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Burns, 1, 23-42 23

Urine output following severe burns

John A. D. Settle
Consultant in Clinical Phvsioloav, Reaional Burns Centre,
Wakefield, Yorkshire , -I -

of hypovolaemia in ‘burns shock ’ was first

A difference of opinion exists concerning the useful- emphasized by Blalock (1931), who also showed
ness of hourly urine volume as an index of effective that it was correctible by the infusion of plasma.
resuscitation following burns. An investigation is By comparison with the rapid loss of whole blood,
described in which the volume and osmolality of the the insidious leak of plasma from the circulation
hourly urine output of severely burned patients was to form the bum oedema is much less dramatic.
measured. The determinants of urine output in normal However, because the rate of loss of fluid from
and injured patients are described and it is empha-
the circulation is more predictable in burns than
sized that volume is only one parameter of urine
output. A clear distinction is made between oliguria in multiple fractures, ruptured viscera etc. it
and antidiuresis, and the significance of free osmolal should be possible to maintain an adequate
output as an index of renal performance is explained. circulation in the burned patient more easily than
It is pointed out that the nature of the infusion is sometimes the case in other forms of trauma
fluid, the methods of assessing effective resuscitation, which produce hypovolaemia.
and the nature of the urine output are closely inter- As an index of the effectiveness of resuscitation,
related in any one scheme of resuscitation. From this the urine output has been widely recommended.
it follows that a urine volume judged to indicate Moore (1959) stated that ‘It was in dealing with
adequate resuscitation in one scheme may have a
burns that the use of the short-term urine volume
different significance in another. The view is expressed
that if effective resuscitation means adequate blood record was first described (Cope and Moore,
Row to all tissues, the kidney should not be made an 1947) and it is in the care of burns that the hourly
exception. Adequate renal perfusion is proved only urine output provides such an extremely useful
when the urine contains a free osmolal output criterion of homeostatic normalcy ‘. Barclay and
sufficient to permit maintenance of normal body Wallace (1954) were even more definite, ‘The
osmolal balance in the absence of gross changes in best check on the adequacy or otherwise of fluid
solute-free water intake. It is suggested that urine therapy is an hour-to-hour watch over the renal
output (volume, osmolality and free osmolal output) output ‘. They went on to say that ‘In adults a
is a useful index of the effectiveness of resuscitation
satisfactory hourly excretion is between 50 and
since it provides a reliable indication of renal perfu-
sionexcept when renal function itself is impaired. 100 ml, less than 30 ml and more than 150 ml
For patients resuscitated with plasma, the range in indicate inadequacy or excess ‘.
which an ‘adequate ’urine output can be expected to In the collection of monographs entitled
lie, is given, and the possible affects of other fluids on Contemporary Burn Management (1971) several
the urine output are discussed. It is stressed that when contributors endorse the importance of urine
renal function is impaired, consideration of the urine output as an index of effective resuscitation.
output is a more useful prognostic aid than is a study Their recommendations for ‘adequate ’ urine
of the blood urea levels. output (in adult patients) show some variation:
Baxter, more than 50 ml per hr; Monafo, 30 ml
per hr; Artz, 30-50 ml per hr; Sorensen, 60 ml
per hr and Stone, 40-70 ml per hr. However, not
INTRODUCTION all authorities agree that urine output is a
THE satisfactory early management of a patient valuable or even useful index of effective resusci-
with an extensive burn involves the infusion of tation. Wilkinson (1965, 1969, 1971) has re-
fluid at a rate rarely seen in any other situation peatedly expressed the view that oliguria is one of
except when large amounts of whole blood are the normal consequences of injury and that ’The
being lost from the circulation. The central role volume of urine produced per hour should not be
24 Burns Vol. 1 /No. 1

used as an index of success or failure in the further 6 patients, the determinations of hourly
maintenance of a circulating blood volume at an urine concentration were carried out for periods
adequate level’. Barton and Laing (1970) have of less than 24 hours. The findings in these
reported that during the shock phase they found patients are excluded from this paper only
the urine volume to be extremely variable and because of their incompleteness; in no way did
quite unpredictable. they conflict with the patterns of urine output
In the knowledge that some difference of observed in the patients reported.
opinion existed concerning the value of urine
output as an index of the resuscitation of burned METHODS
patients, an investigation was planned in which In general, the clinical management of the shock
phase followed the scheme described by Muir
Tab/e /.-Patients investigated in detail and Barclay (1962). Reconstituted dried human
plasma was used as the replacement fluid and the
forecast of the likely amount required calculated
Type of burn
by use of the Muir and Barclay formula. The
first 36 hours following burning are divided into 6
71 20 per cent full skin periods of 4 hours, 4 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours, 6
thickness flame burn hours and 12 hours. The expected plasma
10 55 per cent full skin requirement for each of these periods is:
thickness flame burn Weight of patient x percentage area of bum ml
34 30 per cent deep
dermal flame burn
30 per cent mixed Whole blood was substituted for plasma as
thickness scald recommended by Muir (1961), i.e. an amount
27 25 per cent partial equal to 1 per cent of the patient’s normal blood
thickness scald volume for each 1 per cent of full-thickness burn.
45 40 per cent full skin All intravenous fluids were given via drip sets
thickness flame burn incorporating a calibrated burette so that the
40 30 per cent mixed exact amount infused per hour was known.
thickness flame burn
Water for metabolic requirements was given
2 45 per cent full skin
months thickness flame burn
orally or as 5 per cent dextrose solution intra-
venously. The values accepted as normal for
blood volume, haematocrit (Htc), water require-
the aim was to examine the nature of the urine ment and minimum urine flow per hour were
output during the shock phase. Preliminary those given by Muir and Barclay (1962).
observations clearly indicated the need to measure All patients had a self-retaining bladder
not only the volume of urine excreted per hour catheter inserted shortly after admission. Each
but also its concentration (Settle, 1968). catheter was attached by a few cm of tubing to
a closed drainage bag which could be emptied by
PATIENTS a tap at its most dependent part. The bag was
During the 1Zmonth period November 1969 to emptied on the hour, every hour, the volume
October 1970, it was possible to perform detailed measured, and a sample kept for determination
studies of urine output on 8 patients admitted to of osmolality.
the Regional Burns Centre. Their ages ranged Venous blood, taken into a dry plastic bottle
from 18 months to 71 years and the extent of their containing lithium heparin was used for Htc,
burns from 20 per cent to 55 per cent with an osmolality, urea and electrolyte determinations.
average of 35 per cent. Table Z lists the patients Urine osmolality was usually determined within
in the order in which they were investigated. In a few minutes of the specimen being collected.
addition to these 8 patients, less detailed studies Occasionally, specimens obtained during the
were performed during the same period on a night were stored at 4°C and the osmolality
further 11 patients with severe burns. Three of determined a few hours later.
these patients were admitted to the Burns Centre Plasma and urine osmolality determinations
towards the end of the shock phase (resuscitation were made on duplicate samples by a depression
having been mainly carried out elsewhere). Two of freezing point method using an ‘Advanced ’
others were elderly patients with unsurvivable osmometer. The accuracy of the determination
bums (80 per cent) for whom formal resuscitation was better than h 1 per cent and full details of the
was inappropriate. In these 5 patients, and in a technique used have been published elsewhere
Settle : Urine Output following Severe Burns 25

(Settle, 1971). Calibration checks using standard CASE REPORTS

solutions were made after every tenth sample but Case 1
a change of calibration was never required during An elderly lady of 71 years, weight 60 kg, sustained a
the investigation of any one patient. The normal 20 per cent full-thickness flame burn, parts of which
value for plasma osmolality was taken to be the were very deep, as the result of a domestic accident.
generally accepted figure of 290 mosmol per kg Fluid balance and Htc are shown in Fig. 1 and urine
+I0 (Holmes, 1962; Co&on, 1963; Eklund, and plasma osmolality in Fig. 2. Intravenous therapy
1970). with plasma was commenced during the third hour

-y. .: .~~~... ,........ .., 1
Htc.1 35

25 1



Plasma 3oo

a Blood

m Mannitol

/g Oral
100 Urine


- 0


:] Urine


10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 5‘0

Fig. I .--Case I. Fluid balance and Htc. Fig. 2.--Case I. Urine and plasma osmolality.

Clinical management and osmolality deter- after injury and when the bladder was catheterized
minations were undertaken concurrently by the at the end of this hour, only 10 ml of clear urine,
cont. 327 mosmol per kg were obtained. By the end of
same person. It was inevitable, therefore, that
the fourth hour, the urine output had increased to
knowledge of changes in urine concentration 20 ml, cont. 380 mosmol per kg and thereafter both
would affect the general management of the volume and concentration continued to increase for
patient. Indeed, there were occasions when several hours.
alterations in fluid therapy were made mainly The patient was taking very little water by mouth
because changes in urine concentration had been and by the tenth hour, although colloid replacement
observed, whilst at other times, treatment was was considered adequate (55 ml of clear urine, cont.
withheld which would probably have been 518 mosmol per kg during the tenth hour), there were
instituted if the urine concentration had not been signs of dehydration (plasma osmolality had risen by
9 mosmol per kg over the previous 8 hours). During
known. As a result of this continual feedback of
the eleventh hour, 400 ml of 5 per cent dextrose were
information, certain aspects of cause and effect given intravenously in addition to the plasma infusion.
can only be discerned by a close study of the hour- At the end of that hour, the urine volume had fallen
by-hour events in the resuscitation of individual to 25 ml, concentration was unchanged but, for the
patients. For this reasons, the case histories of first time, the urine contained blood pigment. Three
each patient are presented in detail. hundred and fifty ml of 5 percent dextrose were given
26 Burns Vol. 1 /No. 1

during the twelfth hour, the urine output dropped to auricular fibrillation occurred which resolved spon-
10 ml, was very heavily pigmented, and was less taneously but 2 days later she suddenly died. At post-
concentrated (494 mosmol per kg). Following a mortem, a picture of general senile change was
further 250 ml of 5 per cent dextrose in the thirteenth revealed; cerebral atrophy, and cerebral and coronary
hour, the urine output rose to 28 ml, but was still artery narrowing and sclerosis.
heavily pigmented and its concentration had dropped
to 390 mosmol per kg. Case 2
Oliguria combined with haemoglobinuria is A IO-yea-rold boy, weight 33 kg, sustained a 55 per
generally considered to be an ominous sign of cent full-thickness burn as the result of an accident


Hlc.% 45


600 ml.

FJ Plasma

? B?lood .!


pjzj Oral

INTAKE Plasma *3



0 10 20 30 40 50 1’0 2’0 3’0 4’0 5’0

Fig. 3.-Case 2. Fluid balance and Htc. Fig. 4.-Case 2. Urine and plasma osmolality.

impending renal failure (Dudley et al., 1957). The with a bonfire. Parts of the burn were very deep.
observation that the oliguria was also associated with Fluid balance and Htc are shown in Fig. 3 and urine
a fall in urine osmolality was interpreted as confirma- and plasma osmolality in Fig. 4. Resuscitation with
tory evidence of impaired renal function and it was plasma was commenced during the second hour after
decided to attempt to produce a solute diuresis. injury. On admission to the Burns Unit towards the
Over the next 3 hours, 500 ml of 20 per cent mannitol end of the third hour, there was no clinical evidence of
were given i.v. in addition to the plasma infusion. oligaemic shock.
Figs. 1 and 2 clearly show the diuretic response to Catheterization of the bladder at 3 hours produced
mannitol, the expected initial fall in urine osmolality 35 ml of clear urine, cont. 715 mosmol per kg.
associated with osmotic diuresis (Dudley et al., 1957) Plasma osmolality was 315 mosmol per kg and Htc 50
and the concomitant rise in plasma osmolality. The per cent. These findings indicated a possible deficit
changes in the Htc indicated that during the period of of about 400 ml of plasma (17 per cent of the total
oliguria (eleventh to thirteenth hours) the patient was blood volume) together with mild dehydration. Over
not oligaemic. Thereafter, the management of this the next 2 hours no urine could be obtained. By the
patient was uneventful, there was no further evidence end of the sixth hour the deficit of 400 ml of plasma
of impaired renal function and skin grafting of the had been corrected, the Htc was 40 per cent and 10 ml
burned areas was undertaken at two operations, 29 of urine (cont. 3 10 mosmol per kg) had been obtained.
and 41 days respectively from the time of burning. This urine was loaded with blood pigment. Thereafter,
Seven days after the second operation, an episode of up to the fortieth hour, the urine output varied
Settle : Urine Output following Severe Burns 27

between 8 and 32 ml per hr and averaged 18 ml per hr. Urine output, at first around 100 ml per hr with a
Superficially an adequate output (cf. expected mini- concentration of 640 mosmol per kg, gradually fell to
mum of 15 ml per hr) but since its concentration never 10 ml during the eleventh hour, but its concentration
exceeded 375 mosmol per kg it was in fact no more rose to almost 1000 mosmol per kg. There was no
than a glomerular filtrate. evidence of blood pigment in this urine on visual
Peritoneal dialysis was commenced at 54 hours inspection. The Htc had also risen during this time
from the time of burning, the blood urea having risen but serum osmolality had remained unchanged. Here
to 200mg per cent and potassium to 6,2mEq/l. was certain evidence of oliguria due to oligaemia.
Dialysis continued for IO days, by which time a total Normally, the rate of colloid infusion would have been



100 ‘2
L] Urine

zo I’ ii,,

0 10 20 30 40 50 1'0 2’0 3’0 4’0 Sb

Fix. S.-Case 3. Fluid balance and Htc. Fig. 6.- Cuss, 3. Urine and plasma osmolality.

of 150 one-litre exchanges had been carried out and the reduced at 12 hours, but it was felt that continuation
blood urea had returned to 100 mg per cent. Major of the existing rate (250 ml per hr) would make good
skin grafting operations were undertaken at 42, 57 the indicated deficit. This proved to be the case; the
and 68 days from the time of burning and he was Htc fell and the urine volume increased. By 32 hours
discharged home 18 weeks after admission. after injury, a marked diuresis had commenced and
the urine osmolality had fallen to 330 mosmol per kg.
Case 3 The circulation was, therefore, judged to be a little
A 33-year-old woman, weight 62 kg, sustained 30 per overfilled and intravenous therapy was discontinued.
cent deep dermal heat burns as the result of an indus- The urine output then gradually decreased in volume
trial accident. Intravenous therapy with plasma was but its concentration rose to almost 1000 mosmol per
commenced during the first hour following burning kg. About one-third of the burn required skin
and the fluid balance and Htc are shown in Fig. 5. grafting and the patient was discharged 8 weeks after
Osmolality determinations (Fig. 6) were carried out the injury.
at much less frequent intervals than in the other cases
reported. (The curtailment of the investigation of this Case 4
patient was made necessary by the need to concentrate An ll-month-old child, weight 10 kg, sustained 30
maximum attention on the management of the per cent scalds (10 per cent full thickness) when he
previous patient, Case 2, whose admission had slipped into a washing machine. Intravenous therapy
preceded this patient by 30 hours.) with plasma was commenced within the hour following
28 Burns Vol. l/No. 1

the injury, the details of fluid balance and Htc are hour, in addition to the existing plasma infusion rate,
shown in Fig. 7, and osmolalities of urine and plasma and the urine output increased to 7 ml per hr, cont.
are shown in Fig. 8. The bladder was emptied at the 680 mosmol per kg. An ’extra ’30 ml of plasma were
end of the second hour, producing 105 ml of clear given during the seventh hour and the urine output
urine, cont. 306 mosmol per kg. The Htc at this time increased to 12 ml per hr, cont. 750 mosmol per kg.
was 42 per cent. At the end of the third hour, only Thereafter, the urine output remained adequate in
1 ml of clear urine was obtained, cont. 315 mosmol both volume and concentration and the rest of the
per kg. In order to check the adequacy of bladder shock phase was ‘uneventful ‘. A small amount of

Htc.% 45
35 .. ... .. .... ... ... ... ... .. ..... .. .. ... ... . .... ..
I Osm/kg.


Urine .a-





‘.‘.‘ .‘.‘.‘.‘.‘,~.~.~,~.~.~.~.~.~.~.’ :....,.... .~,~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~,~.~
.‘.‘ _~.~,~.~.~.~.~_~.~.~.~.~...~,~...~.~,~.~.~.~
:;::. .,.:
;:..... ._,,
. . . ..‘
. .‘
. ..‘
. .‘
. ..‘
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .;..,......
. . .._ .~.~,~.~.~.~.~,~.~.~.~


25 I ml. II-j
I-J Urine
105- - tJ
-S Hours
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 2E 32 0 4 b 12 16 20 24 20 32”Ours

Fig. 7.-Case 4. Fluid balance and Htc Fig. 8.-Case 4. Urine and plasma osmolality
drainage, 10 ml of sterile water were introduced into skin grafting was performed 4 weeks after the injury
the bladder; 10 ml of clear fluid were recovered. and the child was discharged home 2 weeks later.
If the urine had been concentrated, there would
have been a clear indication to increase the rate of Case 5
colloid infusion. However, the child was rather A 27-year-old chemical worker, weight 70 kg, sus-
‘chesty ’and it was feared that a colloid challenge to tained a 25 per cent partial-thickness scald when he
the circulation, if it did not produce a diuresis, might was drenched with hot ortho-chloro-paratoluidine
have undesirable pulmonary effects. The problem as the result of an accident at work. Intravenous
centred, therefore, around the possibility of a renal therapy with plasma was commenced during the first
lesion. The urine output during the fourth hour was hour after injury and by the time he reached the Burns
2 ml (still free from pigment) cont. 270 mosmol per kg. Centre, at the end of the second hour, he had received
The apparent reduction in concentration was judged 700 ml of plasma (cf. an expected requirement of
to have been caused by traces of the water used to test 220 ml per hr during the first 12 hours). The fluid
the patency of the catheter. Whatever urine had been balance and Htc are shown in Fig. 9, and urine and
produced could hardly have been very concentrated. plasma osmolalities in Fig. 10. In view of the large
The findings were still equivocal. amount of plasma already given, the infusion rate was
The fifth hour’s urine output was 4 ml, cont. 460 reduced to 180 ml per hr for the remainder of the first
mosmol per kg. With this indication of improving 4 hour period but even so the Htc fell to 37 per cent
renal function, it was decided to perform an infusion and the urine volume remained high. The plasma
test. Sixty ml of plasma were given in the next half an infusion rate was further reduced at 4 hours to 120 ml
Settle: Urine Output following Severe Burns 29

per hr, the Htc remained stationary and the urine work. The plasma infusion was commenced within
volume averaged about 75 ml per hr. At 12 hours the the hour following burning and by the time he arrived
plasma infusion rate was reduced to 90 ml per hr and at the Burns Centre the fourth bottle of plasma was
urine volume gradually fell to an average of about running in. Fluid balance and Htc are shown in fig.
50 ml per hr. 11 and urine and plasma osmolality in Fig. 12. At 4
Much of the scald was very superficial and it is hours then, he had received 1300 ml of plasma and
certain that the actual fluid requirement was con- 857 ml of clear urine had been obtained on cathe-
siderably less than the estimate calculated on the basis terization. The patient was rather overweight for his



150 Urine
- -a


m Plasma

f- Oral


- a



r ] Urine

100 Plasma / - .


f .
01 . . I I I Hours
200 Hours
4 a 12 16 20 24 0 4 6 12 16 20 24

Fig. 9.-Cue 5. Fluid balance and Htc. Fig. IO.---Case 5. Urine and plasma osmolality.

of a 25 per cent injury. Even so the Htc indicated height and previous experience had indicated that in
overfilling of the circulation to the extent of about such patients the actual body weight should be
900 ml throughout the period from the fourth to the reduced by a factor of about 20 per cent in order to
twenty-fourth hours. Although the urine volume calculate the expected colloid requirement. His weight
remained high, it is of interest to note that its thus became 70 kg and the colloid requirement
osmolality never fell below 620 mosmol per kg and 1400 ml per period. In addition, a further reduction of
that those hourly volumes between 50 and 30 ml colloid infusion was made during the second period in
per hr had osmolalities between 800 and 900 mosmol that he received only 1000 ml of plasma and blood,
per kg. otherwise the management of the shock phase
The further management was uneventful, skin followed the usual pattern.
grafting was not required and the patient was dis- From 8 to 24 hours the urine volume varied between
charged home 15 days after the accident although 30 and 100 ml per hr (average 60 ml per hr) and its
dressings were required on some areas for a further osmolality varied between 976 and 796 mosmol per kg.
3 weeks. From 24 to 29 hours blood was infused at 200 ml per
hr and resulted in a moderate diuresis as can be seen
Case 6 inFig. 11.
A 45-year-old chemical worker, weight 85 kg, sus- The patient’s hands were quite badly damaged and
tained a 40 per cent full-thickness flame burn when his several skin grafting operations were required. He
clothing caught fire as the result of an explosion at was discharged home 8 weeks after the accident.
30 Burns Vol. 1 /No. 1

Case 7 per kg. Thereafter the urine output gradually de-

A 40-year-old chemical worker, weight 60 kg, creased in volume from 55 ml per hr during the
sustained a 30 per cent mixed-thickness flame burn eleventh hour to 22 ml during the twenty-fourth hour
when his clothes caught fire as a result of the same whilst its concentration rose from around 500
explosion which caused the bums of the previous mosmol per kg to around 900 mosmol per kg.
patient (Case 6). About half of the burned areas required skin
The fluid balance and Htc are shown in Fig. 13 and grafting and the patient was discharged home 8 weeks
the plasma and urine osmolalities in Fig. 14. The after the accident.

litc.% 4s .L . . . . . ,...?

10IOO’rn Urine *6






Plasma -3.


0I 4. 0, 12
, l’s 2’0 24 20 I
32 Hours *1* I . . . . , , . , Hours
0 4 0 12 16 20 24 20 32

Fig. 11.-Case 6. Fluid balance and Htc Fig. 12.~Cure 6. Urine and plasma osmolality.

fluid intake was unusual in that 1000 ml of 5 per cent Case 8

dextrose were given during the sixth and seventh hours. A 2-year-old child, weight 13 kg, sustained a 45 per
(The urine output had been 30 ml per hr, cont. 800 cent deep full-thickness flame burn when his pyjamas
mosmol per kg for 2 hours, plasma osmolality was caught fire whilst he was playing with matches. He
310 mosmol per kg and the patient was thought to be was taken to a large city hospital where an infusion of
short of water rather than colloid.) During the sixth plasma was commenced during the fifth hour following
hour, 30 ml of urine were passed, cont. 870 mosmol the injury. Catheterization of the bladder before
per kg but during the seventh hour, without any setting up the drip had produced only 2 ml of urine,
apparent change in the volume of urine output, the the colour of which was not reported. The fluid
concentration fell to 244 mosmol per kg. The eighth balance and Htc are shown in Fig. 15, and the plasma
hourly output was 240 ml, cont. 298 mosmol per kg and urine osmolalities in Fig. 16.
and during the ninth hour, 120 ml, cont. 219 mosmol The child was admitted to the Burns Unit during
per kg were obtained. Here was evidence of definite the twentieth hour after burning and was said to be
though transient water diuresis occurring 8 hours after anuric. No urine had been recovered during the first
quite severe trauma and apparently in response to a 19 hours (except the 2 ml already mentioned) even
substantial water load. During the ninth hour, 500 ml though 65 ml of 10 per cent mannitol had been given
of blood were given in addition to the existing plasma during the ninth hour and the volume of fluid infusion
infusion rate of 150 ml per hr and during the tenth had been sufficient to lower the Htc to 25 per cent by
hour the urine output was 180 ml, cont. 437 mosmol the fourteenth hour. The catheter was found to be
Settle : Urine Output following Severe Burns 31

lying in the urethra and on being placed into the prolonged oliguria and haemoglobinuria and the
bladder released 125 ml of dark red urine which had average concentration was close to that of glomerular
an osmolality of 360 mosmol per kg. The average filtrate. The infusion of mannitol appeared to have
urine output since the time of burning was therefore had little effect. The findings with regard to urine
6.3 ml per hr, cont. 360 mosmol per kg. Even if the output were reminiscent of those described in the case
child had not been anuric he had certainly had history of Case 2; renal function had certainly been


35 1 ‘““/kg.

1000 Urine -6.



3 Plasma

g Blood

B Dextrose

D,a, 250


0 PlZWlM -3.

] Urine

r . . . . . . . 6 .l- , . . 1 . . b Hours
0 4 2 12 16 20 24 28 32”‘“= 0 4 a 12 16 20 24 28 32

Fig. 13.-C’use 7. Fluid balance and Htc. Fig. 14.---Case 7. Urine and plasma osmolality.

Fig. 15.~
--Case 8. Fluid balance and Htc. Fig. 16.---Case 8. Urine and plasma osmolality.
32 Burns Vol. l/No. 1

impaired and if no improvement occurred during the determined primarily by the solute load entering
subsequent thirty hours, then dialysis seemed to be the renal tubules and only secondarily by the
inevitable. activity of the anti-diuretic hormone (ADH).
During the period from the twentieth to the fiftieth Case 8 demonstrates that severe impairment of
hour, however, not only did the urine output increase
renal function, with oliguria apparently resistant
in volume from about 15 ml per hr to about 30 ml per
hr, but also its concentration rose from around 350 to both colloid overtransfusion and mannitol,
mosmol per kg to around 500 mosmol per kg. This does not necessarily proceed to renal failure.
gradual change was taken to indicate a recovery of Consideration of urine output solely in terms of
renal function. At 50 hours, on the basis of these
observations of a changing pattern of urine output it Dialysis commenced
was confidently predicted that dialysis would not be
required even though it was known that the blood urea
had risen to 186 mg per cent. Over the next 20 hours
the urine osmolality fell, until at 62 hours a transient
water diuresis occurred after which the osmolality rose
again. During this period, reduced urine osmolality
was associated with increased volume output.
The further management of the child was uneventful
from the point of view of renal function and a spon-
taneous fall in blood urea occurred after 50 hours
post burn. Three major skin grafting sessions were
required in order to achieve full skin cover and the
child was discharged home thirteen weeks after the

Urine volume and concentration
An easily observed feature of the hourly urine
output (particularly well demonstrated in Cases 5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

and 6) is the reciprocal relationship between

volume and concentration. As will be shown Fig. 17.-Blood urea levels of 5 patients during the
later, this simply implies that, irrespective of the first 5 days post burn.
volume of glomerular filtrate, the concentration
of the final urine is adjusted to maintain a con- volume does not enable a clear distinction to be
stant osmolal balance in the internal environment made between the prognosis of Case 8 and that of
of the body. Case 2.
When tubular function is impaired, the ability
to produce a concentrated urine (or a very dilute Blood urea levels
urine) is lost and when glomerular function is On the evidence of hour-by-hour changes in the
impaired the ability to increase urine volume is volume and osmolality of urine output, 4 out of
lost. On the other hand, reduced glomerular the 8 patients investigated in detail were
filtration as a consequence of reduced renal thought to have some impairment of renal func-
perfusion results in a small urine volume of high tion. Serial blood urea levels for these 4 patients
concentration. (Cases 1, 2, 4 and 8) are shown in Fig. 17
Case 4 seems to show that a temporary reduc- together with serial levels for one patient whose
tion in renal function, evidenced by oliguria of low renal function was thought to be unimpaired
concentration, can persist for a few hours and (Case 3). No blood urea levels were determined
then be succeeded by a more ‘physiological ’ in Case 5 and those for Cases 6 and 7 were not
response. In the absence of careful monitoring of obtained with sufficient frequency to warrant
the urine volume and concentration such an event expression as a graph. They did, however, seem
could probably pass unnoticed. to be of the same order as those in Case 3;
Case 1 demonstrates the massive diuretic within the range 3MO mg per cent at 6-10 hours
response which can result from the presence of and within the range 45-50 mg per cent at 80 to
mannitol in the glomerular tiltrate but does not 90 hours.
prove that osmotic diuresis prevents, minimizes In 3 out of the 4 patients in the ‘impaired ’
or aborts renal failure. It does, however, under- group, a steep rise in blood urea level was
line the basic fact that the tinal urine volume is observed. The rise was of the order of 4 mg per
Settle : Urine Output following Severe Burns 33
cent per hour and appeared to have an origin soon parameters of urine output in relation to the work
after the time of burning. In Case 4, the rise in done by the kidney.
blood urea stopped at 14 hours after burning and
Renal regulation of body water
Identical concentration of intracellular and
Body \
extracellular fluid throughout the body is the
result of free movement of water across cell
membranes, governed only by the physical
forces of osmosis and diffusion. The sole
exception is the movement of water across the
renal tubular cell membrane, the permeability of
which can be altered by the action of ADH. The
i 1--, ultimate mechanism responsible for this unique
phenomenon is not yet known, but on it depends
the ability of the kidney to excrete urine differing
in tonicity from the plasma from which it has been
Examination of the interstitial fluid in slices of
renal tissue taken from the medulla reveals an
increase in osmolality compared with that found
in the cortex (Wirz et al., 1951). Tubular fluid is
found to be isotonic with plasma in the proximal
tubules, hypertonic at the tip of the papilla and
hypotonic in the proximal part of the distal
tubule. These gradients of osmolality are pro-
duced by the countercurrent multiplier and
exchange systems of Henle’s loop and the vasa
recta. The significant feature of the hypothesis
Fig. IS.--The renal regulation of body water and
used to explain this phenomenon is the pumping
osmolal balance.
of sodium out of the ascending limb of Henle’s
declined thereafter. A normal level was observed loop into the surrounding tissue fluid, which thus
at 95 hours but may have been achieved much becomes increasingly hypertonic towards the
earlier. Cases 2 and 8 showed continued rises in papilla. Approximately two-thirds of the glo-
blood urea levels so that by 40 hours from the merular filtrate is reabsorbed isotonically in the
time of burning, both were uraemic with blood proximal segments of the nephron. The re-
urea levels of 170 mg per cent. On the basis of mainder becomes increasingly concentrated as it
the rate of development of azotaemia and the picks up sodium from the interstitial fluid
levels achieved, the degree of renal impairment surrounding the descending limb and loses water
appeared to be similar in both patients. The to this hypertonic fluid. The urine then becomes
decision to proceed with dialysis in Case 2 and less concentrated, by the active loss of sodium, as
not in Case 8 was made almost entirely on the it traverses the ascending limb and may be
evidence concerning urine concentration capacity. hypotonic by the time it reaches the collecting
It is possible that not everyone would agree duct. The final concentration of the urine depends
that inspection of the change (or lack of change) upon the water permeability of the cells of the
of urine osmolality during the twentieth to collecting duct. ADH increases their permeability
fortieth hour after burning in these 2 patients so that water can pass into the surrounding
reveals an obvious and clinically significant hypertonic medullary interstitial fluid. The
difference between them. Fortunately the cumu- concentration of the urine can thus be increased
lative free osmolal output which can be calculated until a maximum of about 1300 mosmol per kg is
from the measured urine output of the two reached (corresponding to a specific gravity of
patients illustrates the difference more clearly. 1040). In the absence of ADH the hypotonicfluid
Before proceeding to this consideration, a brief in the proximal distal tubule passes through the
review will be made of the determinants and collecting ducts unchanged. It is convenient to
34 Burns Vol. 1 /No. 1

think of the final urine as being made up of two in volume but is not concentrated, renal function
portions. Firstly, the isotonic portion which has been impaired.
contains solute-bound water and secondly either
solute-free water or water-free solute. This Measurement of urine concentration
concept is used in Fig. 18 which illustrates the It is evident that a meaningful measure of urine
role of antidiuresis and water diuresis in the renal concentration must indicate the extent of re-
regulation of water balance. absorption of water or of solute which has
occurred during the elaboration of urine from
Obligatory antidiuresis following glomerular filtrate. This parameter of the urine
trauma output is quantitatively expressed by the number
In the early 195Os, communications were pub- of particles of solute in solution. For aqueous
lished (Le Quesne and Lewis, 1953; Le Quesne, solutions, osmolality refers to the number of
1954; Eisen and Lewis, 1954) which contained particles dissolved in one kilogram of water and is
considerable evidence that a surgical operation is measured in osmoles or milliosmoles per kg.
accompanied by the release of a large amount of Osmolarity refers to the number of particles
ADH. Eisen and Lewis (1954) concluded that, dissolved in one litre of solution (mosmol per 1).
‘Until this abnormal quantity of circulating For practical purposes, the difference between the
ADH has been removed, water diuresis cannot two values can be ignored.
occur. It cannot be forced by administering The time honoured method of determining
large volumes of water intravenously or by urine concentration is to measure its specific
mouth. The administration of large volumes of gravity, but it is in just those circumstances
water may then lead to water intoxication. ’ where knowledge of urine concentrations becomes
Because antidiuresis of an apparently obligatory vital (impaired renal function) that specific
nature was noted, not only following surgery, gravity measurement becomes least reliable as an
but also following accidental injury, it index of tubular function.
became generally accepted that trauma of any Specific gravity (SG) is the ratio of the density
sort would be followed by a period of obligatory of the substance in question to the density of pure
oliguria. water at 4°C. Since density is mass per unit
It is unfortunate that the terms oliguria and volume it follows that the SG of an aqueous
antidiuresis are often used synonymously. Oli- solution is an index of the weight of the solute
guria is delined as the excretion of less than dissolved in the water. Because of this, it is
400 ml of urine per day in an adult (Taylor, 1970) possible for urines of identical osmotic activity to
although in practice many clinicans would refer have widely different SGs as a consequence of
to an output of less than 600 ml per day (25 ml solutes such as glucose and protein being present
per hr) as oliguria. Antidiuresis, however, means in differing amounts. The truth of this may be
that under the action of ADH, water is being seen from the fact that isotonic glucose solution
reabsorbed from the tubular fluid so that the final (5 per cent) has an SG of 1.019 whilst isotonic
urine is hypertonic compared with the glomerular saline (0.9 per cent) has an SG of 1.006.
filtrate. Thus, oliguria describes the quantity of The classical work on the relationship of urine
urine whilst antidiuresis indicates the quality. SG to urine osmolality is that of Miles et al.
It is obvious that oliguria and antidiuresis will (1954). The authors point out not only the effect
often occur together but the exceptions are upon the relationship between SG and osmolality
important; the oliguria of acute renal failure is produced by substantial quantities of protein or
not associated with antidiuresis whilst, on the sugar but also the fact that urines of like osmola-
other hand, it is in precisely the circumstances of lity containing neither of these substances may
maximal activity of ADH that a direct linear still show considerable differences in SG. After
relationship exists between total solute excretion considering these unavoidable errors which are
and urine flow (Moore, 1960). inherent in the use of SG as a measure of osmola-
In considering the nature of the urine output lity, they note the additional instrumental errors
following trauma, it can be stated as a general rule of SG measurement and conclude that if these
that the urine will be concentrated and often of errors summate ‘. . . . it will be obvious that the
small volume. This volume will increase in specific gravity may give a grossly misleading
response to an increase in the filtered solute load idea of the urine osmolality. ’
but not to a reduction below normal of the body The only really satisfactory way to determine
fluid osmolality (except in some rare and ill- both the total and the effective osmolal work
understood circumstances). If the urine is small being performed by the kidney is to make direct
Settle : Urine Output following Severe Burns 35

measurements of plasma and urine osmolalities. effective upon body fluid osmolality) are both
The procedure is simple, quick, and accurate measured in mosmol per unit time.
when the appropriate apparatus is readily With an osmolal clearance between 2 and 3 ml
available. per min and P,,,,, varying between 280 and 300
mosmol per kg, the range of osmolal output is
Renal osmolal clearance from 0.6 to 0.9 mosmol per min. Thus the
Osmolal clearance (C,,,,,) is defined as the calculated daily output (in round figures) for a
volume of plasma (ml) passing through the kidney fasting adult in normal health is between 850 and
m one minute which is completely cleared of 1300 mosmol. The observed average normal
osmotically active material. It is calculated by output for an adult on a mixed diet is 1200
using the formula : mosmol per day (Gamble, 1958). Up to the time
of burning, a normal diet has been taken by most
u”m,I :/ v
patients. Thereafter, the renal osmol output will
C”,,“, _____
P Obrn”, be decreased by fasting and by extrarenal solute
loss but will be increased by intravenous therapy
where U,,,,, and P,,,,, are the osmolalities and by the marked hypercatabolism which is
(mosmol per kg) of urine and plasma respectively characteristic of the burn injury (Eklund, 1970).
and V is the volume of urine (ml) produced per It can be safely assumed, therefore, that during
minute. In the normal fasting adult, C,,,,, varies the first 48 hours post-burn, uraemia or hyperos-
between 2 and 3 ml per min and is more or less molality or both will be avoided only if the renal
independent of urine flow (Pitts, 1968). It is osmolal output is at least as great as that of a
independent of urine flow because, assuming normal subject.
normal renal function, U,,,,, and V are inversely Now with maximum ADH activity, the con-
related. The osmolal content (mosmol) of centration of a 24-hr urine collection would not
C,,,,, is, therefore, also fairly constant since it exceed 1000 mosmol per kg and would usually be
varies only as P,,,,, varies and even extreme much less. The volume of this urine, therefore, in
values for P,,,,, such as 250 mosmol per kg or 330 order to contain 1200 mosmol would be at least
mosmol per kg represent only a 14 per cent I200 ml or an average of 50 ml per hr.
change in osmolal content from the normal value
of 290 mosmol per kg. Free osmolal output
[The relationship between urea clearance (ml) If the total daily osmolal burden of 1200 mosmol
and the urea cleared (mg) is quite a different was eliminated in an isotonic urine it would be
matter. A rise in plasma urea from 20 mg per contained in a volume of 4000 ml, or 160 ml per
cent to 40 mg per cent is accompanied by a hour and in order to maintain a normal body
proportional increase in urea excreted and the osmolal balance an intake of over 5000 ml of
clearance volume remains constant whilst the solute-free water would be required. In practice,
urea content of that volume has increased by the osmolal balance is maintained as a conse-
100 per cent.] quence of the concentration/dilution mechanism
of the renal tubule whereby the ratio of osmoles
Renal osmolal output to water in the urine can be adjusted.
Although osmolal clearance is the true measure of The effective osmolal work done by the kidney
total osmolal work done by the kidneys, since the is usually expressed quantitatively by reference to
relationship between clearance and content is free water clearance (Cu20) calculated by using
fairly constant, it is convenient (if not quite the formula:
accurate) to refer to content rather than clearance CH,O zy v-c,,,,,.

in the context of total osmolal work. The first It is obvious that Cn,o will be a positive value
advantage which then follows is the obviation of during water diuresis and a negative value during
possible confusion between ml per min of clear- antidiuresis. The converse, and equally accept-
ance and ml per min of urine output. The able expression of effective osmolal work, is free
second advantage is that because the osmolal osmolal clearance (Cr, osmu,)rcalculated by using
content of the cleared volume (Cosmol)is the same the formula :
as the osmolal content of the urine volume (V) Cf. “Srn”l == wJorm”l -Pm”,).
the actual total osmolal output is also an accept- It can be seen that Cf, ormo,refers to the actual
able index of total osmolal work done. The third content of free osmoles in the urine and thus
advantage which then follows is that total free osmolal clearance is the same as free osmolal
osmolal work and effective osmolal work (i.e. output.
36 Burns Vol. 1 /No. 1

URINE OUTPUT OF PATIENTS The cumulative totals for 7 of the patients were
INVESTIGATED then plotted against time and are shown in Fig. 19.
The hourly urine outputs of the individual (Cumulative totals for Case 3 could not be
patients have been shown and some comment has calculated since only occasional hourly values
been made on their individual features. In using were known.) The osmolal content of the urine
only the volume of the urine to assess the ade- obtained at initial catheterization of the bladder
quacy of resuscitation it is difficult to exclude the in each patient was ignored.
possibility of the volume being increased by even The average free osmolal output in mosmol per
hr and also the output per kg body weight, were
calculated for each of the seven patients and are
shown in Table ZZ. For urine of any given
osmolality above that of the plasma, it is possible
to calculate the volume of urine which would
contain the measured free osmolal output by use
of the formula:
C f, OIrnDl
v =
U DSrnOl
These volumes, for urines with osmolalities of
1000,750,500 and 350 mosmol per kg respectively
are shown in Table ZZZ.

Case 1
In addition to plasma, this patient received
1000 ml of 5 per cent dextrose solution and
500 ml of 20 per cent mannitol. Excluding the
Fig. 19.-Cumulative renal free osmolal output of dextrose, which is a metabolizable solute, 720
7 patients during the first 2-4 days post burn. mosmol of mannitol were accompanied by
approximately 1500 ml of water. This intake can
moderate overtransfusion with colloid and
electrolyte solutions. Consideration of the urine be considered as 1500 ml of isotonic mannitol
osmolality enables impairment of renal function to solution plus 270 mosmol of mannitol unaccom-
be recognised but still does not permit increased panied by water. The distribution of 270 mosmol
solute excretion due to overtransfusion to be of solute throughout the total body water of 36
distinguished from the increased solute excretion litres would produce an increase in osmolality of
secondary to increased catabolism. This distinc- 7.5 mosmol per kg.
The period of osmotic diuresis (mannitol
tion can be made, however, by consideration of
the free osmolal output so long as the intravenous detectable in the urine) was from the fourteenth
therapy does not include hypertonic fluids. to the twenty-eighth hours, but from the
Referring back to the concept of urine output twentieth to the thirtieth hours the plasma
illustrated in Fig. 18 it can be seen that over- osmolality remained constant at 30751
transfusion with isotonic fluid will increase the mosmol per kg; a sustained increase of the same
volume of the glomerular filtrate, the volume of order as that calculated above. The inference,
the final urine and the total osmolal output by therefore, is that although mannitol was being
increasing the ‘isotonic portion ’ of the tubular excreted satisfactorily, free osmolal output was
fluid but will not affect the free osmolal output. proceeding at its maximal rate for this patient
Thus, free osmolal output represents the actual and other solutes were being retained. The free
amount of solute excreted by the kidneys in order osmolal output between the twentieth and
to preserve normal body osmolal balance and can thirtieth hours was 0.23 mosmol per kg per body
be used to calculate the urine output necessary for weight, whilst the maximum urine osmolality
the maintenance of homeostasis. during the whole of the first 50 hr was 560 mosmol
per kg. An hourly urine volume of 53 ml at a
Results concentration of 560 mosmol per kg would
Hourly renal free osmolal output was calculated enable this free osmolal output to be achieved.
from the measured values of V, Uosmoland PoSmot In old age, restrictions on renal tubular function
for the 8 patients investigated. It was then limit the maximum concentration which can be
expressed as an output per kg of body weight. achieved (Moore, 1959). For this patient, when
Settle : Urine Output following Severe Burns 37

the effects of infusion therapy upon urine output output averaging 5.17 mosmol per hr. Calculat-
have been accounted for separately, the main- ing this as an output per kg of body weight
tenance of normal osmolal balance still required produces an artificially high value if actual body
a urine output of 50-60 ml per hr at the greatest weight is used. Body surface area would perhaps
concentration of which she was capable. Presu- be a better denominator for the comparison of
mably, it would be correct to describe an output intakes and outputs and since a IO-kg child has
of 25-30 ml per hr of such urine as inadequate. one-half the body surface area of a 25-kg child,

Tab/e //.-Some parameters of the urine outputs of 7 patients during the shock phase

Cumulative Average free

total of free No. of hr to osmolal output
Weight of Average free
Case no. osmolal output produce this (mosmol per hr)
patient (kg) mosmol per hr
per kg body total per kg body
weight weight

9.60 47 0.204 60 12.3

0.98 52 0.019 33 0.62
12.9 25 0.517 IO 5.17
9.48 22 0.431 70 30.2
8.60 21 0.410 85 34.8
4.78 21 0.228 60 13.7
10.7 67 0.160 13 2.08

Table Ill.--The hourly urine volumes which, at various osmolalities, would contain the average free
osmolal output of 7 patients during the shock phase

MI of urine per hour, at the given osmolalities, (mosmol per kg) which would
Case no. contain the average free osmolal output
1000 750 500 350

1 18 27 61 245
2 0.9 1.4 3.1 12
4 7.5 11 26 103
5 43 67 151 603
6 50 77 174 696
7 20 30 68 273
8 3.0 6.8 IO 42

Case 2 12.5 kg might be a more realistic weight factor to

It is self-evident that once the ability to produce a use in this case. On this basis the average free
concentrated urine has been lost, the urine output osmolal output then becomes 0.414 mosmol per
is of no value as an index of resuscitation. The hr per kg body weight.
main point of interest in this patient’s urine out-
put is the way in which impaired renal function is Cases 5 and 6
emphasized by the calculation and display of free In Case 5 the patient had a constant free osmolal
osmolal output. The difference between the rate output of 0.413 mosmol per hr per kg body
of free osmolal output of this patient at 40 hr and weight which represents an output of 43 ml per hr
that of Case 8 at 40 hr is particularly striking of highly concentrated urine (1000 mosmol per kg)
when it is recalled that the blood urea levels were or 0.6 ml per hr per kg body weight. A similar
identical in both patients at this stage. calculation for the patient in Case 6 shows a
figure of 0.59 ml per hr per kg body weight.
Case 4 However, it is unrealistic to expect an average
After the first few hours of dubious renal function, urine concentration as high as 1000 mosmol per
this patient achieved a fairly constant free osmolal kg. If the average concentration was 750 mosmol
38 Burns Vol. 1 /No. 1

per kg then the urine volume would be 1.0 ml but it is a distinction which is only possible if the
per hr per kg body weight in order to maintain appropriate parameters of the urine output are
normal body osmolal balance. known.

The free osmolal output of this patient was The differences of opinion concerning the value
probably reduced as a result of the 1OOOml of of urine output as an index of resuscitation may
5 per cent dextrose solution given during the have occurred as the result of a failure to recog-
sixth and seventh hours. In spite of the transient nize the extent of inter-relation of three aspects
water diuresis described in the case history, plasma of the resuscitation programme; the nature of
osmolality at 10 hours was only 275 mosmol per the replacement fluid, the assessment of effect-
kg, although urine osmolality had risen to 437 ive resuscitation, and the nature of the urine
mosmol per kg. Thereafter, antidiuresis contin- output.
ued with the free osmolal output fairly constant
and averaging 0.25 mosmol per hr per kg body The nature of the replacement fluid
weight but it is likely that without ‘mopping-up ’ Many different schemes have been proposed for
effect of the electrolyte-free water, the free the management of the shock phase and almost
osmolal output would have been greater. Urine every contributor to the subject has made new
volume between the fifteenth and twenty-fourth suggestions concerning the amount of fluid
hours averaged 28.7 ml per hr (range 35-22 ml) required, the type of fluid, the rate at which it
and its concentration was in the range 730-910 should be given, or the way in which the effective-
mosmol per kg. ness of the resuscitation can be judged. It is not
The administration of large amounts of electro- always fully appreciated that the scheme of fluid
lyte-free water, when a compensatory water replacement and the way in which its effectiveness
diuresis cannot properly occur, not only produces can be judged are closely inter-related. No one
hypotonicity and possibly water intoxication, but physiological variable is a suitable index of
also reduces the need for renal excretion of solute effective resuscitation for all schemes at all times
in order to maintain normal osmolal balance. and any claims for the value (or uselessness) of a
Thus hypotonicity is in effect the converse of particular variable should make clear the
solute diuresis and can permit urine output to fall circumstances for which the claim is made.
to levels which otherwise would be inadequate. The types of fluid used for resuscitation are
often described simply as colloid or crystalloid
Case 8 but the different properties of the fluids within
The impairment of renal function which occurred these groups may sometimes be more important
in this patient is the nearest state to renal failure than the basic differences between the groups. It
in which the author has seen apparently spontan- has already been shown that the tonicity of an
eous recovery. From the for’y-fourth to the fifty- infused crystalloid fluid can be expected to have
second hours, free osmolal output was proceeding a marked effect upon the three parameters of
at the rate of 0.4 mosmol per hr per kg. In the urine output which have been considered in this
light of the similar outputs of patients 4, 5 and 6, paper: volume, total osmolal output, and free
this can be taken as evidence of good tubular osmolal output. Similarly, there are some
function at that time. grounds for expecting that different colloid
It has been said to the author that severe solutions will have different effects upon the
oliguria or even virtual anuria is seen commonly nature of the urine output.
during the first 24 hours after burning and is no Apart from blood and plasma, four dextran
cause for alarm. It may be thought that this case solutions in 0.9 per cent saline are readily
demonstrates the truth of this comforting advice. available, each containing a different molecular
An alternative view of the events in this patient’s weight fraction. Since small molecules of
‘shock phase ’would be that apparently normal dextran can be filtered through the glomerulus
renal function at 48 hours does not disclose how and can then produce a type of solute diuresis
near to renal failure the patient may have been (Moore, 1960) it is no surprise to learn that
24 hours earlier or what biochemical insults may resuscitation with dextran 70 is accompanied by
have been sustained. The distinction between urine volumes around 65 ml per hr in the adult
impairment and failure of renal function in patient (Sorensen, 1971) whilst resuscitation with
patients 2 and 8 is quite obvious by reference to dextran 150 is associated with relatively small
the urine output at even 30 hours after burning urine volumes (Wilkinson, 1971).
Settle : Urine Output following Severe Burns 39

The relative effects of colloid and crystalloid alone is that it gives no indication of the
fluids upon urine output have been shown by effectiveness of the circulation.
Masterton and Dudley (1970). They found that Measurement of CVP is of varying value de-
using Ringer-lactate solution they had difficulty pending on the nature of the infusion fluid. As
in effecting resuscitation as judged by central pointed out by Masterton and Dudley (1970) an
venous pressure (CVP) measurement but no attempt to monitor crystalloid infusion by CVP
difficulty in producing an enormous urine flow measurement leads not only to an enormous
rate. An alternative rdgime which included urine flow but also produces a real risk of
colloid as one-third of the replacement fluid inundation of the patient with fluid. CVP
enabled effective resuscitation to be undertaken measurement becomes most useful when hypovo-
with more normal urine flow rates. Clearly, the laemia is profound and large volumes of colloid
65 ml per hour of urine which Serrensen (1971) are to be infused rapidly, e.g. a patient virtually
finds a reliable index of effective resuscitation by exsanguinated by the rapid loss of whole blood.
dextran 70, may have a different relevance for a In view of the acknowledged incidence of
patient being resuscitated solely by crystalloid malpositioning of the catheter, and the possibility
solutions monitored by CVP measurement. of introducing infection to the very centre of the
Accepting then, that the clinical significance of circulation, it would seem reasonable in all but
urine output may vary with the nature of the the most difficult cases to limit assessment of the
replacement fluid, it is pertinent to consider how capacitance circuit to inspection of the peripheral
the measurement of urine output fits into the and neck veins. Arterial hypotension is a late
general assessment of resuscitation. feature of hypovolaemic shock and is thus very
significant when present but less so when absent.
Assessment of effective resuscitation The presence or absence of tachycardia may be
The basic consequence of significant hypovolae- difficult to interpret but a pulse rate falling
mia is inadequate perfusion of the tissues with towards normal is usually an indication that the
blood. The assessment of hypovolaemia, and the syndrome of shock is responding to treatment.
recognition of its effective treatment, involves Measurement of the haematocrit is a widely
either the measurement of changes within the accepted and useful index of plasma deficit in
circulation or the measurement of the effective- burns. Its value is limited by the fact that un-
ness of tissue perfusion, or both. The changes known quantities of red cells may also have been
within the circulation which are commonly destroyed and that after the infusion of whole
measured are the blood volume, the haematocrit, blood its significance may be difficult to determine.
the arterial and venous pressures and the heart The enthusiastic investigators of blood volume
rate. and pressure changes may perhaps overlook the
Measurement of the blood volume would seem fact that the circulatory system is already
to be the most logical and useful index of hypovo- equipped with volume and pressure transducers.
laemia. Unfortunately, there are considerable The clinical picture of shock illustrates, for all to
limitations to its practical usefulness. If it were see, the effector ‘defence mechanism’ which
possible to have a continuous or even very fre- serves to maintain blood flow to the vital centres
quent measurement of the actual blood volume in the face of hypovolaemia. In general, the
then perhaps no other index of effective resuscita- resolution of the syndrome of shock in response
tion would be required. A measurement of blood to therapy is a good indication that an adequate
volume at the commencement of, or during the volume of blood in active circulation has been
early stages of therapy, is of obvious value in restored.
demonstrating an actual deficit and provides The fundamental feature of shock as a ‘defence
useful information on the rate of loss of fluid from mechanism ’ is the reduction of blood flow
the circulation. Late measurements (e.g. 48 through the peripheral and splanchnic circula-
hours post burn) are of limited value since they tions. Hence, the irrational basis of vasocon-
cannot indicate what has happened in the mean- strictor drugs in the ‘treatment ’ of shock and
time. In any patient who survives the shock the dangers of the injudicious or thoughtless use
phase, however ill-conceived the management, the of vasodilator drugs without the appropriate
time will come when blood volume returns fluid infusion. The general appearance of the
towards normal. Thus, at 48 hours, prolonged patient with respect to skin colour, capillary filling,
hypovolaemia may have been finally corrected by sweating, restlessness, nausea and vomiting
the right total volume given at the wrong rate. The provides information which all clinicians take
second basic failing of blood volume measurement into account when assessing the effectiveness of
40 Burns Vol. 1/No. 1

resuscitation. In addition, actual measurements adequate renal blood flow or else renal function
can easily be made which indicate the status of the itself is in some way impaired.
peripheral and splanchnic circulations respec-
tively; the measurement of skin temperature, and The nature of the urine output
the measurement of urine output. All too often the terms ‘urine output ’and ‘urine
The value of actual measurement of skin volume ’ are used synonymously. Thus, urine
temperature, rather than feeling the skin with the volume, which is only one parameter of urine
back of the hand, has been reported by Ibsen output, is used as an index of renal performance
(1967). He has shown that the serial comparison and of renal perfusion. It seems likely that this,
of skin and deep temperatures, together with the more than any other factor, has contributed to
careful use of vasodilator drugs, permits a reliable the spread of values of ‘adequate ’urine volumes
assessment to be made of the effectiveness of recommended as indicative of adequate resuscita-
resuscitation in hypovolaemia. Ibsen’s views have tion. It is certainly the reason why the diagnosis
been endorsed by Ross et al. (1969) who state of non-oliguric renal failure is often not made as
(in the context of patients undergoing thoracic early as it could be.
surgery): ‘Our experience has been such that we It has been indicated earlier in this paper, that
now feel unable to manage the care of a patient the average hourly urine volume of a normal
potentially or acutely ill without having the 70-kg adult on a mixed diet contains approxi-
information that temperature studies give ‘. mately 50 mosmol of solute. It has further been
A particular advantage of temperature measure- suggested that the average osmolality of the
ment by electrical thermometers is that the status urine output is unlikely to exceed 1000 mosmol
of the peripheral circulation can be observed and per kg. Consequently, the minimum average
recorded continuously. urine volume consistent with the maintenance of
Wilkinson (1971) has used the visual assess- normal body osmolal balance in these circum-
ment of capillary filling as an index of the effect- stances is of the order of 50 ml per hr. In normal
iveness of both peripheral and splanchnic individuals who have undergone prolonged and
circulation. He states: ‘The object of resuscita- drastic restriction of dietary protein and sodium,
tive treatment is to maintain the free circulation a 24-hour renal osmolal output as low as 400
of blood in the peripheral parts of the body; if mosmol has been recorded (Joekes et al., 1957)
this can be achieved, then circulation through the which could be eliminated in an hourly urine
kidneys will also be satisfactory. This is not to say volume of 16.7ml at a concentration of 1000
that urine will necessarily be produced, since mosmol per kg. It is from these highly specialized
oliguria, which is a characteristic feature of the experimental situations that the mistaken impres-
severely injured individual may be due to factors sion has been gained that the daily osmolal out-
other than just a reduction in the blood volume ‘. put of any 70-kg patient need not exceed 600
Moore (1959) takes a different view. He points mosmol and can thus be excreted in 25 ml per hr
out that very early in shock the decrease in renal of highly concentrated urine. As mentioned
blood flow is more marked than that occurring earlier, Eklund (1970) in the most detailed and
elsewhere and goes on to say: ‘The action of salt careful study yet published on changes in osmolal
resorption and antidiuresis acting on a large balance following burns, has shown beyond
solute output (as in shock) will not grossly reduce doubt that an obligatory requirement for renal
urine volume, whereas decreased renal blood flow excretion of solute in excess of normal rates exists
will reduce volume drastically and immediately ‘. in these patients. Without the urine in which to
If the object of treatment is to restore adequate excrete this solute, the development of uraemia
tissue perfusion then surely this also includes the and hyperosmolality is inevitable. The findings
tissues of the kidney. The author takes the view in the small number of patients reported in this
that adequate perfusion of the kidney does not paper are consistent with Eklund’s conclusions
simply mean keeping it alive but implies that it is and are thought to constitute at least an indica-
capable of fulfilling its normal excretory function. tion of what an adequate urine output should be
The crux of the matter, therefore, is not whether during the shock phase.
the kidney can survive the events which cause it to
stop producing urine, but whether the urine out- CONCLUSIONS
put (or lack of it) is consistent with the excretory In normal health, an adequate urine output in the
function of an adequately perfused kidney. If the gross sense (i.e. excluding consideration of the
urine output is not consistent with this function, individual chemical constituents) is that which
then either some mechanism is acting to prevent permits maintenance of normal body osmolal
Settle: Urine Output following Severe Burns 41

balance in the absence of prolonged restriction of Hence the minimum hourly volume of concen-
solute-free water intake. Following burns, a trated urine consistent with effective resuscitation
physiological ‘impairment ’ of the kidney’s with saline will not be less than when plasma is
ability to excrete solute-free water (i.e. persistent used but could be considerably greater.
antidiuresis) precludes renal correction of body The urine output should be considered inade-
hypo-osmolality. An adequate urine output for quate if it demonstrably does not contain the free
the burned patient, therefore, is that which osmolal output which can be reasonably expected.
permits maintenance of normal body osmolal If the inadequate urine output has a high osmo-
balance in the absence of gross changes in solute- lality it can be inferred that renal perfusion is
free water intake. The output during the first 24 inadequate and that an increase in the rate of fluid
hours following burning can be expected to infusion is indicated. (Evidence of inadequate
contain at least as much solute as would a normal peripheral perfusion would usually be present
24-hour output for that patient but it is unlikely also.) If the urine is persistently of an osmolality
that its average osmolality will exceed 1000 little above that of the plasma, renal function is
mosmol per kg. impaired. Careful observation of the hourly
Lt is suggested that an adequate urine output for urine volume and osmolality, and calculation of
a 70-kg adult during the shock phase can be the free osmolal output, will enable the prognosis
expected to contain a free osmolal output of the of impaired renal function to be established at an
order of 30 mosmol per hr. When plasma is the earlier stage than by observing the rise in the level
principal replacement fluid, and in the absence of of the blood urea.
overtransfusion with any electrolyte containing
fluid, the hourly urine output can be expected to Acknowledgements
have an osmolality in the 75&1000 mosmol per I am deeply indebted to Mr T. L. Barclay,
kg range and a volume in the 40-70 ml range. In Consultant Plastic Surgeon, for his constant
order to take into account the differing sizes of encouragement over many years, and to Dr F. M.
patients, this output can be generalized as: 0.5- Parsons, Consultant in Clinical Renal Physiology
I .O ml per hr of concentrated urine per kg body for his advice and practical help in the manage-
weight (minimum weight 12.5 kg). An hourly ment of impaired renal function. I also wish to
volume in excess of I .5 ml per hr per kg body thank Mrs A. Dyson for typing the manuscript.
weight in the absence of a deliberately induced
osmotic diuresis, can be taken to indicate over-
filling of the circulation.
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Reques~sfor reprintsshould be addressed lo: Dr. John A. D. Settle, M.Phil., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.,D.A.,Regional Burns Centre,Pinder-
fields General Hospital, Wakefield, Yorkshire.

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