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How to Exclude An Expense From the FI Posting

SCENARIO DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................................. 3
SOLUTION APPROACH ................................................................................................................................................ 3
HOW TO IDENTIFY THE CBCP CREDIT CARD EXPENSES ................................................................................................ 3
PRE-REQUISITE ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
STEP 1: DETERMINE THE USE CASE ............................................................................................................................. 4
STEP 2: PROCESS THE USE CASE .................................................................................................................................. 4

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This document is intended to provide an example how the “Use Case” BAdI which is part of SAP Integration with
Concur Solutions can be utilized. BADI_CTE_FIN_POST_USE_CASES is the technical name of the “Use Case” BAdI.

Disclaimer: This document is designed to show a potential option how the required information can be handled in
expense reports coming from Concur using SAP Integration with Concur Solution. This is not a final solution. The
coding shown in this document is just an example and may require customer-specific adjustments. SAP is not
responsible for any errors and will not deliver any support or corrections.

Scenario Description
Let’s assume that you want to exclude CBCP credit card expenses from the FI posting. Let’s further assume that the
payment type CBCP has been setup within SAP Concur for CBCP credit card expenses.

Solution Approach
Excluding CBCP credit card expenses can be done by implementing one of the following 2 BAdIs of the Financial
Integration :
Implementing the given scenario via BADI_CTE_FIN_POST_ADJUST_DOC requires quite some effort. When the BAdI is
called, SAP’s standard posting logic as well as all the logic of the other Financial Integration BAdIs has already been
executed. Within BADI_CTE_FIN_POST_ADJUST_DOC you will have to identify all posting lines incl. amount and tax
lines which have been created for CBCP credit card expenses.
Implementing the given scenario via BADI_CTE_FIN_POST_USE_CASES is fairly easy and will be explained in this
document. By implementing the « Use Case » BAdI, you can also prevent that SAP Concur’s standard logic is being
executed for the CBCP credit card expenses. Implementations of the « Use Case » BAdI are always split in 2 steps :
• Step 1 « Determine Use Case » (method DETERMINE_USE_CASE): All you have to do in this step is to tell the
system whether a special treatment is required for an expense. You can tell the system that you want to
implement a special treatment for the tax portion of the expense and/or the non-tax portion of the expense.
• Step 2 « Process Use Case » (method PROCESS_USE_CASE): This step is only executed for those expenses that
have been identified in Step 1.

How to Identify the CBCP Credit Card Expenses

There are several ways how the CBCP credit card expenses can be identified :
• Option 1 « Payer / Payee » : Analyze the payer/payee values within the journal section of an expense. This
option quite often used in lower level support packages of the integration (< SP08). If several CBCP scenarios
had to be distinguished, additional parameters had to be checked.
• Option 2 « Payment Type Code » : Identify all CBCP credit card expenses based on the assigned payment type
code. This approach allows you to distinguish between different CBCP scenarios if you are using several CBCP
payment types.
• …
An implementation for option 2 will be described in the following sections.

To be able to use the payment type key when implementing a BAdI of the Financial Integration, you will have to
implementation could be as follows:
DATA ls_entry_data LIKE LINE OF et_entry_additional_data.

" determine the report entry payment type key of the expense and
" make the payment type key available for being used in the other BAdIs
ls_entry_data-name = 'REPORT_ENTRY_PAT_KEY'.
ls_entry_data-value = is_entry_data-report_entry_pat_key.
INSERT ls_entry_data INTO TABLE et_entry_additional_data.

Step 1: Determine the Use Case

To exclude an expense from posting, you will have to tell the system that you want to handle the tax part of an
expense as well as the non-tax part of an expense in a customer-specific way. That means, you will have to return
customer-specific values for the parameters EV_CUSTOMER_USE_CASE_ID and EV_CUSTOMER_TAX_CASE_ID of the

<ls_add_data> LIKE LINE OF is_entry_data-additional_data.

CLEAR ev_customer_use_case_id.
CLEAR ev_customer_tax_case_id.

" identify all expenses that need a special treatment

" via the assigned payment type key
READ TABLE is_entry_data-additional_data
ASSIGNING <ls_add_data>.

IF sy-subrc = 0.
IF <ls_add_data>-value = 'CBCP'.
" non-tax information will be handled in a customer-specific way
ev_customer_use_case_id = 'ZN_EXCL_CC'.
" tax handling will be done in a customer-specific way
ev_customer_tax_case_id = 'ZT_EXCL_CC'.

Step 2: Process the Use Case

The method PROCESS_USE_CASE of the “Use Case” BAdI will only be called for those expenses that have been
assigned to a customer-specific use case and/or tax case.
Note: If you return a customer-specific use case ID and also a customer-specific tax case ID for an expense, then the
method will be called 2 times. The first call is intended to handle the use case and the second call is intended to
handle the tax case.
If you have implemented the method DETERMINE_USE_CASE only to identify the CBCP expenses that should be
excluded from posting, then you don’t have to enter any coding in this method to exclude the CBCP expenses from

posting. But if you also have other customer-specific use cases to consider, then the following coding will exclude the
CBCP expense from posting:
IF is_use_case_admin-use_case_id = 'ZN_EXCL_CC' OR
is_use_case_admin-tax_case_id = 'ZT_EXCL_CC'.
" expense should be excluded from posting => nothing to do

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