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apter One

Background and Introduction

Over the last few decades the attention on companies social activities has increased in the

corporative world and lot of organizations now restructuring and streamlining the social

activities in order to ensure that they are socially responsible [ CITATION Reg10 \l 1033 ] . In today’s

world where the Organizational performance shows very important and significant part in

enhancing the revenue for the firm and in order to attract the shareholders and potential

employees therefore this topic requires more attention [ CITATION Wil10 \l 1033 ] The development

of organization and growth of employee’s good CSR activities is essential. There are millions of

articles and books are has been written and published on various different topics but there is few

on CSR and organizational performance.

In the past few years many natural disasters occur in Pakistan such as floods, land sliding,

earthquakes etc. and these disasters effect millions of people very badly, people lost their

shelters, crops were destroyed, and people are suffered from dangerous diseases. Many

international and national sectors came forward in order to help them. Banking sectors of

Pakistan did not lack behind to help out, some banks give health facilities, some built houses for

them, and some banks give financial support. As Banks are the financial organizations which

provide financial help on behalf of their customers and shareholders[ CITATION Tha07 \l 1033 ].

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