IPR Essay

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1. What is intellectual property? Explain the needs to protect intellectual

2. What is infringement of patent? What are the proceedings that can be taken
against infringement of patent?
3. Explain the law relating to “deceptive similarity” with the help of decided
4. Define copy rights. Explain the subject matter of copy right.
5. State the law relating to confidential information and trade secrets.
6. Discuss the origin and functions of WTO*****
7. Define copyright and explain the remedies available in case of infringement
of copy right under copyright Act.**
8. What are the inventions that are patentable and not patentable under the
patent Act.
9. Define trade mark and explain the procedure for registration of trade mark.
10. Explain the remedies available against the infringement of copyright in a
design under the industrial designs Act.
11. Define the term of patent? Explain what are the inventions that are not
12. Define deceptive similarity and explain the law relating to it.**
13. Define confidential information and explain the law relating to it.
14. Explain the various terms of copyrights under the copyrights Act, 1957 and
enumerate the rights under the copyright Act.
15. What are the effects of trips agreement in patent and trademark, copyright
16. Define copyright and explain the rights conferred by the copyright Act.
17. Explain non patentable inventions and describe the procedure to obtain the
grant of patent
18. Define trademark and explain the remedies for infringement of trademark
19. What designs are registerable and what are the conditions for registration of
a design
20. Explain the role played by patent law in the development of a nation.
21. What are the requirements to be proved in a passing off action/ explain with
case laws
22. Copyright is a bundle of rights. Describe the various rights enjoyed by an
owner of copyright
23. Explain the powers and duties of controller under the designs act, 2000
24. What are the important factors for determining infringement of copyrights
25. Define intangible property. Explain the different type of intellectual
property in India.
26. What is copyright? What are the subject matter that can be protected under
the copyright act* **
27. Define patents and explain what are the invention that are patentable and
non patentable under the patents Act*
28. Define collective trademark and discuss the remedies available in case of
the infringement of trademark
29. What is copyright? Explain the rights of a owner or author of the copyright
on the subject matter
30. Define patent rights. explain the procedure to obtain the grant of patents.
31. Explain the various steps for registration of trademarks under trademark Act
32. Explain the law relating to confidential information and trade secrets
33. Discuss about the different types of intellectual property in India.
34. What is patent revocation? Explain the procedure to obtain the grant of
35. Explain the various steps for registration of trademarks under trade mark
36. Explain the law relating to confidential information and trademark.*
37. What are the marks that can be registrable and non registrable under
trademark Act.
38. Define performing rights. Explain the term of copyright to Various subject
maters under copyright Act.
39. Define novelty and originality. Discuss the law relating to registrable and
non registrable design.*
40. What is patent right? Explain the inventions that are patentable and non
patentable under the patent Acts.**
41. Define industrial designs and explain the remedies available for
infringement of designs.**
42. Explain passing off. Distinguish passing off action and infringement.
43. Compulsory license is a tool to check abuse of monopoly in the patent
system. Discuss
44. State the requirements of registration of design and explain designs which
are not patentable.
45. Discuss various right of an owner of a copyright.*
46. Describe various modes of transfer of patent, what formalities are required
to be observed in case of assignment.
47. Define trademark. Explain in detail the limitations to the right obtained on
the registration of trademark.
48. Discuss the essentials to protect intellectual property right
49. Write a detailed account of working of patent law in India
50. Explain the rights conferred by intellectual property laws.
51. What are the circumstances under which compulsory license can be granted
and renewal under the patent Act
52. What are the legal remedies available to the registered design holder under
designs Act
53. Enumerate the importance and salient features of industrial designs Act*
54. Define the term invention and explain the procedure for obtaining patent .
55. Explain the guiding principles of TRIPS agreement in respect of protecting
intellectual property rights
56. What is patent? What are the rights and obligations of patentee?
57. Define infringement of trademark and what acts do not constitute
Infringement of trademark
58. Explain the impact of TRIPS agreement in Indian patent system
59. Describe the powers and function of the copyright system
60. Discuss the significance of trade secret protection for the interest of
61. Explain the remedies available in cases of infringement of trademark
62. Discuss the effect of TRIPS agreement on trademark law in India*
63. What are the remedies available for infringement of patents? Discuss
64. Explain assignment of copyright and transmission and relinquishment of
copyright effected?*
65. Define collective mark under the trademark Act. Explain the marks that are
registered and non registerable under the Act.
66. Describe the grounds for granting compulsory license under the Indian
patent Act
67. Discuss the powers and functions of the intellectual property organization
68. Explain the registration procedure for industrial design under the industrial
designs Act
69. Define intellectual property. Explain its taxonomy
70. Discuss the importance of TRIPS agreement harmonizing the protection of
intellectual properties.
71. What is copyright? Explain the legal procedure relating to term of copyright
72. What is trademark? Explain the objects of trademark Act
73. Explain in detail the remedies available to the proprietor of registered
design and the defence available to the defendant
74. What is invention? What are the invention that are patentable and non
patentable under the patent Act
75. Define term copyright and discuss the different types of copyright subject
76. What is trademark? What are the rights conferred by the trademark Act to
its owner
77. Define copyright. What are the subject matter that can be protected under
copyright Act*
78. Define deceptive similarity. State the reasons available for infringement of
79. What is compulsory license? What are the circumstances under which
compulsory license to be granted and revoked to the grant of patent.
80. Enumerate the remedies available in the infringement of copyright in a
design under industrial designs Act
81. What is patent? What are the procedure to be followed obtain the grant of
patents under the patent Act
82. Define tangible and intangible property and discuss the various kinds of
intellectual property.*
83. Define non patentable invention and about the rights conferred on a
84. Define passing off, explain the remedies against the infringement of
85. Explain the salient features of the patent. Explain the procedure for
acquisition of patent.
86. Explain assignment, transmission, relinquishment of copyright
87. Explain in detail the remedies available to properitor of registered design
and the defence available to the defendant against piracy under designs Act.
88. What are the essentials of a design?Explain procedure for registration of
89. Enumerate the acts which do not constitute infringement of copyright
90. Explain the procedures and grounds for issuing compulsory license under
Indian patent Act
91. Explain the law relating to confidential information and trade secrets
92. Discuss the procedure to obtain the grant of patents under the Act
93. Define copyright owner. Explain the remedies available for infringement
94. Define infringement of trademark. Explain which acts does not constitute
Infringement of trademark.
95. Explain deceptive similarity and enumerate the relevant factores to be
considered to determine the existence of deceptive similarity, citing relevant
96. Define collective trademark. Give an account of the salient features of the
trademark Act.
97. Compulsory license is a tool to check abuse monopoly in the patent system
98. The procedure for registration of designs is simple one-comment
99. Explain industrial and trade secrets? Give an account of the remedies in
case of infringement of confidential information.

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