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1. Calculation Sheet of Pressure Loss in Duct (FCU Nos - F-T1/B0-01)

Reference Dwg No. LMK-FC-LB1-B00-ICE-M-MEC-202-C Calculation Sheet of Pressure Loss in Duct (a) (b)

Description Duct Duct Airflow Duct Size (Rect.) Duct Size Air Velocity Duct Fitting Duct Duct Fitting
Pressure Pressure Pressure
Building / Room Name Type Tag No. Section Element Shape Rate width high (Equivalent Velocity Pressure Length Loss Remark
Loss, Loss, Loss,
L/S mm. mm. Round) m/s Pa m Coefficients Pa / m Pa Pa (ASHRAE Ref.) Roughness dh Re F F' Parameters

Storage FCU F-T1/B0-01 A RAG RA Grille 273.0 800 200 414 1.71 1.75 5.00 Appendix (C ) Page-C-07

Model FWC-08H B Chamber 273.0 1400 500 886 0.39 0.09 0.50 0.05 Appendix (B) Page-22 Table-SD1-2 L/D = 0.6 ꝋ  = 180'
Air Flow (L/S) 273 C Duct Canvas 273.0 1200 300 620 0.76 0.35 0.15 0.02 0.0 Roughness in Table-1 (Page-12) 3 480.0 20000 0.03448 0.03448

Medium Speed FCU FCU

1 Duct Canvas 273.0 1200 300 620 0.76 0.35 0.15 0.02 0.0 Roughness in Table-1 (Page-12) 3 480.0 20000 0.03448 0.03448

2 Contraction 273.0 450 200 321 3.03 5.54 0.07 0.39 Appendix (B) Page-B-36 Table-SR4-1 A0/A1 = 0.3 ꝋ  = 60'
3 Straight Duct 273.0 450 200 321 3.03 5.54 2 0.73 1.5 3 276.9 46153.8 0.03664 0.03664

4 Wye 136.5 450 200 321 1.52 1.38 0.30 0.42 Appendix (B) Page-B-45 Table-SR5-14 Ab/Ac = 0.6

5 Straight Duct 136.5 250 200 244 2.73 4.49 1 0.51 0.5 0.15 222.2 33333.3 0.02511 0.02511

6 VD VD 136.5 250 200 244 2.73 4.49 0.04 0.18 Appendix (B) Page-B-31 Table-CR9-1 H/W = 0.8 ꝋ  = 0'
7 Contraction 136.5 250 250 273 2.18 2.87 0.07 0.20 Appendix (B) Page-B-23 Table-SD4-2 A0/A1 = 0.8 ꝋ  = 15'
8 Flex. Duct 136.5 Dia. 250 250 2.78 4.65 1.5 0.90 1.4 Appendix (C ) Page-C-21

9 Chamber 136.5 270 270 295 1.87 2.11 0.60 1.27 Appendix (B) Page-B-37 Table-SR4-3 A0/A1 = 1.5 ꝋ  = 180'
10 4-Way Diffuser Diffuser 136.5 225 225 246 2.70 4.38 22.00 Appendix (C ) Page-C-05

Air 20 °C Total (a) + (b) 32.83

Viscosity 18.2 10^-6 m2/s Total External Static Pressure Loss with 20% margin 39.39

Density 1.204 kg/m3 #Selection of Supply Fan 273.0 L/S x 39.00 Pa 39.00

Proposed External FCU Static Pressure 50 Pa Appendix (E ) Page-E-05

Proposed Internal FCU Static Pressure 39 Pa Appendix (E ) Page-E-05

Proposed Total FCU Static Pressure 89 Pa Appendix (E ) Page-E-05

Damper VD ꝋ = 0' Appendix G - Example Static Calculation Sheet of ASHRAE Standard

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