Botani-3-Evolusi Dan Klasifikasi Tumbuhan PDF

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Evolusi dan Klasifikasi


Ir. Karno, M.Appl.Sc., Ph.D.

Prodi S1 Agroekoteknologi
FPP Undip
Evolution of Land Plant

Evidence indicates that the closest living

relatives of the plants are a group green
algae called chlorophytes

The ancestral green algae lived at the

margin of ponds. From these marginal
habitats, early plants made the move onto
Ancestors of Plants
Evolution of Land Plant
Main challenges to living on land include

Water availability; danger of desiccation

1. vascular tissue
2. cuticule
3. stomata

Reproduction on land

1. More embryo protection

2. Reduction of the size of the gametophyte
(shelter from drought and UV radiation)
Some adaptations to life on land

The cuticule, a waxy covering that prevents drying

Gametangia, cases that enclose gametes and prevent drying

Embryo, young sporophyte contained within a protective structure

Thick spore walls to prevent drying and resist decay

A mutualistic association with a fungus that promotes

nutrient uptake from the soil
Three evolutionary steps promoted an ancestral alga
to a land plant
Plant Taxonomy
(the study of identifying, naming and classifying plants)

Plant Classification

Plant Systematics

Plant Identification




Plant Systematics / Classification

Plant Systematics
Plant Taxonomy – Scientific Names
Plant Taxonomy – Plant Labels

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