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Overview Highlight Sustainability Pillars Sustainability Foundation Appendix 002

CEO Message

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. | Vice Chairman and CEO Kim, Ki Nam

I would like to begin by expressing my sincere appreciation in our business strategy. With safety as a top priority, we have
to our shareholders, customers, suppliers, communities, and engaged in numerous improvement activities such as “EHS
employees around the globe for your continuous support of Innovation Day”, an event held to spread a culture of safety,
Samsung Electronics. and EHS consulting for our suppliers. Through our efforts, we
will establish a “safety first” culture in which even minor safety
This year marks our 50th anniversary. Founded as a small man-
issues are not overlooked, aiming to create an accident-free
ufacturer of black-and-white TVs, Samsung Electronics has
working environment.
grown to become a major global IT company in 50 years. We
delivered record-high earnings last year despite an unfavorable Finally, aligning with our pursuit of co-prosperity with our
business environment, and have been ceaselessly working to communities, we have continued providing Win-Win funds
lay the foundation to take us through the next 50 years. for our suppliers, support for non-profit organizations, and
smart-factory projects for small and medium-sized enterprises.
We designed our Sustainability Report 2019 to both look back
In addition, we have launched a new corporate citizenship
on our activities over the past 50 years as well as offer a guide
initiative with a vision to focus on the education of future
on our direction for the next 50 years.
generations, carrying out myriad social contribution programs
In the coming years, we are well aware that we will not be eval- around the globe. We have made the pursuit of co-prosperity
uated solely based on our business performance. As such, and one of our core values, and will thus keep working with
in addition to our efforts to pursue profits and increase share- local communities, our country, and humanity to benefit all
holder value, which are fundamental purposes of businesses, stakeholders.
we will endeavor to fulfill our social responsibilities as a global
At Samsung Electronics, we follow a simple business philosophy
—We will devote our human resources and technology to create
Our environmental activities have included countermeasures superior products and services, thereby contributing to a better
against climate change—including reducing our greenhouse global society. Leveraging our technology and business knowl-
gas emissions and expanding the use of renewable energy— edge, we will proactively address social and environmental
and active participation in the recycling of resources to issues and strive to become a company that can flourish along-
minimize the environmental footprint of our operation. The side our communities for more than 100 years.
impetus for the company’s environmental activities is shifting
We look forward to your continued interest and support in our
from selective spending to essential investments that create
100-year journey to create a prosperous, sustainable society.
value, and we will continue to engage in environmental
activities, believing economic development and environmental
sustainability can coexist.
Thank you.
Furthermore, we aim to take safety at our worksites and
suppliers to the world’s highest levels by internalizing a com-
mitment to environment, health, and safety (EHS) management
Samsung Electronics Sustainability Report 2019 003

Management Philosophy

At Samsung Electronics, we will devote our human resources and technology to create superior products and services, thereby contrib-
uting to a better global society. This commitment is guided by our set of values that consist of “Management Philosophy, Core Values,
and Business Principles”. To this end, we translated our five management principles into detailed action plan guidelines to establish the
Samsung Electronics Global Code of Conduct that all of our employees are guided by. To drive our sustainable growth and define our
way forward, we are guided by the following core values, which are instrumental to the way our employees conduct business.

Philosophy We will devote our human resources and technology to create superior products and services,
thereby contributing to a better global society.



We value our people We give our best We rapidly take We act in a right and We take full respon-
with a strong belief efforts with endless the initiative in ethical way in all sibilities as a good
in “A company is its passion and a executing change manners, ensuring corporate citizen in
people” philosophy challenge spirit to and innovation with fairness with honor pursuit of mutual
and providing oppor- become world best risk awareness : we and grace. prosperity with our
tunities to perform in every ways. cannot survive if we community, nation
their full potential. do not constantly and human society.
strive to innovate.

Business 1. We comply with laws and ethical standards.

Principles 2. We maintain a clean organizational culture with high integrity.
3. We respect customers, shareholders and employees.
4. We care for the environment, health and safety of all.
5. We are a socially responsible corporate citizen.

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