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Enhance Community Quarantine (ECQ) in Luzon

Enhance Community Quarantine (ECQ) is implemented in Luzon last March 17, 2020.
This ECQ has many effects to all, the implementation of curfew, closure of establishments,
restriction to travel and restricts people movements.

This said ECQ helps to avoid the corona virus to spread all over the community. The
restriction of people movements like going anywhere even you don’t have a valid reason. It helps
the environment not to so crowded but for others who have important meetings it is a hassle for
them, to be check where ever they go. Due to the restriction of travel it helps the environment to
have clean air but for others that have work, they are having a hard time in coming work and
going home mostly to those who don’t own a vehicle. In addition restriction to travel also have a
big disadvantage to those way of earning is by driving. The curfew is good for those people who
have work for the day but for the people who work at night, it is a big disadvantage to them. The
owner and workers of establishments have time for their family together because they have no
work but in return they don’t have earnings for some time.

This ECQ has advantages and disadvantages to people and environment, but as we all
know the government implement this to help the people not to be infected by the said virus.
Parents and children must follow and cherish their time together mostly to those families having
hard time to be together because of work. As a high school student I will help my parents in
household chores, study at home and encourage others to be a responsible citizen.

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