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archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

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Recent development trends in metal forming

Z. Gronostajski a, Z. Pater b, L. Madej c,*, A. Gontarz b, L. Lisiecki c,

A. Lukaszek-Solek c, J. Luksza c, S. Mróz e, Z. Muskalski e, W. Muzykiewicz c,
M. Pietrzyk c, R.E. Sliwa d, J. Tomczak b, S. Wiewiórowska e, G. Winiarski b,
J. Zasadzinski c, S. Ziólkiewicz f
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, 27 Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego St., 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
Lublin University of Technology, 38D Nadbystrzycka St., 20-618 Lublin, Poland
AGH University of Science and Technology, 30 Mickiewicza Av., 30-059 Kraków, Poland
Rzeszow University of Technology, 12 Powstanców Warszawy Av., 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
Czestochowa University of Technology, 69 Generala Jana Henryka Dabrowskiego St., 42-201 Czestochowa, Poland
INOP – Metal Forming Institute, 14 Jana Pawla II, 61-139 Poznan, Poland

article info abstract

Article history: Major, recent developmental trends in the field of metal forming are presented in the paper
Received 28 January 2019 both from experimental and numerical point of view. First, progress made in metal forming
Accepted 15 April 2019 processes such as: rolling of long flat products, cross wedge rolling, open die forging, die
Available online 4 May 2019 forging, extrusion, drawing, and stamping are addressed. Then, the study provides infor-
mation on the current trends in the application of numerical modeling in the field of metal
Keywords: forming. Presented discussion of the particular issues, is confronted with the authors' own,
Rolling recently elaborated, solutions.
Forging © 2019 Politechnika Wroclawska. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

alloy) in processes resembling primitive die forging. The

1. Introduction
Middle Ages are the times of the development of forging due to
the popularization of water wheel, which started to be used in
Metal forming is one of the oldest technology known to forging shop to power the hammers for open die forging (since
mankind. Already in 4500 B.C., metal forming techniques were the 14th century) as well as rolling mills applied initially in the
applied to copper, with the use of hammers made of strong production of lead plates (since the 17th century). The further
stones. Steel began to be forged at a larger scale, after it was development of metal forming technologies was connected
produced in bloomeries, in about 1000 B.C. In the 8th century B. with the introduction of a steam engine, which began to be
C., coins began to be manufactured (from silver or electron applied to power machines such as: rolling mills (Wilkinson,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L. Madej ).
1644-9665/© 2019 Politechnika Wroclawska. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941 899

1783), hammers (Nasmyth, 1839) or presses (Haswell, 1861). At capable of producing parts with dimensional accuracy lower
the beginning of the 20th century, forging machines started to than 1/4 DIN standard what directly results in significant metal
be equipped with individual electric drives. Next, automatiza- economy as well as mass reduction of final products and their
tion and numerical control were introduced to create the metal assemblies [8]. The main factors affecting dimensional
forming industry of today. accuracy of final products, beside rolling mill parameters,
At present, metal forming is an important part in the are grove shapes, deformation pass design and rolling
production of machine components as well as ready to use temperatures [9].
products, mainly owing to such advantages as: economy of The latter ones, play particularly important role. Variations
material and labor, repeatability of dimensions, possibility of in the billet temperature along the length of furnace can be in
producing the desired internal stresses and of providing the the range of 30 8C to even 90 8C [10]. A non-uniform
objects with in use properties often unreachable by means of temperature distribution in the rolled band significantly
other manufacturing methods e.g. casting or machining. Thus, affects recorded force-energy parameters, results in non-
metal forming operations are often applied in the industry, uniform wear of the rolls, and most of all influences plastic
especially in large lot production. The popularity of this flow of metal during subsequent rolling passes. As a result
technology can be proved by a statistical car, which, in 90%, final product may fail to meet the customers' requirements. As
consists of components made by metal forming processes. seen in Fig. 1a and b, a temperature drop along the length of
Therefore, in the recent years, significant progress is being the band by about 50 8C causes a momentary increase in
observed in the development of modern metal forming rolling torque and power. At the same time such temperature
processes. This is reflected in high value journal publications drop influences dimensional accuracy what can be seen in
as well as granted patents. There is, however, no comprehen- Fig. 1c and d. In this case a drop of temperature by 50 8C along
sive study, which discusses the progress in this field in the the length of a rolled oval band with diameter 70 mm, resulted
recent years. With that, an idea was created at the Metal in an increase of the band width of 0.8 mm in the areas of a
Forming Division of Metallurgy Committee of the Polish lower temperature [10].
Academy of Sciences to provide a review on the matter that Therefore, temperature is a very important factor, with
would summarize the achievements and identify directions of regard to both the rolling mill stand safety as well as final
future developments in metal forming. product dimensional accuracy [10].
The precision of shaped rolled products also depends on
the applied system of passes and grove shapes. In order to
2. Rolling processes unify the deformation distribution in the rolled band,
modifications of the classic passes are more often applied
The rolling processes belong to the group of the most efficient [1,8]. The effect of the application of modified stretching passes
production technologies and can be in general classified as on the possibility of obtaining final products with narrowed
rolling of long and flat products or forge rolling of shaped dimensional tolerances as well as on the decrease of the rolling
components. force parameters for the two rolling variants has been
discussed in [8]. In the paper, the first variant is a horizontal
2.1. Shape rolling oval-vertical-oval-horizontal-oval-circle system often called
‘‘universal’’ system of passes, which enables shape rolling of a
Shape rolling processes are applied in the production of long wide range of products with various dimensions. In the second
products characterized by simple cross-sections (e.g. round, variant for the horizontal and vertical oval passes, modifica-
square, flat) as well as ribbed bars and wire rods [1,2]. Besides tion of shapes was introduced and new dimensions of the
that shape rolling found wide range of applications in the passes were determined. In the design of the modified passes,
production of complicated profiles, such as angle bars, channel the similarity of the surface areas of the modified passes with
bars, I-beams and rails [3–5]. The shape of a final product is those of the classic passes were used. The modification
provided by means of cooperating rolls with properly designed consisted, among other things, of the application of three
grooves. Shape rolling is often used to obtain final products construction radii, while the typical oval passes have only one
with controlled mechanical properties [2,6,7]. As mentioned, radius. Examples of geometrical changes of the rolled 14 mm
rolling is most often applied to produce bars with simple cross- diameter bar in subsequent rolling are shown in Fig. 2.
sections [1,2,8], which are used as final products or semi- Comparisons of products obtained from the two investigated
products for further processing by drawing, die forging or variants clearly showed that introduced modifications narrow
extrusion. Therefore, the paper pays particular attention to the dimensional tolerances of the final product (no ovality of the
recent achievements in this field of applications. final product, regardless of the applied steel). Also recorded
The precision of shaped rolled products is described by mean unit pressures acting on rolls during deformation was
deviations between the measured cross section dimensions lower in the second variant of the technology what directly
and their nominal values. In case of round and square leads to reduction of the rolls wear. The surface quality of the
products as well as flat rods both height and width are rolled product was also improved [11].
characteristic dimensions while for ribbed rods, the running The reduction of rolls wear is often addressed in the
meter is most often used. In recent years, a clear increase in literature by means of different approaches. In [1] an
the customers demand for rolled products within the negative interesting approach based on combination of regression
deviations from required tolerances is observed. The newly- analysis and the probability density function distribution was
constructed and recently modernized shape rolling mills are used to optimize the oval pass shape.
900 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

Fig. 1 – Comparison of the change in the value of the torque (a) and power of rolling (b) as well as temperature distribution and
its influence on the band width in the exit from the roll gap for the two cross sections (c and d) [10].

single-stand rolling technology. The major advantage of the

technology is that it can be introduced into the industrial
practice both in the new continuous rolling mills and in the
already existing modernized ones without significant invest-
ment costs. The technology allows separation of the billet at
the rolling train into two, three, four or five strands for
subsequent rolling of ribbed bars. The main difficulties
encountered in the technology are related to the selection of
the appropriate shape of the slitting passes, which are
responsible for the shaping of the particular strands and the
bridges which connect them. The issue of low durability of the
rolling equipment used during slitting passes is another a
disadvantage of the process [15]. Since the beginning of the
Fig. 2 – Shape and dimensions of the crosswise templets 21st century, many scientific centers have been conducting
collected from the bands after particular roll passes: (a) research addressing these issues. The studies concentrated
steel C45, variant I, (b) steel C45, variant II, (c) steel mainly on the optimization of the shape of slitting passes and
X2CrNi19-11, variant I, and (d) steel X2CrNi19-11, variant II. the selection of the system of these passes [12–15]. Adding
additional slitting passes and proper modification of the
geometry of other rolls leads to reduction of deformation value
and eventually wear. Example of the modified technology is
presented in Fig. 3.
In the recent years, the demand for ribbed bars for concrete The proposed slitting pass system used during the rolling
reinforcement has increased. That resulted in improvement of process can also lower force-energy parameters, which
the rolling consumers require products with reduces the load of the main drives for the group of finishing
appropriate structure, shape as well as dimensions but at a low stands of the analyzed rolling mill [12,13].
price at the same time. One of the ways of reducing the During designing of the shape rolling technology, beside
production costs of ribbed bars is increasing the production obtaining appropriate shape of the final product required by
capabilities by using e.g. rolling with longitudinal band the customers, particular attention has been payed to the final
separation (multi-slit rolling process) instead of the traditional mechanical properties. These properties in a classical ap-
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941 901

During the rolling of thick plates, there is a problem with

the ‘‘penetration’’ of the deformation in the whole thickness of
the strip. Inhomogeneous deformation in the thickness results
in a non-uniform morphology of the microstructure, which
worsens the mechanical properties. In recent years, in order to
homogenize the microstructure in the whole volume of the
rolled strip, a new technology of rolling thick and thin plates
has been developed, i.e. Gradient Temperature Roll (GTR),
which ensures an increase of the deformation uniformity in
the whole thickness of the strip. The concast slab, and next the
rolled strip, are subjected to intensive cooling between the
particular passes in such a way so as to lower the surface
temperature to about 800 8C. In turn, the core has a much
higher temperature, which can be equal even as much as
1100 8C. The temperature gradient obtained in this way causes
the prescribed deformation to accumulate in the strip's core,
which contributes to obtaining of fine austenite grains as well
as fine and homogenous ferrite plates. Both ensures an
improvement of mechanical properties in the whole thickness
of the plate [17,18]. When geometrical accuracy of sheets and
Fig. 3 – System of slitting passes for three-strand rolling of plates is of interest an asymmetric rolling can be used.
ribbed bars: (a) classic, (b) modified; H – horizontal rolls This process is known for many years, although being still
stand and V – vertical rolls stand. developed and modified, [19]. Introduction of asymmetry in
the form of a difference in the peripheral speeds or diameters
of the rolls lowers the rolling force and, as a result of
improvement of the sheets' flatness, reduces the dimensional
proach can be obtained after the rolling process through the deviations in their length and width. In recent years, this
use of thermal treatment. However, in recent years, the technology has also been analyzed in respect of an improve-
concept of accelerated cooling of the band between rolling ment of the properties of the rolled products [20,21]. The use of
stands has been introduced [2,6,16]. The use of this technology asymmetrical process of rolling for austenitic steels intensified
for e.g. 26 mm diameter bars, rolled under the conditions of a the recrystallization and refinement of the structure in the
continuous mill D370 provided the possibility to obtain a lower central layer for temperatures above 900 8C. In turn, for rolling
rolling end temperature what directly influence the properties temperatures below 900 8C, even with the use of a 60% rolling
of final product. The use of accelerated cooling limited the reduction, in a symmetrical rolling process, the phenomenon
growth of the austenite grain, which ensured a reduction of its of dynamic recrystallization, occurring in the asymmetrical
size from about 20 mm for the classic process to about 15 mm process, was not observed. A significant effect of asymmetrical
[16] and causes homogenization of the microstructure at the rolling on the mechanical properties was observed also in the
cross-section of the rolled bars from steel S355. This leads to case of sheets rolled from non-ferrous metals [21]. As a result
increase in the impact energy value from 8 to 60 J for 40 8C of the activation of shear bands, in the deformed material, a
and from 30 to 92 J for 0 8C. A similar approach to the one stronger grains refinement takes place in the areas of their
analyzed has also been discussed in study [6]. presence, which improves the mechanical properties, as
compared to the sheets obtained in a symmetrical process.
2.2. Rolling of flat products At present, the steel processing industry (including sheets)
requires from the semi-products to exhibit better and better
Manufacturing of flat products in the form of hot rolled thick properties both in respect of quality (proper geometry) and
and thin plates, cold rolled thin sheets and strips as well as functionality (mechanical properties, but also, more and more
coated sheets is presently the second largest (after long often, a reduced level of residual stresses). The sheets, after
products) assortment of products obtained with the use of the they have been unwind from the coil, usually are characterized
rolling technology. Among the products mentioned above, a by lack of flatness as well as a high and non-uniform level of
part of them is directly used for the constructions of various residual stresses. This is, among other things, a remain of the
kinds (e.g. shipbuilding or power industry), but a significant rolling process and bending into coil. In the case of hot rolled
majority, after cutting, is used as semi-products for further sheets, it is also related to cooling, which causes non-uniform
processing in e.g. rolling, forming and bending. Advanced temperatures of the sheets along their width (the edges cooled
rolling technologies must ensure not only required geometry more intensively than the central part), which especially
(e.g. flatness) of the plate and sheet, but also required more generates geometrical defects and increases the level of
elevated mechanical properties, which are obtained e.g. by residual stresses (residual stresses type I). There are two
using new advanced types of steel. This is connected with the groups of defects strip flatness (mainly non-uniform strip
automatization and robotization of the production processes thickness) and strip straightness deviations such as: waviness,
as well as the aim of lowering the kerb weight with an bow shaped faults and strip camber. In the cold rolling the
increased level of safety (e.g. automotive industry). most common shape deviation is a strip waviness which is
902 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

measured by a wave height and a wave length. In order to There are, in general, two strategies in development of
minimize such defects, in the recent years, a finishing pass hot strip mills. The first is focused on development of
with a very small deformation, usually from 0.5 to 4%, the so- conventional rolling mills (Fig. 4a), which are generally
called skin pass, has been used by the industry (temper rolling) composed of furnace (1), descaler (2), slab sizing press (3),
[22,23]. Usually, the skin pass is applied after the annealing of roughing train (4), roller table (5), finishing train (6), laminar
the sheet in order to homogenize the level of residual stresses cooling (7) and coiler (8). Development of these mills involves
on the upper and lower surface of the sheet through softening an increase of the power of motors, new gauge control
of the surface areas, to improve the sheet's flatness and to systems and complex cooling strategies including ultra-fast
obtain a specific sheet texture. Surface softening of the sheet cooling, which allows to decrease coiling temperature below
lowers the non-uniformity of the deformation in the width of 400 8C. The second strategy involves compact hot mills (CSP –
the profile formed from such a strip; also, the bow and camber Compact Strip Production), which is a novel technology
type defects are limited. The use of the skin pass technology developed in 1980s for casting-hot-rolling of thin slabs
during the cold rolling of sheets, beside mentioned advan- (Fig. 4b). This technological innovation follows converter
tages, also lowers the operational costs, increases the steelmaking and continuous casting technology in the steel
elasticity of the mill and improves the surface quality of the industry. The CSP provides a more compact line and simpler
sheet. The latter is especially important in the case of use of procedure as compared with the traditional hot rolling
such sheets as a semi-product for the forming and stamping technology. Both conventional hot strip mills and CSP trains
processes. are now capable of reducing the final thickness of the strip to
Currently, an increasing interest in light construction 1 mm. Hot rolled strips can be either used directly for
materials characterized by high strength, with a simultaneous manufacturing final products or can be subjected to further
preservation of good plastic properties can be noticed. And so, cold rolling process (Fig. 4c). In the former case the final
more and more often, non-ferrous metal alloys are applied, microstructure is obtained by applying complex cooling
especially those of aluminum and magnesium. The processes strategies in the laminar cooling. In the latter case hot rolled
of metal forming of magnesium alloys are unique in their strips are subjected to typical cooling cycles resulting in
character, and their proper implementation in the industrial ferrite–pearlite microstructures.
practice is very difficult. The main limitation of their applica- There is no CPS mill operating in Poland and this process is
tion is the low plasticity of these alloys at low temperatures. Try not discussed further here, see [26] for details on the
to avoid it, the twin-roll casting (TRC) technology has been development of the CPS technology and [24] for its application
developing. With the technology fine-grained feedstock mate- to magnesium alloys. The focus in the present paper is on
rials, which are then hot rolled into thin sheets can be obtained. development of new routes for conventional hot strip mills
This process combines metal solidification followed by rolling with manufacturing of AHSS strips used as an example.
into one production stage. In this way, the number of passes as Multiphase microstructure of the AHSS can be obtained either
well as the thermal treatment are limited compared to the during laminar cooling after hot rolling (thicker strips) or
conventional rolling process. This results in an improvement of during continuous annealing after cold rolling (thinner
the mechanical and plastic properties of the products in strips).
comparison with those obtained in the classic technology of Hot strip rolling is a process specifically designed to control
sheet rolling [24,25]. The properties of an Mg alloy sheet made the product microstructure and properties. The process called
in the TRC technology is significantly affected by the rolling thermomechanical process control (TMPC) is of particular
parameters. The application of higher deformation values in importance. The TMPC rolling is used to obtain both the
the particular passes and a lower rolling temperature leads to a desired shape of the product and its final properties without
higher strength, lower elongation. In turn, higher rolling further processing. The microstructure is sensitive to the
temperatures improve the deformability but worsen the process parameters. Thus, understanding and controlling the
strength of the sheet. It has also been proven that the quality influence of these parameters is crucial for obtaining the
of the final product is strongly affected by the amount of desired product properties. A typical the TMCP rolling mill
impurities in the feedstock material [25]. configuration is shown in Fig. 4a. It illustrates wide possibili-
As far as hot rolling of thin strips is considered, the most ties for varying the process parameters including rolling
important challenges can be summarized in four groups, as schedule, rolling temperatures, cooling temperatures and
follows: rates, etc. The property control is mainly achieved in the
finishing mill and by laminar cooling afterwards. The influ-
 Dimensional accuracy, which involves problems of homo- ence of both is briefly discussed below.
geneity through the width and through the length of the The TMCP aims at maximum grain refinement, which can
strip, as well as stability of rolling. be reached either by the austenite grain refinement or by
 Low level of residual stresses, which can be obtained by increase the effective area of grain boundaries or increase the
controlling the laminar cooling and coiling parameters. density of nucleation sites for ferrite. Rolling deformation
 Improved microstructural parameters and mechanical results in an increased energy level of the material due to the
properties, which are obtained by thermomechanical rolling accumulated dislocations generated by plastic deformation.
and complex cooling strategies. The elevated temperatures during hot rolling lower this stored
 Rolling of new materials with exceptional properties – energy by recovery, recrystallization and grain growth pro-
Advanced High Strength Steels are used as an example in the cesses. In this context the non-recrystallization temperature
present paper. TnRX, above which static recrystallization between passes
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941 903

Fig. 4 – Typical process steps for TMCP rolling mill configuration (a) and Compact Strip Production (b) followed by cold rolling,
continuous annealing and manufacturing of final product (c).

Table 1 – Key aspects regarding innovative hot strip rolling processes [28].
Market demands Needs at rolling mill Limitations
Improved homogeneity of mechanical Cooling homogeneity/control of process Classical cooling is heterogeneous
properties conditions
Improved homogeneity of mechanical Rolling stability + cooling homogeneity Different thermal path from head to tail &
properties heterogeneous coil cooling
Reduction of geometrical tolerances Rolling stability
Cost efficiency vs. Mechanical properties - Lower alloying elements, increased cooling High investment required
cost reduction due to decrease of capacity and efficiency (UFC)
alloying elements content Adaptation of the metallurgical concept
Increased dimensional feasibility Increased power/torque on HSM, different Investment required and increase of energy
technologies (CSP for thinner product), consumption
rolling stability, coiling capacity for thicker Different thermal path from head to tail
New grades development and production Low coiling temperature (200–400 8C) Difficulty to control coiling temperature in
this range of temperature
Weight reduction Production of new grades with enhanced Complex concept
mechanical properties

occurs, is of main interest. TnRX depends on the deformation, decreasing hot deformation temperature or/and increasing
the cooling rate and the inter-pass times between roll stands. strains shifts the transformations start temperatures toward
Only decelerated recrystallization appear below this tempera- higher levels and lowers the Ms, what pronounce finer ferrite
ture due to strain-induced precipitation of second-phase grains and finer martensite blocks.
particles. In case of retarded recrystallization the work The effect of the TMCP rolling compared to conventional
hardened (pancaked) austenite provides a high number of rolling was thoroughly investigated by the researchers, see [27]
nucleation sites for the phase transformation resulting in very for the review in the area. A variety of pass schedules and mill
fine ferrite grains. characteristics together with the operating capacity and
The control volume fractions of constituent phases are the related constraints were analyzed and innovative rolling
main challenge in manufacturing AHSS strips. The transfor- routes as well as modern equipment was proposed, while
mation kinetics is needed to reach this goal. By using the general setup of the mill (Fig. 4b) remained unchanged. Key
dilatometric results the austenite to ferrite fraction is deduced. aspects regarding innovative rolling processes are summa-
When the material reaches the defined fractions, the fast rized in Table 1. It is seen that a number of challenges is large
cooling begins and the material is cooled down to martensite and they involve various aspects of the process. General
start temperature (Ms). In general it can be stated that discussion of all these items is presented in [28]. Two aspects
904 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

connected with: (i) rolling stability due to temperature control laboratory conditions. The former can be performed by using
and (ii) new grades development (AHSS, bainitic) by sophisti- e.g. VirtRoll hybrid computer system described in [28,29].
cated and more intensive cooling routes and decreasing the VirtRoll, which is a digital twin of the industrial mill, is
coiling temperature, are presented below. composed of two parts: (i) a web-based module allowing
AHSS grades compose of dual phase (DP), complex phase design of an arbitrary rolling mill and (ii) computing module
(CP), transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) and martensitic dedicated to numerical simulations of designed manufactur-
(M) steels. It can be stated that the production of DP steels is ing cycle. The VirtRoll system combines models, data and
well investigated. However, the process window in hot rolling knowledge bases and inverse approach to design of optimal
of these steels is tight as only very short times less than 10 s are process parameters with respect to required final properties. It
allowed on the existing run-out tables, according to their allows configuration of a rolling line composed of basic
limited length. The pursued objective of research in [28] was to equipment like furnaces, descalers, rolling stands, laminar
accomplish a higher flexibility in terms of rolling AHSS strips. cooling, coilers, etc. Dependently on selected materials specific
This was intended by the intercritical rolling in the tempera- numerical models can be loaded by the system.
ture range of the austenite–ferrite transformation. This Information about materials, models and devices available
process exhibits the potential of producing new, high perfor- for hot rolling mill designers is stored in the database, which is
mance hot rolled products and the ability to produce thinner the crucial part of the system. Details concerning the material
strips for a given maximum rolling force. Beyond this, the models in the database can be found in [30] and coefficient in
cooling rate, which is necessary to get the desired amount of these models for all steels investigated in [28] are given in [29].
martensite can be reduced significantly. Flexibility and a content of the database are the factors, which
Controlled accelerated cooling treatment is the crucial part decide about the reliability and usefulness of the whole
of the hot strip mill and it decides about product microstruc- system.
ture and properties. Conventional laminar flow cooling (LFC) On the other hand physical simulations of new rolling
systems use one of the following strategies: front cooling, rear routes can be performed on thermo-mechanical simulator
cooling and sparse cooling. Since the cooling schedules Gleeble 3800. Special focus can be turned to the identification
required for the AHSS microstructures often cannot be reached of an enlargement of the working space enabling the more
in the existing LFC systems for typical velocities and flexible and energy efficient production of existing steel grades
thicknesses of strips, new systems were proposed, such as: and to production of new grades. As it has been mentioned, hot
reinforced cooling (RC), compact cooling (CC) and ultra-fast rolled strips require diverse and flexible control of cooling path
cooling (UFC). They can achieve a wide range of cooling rates at in order to take full advantages of strengthening mechanisms,
the exit of the rolling mill, the main objective being a reduction such as fine grain strengthening, precipitation strengthening
of the time between the last rolling pass and the run-out table. and transformation strengthening.
It was observed that through the rational allocation of the UFC Results of physical and numerical simulations performed
and LFC, more flexible cooling path control and cooling to develop optimal cooling strategies are described below.
strategies could be obtained. The new systems strengthen Bainitic steel and AHSS strips were considered. Different
the control capability of grain refinement and precipitation schedules were investigated for each group of steel grades [29]:
behavior by the front located UFC. Meanwhile, due to the
appropriate set of intensive laminar boxes, the rear LFC  Bainitic steels. Four steels with various content of Nb, Ti and
cooling capacity can be further improved and meet the new Mo were tested. Two variants of physical simulations were
demands. In consequence, the mechanical properties of the considered. In variant 1, presented schematically in Fig. 5a,
steels get a great leap forward due to the cooling strategies, lower temperatures of deformation were applied. Variant 2,
which can decrease costs and create economic benefits for the which is not presented here, was characterized by higher
steel companies. The UFC technology allows for the realization temperatures of deformation. Grain size prior to the first
of high cooling rates and has a remarkable effect on grain deformation (after soaking) was 67 mm. Cooling from the last
refinement and precipitation during phase transformation. By deformation temperature to the holding temperature was at
applying the TMCP technology followed by the UFC combined the rate of 20 8C/s. Three holding temperatures during
with the traditional LFC and suitable control strategy, steel cooling, 400, 450 and 500 8C for cooling versions a, b and c
products with high added value can be processed. This respectively, were used for each variant. These tempera-
technology allows for the production of high strength material tures correspond to the coiling temperatures in the
at a reduced amount of alloying and microalloying elements. industrial mill.
High strength level (750 MPa) can be obtained for a lean C–Mn–  AHSS: Four steels with various combinations of Nb, Ti and
Nb chemistry, with an attractive strength-ductility balance, Mo were tested. Three schedules were considered (Fig. 5b).
high toughness, as well as interesting fatigue properties in the The four first passes were the same in all the cases. The
as hot-rolled condition. All discussed problems are particularly difference was in the interpass time between the two last
important for other than DP multiphase steels. deformations and in the time before accelerated cooling.
Investigation of various hot rolling routes cannot be Schedule (a) was a reference schedule, schedule (b) was the
performed on the industrial mill and industrially realized shortest interpass time between the two last deformations
pass schedules are difficult to acquire due to the existing and schedule (c) was the shortest time between the last
competitive situation and resultant confidentiality. Therefore, deformation and immediate accelerated cooling. It allowed
it is only possible to gain indirect information by using to obtain different state of the austenite at the beginning of
numerical simulations as well as physical simulations in phase transformations. Moreover, two coiling temperatures
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941 905

Fig. 5 – Simulated rolling schedules for bainitic steels (a) and AHSS grades (b) [29].

Fig. 6 – Sample images of the microstructure for 0.18%Ti bainitic steel variant 2a (a) and variant 2b (b) [28].

(CT) were considered (500 and 600 8C). The objective was to the precipitation strengthening effect of TiC in bainitic ferrite,
see the influence of the CT on the subsequent microstruc- see [28] for details.
ture and properties. AHSS. For all the samples ferrite was the main constituent
of the microstructure (from 60 to 90% depending on the grade
Samples were quenched at various stages of the process and process conditions). The rest of the microstructure
and microstructure was analyzed. Mechanical properties of all consisted of pearlite and/or martensite. No significant effect
samples were measured. Full set of micrographs and results of of the rolling schedule (time between two last deformations
properties measurement is presented in [28] and only the most and time before cooling) was observed mainly due the fact that
important results and conclusions are discussed below. austenite is already highly non-recrystallized for the reference
Bainitic steels. Typical microstructures are shown in Fig. 6a rolling schedule. In all cases austenite was highly deformed
for variant 1 and in Fig. 6b for variant 2. The microstructure leading to fine but heterogeneous microstructures. Concerning
contains allotrimorphic ferrite (<10%), degenerated upper mechanical properties, better results were obtained for a
and lower bainite, and blocky martensite. It is seen that, coiling temperature of 600 8C. The higher level of properties
generally, coiling at the highest temperature of 500 8C results (YS = 810 MPa and UTS = 1130 MPa) was obtained for the TiMo
in a coarser microstructure and higher blocky martensite grade and CT of 600 8C. Lower mechanical properties of the ‘‘no
fraction compared to coiling at 450 and 400 8C. Some Mo’’ comparing to ‘‘Mo’’, which is due to higher fractions of
diversification of strength of the samples was observed hard phases in the latter. In some cases, important gap
depending on the coiling temperature, namely, decreasing between mechanical properties was observed without signifi-
the CT temperature resulted in yield strength decrease and cant variations in the microstructure suggesting an important
elongation increase, but the lowest strength was obtained for effect of precipitation strengthening. This effect seems more
the CT of 450 8C (variants b). Steel with 0.18Ti performs better pronounced for Ti grades.
in terms of strength versus ductility relation. Steel with All rolling/cooling schedules were simulated by mentioned
0.03Nb and 0.18Ti showed the highest mechanical properties. VirtRoll system and selected results for the bainitic steel are
For low end of rolling temperatures (variant 1) yield stress (YS) presented in Fig. 7. Two cases were considered, conventional
around 840 MPa and Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) around rolling with the final temperature of 950 8C (variant 1) and a
1110 MPa were obtained. These properties were, however, new route with additional fast cooling before stands 5 and 6
combined with slightly lower elongation, which was due to (variant 2). Time-temperature profiles for both variants are
the highest amount of blocky martensite. The most plausible shown in Fig. 7a and changes of the austenite grain size are
explanation of all the observation is that longer time of shown in Fig. 7b. There data were used as starting point for
thermomechanical processing resulted in more intense simulations of laminar cooling variants a, b and c, see Fig. 7c.
precipitation of TiC in the austenite. This, however, lowers All these plots show capabilities of using combination of
906 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

Fig. 7 – Time–temperature profiles (a), grain size changes (b) and kinetics of phase transformation (c) for variants 1 and 2 (T –
temperature, F – ferrite, B – bainite).

Fig. 8 – Methods of forge rolling: (a) longitudinal, (b) cross, and (c) skew.

TMPC, UFC and LFC to design process routes leading to a 2.3. Forge rolling
variety of microstructures.
Other aspects of the hot strip rolling design, which were not The processes of forge rolling are usually realized under the
discussed above and are of scientific and practical interests, conditions of hot metal forming, where, with respect to the
include: positioning of the rollers and the rotation direction can be
classified as follows:
 Investigation and analysis of the residual stresses caused be
temperature heterogeneity.  longitudinal rolling (Fig. 8a), during which the treated object
 Substantial through-thickness microstructure and texture is in translational motion and the rollers arranged in parallel
inhomogeneity, which can occur due to the imposed rotate in the opposite direction;
through-thickness gradients in shear, deformation, and  cross rolling (Fig. 8b), where the treated object rotates
temperature. opposite to the rollers arranged in parallel, which rotate in
 The use of a coil box, which can help to limit the variation of the same direction;
finish rolling temperature along the length of the strip.  skew rolling (Fig. 8c), during which the treated object is in
translational-rotational motion (screw motion), and the
More details on all these aspects can be found in [28]. rollers, arranged askew, rotate in the same direction.
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941 907

Fig. 10 – Results of modeling, in the Forge program, of the

process of rolling a stepped shaft, with the marked
temperature distribution (8C).

laboratory tests of longitudinal rolling of a lever preform made

of the 2014 aluminum alloy. The [38] discusses the results of
theoretical and experimental tests in the scope of cold
longitudinal rolling of a compressor blade made of the
Inconel-718 alloy. In this case, the research was directed to
the improvement of the rolling accuracy by way of taking into
account the elastic deformations occurring in the tool-rolling
mill system, in the drafts.

2.3.2. Cross rolling

Among the cross rolling technologies, the one mostly applied
Fig. 9 – View of the production of motorcar front axle beams
in the forging industry is the cross-wedge rolling (CWR), which
(top) and the exemplary products (bottom) [35].
is used to form components such as stepped axles and shafts,
as well as to produce preforms, which are next forged at
forging presses. This state of knowledge in the scope of CWR
until 2010 has been discussed in detail in the study [39].
In the last decade, there have been numerous studies in the
2.3.1. Longitudinal rolling scope of CWR, in which the possibilities provided by numerical
Longitudinal forge rolling constitutes a popular type of rolling modeling have been widely used. A large part of these studies
and is applied mostly for the formation of preforms of drawn [40–44] have been focused on the research of the limitations in
forgings, preliminarily forged on forging presses. This process the course of the CWR process, in the form of: uncontrolled
is currently quite well-known and so the number of new slide, narrowing of the formed core of the treated object,
scientific papers referring to it is relatively low. However, after bending of the product and cracking of the material. Also,
2008, owing to the possibilities provided by computer based on FEM analyses, the force parameters have been
modeling, new types of passes used in this rolling method determined [45,46] as well as the change in the temperature
have been developed, including oval-flat and oval-diamond [47], the microstructure [48], the stress [49] and the deforma-
passes [31,32]. The use of such passes gave a possibility to tion state [50] in the rolled product.
homogenize distribution of deformation intensity at the cross- The development of computer programs used for the
section of the elongated strand. modeling of metal forming processes, as well as the increasing
A lot of focus [33,34] has been put to issues related to the computational capabilities of the computer units created the
longitudinal rolling of motor truck front axle beams. At possibility to stimulate very complex cases of CWR processes.
present, these components are flash rolled in three passes, An example in this scope can be the process of forming a
and next, they are bent and forged on a press to obtain the pre- driving shaft presented in Fig. 10, where the treated object is
described shape. In China only, as many as 30 front axle rolled by means of two rollers. The extreme steps are rolled
production lines have been activated (Fig. 9), including with the cross-section reduction equaling 91%, which requires
longitudinal rolling mills and presses with the load of 25– the use of a two stage rolling process. In the first stage, the
40 MN. The annual production efficiency of these lines varies forming of the pins is realized on the intermediate diameter,
in the range of 50,000–100,000 beams, depending on their and in the second stage – on the final diameter.
overall dimensions. The material output is 85–92% and the Taking into consideration the expansion of the technologi-
durability of the rolling segments equals 8000–15,000 pre- cal possibilities of CWR, in recent years, several research works
forms, being twice as high as the durability of the dies in which have been performed. A part of these studies referred to the
the beams are bent and forged [35]. forming of components with steps whose cross-sections are
The literature also provides some information on the different than the circular one (e.g. square, hexagonal, oval).
longitudinal rolling of components made of non-ferrous The making of elements with such steps requires the use of
metals. And so, the studies [36] discuss research in the scope tools with specially profiled calibrating surfaces [51,52]. The
of rolling of a lever preform made of the AZ31 grade characteristic of the mentioned forming processes is an
magnesium alloy. In turn, article [37] presents the results of alternating change of forces, which is a consequence of the
908 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

cyclically changing draft. Examples of products, which do not

fulfill the conditions of axial symmetry but can be produced by
the CWR methods are also shafts with toothed rings or worm
windings. In this case, the rolling tools are equipped with
special inserts (placed directly behind the calibration zone)
used to form the windings. The results of the research
performed so far show that, in this way, it is possible to
produce shafts with normal and skew toothing [53] as well as
with a worm winding [54,55].
An emphasis has also been made on the development of Fig. 11 – A CWR factory producing transmission shafts [64].
new methods for manufacturing hollow elements, which are
currently becoming popular in the machines construction. As
a result of the quite numerous studies performed in this area
[56–58], it has been established that: volume of the material closed in the pass, which creates the
grooves of the cooperating rollers. Tools with such shape are
 the CWR process of hollow elements can be disturbed by the difficult to design and manufacture. That is why the discussed
product being crushed or narrowed, as well as significantly rolling technology is currently used to form products of simple
deformed in its internal surface; shapes, such as rings for rolling bearings or balls.
 the wedge angles should be selected differently than in the The limited scope of the use of skew rolling translates
case of full products (it is recommended to use smaller directly to a small number of scientific papers referring to this
angles of flare and larger shaping angles); issue and published in the last decades in the subject
 in order to eliminate the ovalization of the cross-section, the literature. The studies recorded in this area referred mainly
sizing zone should be elongated in such a way so that the to the FEM analysis of the process of rolling balls [65] and the
formed product can make at least 3 rotations in it. designing of tools securing the ball forming process [66].
In recent years, at Lublin University of Technology, a new
With the aim of improving the possibilities of forming long method of producing steel balls has been developed, called
products, a lot of attention has been paid to the development wedge rolling (HWR). This method uses wedges, which are
of the multi-wedge rolling technology, during which the helically wound over rollers in one or two coils, which makes it
product is formed by more than one pair of wedges. The possible to produce balls in a continuous way. The performed
application of such a solution results in shortening of the tools, research [67] has fully confirmed the purpose of the developed
increase of the forming forces and complication of the tools' forming concept. Taking into account the results obtained in
construction (the shape of the side wedges must take into the scope of HWR of balls, this technology could be applied in
account the elongation of the product caused by the operation the manufacture of other axial symmetrical products, such as:
of the central wedges) [59]. Beside the long products, such as joining elements [68], stepped axles and shafts [69], or bodies
railway carriage axles [49], this method can also be used to of rotary knives (Fig. 12).
produce several short products at the same time, such as balls
for ball mills [60].
The CWR method is applied mostly to form steel products. 3. Forging processes
However, recently, several research works have been per-
formed on the expansion of this technology for products made A wide range of applications of forgings is explained by their
of non-ferrous metals and their alloys. In this scope, so far, high quality, good efficiency of forging equipment as well as a
attempts have been made at the rolling of elements made of relatively low amount of scrap after forming. In comparison to
aluminum [61] and titanium [62] alloys, superalloys based on other production technologies, forgings, especially after
nickel, copper balls [63] and shafts made of a zinc alloys used in thermal treatment, are characterized by exceptional mechan-
nuclear reactors [63]. ical properties and a fine-grained structure. Therefore, they are
The present popularity of the CWR process in the forging often used for manufacturing of the machine parts, which are
industry is proven by the fact that, in China only, about 300 exposed to the excessive loads.
production lines based on this technology have been activated. The amount of the global production of forgings reaches 26
The total production capacity of these lines equals about million tons, of which the hot closed die forged constitute 19
400,000 t/year. Also, in this country, approximately 20 profes- million tons, the closed die forged parts 644 thousand tons and
sional CWR factories have been opened, each of them having the open die forgings 6 million tons [72]. Fig. 13 shows the
the annual production capacity at the level of over 10,000 tons share of the particular countries in the global tonnage
[64]. An example of such a factory, in which the CWR method is production. It is worth noticing that the forging industry is
used to produce transmission shafts, has been shown in dominant in the regions with a strongly developed automotive
Fig. 11. industry, i.e. in Europe, USA, Japan as well as China.

2.3.3. Skew rolling 3.1. Open die forging

Skew rolling, in the industrial practice, is rarely applied. The
reason for this is the fact that the rollers have screw grooves of The characteristic feature of the open die forging processes is
varying shapes and steps, determined by the constancy of the the possibility of producing elements of very large overall
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941 909

Fig. 12 – Numerical simulation of the HWR process of a rotary knife body, with the marked temperature distribution (8C).

Fig. 13 – Production of forgings: (a) globally, (b) Europe, and (c) globally open die forgings, in 2016 [112].

dimensions (much larger than in the case of e.g. die forging) as Materials for the open die forging are usually in the form of
well as optimized mechanical properties (exceeding the slabs and multi-angular forging ingots. They ensure the
parameters of cast products) [70,71]. The high customer optimal purity (through e.g. minimization of inclusions and
requirements often make the open die forging technology impurities), small inner porosity and a uniform structure in
the only one to manufacture a given detail of a significant size. the whole volume of the detail. The studies [73–75] performed
Open die forging is distinguished by a wide spectrum of in the scope of steel manufacturing (directional solidification
manufactured products/forgings from modern materials, with technologies) and casting (of sub-arcs, ingot mold casings and
a focus on the fulfillment of the increasing demand on the local top swages) have enabled optimization of the parameters and
and global market. The current tendency forces the manu- control of the process as well as increase capabilities of the
factures to deliver products, which are maximally processed casting technology. Nevertheless, there are technological
and of the possibly highest quality. problems connected with the creation/occurrence of various
The production rate of open die forged large-size parts kinds of internal discontinuities in the process of ingot
depends on the demand generated by such branches as the solidification (e.g. defects, internal voids). This issue is quite
power industry (wind, nuclear and thermal power plants) and largely discussed in scientific papers referring to the analysis
sea transport. The main assortment is constituted by shafts, of the behavior of internal discontinuities during the defor-
rings, disks, bushings, as well as end caps and shells. The mation process. Usually, two phenomena are considered:
biggest global producers of heavy open die forgings made of mechanical closing [76,77] and pressure welding [78], which, in
the heaviest ingots are: Japan Steel Works in Japan, China First consequence, enables the final bonding of the inner surfaces
Heavy Industries and China Erzhong in China, Doosan in South (elimination, complete healing/integration) of the voids. These
Korea, Le Creusot in France, OMZ Izhora in Russia, Pilsen steel, issues are addressed by the two different approaches:
Vítkovice Heavy Machinery in Czech, Celsa Huta Ostrowiec macroscopic (process scale) and micro-analytical (defect scale)
and Kuznia Swobodna Stalowa Wola in Poland, Sheffield [76]. The performed investigations are based on a theoretical
Forgemasters International Great Britain, and Larsen & analysis, as well as numerical and physical modeling, with the
Toubro, Bharat Forge Ltd. in India [73]. use of artificially introduced discontinuities into the deformed
910 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

Fig. 14 – Forging simulation in the QForm – 16 ton ingot, in combined dies: (a) ingot with introduced internal voids in the head
area and (b and c) following forging stages with visible voids reduction [107].

Fig. 15 – Analysis of the distribution of porosity in the hollow ingot: (a) after solidification and (b–d) after subsequent stages of
forging on a mandrel, from THERCAST® and FORGE® [108].

material (Fig. 14) [77,79,80]. This makes it possible to formulate necessity of producing their construction elements (such as
empirical and analytical models [81], semi-analytical models shafts, rings, etc.) of increasing dimensions. So far, they have
[82] and phenomenological models of the material's behavior. been produced as assembled elements (e.g. through welding or
A tool, which helps in the evaluation of internal voids behavior bonding) out of several smaller forgings. However,
in heavy ingots during forging are computational software, manufacturing monolithic parts significantly improves their
such as DEFORM [80,83], QForm [84] or FORGE® [80]. Another durability owing to the preservation of structure continuity.
important problem related to the closing of material voids is The technologies of producing such elements show not only
their behavior in the case of a complex sequence of forging the wide possibilities of the forging technologies in the scope
operations including upsetting and cogging, consisting of of the given assortment, but also the advanced progress of the
many drafts prescribed in the consecutive passes [80]. Some of forging industry. A good example can be manufactures from
the voids that were closed in a given pass later can reopen in China and Japan, which produce forgings from ingots with the
the following forming stages. Preliminary cooling, degree of mass exceeding 600 tons. Another solution becoming more
deformation, feed rate and tool shapes have significant and more popular among the open die producers is the use of
influence on forging performance and voids elimination [80]. hollow ingots with axial ports (Fig. 15). These are usually
For example research results from [80] directly showed that products forged on a mandrel, such as pierced shafts, rings and
shaped dies used at initial stages of forging significantly bushings [86–88]. Casting an ingot with an opening is
reduce amount of voids due to closing process. Limiting the connected with material economy and simplicity as additional
plastic flow of the material during the deformation process operations such as piercing or drilling of an opening in the
favors the deformation's penetration to the core of the forged technological cycle are not required.
material. On the other hand, this solution is rarely applied in Another effective way of achieving material economy is
the industrial practice, as it causes a rapid increase of the force ensuring an improved quality of the ingot before the forging
compared to the forging in flat dies with similar deformation process. A verified method of improving the ingot structure is
levels. electroslag remelting [89], which is successfully applied in the
Generated three-dimensional compression stresses in the case of large-size ingots made of nickel alloys. The process
central part of the ingot by the wide die heavy blow forging consists of subjecting the solidified ingot to gradual remelting,
(WHF) method also leads to effective void closure in the and the liquid metal is then additionally passed through a
cogging process [85]. The deformation process of large forging layer of slag, which causes its purification. After the repeated
ingots modify also the crystalline structure of the material and solidification, the element characterizes in a much lower
increases its mechanical properties. content of non-metallic inclusions. While the process requires
At present, the trends in the forging ingot production aim at the engagement of additional aggregates and the extra energy
manufacturing elements of an increasing mass. The increase consumption for the repeated material remelting, the
in the power of energy aggregates is connected with the obtained material exhibits high purity what positively affects
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941 911

Table 2 – Compilation of selected open die forged equipped with high pressure force presses [97].
Country Company Forging Press (ton) Max. ingot (ton)
Japan Japan Steel Works 14,000 650
South Korea Doosan 17,000 540
China China Erzhong 16,000 650
India L&T 15,000 300
Russia OMZ Izoha 15,000 600
Czech Rep. Vitkovice 12,000 250
Poland Celsa Huta Ostrowiec 8000 130
UK Sheffield Forgemasters 10,000 200
the USA N. American Forgemasters 9000 170

its plasticity. As a result of it is possible to perform forging with area are based on the assembly of specialized burners enabling
a significant limitation of required material to fully fill the the heat recovery from combustion gases, which reduces the
shaped die, what in the case of expensive materials, is crucial fuel consumption by up to 30% [92]. It is also important to
from the economical point of view. precisely control the temperature inside the furnace chamber
Recently also intensive development of robotization and [93,94] and to properly arrange the heated products [95].
automatization is clearly visible in the area of open die forging. Hydraulic presses, as the machines which are the most
This fact is largely related to the concept of Industry 4.0, which frequently used for the open die forging of large-size elements,
has been introduced in recent years [90,91]. are also systematically equipped with energy-saving power
Under production conditions, there is a pursuit of full supply systems [96], whereas the integration of these devices
integration of all the equipment participating in the production with modern manipulators accelerates the process and
process, from heating furnaces, presses and manipulators to minimizes the risk of damage.
measurements equipment controlling the product quality. Mentioned hydraulic presses are presently more often used
Specialized systems make it possible to track the parameters for open die forging (Table 2), of the nominal force exceeding
of the machines in real time through the collection and 100 MN (10,000 tons) – Fig. 16. In Poland, the press of the
processing of data provided by the particular stations along highest load is a machine of the nominal working force up to
the production line. Such an approach, beside the data collection 80 MN (8000 tons) [72].
for statistical purposes, makes it possible to eliminate or improve For the production of solid products, shaped/stepped shafts
some weak points in the technological chain [92]. Also predictive or thick-walled pipes, swaging machines with hydraulic drive
maintenance is possible with the use of such complex systems. are more often used especially with a four-anvil system,
From the point of view of the environment protection, the enabling deformation with large drafts and feeds. They ensure
key issue in the open die forging is limitation of the carbon not only precision (narrowed dimensional tolerances), repeat-
dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions [92]. With that reduction ability, fully automated forging, but also a homogeneous fine-
of the fuel consumption in gas furnaces (usually used to heat grained microstructure [99,100]. The development of swaging
the elements during open die forging) without disturbing the machines is also directed to the automatization and energy
production continuity has to be achieved. The solutions in this saving of utilization.

Fig. 16 – Generalized diagram and main overall dimensions of a modern hydraulic press with the nominal force of 170 MN
(17,000 tons) in Doosan, South Korea [98].
912 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

Fig. 17 – Current solutions proposed by forging manipulator producers in the context of open die forging: (a) automatic circular
manipulator in the working area separated by a laser curtain [101] and (b) schematic representation of the process of bending
a preform with the use of flat tools and manipulator [102].

A mass increase of the produced preforms is also possible the main factors affecting competitiveness and therefore new
due to developments in the industry supplying forging developments [109]. The North American Forging Industry
manipulators (Fig. 17). Complex automatization and increase (NAFI) has reported a growing risk for the American forging,
in maneuvering capabilities of rail manipulator allow to carry being a result of the global competition as well as the
preforms up to 200 tons[101]. Developments in the circular development of new production processes, such as the casting
manipulators, which carry lighter forgings. is directed toward (from modified cast iron and high-alloy cast steels) and the
full automatization as well as the possibility to deform efficiency of the machining equipment. A threat to the forging
preforms with the use of manipulator jaws and press anvils industry is also non-metallic construction materials, widely
as seen in Fig. 17b [102]. used in the automotive and aircraft industry. NAFI has pointed
The increase in the working requirements of open die out that the cost-effectiveness of the American forging
forgings and the common application of advanced materials depends on the close cooperation of associated industries,
have created the necessity of a strict control of the quality of joint research and development programs in the scope of cost
the formed elements, both after and during the forging process reduction and material use increase [110]. At the same time,
[103]. Especially useful are optical measurement devices the strong pursuit of production cost reduction has led, in
(Fig. 18a) used for the analysis of the product dimensions 1990s, to the tendency to transfer the production to Asian
and modern defects detectors that can identify even internal countries with low labor costs. However, the authors [111] note
discontinuities [103–105]. These solution replaces the manual that such policy may not be effective, presenting examples
measuring devices, which enabled mainly local measure- showing that the cooperation with local forging producers is
ments of the geometry and forced the operator to closely mutually beneficial, both economically (e.g. through the use of
approach the heated detail [106]. knowledge and experience, which lower the implementation
Optical systems are also used for the analysis of the costs, and quality guarantee), but also through the develop-
vibrations and undesirable deformations of forging machine ment of technologies lowering the costs of mechanical
components during the forging process (Fig. 18b) [105]. treatment or selection of new materials.
Based on [109,111,113,115–117] it seems justifiable to state
3.2. Close die forging that the development of modern die forging will be directly
related to the development of precision forging – Fig. 19. The
3.2.1. Close die forging of steel forgings basic feature of a precision forging process is limitation of the
Since the end of the last century, there is a continuous material consumption and the machining time, as well as
development in the closed die forging industry. The require- improvement of the strength properties as a result of a better
ments for reduction in the production costs, increased quality grain pattern [114].
of products, increased flexibility of product as well as Initially, precision forging referred mostly to cold forging
fulfillment of the environment protection requirements are processes. Currently, however, more often there is a pursuit of

Fig. 18 – Quality control by means of optical systems: (a) a forging model after scanning [106] and (b) control of the press
vibrations and analysis of the undesirable tool displacement [105].
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941 913

Table 3 – Comparison of characteristic parameters of die forging processes [113].

Criteria Hot forging Warm forging Cold forging
Forging weight <60 kg <10 kg <2 kg
Shape Any Rotational-symmetric Rotational-symmetric
Roughness 100 mm 50 mm 10 mm
Additional thermal treatment – Additional surface treatment Forcing
is not usually applied
Softening pressures Low Medium High
Energy costs High Medium Low
Tolerances General Precise Very precise
Tool costs Low High High
Tool durability (number of items 5000–10,000 10,000–20,000 20,000–50,000
from impression)

Fig. 19 – Examples of precision forgings made by IFUM [115].

Fig. 20 – Half of a die for precise forging with exemplary
forgings (INOP).

high quality and dimensional accuracy in a hot forging

process, which is close to that obtained by cold forging. An
alternative for hot forging is warm forging, i.e. a forging
process performed within the temperature range above
ambient temperature and below the recrystallization one.
The selection of the appropriate die forging technology takes
into account many factors, such as the scale of production, the
type of the forging material, the quality requirements, the
available equipment, etc. The authors [113], quoting Sheljas-
kov from 1996, compiled the criteria for the selection of the
proper technology in a tabular form. It should be noted that a
significant progress obtained in the scope of tool materials,
tool manufacture methods and new lubricants as well as the
frequent choice of dies made of sintered carbides has caused
an improvement of durability by approx. 100% in respect of the
values presented in Table 3.
The precision forging is conducted in close dies. The
precision of the forging in such a process is affected by many
interconnected factors, such as the preform temperature, the
tool temperature, the material type, the tool construction as
well as the characteristics of the forging press (e.g. slide
velocity, body rigidity). In this process, another construction of
dies is applied (Fig. 20), in which the parting plane is designed
so that the die working area throughout the process is
In the case of complex forgings, it is recommended to use
split dies (Fig. 21). Such a solution provides the possibility to
use compensators for flash material [114]. Fig. 21 – Diagram of die forging in split dies [114].
914 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

Fig. 22 – Multi-motion press (a) and exemplary forgings (b).

The method of close die forging with split dies was

successfully used for the production of e.g. bevel gears or
spiders. The charge located in the cavity between the upper
and lower die, can be, depending on the construction,
simultaneously pressed by the upper and lower punch. The
material flows in the crosswise direction, with a relatively
small contact area with the punches, and so, the forming load
is proportionally lower than in the case of forging in open dies.
This method requires a multiaxial motion of the forging device
causing an independent movement of the upper and lower
A solution fulfilling the requirements of such a process has
been developed and implemented at the Metal Forming
Institute in Poznan (Fig. 22a). The presented hydraulic press
Fig. 23 – Device used for forging in open dies based on the
has three independent servo-motors enabling an independent
pantograph mechanism [118].
movement of the die closing and a controlled movement of the
upper and lower die. The movements of the punches are
steered by a control unit making it possible for the punches to
move according to the prescribed program determining the During the design of the technological process of precision
direction and speed of the punch movement. Such an forging, the elastic deformation of the tools should be
approach enables a higher control of the forming process considered. The size of the elastic deformation of the tool in
through the creation of local material deformation zones. a cold forging process can be within the scope of 50–500 mm,
Fig. 22b shows exemplary forgings obtained by the developed which is a quantity exceeding the acceptable tolerances
press. concerning the making of a forging at the level of 10 mm.
Another concept of the realization of a closed die forging The changeability of the tool deformation is strictly connected
process was developed in Nichidai [118]. In order to obtain with the, variable unit pressure operating on the tool walls
relative motions of the upper and lower punch and the dies of during the forming. In order to compensate for the effect of
the forging press, the pantograph mechanism was applied elastic deformation of the tools on the dimensional errors of
(Fig. 23). The upper punch is pressed to the bottom by the slide the forgings, the authors [114,118] proposed to construct tools
of the mechanic press, and the lower punch is placed with elastic die inserts. Fig. 24 shows a solution for an
motionless on the press table. The dies are located at the application of an elastic die for gears forging. During the
middle plate connected by the pantograph mechanism with forming, the die insert is pressed through the punch into a
the upper and lower plate, moving downwards with half a cylindrical die casing, causing its shrinking and a precise
speed of the slide. This device is used for precision forming of representation of the tooth impression on the forging. After
e.g. bevel gears. the relief of pressure, the die insert is ejected from the
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941 915

Fig. 24 – Concept of tool construction with an elastic die insert [118].

Fig. 26 – Hollow forging [119].

Fig. 25 – Hollow shafts [120].

cylindrical clamping ring and next, the forming of the tooth

surface begins. When the diameter of the press-formed core
die is ejected from the die casing, it undergoes elastic
expansion, which facilitates the removal of the forging from
the die. Hollow forgings. A reply of the forging industry to the

requirements of the automotive industry related to the
reduction of the vehicle weight with a simultaneous preser-
vation or improvement of safety are the developed technolo-
gies of forming hollow shafts (Fig. 25).
Hollow elements are mainly applied as: driving shafts in gear
Fig. 27 – Hollow forging [119].
boxes and toothed gears, axle shafts in vehicle power transmis-
sion systems and electric motor shafts. At present, the main
recipients of hollow elements are the automotive industry and
the aircraft industry. This results from the elevated ecological
standards as well as the continuous increase of fuel prices, which A general disadvantage of all mentioned processes is the
forces the constructors to search for solutions improving the necessity to use of a pipe segment as a preform, which
efficiency of power transmission systems while reducing their increases the costs in comparison to classical bar preform.
weight. Even hollow components can be produced efficiently in The processes of hot or warm forging on technological lines
cold forging. The shaft shown in Fig. 26 is produced in two halves equipped on transfer presses are currently becoming the only
by backward cup extrusion and reducing. Next two halves are economically justified technologies of manufacturing hollow
joined by friction welding. The hollow shaft presented in Fig. 27 is products in series production [121]. The realization of a die
formed when a tube billet undergoes multiple forward tube forging process on a press, from an initial material in the form
extrusion and heading operations. of a section of the rod, is implemented in several technological
Alternative technologies as: cross-wedge rolling, forging in procedures including the processes of upsetting, extrusion and
swaging machines or hydroforming also provide encouraging piercing. As a result of a properly selected sequence of
results in the scope of forming geometrically complex hollow technological procedures, hollow forging of a shaft with
products [120,122–124]. narrowed tolerances can be obtained.
916 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

3.2.2. Die forging processes for parts made of non-ferrous plants used for producing steel forgings is insufficient to
metals manufacture forgings from aluminum alloys.
Although steel is the most commonly applied construction The current development of technologies for producing
material, again non-ferrous metals and their alloys are aluminum alloy forgings focuses on taking advantage of the
irreplaceable in many applications. Aluminum, titanium, casting and forging processes. The shape of cast preforms is
copper, magnesium and nickel alloys are key materials when close to that of the finished product [128]. The application of a
it comes to forging. Die forging processes for these materials forging operation to obtain the desired final shape and size of a
have been used for a long time. A comprehensive description forging results in the production of parts with good structure
of these processes is given in [125]. Although the forging of quality and mechanical properties that are characterized by
non-ferrous metals is very similar to the forging of steel, it is lower anisotropy compared to the forging of extruded bars. In
usually more difficult to perform due to specific properties of addition, the production costs are 15–20% lower than those of
non-ferrous metals. Given the limitations primarily resulting the standard forging process [129].
from high variability of properties with respect to forging The authors of [130] reported interesting results of
parameters and narrow ranges of hot forming temperatures investigations conducted under industrial conditions. They
for these materials, the production of complex-shaped propose a forging process for producing a suspension element
forgings is often more difficult than in the case of steel, if from alloy EN AW 6082, in which the applied billet heating
not impossible. This justifies conducting research aimed at temperature is higher than in the standard forging process and
optimizing the existing methods and testing new more the hyperquenching operation is omitted. As a result, they
effective ways of producing forgings from these materials. obtained a product with better structure quality (without
In recent years one can observe a growing interest in surface coarse-granularity), and higher impact strength and
aluminum, titanium and magnesium alloys on the part of fatigue properties. The proposed solution is an interesting
global research centers and production plants. This results approach to modernization of the forging process, allowing for
from an increased use of parts made of these alloys in the reduced production costs; this however requires maintaining
aircraft and automotive industries where mass reduction is of very strict temperature conditions at the production stage.
significant importance. In light of the above, it is justified to For several years particularly aircraft industry was inter-
present recent achievements in the development of die forging ested in the production of forgings from Al-Li alloys (e.g. 2090,
processes for this group of alloys. 2091, 2297, 8090, 8091). These alloys have good strength
The main advantage of aluminum alloys, especially the properties along with 8–10% lower density, and higher
2000, 6000 and 7000 series, is their high relative strength, i.e. elasticity modulus and corrosion resistance than standard
the strength-to-density ratio. For this reason, aluminum aluminum alloys. Despite their lower workability and high
alloy forgings are primarily used in the automotive and price, forgings made of these alloys have already been used in
aerospace industries. Due to their advantages, such as high commercial applications, e.g. in the EH101 helicopter from
abrasion and corrosion resistance, good electrical and Agusta Westland [131], which proves that it is a promising
thermal conduction, low contraction, high impact strength direction of development.
at low temperatures, high light and heat beam reflection Titanium alloys have high relative strength, can be treated
coefficient, the resistance to impact spark generation and at high temperatures and are characterized by very good
incombustibility, aluminum alloys are also used in the corrosion resistance and good biocompatibility. As a result,
electrical, chemical, food, shipbuilding and construction forgings made of these materials are widely used in the
industries, among others. The wide range of applications of aircraft, power, shipbuilding and automotive industries as well
these materials lead to a growing increase in the global as in medicine. Die forging of titanium alloys resembles typical
production of aluminum and its alloys. Over the last 20 years, forging operations for steel; nevertheless, it is more difficult
this production increased from about 50 million tons in 1998 due to high deformation resistance and relatively low
to over 125 million tons in 2017. The highest increase was workability of these materials. The design of die shape is
recorded in China, where the production of aluminum tripled here of key importance. Due to different material flow
in the last 10 years, reaching over 70 million tons in 2017 characteristics, titanium alloys do not fill the die as good as
[126]. Among all parts made of aluminum alloys in automo- steel; as a result, bigger filet radii should be applied preventing
tive structures, the use of forged parts increased from 3% in sudden changes in the die shape dimensions. Consequently,
2012 to 5% in 2016 [127]. depending on the forging geometry, it is necessary to use more
Aluminum alloy forgings are produced by the traditional dies characterized by the lowest roughness possible. A typical
flash forging methods, mainly in forging presses, but also with process for producing a Ti6Al4V forging is described in [132].
the use of hammers. The properties of these materials, such as To discover new methods of improving the workability of
good workability, relatively low hot-forming temperatures, titanium alloys in hot forming processes, forging processes are
low deformation resistance and lack of scale, make the forging investigated under both isothermal and quasi-isothermal
of aluminum alloys considerably easy. On the other hand, the conditions. The tools are heated to a temperature that is
production of forged parts requires access to sophisticated close to or slightly lower than that of the billet, which
equipment and devices that are different than those used for significantly improves the workability of the material in the
steel forging. A good example are billet heating furnaces forming process, thus making it possible to produce complex-
ensuring precise temperature control and distribution, hyper- shaped forgings and reduce both material consumption and
quenching and aging lines, etching rooms and many others. forming forces at the same time [133,134]. An important
For this reason, the standard technical equipment of forging problem that has to be solved regarding isothermal forging
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941 917

processes concerns the low durability of tools and low process applications requiring good mechanical and functional prop-
efficiency. The study [135] discusses the industrially applied erties, forging is applied. Due to a narrow range of processing
isothermal forging process for producing TiAl alloy blades for temperature and high thermal conductivity of magnesium
high-speed compressors and aircraft engine turbines. The alloys, the forging of magnesium alloys is relatively difficult to
billet and the tools were heated to 1150 8C. The forming perform. For this reason, there are few forging plants in the
process was performed at a low speed of the slide, at a strain world that deal with the production of magnesium alloy
rate of about 103 s 1. Under such conditions, the forging forgings. The most widely used forging process is the one
operation lasted 5–10 min. In order to prevent oxidation, tools involving the use of hydraulic presses or low-speed mechani-
made of heat-resistant molybdenum alloy were kept in cal presses under isothermal or quasi-isothermal conditions
protective atmosphere. Positive results of both industrial [142]. Tool are heated with the use of special heating systems,
and product certification tests made it possible to implement which ensures the production of forgings with shape and size
series production. This example shows that – despite the high that are close to those of the finished product (near-net shape),
forming temperature – the isothermal forging of titanium as well as with relatively large overall dimensions. Owing to its
alloys holds the promise of wider use, particularly in small advantages, this forging method is constantly being devel-
batch production. oped. Examples of forged parts produced by isothermal forging
Some research studies focus on a forging method for are shown in Fig. 28 [143–145]. Disadvantages of this process
preforms made of metal powders. The advantages of this include high tool cost and low efficiency due low strain rates.
process include reduced costs and a shortened production In recent years, numerous studies have been performed to
cycle, as well as forgings have the desired structure and good investigate die forging processes for magnesium alloys
mechanical properties [136,137]. involving the use of forging machines with work tools
There are also continuous developments in the area of operated at higher speeds [142,146], including die forging
superplasticity of titanium alloys. Under suitable thermal and hammers and screw presses. Both theoretical studies and
mechanical conditions, it is possible to obtain a fine-grained experimental tests demonstrated that these forging machines
structure exhibiting high elastic deformation capacity can be used for die forging of some alloys with small contents
[138,139]. Various research works pointed to the possibility of alloying additions e.g. AZ31, AZ41, AZ61. Examples of
of taking advantage of titanium alloy superplasticity in forging forgings manufactured at ZOP Co. Ltd Forging Plant (Poland) by
processes; however, it is difficult to find studies which confirm the developed techniques are shown in Fig. 29. The use of die
the practical applications of obtained test results in this area. forging hammers and screw presses ensures higher
Magnesium alloys have the lowest density out of all manufacturing efficiency and allows plants equipped with
construction materials. As a result, forged parts made of standard machinery to launch the production of forged parts
these materials are applied in the aerospace, automotive, made of magnesium alloys.
sports and recreation industries. Due to their capacity for An interesting recent development in the research on metal
vibration damping and electromagnetic radiation absorption, forming of magnesium alloys is a multiaxial forging [148,149].
magnesium alloys are widely used in the electromagnetic and Multiaxial deformation ensures reduced grain size along with
electrical industries. In recent years these materials have also an increased workability and strength of alloys. As an example
been increasingly applied in medicine. A serious limitation to presented in [148] show that with this method, the grain of the
the use of magnesium alloys is their low corrosion resistance. hard-to-deform magnesium alloy WE43 can be reduced from
Recent progress in corrosion protection methods and devel- 25 mm to 6 mm, as a result of which it is possible to obtain
opment of new materials with enhanced strength and elongation equal to 475% by uniaxial tensile testing at 375 8C
functional properties led to a growing interest in the and a strain rate of 3  10 4 s 1. The large number of promising
manufacturing of products, including forgings, made of results in this area creates a potential of their practical
magnesium alloys. Between 2005 and 2015 an over twofold applications.
increase in the global use of magnesium was recorded [140]. It Also interesting are the results of studies on combined die
is predicted that by 2020 every car will have from 100 to 160 kg casting and forging processes [150,151], a technique which
of parts made of these materials [141]. Most magnesium alloy combines the advantages of the two processes. The casting
products are manufactured by casting methods; however, for method enables the production of forgings of complex shapes,

Fig. 28 – Examples of forgings manufactured in hydraulic presses with heated dies: (a) bracket with ribs made of AZ31B alloy
[143], (b) rim made of AZ80 alloy [144], and (c) cantilever beams made of AZ80 alloy [145].
918 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

Fig. 29 – Examples of forgings made of magnesium alloys: (a) levers made of AZ31B alloy by a hammer forging, (b) bracket
made of AZ61A alloy by a screw press, and (c) handles made of AZ41 alloy by a screw press [147].

Fig. 30 – The general scheme of the extrusion process.

whereas the final forging operation removes casting flaws and Extrusion processes depending on the requirements can be
ensures a product with structure and properties characteristic classified from different point of view as presented in Table 4.
of forged parts. Analysis of the possibilities of forming different types of
Another direction of development for magnesium alloys is metallic materials in the extrusion process as well as existing
the design of new alloys. Alloying additions in the form of rare- needs for the production of more and more sophisticated
earth metals increase the strength properties and corrosion products with high technical requirements (e.g. light and
resistance of formed materials [152,153]. Alloys containing strong at the same time, with homogeneous microstructure,
lithium are another promising materials, since lithium is the etc.) and simultaneously, the search of economically justifi-
only element that decreases the density of magnesium alloys able technological solutions, have become the basis for the
and positively affects the workability, which makes such elaboration of new extrusion processes, including special
alloys suitable for the production of forgings [154]. extrusion processes, such as:

- continuous extrusion (e.g. CONFORM, LINEX, EXTROLLING),

4. Extrusion of metallic materials
- hydrostatic extrusion,
- explosive extrusion,
Similar as previously, in the recent years, there has been a - extrusion with liquid phase,
significant technical and technological progress in the scope of - isothermal extrusion.
extrusion of metals and alloys as well as metallic composite
materials. This refers mainly to the idea of perfecting the The most popular method of extrusion is hot extrusion of
existing processes (Fig. 30.) and aiming at the implementation long products from non-ferrous metals, mainly aluminum and
of new ones, which would be close to ‘‘ideal’’, but also at its alloys. Also, there is an increased interest in products
developing new special purpose extrusion processes. extruded from magnesium alloys and composite materials
The basis for the development of extrusion processes is the because of the demand for advanced products for special
growing need to manufacture sophisticated products with applications [155]. In vase of steels, a significant role in the
specific features, both in respect to required mechanical metal forming industry is played by the hot and cold extrusion
properties and the inner structure (macro- and micro- of short products - so-called press forging.
structure). The production capabilities and lowering the Development in the extrusion technology is primarily
manufacturing costs are also equally important factors. related to:
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941 919

Table 4 – Types of extrusions processes. - perfection of the continuous extrusion technology (CON-
Type of extrusion process Division criterion FORM),
- development of new extrusion methods (KOBO, Friction
Hot extrusion Extrusion temperature
Cold extrusion
- extrusion of composite materials, including powder mix-
Long extrusions Length of extruded product
Short extrusions tures,
Extrusion of open sections (full) Shape of extruded product - development of recycling methods based on the extrusion
Extrusions of closed sections cross-section of the initial material in different forms, including e.g.
(hollow) chips,
Co-extrusion (direct extrusion) Kinematics of tool - development of numerical methods used to design tools and
Indirect extrusion movement in extrusion
describe (simulate) the course of the extrusion process.
Direct-indirect extrusion process
Extrusion with active friction The scope is also put on improvement of the whole
Side extrusion technological cycle, from billet homogenization, selection of
Extrusion with oscillating die temperature, heating and deformation rates to heat treatment
(KOBO) of extruded sections.
Extrusion through single- Number of simultaneously New solutions in the scope of homogenization of billets
impression dies extruded products
refer to the selection of the homogenization cycle parameters
Extrusion through multi-
impression dies
(temperature – time) in order to obtain the desired billet
Extrusion of non-ferrous metals Type of extruded material structure with the phase particle dispersion not exceeding 0.5–
Extrusion of steels 1 mm, which guarantees good plasticity of the billet in relation
Extrusion of metal composites with the extrusion parameters. Fig. 31 shows the structure of
Extrusion through regular dies Type of applied extrusion billets after homogenization [156].
(without welding) dies
When selection of proper extrusion temperature-velocity
Extrusion through porthole dies
condition is investigated the maximization of the speed of the
(extrusion welding)
Extrusion of full billet Type of extrusion billet metal's flow out of the die and maintaining isothermicity of
Extrusion of hollow billet the process, which leads to the efficiency of the extrusion
process should be in particular addressed [157].
Fig. 32 schematically shows the conditionings deciding
about the maximization of the speed of the metal's flow out of
- perfection of the technology in the whole extrusion cycle the die opening during the extrusion.
(homogenization, temperature and rate parameters, solu- A guarantee of obtaining high and uniform mechanical
tioning on a press), properties of the extruded product is the application of
- development of extrusion welding, controlled oversaturation of the press coasting, followed by
- perfection of the extrusion tools (porthole dies), their artificial aging.

Fig. 31 – Microstructure of the billet made from 6082 alloy after casting – (a and b) image after homogenization at 535 C for the
time of 8 h (c and d).
920 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

Fig. 34 – Continuous extrusion of coatings on power and

telecommunication cables.

Fig. 32 – Scheme of the relationship between the material

velocity at the die opening during extrusion and the
process temperature with respect to the press force Tracing the development of the processes of metal and
parameters and the properties of the extruded metal. alloy extrusion in the last decade, it is hard to point to any
spectacular successes in the creation of completely new
extrusion processes, which have been used in practice under
industrial conditions. And so, in the analysis of the progress
The newest extrusion lines are equipped with presses with made in continuous extrusion, which dates back to early
coasting on which it is possible to perform oversaturation of 1970s, it should be noted that, except for the CONFORM
the sections with a controlled cooling rate, both along the method, other ways of continuous extrusion have not been
section's length and the cross-section [158] as seen in Fig. 33. successfully implemented. In the case of the use of the
Extrusion is most commonly used to manufacture so-called CONFORM method to produce different products, in the recent
closed sections, often with small wall thickness. They are years, continuous application of extruded coatings on power
manufactured by the extrusion welding method. The basic and telecommunication cables has been proposed [161] as well
difficulty limiting a wider application of this method for pipes as sections made of copper for the power industry (Fig. 34).
production or closed sections of with various cross-sections is An interesting extrusion process, which strongly affects the
the low weldability of some alloys. Owing to an original device structure of the extruded products and helps lower the
for testing weldability [159], which enables the selection of extrusion forces is the KOBO process [162], whose schematics
such welding parameters and which guarantee high quality of are shown in Fig. 35. The process uses a cyclic movement of the
the welds, extrusion welding has lately been mastered for high die causing a change in the deformation path during the
magnesium-silicon alloys from the 6xxx series, as well as a extrusion.
selected group of alloys from 5xxx, 7xxx and 2xxx series. The process is characterized by a significant reduction of
A lot of research has also been devoted to improvement and the extrusion force and the possibility to realize a ‘‘cold’’
designing of tools for extrusion, including porthole dies. The extrusion process. Another advantage is possibility to obtain
most important problems include the selection of the welding monolithic products from scrap materials, e.g. from machin-
chamber geometry, minimization of the frictional resistance ing chips, which after proper compaction there are subjected
during the metal flow and the durability of the calibrating to consolidation what provide an attractive form of recycling
straps. Also important is the mechanical strength of the die in (Fig. 35b and c) [163].
the context of its final exit geometry [160]. A novelty of the recent years is the Friction Extrusion (FE)
process [164], shown in Fig. 36, which has been inspired by the
plasticity effect in the process of friction stir welding (FSW).
The process can be used for production of wires from
metals and metallic composites, however presently, the FE
process is at the stage of research under laboratorial condi-
Extruding composites from powder mixtures within the
scope of powder metallurgy is another interesting area of
application. The industrial practice includes extrusion of
composites from a preliminarily pressed charge, extrusion
of a charge located in a casing (extrusion of a so-called
cartridge), and possibly, extrusion of loosely poured powder
mixture directly into the press container. Also promising are
Fig. 33 – Oversaturation of extruded sections with controlled the results of the research on the use of porthole dies to
cooling rate: 1 – puller, 2 – air nozzle, and 3 – main cooling extrude closed sections from composite mixtures based on
chamber. aluminum alloys reinforced with hard particles, e.g. SiC [165].
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941 921

Fig. 35 – (a) Scheme of KOBO extrusion with an oscillating die, (b) extrusion of metal chips in the KOBO process – chip before
and after billet compaction and (c) an extruded monolithic profile.

extruding metals is the Faculty of Non-Ferrous Metals of AGH

University of Science and Technology, Kraków [169].

5. Drawing

The conventional wire drawing technology is usually devoted

for processing of simple axiasymmetrical products. The main
disadvantage of the process is associated with the friction, at
the interface between the drawing tool and deformed material,
which results in heterogeneity of properties at the drawn wires
Fig. 36 – Scheme of the Friction Extrusion (FE) process. cross-section. Increasing the product properties during con-
ventional wire drawing by modifications introduced to the die,
including their hardness, surface smoothness and shape of the
working zone, or changes to the processing parameters and
lubricants have been investigated for many years and it seems
Progress in these area will contribute to the development of that they have reached their technological maturity.
recycling methods based on extrusion. Even currently, it is Therefore, in recent years alternative drawing technologies
possible to perform recycling of aluminum alloy chips through such as accumulated angular drawing (AAD) with a non-linear
their hot extrusion in order to extrude full quality products drawing system, ultrasonic vibrations assisted drawing or
[163,166]. ‘‘warm’’ drawing of hardly deformable non-ferrous alloys
It should also be mentioned, that recent progress in the attracted a lot of attention. Intensive research is also carried
extrusion technology would not be possible without the toward adaptation of well-known drawing technologies to
excessive use of numerical methods to design tools and modern steel grades with multi-phase structures (e.g. AHSS
evaluate material behavior under extrusion conditions, e.g. steels), which become more frequently used due to their
[167,168]. Introduced benchmarking options (ICEB) resulted in elevated properties.
significant progress in developed numerical models, that
became more reliable. 5.1. Non-conventional drawing technologies
To sum up, it is also worth pointing out that, beside the
current reports on the progress in the extrusion of metals and In the drawing processes, a lot of attentions was put on
alloys as well as metallic composites presented in the subject forming, very hard materials with low plasticity. These
literature, a very important role is played by the periodical materials deformed in the conventional way, cause the
conferences and congresses held on a global scale, including occurrence of various technological problems, such as:
Extrusion Technology (ET) and Aluminum 2000. The research excessive tool wear, formation of surface scratches and cracks,
in the scope of extrusion is performed at many scientific improper circularity of the product, etc. At the same time, the
centers in the world. In Poland, the leading scientific center need for products with special properties has increased, e.g.:
with an over 50 year tradition, working with the processes of ultrafine structure, specific deformation heterogeneity (related
922 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

Fig. 38 – Change in the drawing force in time in the case of

drawing aluminum wire through a split die with the use of
ultrasound vibration perpendicular to the drawing axis: (a)
drawing with ultrasounds FcSr = 157.27 N; (b) drawing
without ultrasounds FcSr = 290.3 N. Drawing rate = 1 m/s;
elongation l = 1.85; drawing without a lubricant [172].

Drawing performed with the use of longitudinal or

circumferential ultrasound vibration of the drawing die is
another example of nonconventional process, which increases
deformation characteristics of materials with low plasticity.
To produce vibration with the usual frequency of about 20 kHz,
Fig. 37 – Different arrangements of drawing dies: (a) linear; piezoelectric or magnetostrictive generators with the acoustic
(b) crank; (c) stepped [170]. power of a few kilowatts are applied. The use of ultrasound
vibration lowers the drawing force, improves the surface
quality and increases the plasticity of the drawn material.
Drawing though a split die with the use of ultrasound
to specific heterogeneity of properties). Therefore there is a vibrations is presented in [172–175]. The process consists in
continuous search for manufacturing technology of very thin drawing the product through a die axially divided into two
wires (below 0.1 mm in diameter) made of steel or alloys with halves. On one die ultrasound vibration perpendicular to the
low plasticity. One of the developed solutions that addresses drawing axis are imposed, which significantly changes the
that issue is an Accumulative Angular Drawing (AAD). deformation conditions. In the material, compressive stresses
The essence of this method consists in multi-step drawing occur, produced by the vibrating die. Fig. 38 shows an
through a system of three arched drawing dies, whose mutual exemplary oscillogram of the changes in the force of drawing
arrangement of the axes can be changed in a controlled aluminum wire through a split vibrating die as well as a die
manner [170,171]. As a result of the drawing process, shown which does not perform perpendicular ultrasound vibrations.
schematically in Fig. 37, a significant non-homogeneous The conducted research showed that the use of vibration leads
accumulation of deformation can be observed, as the drawn to a clear reduction of the drawing force. Depending on the
material undergoes deformation. This is a direct outcome of applied elongation and drawing rate, the reduction of the
the flow through the dies, bending, twisting and burnishing. drawing force was within the scope of 80%. The increase of
The largest total equivalent deformation occurs in the surface elongation and drawing rate reduces the effect of drawing
layers, becoming gradually smaller toward the axis of the force reduction. At the same time, the construction of a split
product. In the AAD process, a material with a significant non- drawing die creates the risk of the occurrence of flash on the
homogeneous properties distribution at the cross-section is drawn material. It should, also, be emphasized that each
obtained, which is a result of the non-homogeneity of reduction in drawing force reduces the accumulated deforma-
deformation. At the same time, in the material after tion thus causes an increase in plasticity.
deformation, high, accumulated, plastic deformation energy The study [173] presents the results of investigations of
is present. As a result, the material annealed after the drawing wire drawing in a tandem die system, where a split die is in
exhibits diversified yet very fine grain at the cross-section. The front of, or behind, a monolithic die. It should be remembered
properly selected parameters of the AAD process make it that drawing through tandem system dies makes it possible to
possible to obtain a product with high strength and good create a back tension between the cooperating dies.
plastic properties. Such a character of mechanical properties Drawing through heated dies also attracted a lot of
results from the controlled heterogeneity of properties, which, attention throughout last 10 years. For example, the research
in turn, is a result of the significant difference in the team led by Prof. A. Milenin has developed a technology of
reinforcement between the surface layers and the layers in producing very thin wires from the MgCa 0.8 alloy by way of
the vicinity of the drawn product's axis. drawing through a heated die [176,177]. The MgCa 0.8 alloy
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941 923

belongs to the group of biocompatible alloys, which can be level of mechanical properties determined by the standard PN-
successfully applied in medicine, e.g. as surgical sutures. EN ISO 898-1 to products from the properties class 8.8, without
Unfortunately, it exhibits very low plasticity, which makes it additional heat treatment process (Table 5). Currently, inten-
impossible to obtain very thin wires by the traditional drawing sive research is being performed on the implementation of
method. In order to increase the plasticity of the MgCa 0.8 TRIP type steel into the industrial production of fasteners and
alloy, a modification of the well-known process of warm also, there is a search of further possibilities of their
drawing in a heated die was applied. The use of a heated die application.
made it possible to obtain wires from the MgCa 0.8 alloy with
0.1 mm in diameter. The technology was extended with
continuous annealing operation to manufacture thin wires 6. Sheet forming
with diameter of 0.05 mm [176,177].
The progress observed in the last decade in the area of press
5.2. Modern materials in drawing industry forming concerns mainly the shaping of high strength
materials as well as non-conventional methods of sheet
At present, the developed technologies of obtaining products forming. The driving force is especially the automotive
from steel with a multi-phase structure, containing martens- industry, where through the increasing introduction of lighter
ite, bainite or retained austenite, belonging to the group of high materials, the vehicle mass can be reduced, which thus limits
strength steels AHSS (Advanced High Strength Steel) [178–180] also the CO2 emission [187].
refer almost exclusively to the processes of mechanical and
thermo-mechanial treatment of sheets by way of rolling, 6.1. Modern materials
whereas there are no descriptions of the technologies of
producing wire rods and wires from these steel types. The first group of materials is constituted by AHSS type high
Since 2006, a team at the Department of Drawing and Metal strength steels. These steels have been the subject of research
Products of Czestochowa University of Technology have been for several years now, and most of them have been
performing research on the possibilities of the use of TRIP type implemented into the large lot production [188]. The biggest
steel in the drawing process. Obtaining a TRIP type structure in progress in the recent years in the area of press forming refers
a wire rod is possible, as in the case of sheet rolling, through to the shaping of manganese-boron steels (22MnB5) in the
the use of regular cooling of the wire rod directly after the hot process of hardening. The process is presently performed in
rolling process. Accelerated-controlled cooling of the wire rod two different variants: the direct and the indirect hot stamping
can be carried out with the use of a properly efficient cooling method. In the case of direct hot stamping, the semi-product is
system Stelmor. With the developed technology TRIP structure heated in a furnace, and next it is transferred onto a press,
wire rods with diameter 5.5–8.0 mm were obtained [181]. It was where it is formed and hardened in the tool (Fig. 40a). During
also shown that wires from TRIP steel with the content of 0.1– indirect hot stamping, first the die stamping is only cold-
0.4% C have the same level of mechanical properties wires formed and next it undergoes only hardening and calibration
from steel with a ferritic–pearlitic structure and the carbon (Fig. 40b). Due to economic reasons, mainly the direct hot
content of 0.45–0.78% C (Fig. 39) [181–185]. Example of final stamping technology is applied at the industrial scale [189].
products out of these materials are e.g. fasteners (screws). A properly carried direct hot stamping process requires a
Performed research confirmed that final products from high cooling rate capabilities, i.e. at least 27 K/s, which
TRIP type steel with the content of 0.1% C, have comparable provides a possibility to obtain martensitic structure. Depend-
ing on the applied material, this provides tensile strength in
the range of 1000–1900 MPa [190].
Direct hot stamping is a complex technology and therefore
its proper design requires extensive knowledge of not only the
press forming process but also the structural phenomena
taking place during the cooling. Many varying parameters
cause that not all stamping presses can be used for the
technology. The most important problem is the selection of
the thermo-mechanical parameters of the process, such as the
forming temperature, the deformation degree, the heating and
cooling rates, the austenitization temperature and the
hardening time. All these factors are critical for the final
properties of the product [191].
Another very important factor is the proper design of the
tools, especially the selection of a material of a properly high
conductivity coefficient and the appropriate distribution of the
cooling channels (Fig. 41). During the design of the tools, it is
Fig. 39 – Change in the tensile strength Rm of wires from very helpful to apply mathematical modeling of the whole
TRIP type steel (0.29% C) and wires from high carbon steel process. This technology is currently used for the form
GD75A with a ferritic–pearlitic structure as a function of pressing of an increasing number of elements, and so there
homogeneous deformation eH [182]. is also the problem of tool durability [192]. The basic
924 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

Table 5 – Mechanical properties of screws made from Another group of materials for which a great progress has
steel with the TRIP effect and medium carbon screws in been observed in the area of press forming are sheets made of
the properties class 8.8 according to PN-EN ISO 898–1 light alloys, mainly magnesium as well as high strength
aluminum from the 7xxx group. At present, some examples of
Strength Steel TRIP Carbon steel with the use of magnesium are: Daimler-Chrysler – 7G-Tronic
properties (C < 0.1%) ferritic–pearlitic automatic gear box, BMW – engine block, steering wheel,
structure (0.15% < C < 0.55%) casing of momentum transfer (however, all these elements are
Rm 836 MPa 800 MPa casted) [198].
R0.2 678 MPa 640 MPa The processes of bending and press forming of magnesium
alloys pose significant problems, as they need to be performed
at temperatures above 200 8C [199]. There is also contradictory
mechanisms of tool wear during the hot press forming of a information on the resistance of elements made of magne-
22MnB5 steel sheet coated with Al–Si is adhesion. The material sium alloys to dynamic loads [200].
from the sheet coating is transferred onto the die surface In the study [201], for the press forming of the AZ31 alloy,
through mechanical and chemical operation, thus forming the authors used a work station enabling independent heating
layers with the thickness of over 50 mm on the tools. In the case of the forming tools (Fig. 42). During the press forming process,
of forming with a 22MnB5 coating, mainly abrasive wear is the pressing force on the counter-punch is regulated with the
present [193]. hydraulic cushion of the press. The designed station makes it
As not all applications require high strength in the whole possible to perform tests in the scope of 20–450 8C with the
product (e.g. in some areas, good deformability is more maximal shaping punch motion speed of 10 mm/min and the
important), in recent years, the idea of partial press hardening maximal rate of 2 mm/s.
has been created, where only a part of the die stamping is At the shaping temperature of 300 8C, obtained products
hardened; the remaining part has good plastic properties. Of showed no visible defects in the form of delaminations for the
course the design of such process requires extensive knowledge punch speed of 10 mm/s. The selection of press forming
of the phase transformations and it is difficult to perform. For temperature is, however, dependent on the speed of the
this reason, this method is still not applied in the industry [194]. process. With very high sensitivity to the deformation rate,
Other materials, which may enable a high reduction of the lowering the forming temperature requires a reduction of the
die stamping mass are TWIP steels with a high content of deformation rate.
manganese, i.e. over 25% wt. They represent a new type of The tests of the energy consumption of samples made of
material from the point of view of its properties – high the AZ31 magnesium alloy showed that magnesium exhibits
strength, good deformability and ability of energy absorption. good energy consumption but only with low displacements,
In TWIP type steels, the reinforcement runs on the basis of the when the deformations are small. Because of this as well as the
generation of twins as well as nano-twins of deformation [195]. fact that the process of its forming is very difficult and
The literature provides, however, only simple research of the expensive, the use of magnesium for press-formed elements is
press-formability [196] or springing [197] of these materials. As questionable at this stage.
in the press forming processes, the cost of material is very Recent years have also showed intensive research on the
important, which is high in the case of TWIP steels due to a forming of aluminum alloys from the 7xxx series, especially
high content of manganese, and so, despite their very good the 7075 alloy, which, in the T6 state, has its strength close to
properties, their practical applications are highly doubtful. that of high strength steel. The knowledge of the deformability

Fig. 40 – Methods of press hardening (a) direct hot stamping and (b) indirect hot stamping [189].
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941 925

finally aging [203]. sThe idea of this technology as well as the B-

pillar press-formed according to it have been presented in
Fig. 44a.

6.2. Non-conventional sheet metal forming methods

The search of non-conventional solutions in sheet forming

technologies usually results from the necessity of surmount-
ing the limitations posed by the traditional solutions (cracking,
sheet wrinkling, shape defects, drawpieces surface flaws), as
well as the desire to intensify the process (increasing the
material deformation degree or the technological safety factor
with the predetermined deformation), and often the need to
find a way of forming a product, which is difficult or simply
Fig. 41 – Schematics of a press forming tool. impossible to form by means of traditional methods.
This has been the reason of a dynamic development of e.g.
hydraulic forming methods: internal (Hydroforming) and
external (especially Hydromec), as well as sheet forming
methods with high deformation rates (explosive and electro-
dynamic forming). It also resulted in the appearance of such
solutions as deep drawing with a temperature gradient, with
the use of tools (dies, blankholders) with a shaped working
surface, with a controlled blankholder pressure, with the use
of ultrasound vibration of the tools or sheet forming with
active friction forces. Most of these solutions lead to the sheet
metal forming processes being performed under the condi-
tions of lowered tensile stresses in the critical area of the
formed semi-product by way of lowering the material's
deformation resistance and/or increasing the load capacity
of the drawpiece wall.
The interest in many of the mentioned non-conventional
sheet metal forming methods, like hydroforming, observed in
the recent years, results mainly from the need to produce
products often of complicated shapes or structures, from hard-
Fig. 42 – Tools for sheet forming of magnesium and the
deformable steels as well as aluminum or titanium alloys,
bracket made from magnesium alloy AZ31.
usually for the automotive and aircraft industry [204,205].
Multi-layer panels [204] or ‘‘honeycomb’’ type structures [205]
significantly improve the rigidity factor to the mass of the
formed construction elements.
An important direction of development contributing a new
and thermal treatment of the 7075 alloy is quite extensive. quality in the implementation of non-conventional sheet
Among other things, the tests show that up to the temperature metal forming methods are hybrid solutions, which combine
of 140 8C, the alloy characterizes in a slight drop of strength the advantages of the related technologies. An example can be
with a simultaneous small deformability. Its best plasticity is the combination of hydroforming with hot forming, the so-
in the case of 220 8C; however, at this temperature, a very rapid called Warm Hydroforming (WHF) [206]. This solution makes it
elimination of the T6 state as well as loss of strength are possible to obtain products with complicated shapes from high
observed [202]. strength materials. A solution to the appearing problems
This knowledge does not, however, translate to an connected with the sealing of the system at high temperatures
industrial use of this alloy, as only slight changes in can be the use of another type of shaping medium, for example
temperature may cause drastic changes of properties. The sand or ceramic granulate [207]. In turn, supporting the
course of the aging process in the annealed state differs from hydroforming process with ultrasound vibration of the tools
the deformed annealed state as well as the warm-deformed [208] results in the lowering of the material plastic flow
state. resistance. Another interesting alternative solutions to sheet
The literature provides information about a technology of forming are:
warm forming of the 7075 aluminum alloy developed by LKR
Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen GmbH (in 2012) 6.2.1. Single Point Incremental Forming
Austria Metal GmbH (Fig. 43a). There are also analyses of the This concept was developed to enable manufacturing of small
concept of shaping the 7xxx aluminum alloys, which is close to series of parts using universal one tool. The main idea of this
the 22MnB5 boron-manganese steel. The process consists in technology is the forming of the sheet by means of a tool in the
preparing the blank material, hardening in cold tools and form of a punch along the assumed path, as shown in Fig. 44. In
926 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

Fig. 43 – Schematics of forming process of aluminum 7075 (a) the hot forming developed by LKR
Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen GmbH (in 2012) Austria Metal GmbH, (b) press hardening process applied for
aluminum 7075 and the B-pillar manufactured by the method and (c) cold forming in saturation state.

heated material, which determines the absorption of the

provided heat, and also to know the emissivity factor of the
treated material.
The technology of hot spinning of Hastelloy C-276 alloy
with the use of high power diode laser developed at the Metal
Forming Institute in Poznan [218] made it possible to obtain a
product in line with the set assumptions (Fig. 45c), character-
Fig. 44 – Main idea of Single Point Incremental Forming ized by minimal springback and a better surface quality than a
(SPIF) [215]. product made by cold spinning with the use of the necessary
inter-operational heat treatment.

6.2.3. Forming of non-rotational products through spinning

Single Point Incremental Forming (SPIF) the sheet of metals is The creation of the technology of non-axisymmetric spinning,
deformed by the relative movement between the tool and the as well as spinning of products with a non-circular section or
sheet. The possibility of moving the punch in three directions the so-called tooth-shaped spinning, and their further
x, y, z is used in most machines and it is enough to obtain development, has begun to question the limitations of the
complicated shapes. Different variants of the technology are spinning technology in its traditional understanding as an
also investigated including Two Point Incremental Forming, axisymmetric process [219]. A classification of these non-
SPIF with partial/full dies or SPIF with pressurized fluid conventional processes has been proposed on the basis of the
support [215]. relative position of the rotating axes, the section geometry and
the variability of the wall thickness of the spinned part (Fig. 46).
6.2.2. Spinning with laser heating These innovative processes have found their application
For materials whose cold forming is impossible or very mainly in the production of parts with complex geometries
difficult, the hot spinning technology is applied, which, in from pipes or sheets for the automotive industry. Aluminum
the case of traditional solutions, contributes to a faster wear of alloys as well as low carbon steel are usually used in the
the shaping tools (mandrel and roller). A minimization of this process.
effect is possible by way of heating of the formed material by The study [220] describes the peculiarities of the numerical
means of laser (Fig. 45b), which provides the possibility to modeling by finite element method in the case of non-circular
direct a focused beam in the area of the current location of the spinning for the variant of steering the displacement of the
shaping roller. Such a solution enables a full control of forming roller. The simulation results were compared with the
material heating during the spinning process. Here, it is reference experiments performed for two types of non-
important to properly adjust the laser beam in respect of the rotational mandrels (Fig. 47). For the case of a ‘‘Tripode’’
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941 927

Fig. 45 – Spinning: (a) schematic of the process (1 – shaped material, 2 – spinning roller, 3 – pressure pad, 4 – centering pilot, 5 –
mandrel, 6 – stages of material forming); (b) MZH-500 spinner with a diode laser; (c) product made of Hastelloy C-276 alloy
obtained by the method of spinning with laser heating [218].

Fig. 46 – Classification of non-conventional spinning processes [219].

mandrel, it was established that it is possible to simulate non- place without the participation of intermediate masses (non-
circular spinning with an error below 5% in respect of the contact technique), at the strain rate of up to 2  103 s 1.
minimal wall thickness. It also turned out that it was possible The industrial applications of electromagnetic forming
to predict the non-circular spinning processes, critical from include the processes of forming (drawing, necking, flaring),
the point of view of the material wrinkling, which was joining (crimping, welding/bonding) and cutting as well as
confirmed for the ‘‘Pagoda’’ case. their combinations in connection with conventional technol-
ogies [221,224]. The forming of sheet metals is usually carried
6.2.4. Electromagnetic forming out with the use of pancake inductors (Fig. 49), whereas the
The forming of sheet metals and thin-walled products with forming of tubes or walls of deep-drawn cups – with the use of
electromagnetic field energy [221,222] has the biggest applica- coil-shaped inductors, placed outside the semi-product during
tion potential among the high energy methods. Under slightly the reducing (Fig. 48) or inside, in the case of expanding or
differing names, various modifications and applications of this flanging.
forming technique can be recognized: ElectroMagnetic Forming This method can be used to form materials with good
(EMF), ElectroMagnetic Puls Forming (EMPF), Electromagnetic pulse electrical conductance. Beside copper, this group of materials
assisted progressive deep drawing, Incremental electromagnetic- of significant technological importance also includes alumi-
assisted stamping (IEMAS). The process consists in the use of the num and magnesium. This makes this technology especially
Lorentz forces operating onto metal elements placed in an attractive for the automotive industry, which is searching for
impulse magnetic field (Fig. 48). The forming process takes solutions lowering the vehicle mass [225,226] as well as in the
928 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

In response to the expectations of the automotive

industry concerning the materials and technologies of their
processing leading to a reduction of mass, the authors of the
study [228] analyzed the process of electromagnetic forming
(bulging) of a perforated aluminum sheet. During the shaping
of shell products made of perforated sheets, regardless of the
applied plastic working method, one should remember about
their unique properties – strong directivity, dependent on the
Fig. 47 – Shapes of the mandrels used in the non-circular type of perforation (on the directional character of the
spinning experiments: (a) ‘‘Tripode’’ and (b) ‘‘Pagoda’’ geometrical features of the openings mesh) as well as
[220]. heterogeneity of deformation, enforced by the structure of
the center [229,230].
The directions of the development of the EMF/EMPF
method are mostly inspired by its limitations: first application
only to materials with high electrical conductivity, second –
application to workpieces with shapes and sizes limited by
the dimensions and power of the coil as well as the cost of the
instrumentation. The boundary below which a direct elec-
tromagnetic plastic working is impossible is considered to be
the value of electrical conductivity of structural steel (9,3 MS/
m) [224]. This results from the excessive heating of materials
with high resistivity and the reduction of the magnetic
impact. The limitation resulting from low electrical conduc-
Fig. 48 – Schematic diagram of the device for electrodynamic tivity can be eliminated through the use of an intermediate
metal forming [223]: I – energy member, II – technological element (‘‘driver sheet’’), made from a material with high
member (1 – high voltage transformer, 2 – rectifier, 3 – conductance, placed between the inductor and the formed
capacitor battery, 4 – connecting ducts, 5 – control system, 6 material. The use of a moderator enables the treatment of
– inductor, 7 – semi-product, i – inductor current, ip – high-alloy steels, titanium and even materials, which do not
current in semi-product, B – magnetic induction, p – conduct electric current. The effectiveness of the method
pressure). depends on the type of moderator material (its deformation
resistance, electrical conductivity) and its geometrical pa-
rameters (thickness of the sheet as well as the transverse
dimensions in reference to the dimensions of the coil) [231]. A
higher electrical conductivity of the moderator strengthens
the Lorentz forces, whereas a lower deformation resistance
reduces the energy absorbed for its free deformation.
The forming of large components by means of small
inductors and low discharge energy is possible through
electromagnetic incremental forming (EMIF) [232]. Owing to this
method, it is possible to manufacture precision products with
complex shapes. Hybrid solution, known as ElectroMagnetic-
Assisted Stamping (EMAS) or Incremental electromagnetic-assisted
stamping (IEMAS), combines the advantages of conventional
forming with rigid tools and electromagnetic forming
[233,234]. In the study [234], the forces of the electromagnetic
field are used to support the forming of both the stretched
Fig. 49 – Schematics of electromagnetic forming of sheets
bottom part and the drawn flange part of the formed product,
whose shape can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Fig. 50
shows an exemplary distribution of the electromagnetic coils
At Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, a new
area of designing and producing of energy-saving construc- method of electromagnetic sheet metal forming has been
tions based on bionic [227]. The lack of friction between the developed, which uses multiple continuous capacitor
material formed in the EMPF technology and the tools as well discharges with a strictly determined frequency. The
as the high pressures (magnetic pressure of values exceeding developed technology makes it possible to increase the
250–300 MPa in the time of milliseconds) favors obtaining high maximal depth of the drawpieces by over 30% and to realize
surface quality of the product, which is especially important in the processes of continuous press forming. It also expands
the case of initial materials with an applied coating, as well as the scope of applications and increases the effectiveness of
high dimensional precision and repeatability of the product electromagnetic forming with the use of conventional
shape, e.g. as a result of reduced springback. techniques [222].
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941 929

Fig. 50 – Possible locations of the coils in

electromagnetically supported stamping [234].

6.2.5. Press forming with the electroplastic effect Fig. 51 – Problems related to the size effect in microforming
In the case of less deformable materials, it is possible to use the processes [209].
method of forming with the electroplastic effect. The latter is
induced with the flow of pulsatory high density current. In
metallic materials, it can cause a radical drop of the yield The most popular microforming processes are: extrusion,
stress. The study [235] proposes an electrically supported forging, drawing and sheet forming. The latter one is
process of embossing micro-channels on metal elements. Both particularly addressed within the paper.
the experiments and the numerical simulations showed that, The microforming of sheets, both in reference to the testing
in a forming process supported by electric current with high of their mechanical properties and the spatial forming,
density, the stress was reduced in the workpiece, and the requires subtle modifications of the shaping tools or micro-
depth of the produced channel was increased. Such advan- machines construction, as well as special technological
tages of the electroplastic treatment as high technological solutions and precise process control. As it has been
effectiveness, energy saving, deformability increase and demonstrated in the study [211], the effect of improvement
change of the metal's microstructure can stimulate the of the material's deformability during micro deep drawing was
interest in this technology as well as its development. obtained as a result of applying a laser to heat the flange of the
formed sample (Fig. 52).
6.2.6. Sheet microforming Both the experiment and the numerical simulations
Microforming refers to the process of shaping with plastic showed a significant influence of the size effect on the
working methods of parts or their features with at least two cracking character at the micro/meso scale. The forming limit
dimensions in a submillimeter range. A clear, increasing, curve (FLC) shifts downwards with the decreasing thickness-
demand for microelements especially from the electronic grain size ratio.
industry is observed for the last few years. Microelements In the last decade, a progress in the research carried out in
mean large productivity with a lower material and energy the area of microforming toward advanced hybrid technolo-
consumptions. The microforming issues, similar to the ones in gies for the microscale was also observed. During an ultrasonic
traditional technologies, can be divided into four groups: forming process in [212] the pressure forming the micro-
material, process, tools and machines [209]. In the case of the product (trapezoidal micro-channels) was transferred onto a
material the grain size is the most important parameter, which thin sheet by means of powder, plasticized as a result of the
limits the geometry of microelements. The flow stress, limit friction effect, caused by ultrasonic vibration. In the study
strains and anisotropy should also be considered, as in the [213], the method of induction bulging was used to form the
small scale material cannot be treated as a homogeneous micro-channels in a thin copper sheet. During laser micro-
continuum. In the manufacturing processes the main pro- forming [214], where the energy source is the impact wave
blems are associated with friction effects (large contact surface
between tools and material to volume ratio), forming forces
and springback. For the tools area the problem of very small
contours and very high quality of the surface have to be
mentioned. Finally, in the case of forming machines there are
series of difficulties related to handling of microelements e.g.
inserting or removing components from tools.
A thorough analysis of the developments of the micro-
forming technologies has been performed in [209–211]. The
subject of research for over a quarter of the century have been
the problems resulting from the miniaturization itself (size
effects), as well as the phenomena occurring during the process
at the micro scale. Problems, which should be considered in
the design and development of a microforming system have Fig. 52 – Concept of a tool with laser heating of the sample's
been summarized in Fig. 51 [209]. flange during micro deep drawing [211].
930 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

microscale bulging, whereas the study [217] discusses the

physics of the laser microforming phenomenon.
Finally it has to be mentioned, that research works on
development of all presented modern technologies are also
closely supported by capabilities offered by numerical model-
ing techniques.

7. Numerical modeling in metal forming

As demonstrated throughout the paper numerical modeling

Fig. 53 – Schematic of indirect forming with a laser impulse
became an important tool in the area of metal forming. Initially
predictions of mechanical states including strains, stresses as
well as resulting forces were under consideration. The slab [236]
and upper bound [237] methods should be mentioned as primary
generated by the laser, the way of indirect forming with a laser tools used in an industry at that time. In subsequent years
impulse was examined, the idea of which is presented in modeling of a microstructure evolution during forming [238] and
Fig. 53. The study [216] presents an analysis of the effect of the cooling [239] by Johnson–Mehl–Avrami–Kolmogorov (JMAK) type
laser energy on the micro-deformability of pure copper during models received a lot of attention. Finally, the work of Kobayashi

Fig. 54 – The idea of multiphysics character of the models (a) and schematic illustration of development of models leading to
uncoupled and fully coupled multiscale approach (b) [30].
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941 931

on finite element (FE) flow formulation provided an invaluable materials (e.g. multiphase steels and non-ferrous light metals
input to this field [240,241] and made numerical modeling easily alloys). Thus, conventional mean field models based on closed
accessible. Then, during the end of XX and beginning of XXI from analytical equations (e.g. conventional flow stress
century this FE concept was combined with mentioned models, internal variable models, Avrami type evolution
microstructure evolution models providing the fully coupled models) [245] are gradually substituted by more elaborated
thermal–mechanical–microstructural tool for metal forming full field models [246–248]. In this case a microstructure
simulations and process optimization. morphology as well as phenomena occurring during forming
Therefore, during the last decade research in the computer are precisely simulated at various length scales often exceed-
aided development of metal forming operations has been ing predictive capabilities of experimental investigation
primarily focused on improving description of material behavior techniques. Therefore, the Computational Materials Science
under cold and hot forming conditions [30,243] as well as on (CMS) with emerging the Digital Materials Representation
development of automatic optimization procedures that could (DMR) concept [249] have been intensively investigated during
be applied to the complex combined processes [242]. Numerical the last decade as an approach that can offer a support for
modeling of metal forming today requires multiphysics models description of a material behavior during forming of new
(Fig. 54a) and multiscale approaches (Fig. 54b). The former products with special in-use properties.
combines mechanical, thermal and metallurgical components in The definition according to [250] states that the Digital
one model. The latter combines phenomena occurring in micro Material Representation is a material description based on a
scale with the macro scale description of the process. set of measurable quantities that provides the necessary link
From practical point of view both issues are extremely between simulation and experiment. Thus, the objective of the
important as they increase predictive capabilities of numerical DMR is to provide a digital model of the microstructure where
simulations (Fig. 55 [27]). However, it is crucial that at the same all important features are represented explicitly. That way
time, computing cost have to be maintained at the acceptable comparison with a metallographic investigation is straight-
level. With this regard, issues related to numerical simulations forward as seen in Fig. 56.
efficiency have also gained a lot of attention in the area of To address such complex models of modern materials, new
metal forming modeling [244]. set of numerical approaches designed to couple phenomena
Presently not only general information on material state occurring at various length and time scales have also been
and its microstructure are required. On the contrary sophisti- proposed [251].
cated numerical models, where material structure is consid- In the metal forming area, to describe material behavior at
ered not only in an implicit manner but also directly in an the macro scale the conventional continuum solutions are
explicit way, are essential to form complex new metallic frequently used [30]. That includes mesh based (finite element

Fig. 55 – Natural relation between computational time and predictive capabilities of models [27].
932 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

Fig. 58 – A concept of the two scale finite element and

Fig. 56 – A concept of the digital material representation cellular automata upscaling model of a dynamic
approach [27]. recrystallization during extrusion [264].

method, finite volume method, boundary element method During the last decade coupling of these computational
etc.) [242,244,252,253] as well as mesh free approaches techniques to provide both multiphysics and multiscale
(smoothed particle hydrodynamic, element-free Galerkin material response (Fig. 54) has proven enormous predictive
method, material point method, moving particle finite capabilities. Therefore, combinations of a variety of numerical
element method, finite cloud method, boundary cloud method approaches: finite element (FEM), cFigtal plasticity finite
etc.) [254,255]. Similar versatility is observed in the micro scale element (CPFEM), extended finite element (XFEM), finite
analysis techniques that can deal with proper description of volume (FVM), boundary element (BEM), mesh free, multi grid
material behavior at the lower length scales, namely mezo- or methods, Monte Carlo (MC), Cellular Automata (CA), Molecular
micro scales. Series of previously mentioned continuum but Dynamics (MD), Molecular Statics (MS), Level set methods, Fast
also discrete methods (Monte Carlo, lattice Bolztman, cellular Fourier Transformation (FFT) etc. have been applied to
automata, etc.) are equally popular [256,258,259]. practical metal forming simulations [248,257,262].

Fig. 57 – A concept of upscaling and concurrent multiscale numerical models [27,245].

archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941 933

In general multiscale modeling techniques, can be classi- the fully coupled upscaling modeling, information from macro
fied into two groups: upscaling and concurrent approaches as is then used to recalculate material micro state. An example of
seen in Fig. 57 [261]. These multiscale approaches became the practical realization of a two scale finite element and cellular
basis of intensively developed Integrated Computational automata upscaling model of dynamic recrystallization during
Materials Engineering (ICME) [260]. In the ICME three funda- an extrusion of Al/Mg [264] is presented in Fig. 58.
mental aspects of materials design: Manufacturing, Design Conceptually different approach to multiscale modeling is
and Materials are combined. In the metal forming community represented by concurrent models. In this case, the computa-
the ICME concept has been additionally extended to the tional domain is simultaneously decomposed to deal with
Integrative Computational Materials and Process Engineering phenomena associated to particular length/time scale (Fig. 57).
(ICMPE) approach, which combines multiscale modeling and Therefore, with these methods a detailed investigation of
through process simulation in one comprehensive approach material flow at various length scale became possible as can be
[263]. seen in Fig. 59, where concurrent multiscale model based on
As mentioned in [263], in the upscaling class of methods, the digital material representation approach and the CPFEM
constitutive models at higher scales are constructed from approach is presented [265]. This class of models is also often
observations and models at lower, more elementary scales. In used when cold forming operations are investigated e.g. wire
drawing [266], stamping [267] or rolling [268].
As presented in Fig. 55, an increase in computational
time, which is usually unacceptable for industrial practice,
is the major drawback of these multiscale models. Research
on the computational efficiency is carried out from the
applied computer science point of view. The increasing
power of new computer processors or graphical cards, as
well as development of alternative methods and strategies
for computational simulations, create new ways to address
this issue, and provide possibilities for multiscale modeling
to become a common industrial practice. There are in
general two concepts that have been explored as seen in
Fig. 60:

 Reduced-order-modeling concept (ROM) [270], where in

order to reduce the computational costs to affordable level
simplifications to material or computational domain des
criptions are introduced. Developed model reduction strate-
gies range from purely physical or analytical approaches to
Fig. 59 – A concurrent multiscale model of incremental black-box methods (e.g. artificial neural networks) [271]. The
forging concept [269] based on the digital material sensitivity analysis is also a common representative of this
representation approach and the CPFEM approach. class of methods [272].

Fig. 60 – Major concepts in computational models cost reduction [30].

934 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 898–941

Fig. 61 – Future trend of coexistence of mean and full field approaches in practical industrial application [245].

 New high performance computer architectures and grid incremental forming, electromagnetic press forming, draw-
distributed computational environments. In this case ing with the use of ultrasounds, CONFORM extrusion, etc.,
reimplementation of already available numerical models which take advantage of the more and more extensive
is essential to take benefits from such high computer power. knowledge of the effect of deformation on the shaped
During last ten years parallelization techniques became a material as well as the higher possibilities of process control,
standard approach for e.g. metal forming commercial finite e.g. the movement of the tools.
element software providers [244]. Another area which has a very significant effect on the
progress in metal forming is robotization and automatization,
As presented, the combination of material science and which significantly increase the efficiency of the production
applied computer science brought to metal forming commu- processes as well as the quality of the product. Final
nity a possibility to use complex full field multi scale models components gained repeatable narrowed dimensional toler-
on more regular basis. It have to be emphasized, that these ances as well as a fine-grained microstructure.
models can often provide predictions of material behavior in It should be emphasized that the development of metal
the conditions, which are difficult or even impossible to be forming is supported, to a large extent, by numerical
monitored under laboratory conditions. With this level of simulations. Historically, this tool was used for the prediction
accuracy, they have recently started to be used as a major of mechanical states, including strains, stresses and forces.
source of data for development of simplified mean field Thermal coupling of the mechanical models became possible
approaches for practical applications (Fig. 61). The primary in mid-1970s and the temperature dependence of the material
goal of such an approach is minimization of time consuming properties could be introduced in the models. Current models
and expensive laboratory investigations, which are usually enable prediction of the microstructure development, and
used to provide sufficient amount of data to propose fully coupled thermal-mechanical-metallurgical approaches
mentioned mean field approaches. It seems that this will be are available. Optimization of the processes with an objective
a large research area for the next decade. function based on the product properties has also become
possible. A multiscale approaches to modeling, which are
commonly used today, makes it possible to investigate the
8. Conclusions
phenomena occurring in the material microstructure account-
ing for the current local changes of parameters in the
An overview of selected metal forming methods, which have technological processes.
been the subject of research and implementation into the In Poland, the driving force of the progress in metal forming
industry in the last 10 years was addressed in the paper. It can technologies is especially the automotive industry, which,
be concluded from the performed analysis that the basic through the introduction of increasingly lighter materials,
driving force of the last decade's progress in this field is the aims at lowering the vehicle mass, and thus, also, limiting the
forming of new materials, especially high strength steels with CO2 emission. However, influence of other industrial branches
a multi-phase microstructures containing martensite, bainite also cannot be disregarded.
or austenite, belonging to the group of AHSS (Advanced High
Strength Steels) as well as non-ferrous alloys with aluminum,
Conflict of interest
magnesium and titanium as primary representatives. A
significant progress can also be observed in the area of
non-conventional methods of metal forming, such as: None declared.
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