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-The Ghostlive adventure

YEAR -1850


Once in a country of Dingumars, there lived four friends named, Pava, Navin, Vivek and
Vinoth. They all are best friends’. All of them like to wander somewhere, as they are idlers. One day,
they planned to go out on an adventure.

Pava: Well! Guys! Enough of hanging around here. Come on!!! Let us go somewhere.

Navin : Yeah! I heard about an island situated along the windward side. Can we go there?

Vinoth (frightened): Mmmh... No my friend. It is a haunted place and there will be ghost!

(Pava, Vivek, Navin)!!!! Hahaha!!!! What are you talking about? Come on man!! Today in this modern
world only fool will talk about these stuffs.

Vinoth: I am not joking. It’s true. We shouldn't go there.

Pava: Just shut up your rubbish talk! Come on guys we can head on to “GHOSTLIVE”.

Vivek: How can we go there? I don’t know the way. Moreover we don’t know to drive.

Navin: No problem. Let’s hire a car and we can go there. Hurry up!!!

Vinoth: It is so dangerous to go there. I beg u guys. Please we can go somewhere other than that.

[The four friends hired a car and they are heading towards the “Ghostlive” island]

Driver: Sir. There is no way. It is blocked and they have mentioned it as a restricted area.

Vinoth: Okay then, We can go back.

Vivek: I see a river on the other side of the road. If we cross the river, via the bridge, we can make it.

(Vinoth, Pava): Very good idea. Driver, Let’s move on!!!

All of them went to the island, by crossing the bridge, despite of the warning. They saw a
very aesthetic sight with some lovely monuments and a few people around it.


Vivek [with joy]: Wow!!!! Fantastic place!!! I love this!!

(Pava, Navin): Just look at this, Vinoth!!! It is really mind boggling us. There is nothing here to be scared

Vinoth: Hang on guys!!!! This place may look nice, but it is dangerous...

Suddenly!!!!!!! There happiness flew away. All of them were taken aback. Yes!! They saw a
sight, which they never see, even in their dreams!!!

Vinoth: What the hell is happening here!!!! I can’t believe this!!!

Vivek, Pava: Ohh my god!! The buildings were changed into trees and the people were changed into

Vinoth: I already told you, but nobody listened me.

All of them started running towards the car to escape but the driver was found dead.

Navin: Alas!!! The ghost killed the driver. What can we do now?

Vinoth: Hmm...Let’s go and hide behind the trees. We have no choice, other than this.

All of them hide behind a big tree and they were shivering in fear. After sometime, they saw
that the entire ghosts disappeared and they felt happy.

(Friends): Thank god!! We escaped, but we need to get out of here.


The four friends planned to escape from that place. They headed towards the bridge, but there is only
sea and moreover nobody knows to swim.

Navin: We can call somebody and ask for help.

Pava: Unfortunately this is a reserved area and I could not find any communication link.
Vinoth: Don’t worry folks, We are gonna die here.

Navin: We are already scared and you are making us more frightened.

Vivek: I see a hotel there. I am very hungry. Let’s go there.

Vinoth: It may look like hotel, but there won’t be anybody around there. Please, Don’t take risk!

Pava: Let us hope that nothing bad will happen there.

All of them went inside a hotel, where there is variety of foods but nobody there. As they are hungry,
they didn’t think about anything. They decided to eat all of them.

Suddenly!! There appeared two ghosts.

Friends: Come on guys!!! Run!!! Run!!!

Pava and Navin ran fast and they escaped, but Vinoth and Vivek were too slow and they have been
caught by the ghosts

(Pava, Navin): Oh my God! Vivek and Vinoth!!

Ghosts: hehehe!! We want the rest of your friends and we are going to eat all four of you.

(Vivek and Vinoth): Well! Then we can breath freely for a little while.

Ghosts: Hurry up!! We should catch the other two.


After that sad incident, Navin and Pava decided to take some rest .They saw a bird flying.
Pava hit that bird, with a stone and killed it.

Navin: Even in cricket, You haven’t hit the stumps. You would have hit that by chance only. hahaha!!

Pava: No jokes!! I was really very sad, my friend. Just fry and eat that bird and we can go once again to
that hotel to help our friends.

Navin: What are you talking? The ghost would have killed them and they may kill us, if we go there.

Pava: Let us hope nothing bad happened. Whatever happened, we all have to be united, whether we
live or die!

Both of them went to that Hotel, they heard some noise coming from a room, which is locked.

Navin: Hurray!! They are alive. Come on!! Let us find the key and rescue them.
Soon after, they rescued Vivek and Vinoth, the door closed and there is only one window still
open. Everyone jumped out of the window. Pava was the last in the queue. The window eventually
closed and he could not make it.

Pava [Loudly]: Don’t worry about me! Just escape guys.

Navin: Pava!! Pava!! We love u very much……..

The friends went on to a safe place.

Vinoth: The ghosts won’t kill him because they need all of us.

Vivek [happily]: Yeah! You are correct.

While they are discussing about this, they heard a loud noise from the hotel and they thought that
the ghost had killed Pava.

Friends [Crying]: Pava!! You are a true friend .You helped us by giving your life!!! May your soul Rest in



The friends moved from there and they saw a person coming in front of them from a long

Friends: He looks like Pava.

Vivek: It might be the spirit of Pava, so quickly clear this place…..

Vinoth: But spirits looks differently, You fool!!! He has legs and hands.

Navin: You are right. Thank god!! He is alive.

The friends reached Pava and asked what actually happened……….

Friends: We thought that you were dead. But for your kind heart, God saved you, my dear friend. But
what happened?

Pava: After the window got closed, I discovered an underground path, where I can be safe and I
escaped through that path, before the ghosts came.

Friends: That’s great!! But that loud scream?

Pava: Yeah!! The ghosts screamed, on letting me to escape…..

Friends: But how to escape from here?

Pava: There is a way in the North-east of a small lake, but we need to cross that…..

Navin: Okay! Move on friends!!


As they moved to that lake, a big storm pushed all of them into the lake and they were near
drowning into the lake, since they don’t know swimming.

Friends: Help!!! Help!!

Pava: Well! This is a reserved area and I don’t think anyone would show up, other than us.

Navin: Even if someone comes, it would be the ghosts only!

Vinoth: Despite the warning we came here and we are paying the price.

Suddenly they saw a weird creature, coming near them.

Friends: Okay guys!! Let’s pray God, before we die.

Luckily, the creature saved them. Finally they realized that it looks like Gowtham, their childhood

Vivek: Well! You are Gowtham???? We thought that you were dead few years ago.

Vinoth: What the hell are u doing here? I don’t know what is happening. Every moment here is just like
climbing a big hill!!!

Gowtham didn’t answer anything but he murmured only a few words ….. “Any help just call me” and
he flew away.

Friends [shocked]: Aww!!! He is flying and how a man could do that!! He might be a superman!!

Navin: Leave it! Anyhow he helped us. Thanks Gowtham.



As they were walking along the forest, many ghosts appeared and the ghosts surrounded
them. They also made the ground full of water, almost flooding that area.

Friends: Help!! Help!! Gowtham….

But Gowtham did not come there and the ghost came near to them….

Pava, courageously jumped into the water, realizing that being a prey for the ghost, drowning
while struggling in the water is a better option.

Friends: Nobody can save us now! Come on! Jump! We don’t wanna be tortured by the ghosts and
killed by them.

All of them jumped into the water. After sometime, Gowtham came and saw that all of
them were dead……

Gowtham, who has the supernatural powers, gave life to his friends, by sacrificing his life and he
died on that place.

The friends woke up and saw Gowtham dead.

Pava: Gowtham!!! You are a true friend!!! You saved us!!!

Navin: We love you. May your soul rest in peace!!

Vinoth: Yeah! He is really a hero…..

The friends buried Gowtham’s body, but not in a proper way.

Vivek: We are safe now. The ghosts would think that we were dead.

Navin: Hurray!! But we must clear this place quickly. Let us head on to the sea and hope that

somebody will come to help us.

They saw a boat coming from far away and they shouted for help. The boat driver came near
to them and everyone jumped into the boat.

Now the friends are moving very happily out of the Ghostlive Island.

Vinoth: I already told this place is dangerous, but nobody took my words seriously.

Navin: How could we believe in ghosts!! Leave it. Now we are safe.

Pava: We must thank god and Gowtham.

Vivek: I won’t forget this journey in my life time. I came across many weird things!!!
Pava [to boat man]: Okay… Could you please introduce yourself?

The boat driver told that his name is Vijay. There is a sign of relief in everyone’s face and all
of them were playing jokes among themselves…..

Suddenly,, the boat driver lost control of the boat, due to heavy storm . But luckily, they
stepped out into a new island and they saw a lot of trees and the sight looks fascinating…………

They saw a tree falling on their side and they ran into a place, which looks very weird!!!!

Unfortunately, a snake bit Vinoth and it ran away………..

Vivek: Hurry up!! Go and bring some Carotic leaves, to remove the venom and to cure him….

They went in search of the leaves………

Navin: I see some leaves inside this pit. But it was full of deadly snakes!!!!!!!!!!!

Pava: Okay! But we need to get it; otherwise we may lose Vinoth. I have a plan.

Just feed the snakes with poisonous leaves!!!!

The friends did as per the plan and all the snakes died …….

Vijay and Pava tied a rope, into Navin’s leg and they successfully got the leaves.

Friends: Now, Vinoth is cured and he is safe…. Thank god!!!


All the friends were wandering along the island. Suddenly, they saw a strange animal coming
far away. They started running and all went in separate direction.

Finally, the friends gathered in a place but Vivek and Vinoth never returned…….

Pava: Oh dear!!! I hear a sound of an animal along the hill side.

Vijay: Yes!! It is a small dinosaur and it would be nearly 5 feet.

Navin: Come on!! We have to act quickly, before the dinosaur kill our friends……

Pava: Okay!! I have a plan.

As per the plan, the friends dig a pit and covered it with leaves, with a depth of 10 meters.
Navin went near the dinosaur and hid behind the trees…. Meanwhile, Vijay Kumar, who was an
athlete, threw stones on to the dinosaur, to save his friends…..

The dinosaur started chasing Vijay and on the process, it fell into the pit…. And Vijay jumped
away from the pit and escaped as it was the plan…

Friends: Bravo!!! Vijay u did it!!! Now we are safe….

(Vivek, Vinoth): For the moment we might have had our heart in our mouth!!

Navin: How many times we had come close to death and escaped??

Pava: May be around 6 times!! But we are lucky enough to be here..

Vinoth: Hold on!! My friend!!Don’t stop your counting’s, Pava. It may continue...



The friends decided to get out of that place, but suddenly heavy storm made them to return to
Ghostlive island…… Moreover,, it was totally dark and they didn’t know where they are………

There they saw another two persons stranded in Ghostlive island……….They introduced
themselves as Lakshman and Soundar…

Everyone became friends…..

Vivek: Pava, We have not buried Gowtham’s body properly!!

Pava: Let’s make it proper then!!!

When everyone went to the place, where they buried Gowtham, they were taken
by surprise.

Navin: What is happening!!! Where is the body??

Lakshman: See there!!! There is a man coming here.

Vinoth: Run!!! Run!! That might be a Ghost in disguise of Gowtham!

Pava: You see! He is giving a signal, which we used in our childhood days.

Vijay: Thank god!!! It is a pleasant surprise to see Gowtham alive.


Everyone was happy but a bit surprise too. They asked Gowtham, what actually

Gowtham: One year ago, I came to this island, alone and I suffered a lot from two dinosaurs…. And
they tried to kill me!!!

One is 4.5 and other 3.5 feet… I could not escape from there …

He continued that, he gathered some weapons to kill the dinosaur. When the
dinosaur started chasing him, he threw the sharp weapon on the dinosaur and killed it….The younger
dinosaur, saw this sight and it started to chase him….

Gowtham has no weapon now and he fought bravely with the dinosaur…

Both of them were equally good. He could not fight against it any more….. Finally
Gowtham, being a magician, used his magic word and spelled “PISHISF””.

Suddenly, his spirit went into the dead dinosaur and the big dinosaur stood up….It
killed the small dinosaur…. During, this interval, an unknown spirit went into the body of Gowtham.

Friends: So now you are a dinosaur!! What happened later on?

Gowtham: I became a wild cruel animal and inhibited the characteristics of a dinosaur, without my
consciousness and I started to chase you…. But u guys killed me.

Pava: Yeah!! We killed that dinosaur!!!

Gowtham: Thankfully,,, my spirit went on to my original body that u have not buried properly!!!

Navin: I understand. The spirit that saved us before was not you and you were in the dinosaur’s


Gowtham: Yes. Thank you guys for helping me to recover my original body.

Friends: So everything that happened so far is for a good deed only!!!!!

Vinoth: Yes!! Guys!! Our plan to come here is not wrong!!!

Pava: If we had not come here, we could not have saved Gowtham!!!

Lakshman: Hurray!! Hurray!!! We have done a challenging act, without our knowledge!!!
While talking, Navin saw a box which was under a tree. He rushed near the box.

Navin: Hey! Look at this box, friends.

Saying that, Navin went to open the box. But Gowtham stopped him telling that it might be a
dangerous one. So Navin didn’t open it.

Gowtham: Enough of your talks!! We have to escape from here quickly!!

Friends: yes!! The ghosts might come again……..

Suddenly, they saw the Ghost coming near them and they were frightened….

Vivek: Just for a moment we where happy, the Ghosts are coming!!

Vijay: mmm.. They might have heard us…..

Vinoth: What to do now????

Pava: Only one way!!!!!

Friends: What??What???

Pava: To run…….. Come on let us run and head on to the boat……….

The Ghost started chasing them………..

All the friends ran quickly and they escaped from that place and now they were very safe and were
going happily out of the island, talking funny things among them…………….

Vivek: I would not forget such a thrilling journey in my lifetime!!!

Vinoth: Yes!! We are lucky enough to be talking here!!!

Friends: Every path of this journey is just like climbing a big mountain!!!!!

Pava: Okay folks!! From this journey, I understood that “LIFE IS MARKED WITH A LOT OF THORNS
AROUND IT”. We have to overcome it, to make them as FRIUTS!!!!!!!!

All the friends went to their respective places and lived very happily and peacefully…..


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