Drug Worksheet

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1. What are some of the consequences of marijuana use?

If you get caught and it is illegal, you can loose your job, and ruin your future

2. List the 4 classifications of drugs we discussed today.

1- marijuana
2- stimulants
3- depressants
4- opiates
5- hallucinogens
3. Stimulants ___________________
increases central nervous system activity.

4. Depressants ____________________
decreases central nervous system activity.

5. _________________
marijuana are drugs derived from a poppy plant or made in a lab.

6. ____________________
hallucinogens are drugs that distort perceptions and cause experiences
that are not real.

7. List 2 types of stimulants:


8. List 2 types of depressants:


9. List 2 types of opiates:


10. List 2 types of hallucinogens:


11. What are anabolic steroids?

more effective version of testosterone
12. What are 2 ways drug use can jeopardize your future?
lose your job or a scholarship

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