
Discussion questions.
- What is gender equality? How is lack of equality described?
- What are the social and environmental actions that make gender equality
- Which part of the society will be more harmed due to these actions? Males or
females? Why?
- After the participants finish their group works, they should return to their
seats and asking them to state their ideas to the whole participants
- By being based on the ideas the facilitator participants presented, explaining
and discussing the below points mentioned under the notes
The facilitator’s notes
Gender equality
- This means the equal rights of sharing and utilization of males and females in
regards with health, administration, politics and participation in work places,
asset control, decision making participation and regarding any benefits.
Gender Justice
- Means enabling males and females to be equal participants in regards with
social responsibility, equal utilization and control of assets and benefit from
education and health services and their gender needs in this regard and
serving them before the law in a just manner.
Lack of Gender equality
- Having the wrongful beliefs and favoritism ridden procedures and harmful
traditional practices and sexual abuses within the society in regards with
women become extensive has caused women to have lower levels within the
- Besides this causing negative influences on males and females, it will have
large influences in the country’s development , economic and political
Gender Relations
- This term describes the social relations, common coordination and support
techniques between males and females and the general members of the
The gender relation that will exist in a society that does not have gender
equality will create an imbalance of power between males and females and
will cause gender injustice.
This can be the cause for different issues that require attention like sexual
abuses, traditional harmful practices that happen on girls and women to
This gender based oppression and favoritism that occurs on girls starts from
their birth and it will continue at different ages in life(childhood, youth,
maturity, old age).
By amending this unjust and inappropriate gender relation, to prevent gender
based abuses and harmful traditional practices, it is important to raise girls
through education, economy and through decision making. And for this, the
participation of all community members, specially men is very important.

5.2.2 The Role of Gender

The amount of time that will be taken: 180 minutes

Instruments: Flipchart, color markers, scotch tape

Implementation method/technique: Team work, discussion, brief statement of the


Activity Three

-The facilitator should divide the participants into groups and should give them
flipcharts and markers

- The participants should discuss in groups about the meaning of gender roles and
should be requested to state in detail what the gender roles set for men and women
are within the society.
When the participants finish their discussion work, having them present a summary
of their ideas and having them discuss. The facilitator should explain the points on
the facilitator’s note based on the ideas of the facilitators.

Facilitators Notes

Gender Role: The roles that have been identified for men and women to implement
by the society(work and responsibility types). This gender role creates the capacity
difference between males and females in regards with social relation, power and
decision making.

And additionally, by deciding the responsibility capacity in regards with equally

obtaining and utilizing social, economic and political services and benefits and
controlling responsibility in a manner that is shows favoritism and is unjust, it
causes women to obtain lower levels within the society.

The gender roles are different from society to society and they are divided into four.

These are:

Productive role: is the work of producing products and consumptions that could
serve for market or consumption use and these are works that are carried out by
both males and female through payment(cash/kind).

Gender Role: Giving birth to children/raising responsibility and the responsibilities

of taking care of the family and performing household chores by women.

Community management role: These are actions that are carried out voluntarily first
by women like Edir, Ekub and Mahber etc.

Community political role. This is the decision making role and it is primarily
performed by men.

A. By gathering environmental data in regards with the work activity that is

found between males and females in relation with the social an d house hold
work activities, by understanding the multiple roles women have, and by
assessing the related important issues gender roles cause and by focusing on
social change processes, it is possible to take solution actions. Thus, on the
community discussion that will be carried out on the community change
process, the facilitators should have the skill to gather the work activity
condition environmental data within 24 hours with respect to males and
females and to evaluate the influences gender roles have.
To understand the work distribution that is based on gender within the
society and the unjust work load, carrying out the environmental data
collection of the work condition of males and females within 24 hours and
making evaluations and understanding the influence gender roles cause.
Amount of time that will be taken: 30 minutes
Instruments: Flipchart, Marker
Implementation Method/Technique: Contemplation, discussion, the
facilitator’s brief statement
- The facilitator will first give a statement in regards with the objective of
gathering information environmental data regarding participants’ 24 hours
work division.
- The facilitator divides the participants into four groups(Young males, young
females, mature females and mature males team)
- The facilitators give flipcharts and markers to the group members
- The facilitator prepares the following table and requests every team to give
their responses regarding the team they are assigned in according to the
following example table.
Young girls

Time Actions
5:00AM-9:00 AM

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