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API usage Terms and Condition

We’re excited to announce that we are going to make public our covid19.cramstack dashboard
API and thank you very much that you’ve chosen us. We believe that it will help other developers
to develop something more significant that will help to overcome the crisis we are facing right
now and help general people to know the right information about the COVID-19 pandemic. By
using our APIs, we believe that you will agree to the terms and conditions we’ve mentioned below.
So, before start using our API’s please read the terms and conditions very carefully. When you or
your organization develop something based on our API, then you are bound to follow the terms
and conditions. So, please spend some time on the conditions below,
1. Introduction:
When you or your organization start using our API, that means you are entering a legal
agreement and you agree all the terms and conditions
2. API prohibitions:
When using our API, you may not
 Interfere with or disrupt the API’s or the services or networks providing the API’s
 Abuse, threaten or harass others by using this API
 Promote or facilitate unlawful online/offline gambling or use for commercial usage or
the advertisement
 Use the APIs for any activities where the use or failure of the APIs could lead to death,
personal injury, or environmental damages
 Remove or changes any kinds of terms and conditions
 Remove any kinds of proprietary from our material
 Distribute contents to anybody other than your users
 Use the API in an abusive way
 Access to member’s network without their permission
 Misrepresent the source or the ownership
3. While using the API for public usage, you must mention Cramstack’s Logo on it
4. Cramstack will not be liable for any kinds of misuse of the data using by the third party
rather Cramstack will have the authority to remove the access of the API from that third
party if Cramstack see any kinds of dissonance without any prior notice to the party using
the API
5. If you are using this API on behalf of a company, then you will be liable for any kinds of
fraud activities by using this API done by the company.
6. To access the API, you may be required to provide some information (identification or
contact detail) as the registration process. If you provide any kind of falsified information,
it might hamper your access to the API.
7. When you will share our API with the other users, you must acknowledge them about the
terms and conditions and ask them not to violate any conditions here.
8. You should not use the API to encourage any kinds of illegal activities. If you do,
Cramstack will have the rights to take legal actions against you.
9. Cramstack may monitor the use of the APIs to ensure the quality, improve cramstack’s
product or services, and verify your compliance with Cramstack. Cramstack may suspend
your access to the API with/without any prior notice if we believe that you are in violations
of terms and conditions.
10. Your systems must be configured to securely operate your Application and store Content.
11. Our API might contain some third party content such as images, text, video, etc. This
content is the sole responsibility of the person or organization provided us the access to
that content. You may not use it unless the other party gives you access to that content. In
that case, you should not use that content without the permission of the party or you should
see the terms and conditions of that person/organization.
12. You should not make any statement regarding using the API which suggest a partnership
with or endorsed by Cramstack unless you go for any kinds of a partnership program with
13. In case of promoting the product/service developed by using Cramstack API, you should
mention the name and the logo of Cramstack.
14. We might modify the terms or any portion of it, you should have a look at the terms and
conditions regularly. We will post notice of modifications within the terms within the
15. This terms and conditions can be changed at any moment.

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