Education: The Birth of

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 The education in the fiftys used to be only for rich people. Those people worked in fields with animals in
farms only this people could pay money to study.
 They had implemented the chatolic religion.
 Many families needed that their children worked with them so...they couldnt have an education and they
only were working in farms, and the women were housewives and they used to take care of their little

Among the fashions of the 50s we find the dresses fitted at the waist, the skirts below the knee, the armed bras and
the high-heeled shoes.

In these years great importance was given to accessories such as hats, purses, headdresses, gloves and necklaces and
pearl earrings. All of them were the indispensable complement of all feminine attire. Sophisticated makeup also
gained ground. The women emphasized their eyes, with black eyeliner and well-defined lashes, and their red lips. The
goal was to look beautiful and sexy, but without losing style or elegance.

 In the late fifties the Mexican theater was well know because it showed that Mexico was a very independent
 The most famous movies are
 Godzilla, father of the bride, horror of dracula and the night of the hunter
 In this time not very many people had televisions and that’s why the Mexican theater was very important.

The Birth of Rock and Roll
• What is Rock and Roll?

• When did it start?

• Who named it?

• Who started it?

• What were the most memorable songs and singers?

• It is the natural result of mixing the positive, calmed music of the whites, with the Rhythm and Blues (R & B)
of the black, which up to this point had been two very separate and distinct thing.
• The brew started mixing in the 1940s, but it boomed well in the 50s, when the new generation of Young men
and women embraced it, much to the displeasing of their parents, who thought this music would bring to the
ground everything they had worked so hard to forge as a socety.

• American Dj Alan Freed was the first to use the name rock and roll to refer to this type of music, but not the
first person to use the expression.

• Leo Mintz, Freed’s sponsor encouraged him to use the term, since it had become popular in many songs like:
Rock and Rolling, by Bob Robinson (1939). Rock and Rolling mamma, by Buddy Jones (1939). And even songs
with “Rock and Roll” as their title, like the ones by Paul Bascomb (1947), Wild Bill Moore (1948), and Doles
Dickens (1949.

• Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly, Little Richard, Paul Richard, Paul Bascomb, Elvis Presley, Doles Dickers, Erline
“Rock and Roll” Harris, and many more…

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