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Single Phase Induction Motor MODELING AND SIMULATION

The voltage equation of the motor can be written in the d-q stationary frame as follows:--

The equations of motion are given by:---


ψsd ,ψsq ,ψsd ,ψrq are the d-q- stator and rotor flux linkage, respectively,
Xsd- is the d-axis stator leakage reactance,

rr- is the rotor resistance,

rsd-,rsq are the rotor resistance,

ωm- is the base speed, 314 rad/sec,

ωr- is the rotor speed, electric rad/sec,

Te -is the developed torque,

Tl- is the load torque,

Tdamp- is the damping torque,

P- is the number of poles.

d-q Transformation of the Single Phase Induction Motor

Model of the 1-phase I/M in DQ axis frame:..

Vsq (Rsq+pLsq) 0 pLoq 0 isq

Vsd = 0 (Rsq+pLsq)isd 0 pLoq X isd

0 pLoq -(Nq/Nd)wrLod (R’rq+pL’rq) (Nq/Nd)wrL’rd i’rq

0 pLoq -(Nd/Nq)wrLod (Nd/Nq)wrL’rq (R’rd+pL’rd) I’rd

Where Vsq and Vsd are the q and d axis stator voltages,Rsq and Rsd are the q and d axis stator
resistances,Lsq and Lsd are the q and d Axis stator inductances, p is the differential operator (d/dt) ,isq
and isd are the q and d axis stator currents,Loq and Lod are the q and d axis mutual inductances , I’ rq
and I’rd are the q and d axis rotor current s, Nqand Nd are the d and q axis effective turns, R’rq and Rrd
are the q and d axis rotor inductances and wr is the rotor angular speed.In the q and d axis the stator
angular speed. In the q and d axis the stator and rotor inductances can be expressed as follow:





Where, Llsq and Llsd are the q and d axis stator leakage inductances and L’lrq and Llrd are the q and d
axis rotor leakage inductances.The instantaneous electromagnetic torque is calculated as :


Where P is the number of poles.The electromechanical equation of the 1-phase I/M is

p.wr=1/Jm (Te-T1)

Jm-the inertia constant of the motor and load and T1 is the external load. In these equation the d axis
corresponds to the auxiliary winding and the q axis represents the main winding. There fore ,Vsq
voltage will be equal to the source voltage , Vsource. The auxiliary winding voltage is expressed as:

Vsd = Vsource – 1/C integral isd.dt

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