CCBA Exam Preparation Plan

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CCBA® Exam Preparation Plan

Project Name CCBA® Exam Preparation Plan

Version 1.0 Date 12-Nov-19

Revision History

Version Date Author(s) Changes made

0.1 12-Nov-19 Fathima Suhair Draft

1.0 12-Nov-19 LN Mishra Approved version

Adaptive Processes Be with the Best! 1 of 34


Adaptive US
Think BA. Think Adaptive!
This document is the property of and proprietary to Adaptive US. Contents of this document should not be disclosed to any
unauthorized person. This document may not, in whole or in part, be reduced, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
translated, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical.

Adaptive Processes Be with the Best! 2 of 34

Step # Activity Week Estimated effort Status

Step 1 Attend Prep workshop Week 1 - 3 36

Step 2 Fill-up application and book Week 4 10

time with Prometric

Step 3 Go through mock tests Week 1 to 8 35

Step 4 Go through BABoK and Week 6 to 8 36

revise handbook

Step 5 Take exam End of Week 8 6

Tips and guidelines

Go through elearnings provided by your training organization. Adaptive'e elearning takes about 8 hours of time
to complete. This has pre-recorded video lectures.

During the workshop, pay keen attention to concepts discussed, tips provided and chapter end quizzes.

Start going through the Study Guide along with the training and make sure you fill-in all missing elements in the
BABoK based workbook. This helps in remembering key concepts that BABoK tries to explain.

Take help of Adaptive CCBA Application Template available as part of Adaptive CCBA training. We have spent
more than 200 hours of effort in making sure your application process is a smooth affair.

Adaptive provides 2100+ mock CCBA questions including 6 full length simulation tests. Go through all of them.

Review rationale provided in the quizzes.

At any point in time, if you have a doubt, do write to your trainer.

Add information to your study guide/workbook as per your understanding of question banks.

Target for 85% score in the mock tests

Do a thorough reading of BABoK twice and note aspects which are difficult for you. You can reach out to your
trainer for clarifying any aspect which is not understandable to you.

Pay attention to knowledge areas as 90+% questions come from knowledge areas.

Add information to handbook as per your understanding of BABoK and do one final round of revision.

You are ready to take the exam. Choose a day when you are relaxed,

Go for the test. Do not over burden yourself.

Success will be in your hand.

All the study materials listed in the plan are available as part of the training
Pre -Preparation Fill up the IIBA application form, pay examination
fees, schedule the exam in prometric

Keep the printed version of Business analysis

workbook handy to make notes while reading
study guide or while watching videos

Keep the printed version of the BABoK Mind Maps

or keep it open in the system for reference during

Additional Flash cards are based on the BABoK V3 Glossary.

material for

Audio books
erials listed in the plan are available as part of the training and can be found in SuXeed
Suxeed Section
Refer IIBA and Prometric site

Study Guides>Undefined

Study Guides>Workshop Material

Glossary (Study Guides>Reference

materials>BABoK V3 Glossary)

Audio books
art of the training and can be found in SuXeed
45 days prior to exam date

-Before attempting the flash cards in the test mode, learn the terms in the
set (present under the Flashcards title). It contains terms and definitions
pertaining to that chapter (scroll down to see the terms and definitions)

-Being familiar with the terms present in BABoK V3 Glossary will also help in
attempting the flash cards in the test mode

Utilize your spare time by listening to audio books

All the study materials listed in the plan are availab

Rounds of
Week # Chapter # Chapter name
Round 1 Week 1 Chapter 1 Intro (Videos 001-003)

Preface and Introduction

Chapter 2 Key concepts (Videos 004-006)

Business Analysis Key concepts


Chapter 3 Techniques (Videos 050-099)

BABoK V3 Techniques

Chapter 4 Planning (Videos 007-012)

Business Analysis Planning and

CCBA V3 - BA Planning


Chapter 5 Elicitation (Videos 013-018)

Elicitation and collaboration

CCBA V3 - Elicitation

Week 2 Chapter 6 Req. LCM (Videos 019-024)

Requirements life cycle management

CCBA V3 - Req. LCM

Req. LCM

Chapter 7 Strategy analysis (Videos 025-029)

Strategy analysis
CCBA V3 - Strategy analysis

Strategy analysis

Chapter 8 Requirements analysis (Videos 030-


Requirements analysis and design

CCBA V3 - Req. Analysis

Req. analysis
Chapter 9 Solution evaluation (Videos 037-042)

Solution Evaluation
CCBA V3 - Soln. Evaluation

Solution evaluation

Chapter 10 Underlying competencies (Videos 043-


Underlying competencies
Underlying competencies

Round 2 Week 3 Chapter 1 Preface and Introduction


Chapter 2 Business Analysis Key concepts


Chapter 3 BABoK V3 Techniques

Chapter 4 Business Analysis Planning and

Chapter 5 Elicitation and collaboration


Week 4 Chapter 6 Requirements life cycle management

Req. LCM

Chapter 7 Strategy analysis

Strategy analysis

Chapter 8 Requirements analysis and design

Req. analysis

Chapter 9 Solution Evaluation

Solution evaluation

Chapter 10 Underlying competencies

Underlying competencies

Week 5 6 KAs All 6 Knowledge Areas

Week 6 6 KAs All 6 Knowledge Areas

Round 3 Week 7 All chapters Attempt Simulation test 1 and review


All chapters Attempt Simulation test 2 and review

All chapters Attempt Simulation test 3 and review
Week 8 All chapters Attempt Simulation test 4 and review
All chapters Attempt Simulation test 5 and review
All chapters Attempt Simulation test 6 and review
Round 4 Week 7-8 Revision Go through BABoK and revise
chapters/questions which were difficult

Do one final revision of Adaptive Study


Final step End of Appear for the CCBA certification and

Week 8 become a proud CCBA certified
All the study materials listed in the plan are available as part of the training and can be found in SuXeed

Activity Suxeed Section

Watch elearning videos Videos

Read Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material

Watch elearning videos Videos

Read Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material

Attempt Concept Questions and review Questions>Fundamental
answers for the mentioned chapters

Watch elearning videos Videos (Mandatory videos to be

watched for CCBA are provided in the
additional details section.)
Read Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material
Attempt Concept Questions and review Questions>Fundamental
answers for the mentioned chapter

Watch elearning videos Videos

Read Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material

Learn flash cards in the set and test your Flash cards
Attempt Concept Questions and review Questions>Fundamental
answers for the mentioned chapter

Watch elearning videos Videos

Read Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material

Learn flash cards in the set and test your Flash cards
Attempt Concept Questions and review Questions>Fundamental
answers for the mentioned chapter
Watch elearning videos Videos

Read Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material

Learn flash cards in the set and test your Flash cards
Attempt Concept Questions and review Questions>Fundamental
answers for the mentioned chapter

Watch elearning videos Videos

Read Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material

Learn flash cards in the set and test your Flash cards
Attempt Concept Questions and review Questions>Fundamental
answers for the mentioned chapter

Watch elearning videos Videos

Read Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material

Learn flash cards in the set and test your Flash cards
Attempt Concept Questions and review Questions>Fundamental
answers for the mentioned chapter
Watch elearning videos Videos

Read Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material

Learn flash cards in the set and test your Flash cards
Attempt Concept Questions and review Questions>Fundamental
answers for the mentioned chapter

Watch elearning videos Videos

Read Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material

Attempt Concept Questions and review Questions>Fundamental
answers for the mentioned chapter

Revise Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material

Attempt Warm Up Questions and review Questions>Competency-based
answers for the mentioned chapter

Revise Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material

Attempt Warm Up Questions and review Questions>Competency-based
answers for the mentioned chapter

Revise Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material

Attempt Warm Up Questions and review Questions>Competency-based
answers for the mentioned chapter
Revise Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material

Attempt Warm Up Questions and review Questions>Competency-based

answers for the mentioned chapter

Revise Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material

Attempt Warm Up Questions and review Questions>Competency-based
answers for the mentioned chapter

Revise Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material

Attempt Warm Up Questions and review Questions>Competency-based

answers for the mentioned chapter
Revise Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material
Attempt Warm Up Questions and review Questions>Competency-based
answers for the mentioned chapter
Revise Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material

Attempt Warm Up Questions and review Questions>Competency-based

answers for the mentioned chapter

Revise Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material

Attempt Warm Up Questions and review Questions>Competency-based

answers for the mentioned chapter

Revise Adaptive CCBA Study Guide Study Guides>Workshop Material

Attempt Warm Up Questions and review Questions>Competency-based
answers for the mentioned chapter

Attempt Scenario-based Questions (Set- Questions>Scenario-based

1) and review answers
Attempt Scenario-based Questions (Set- Questions>Scenario-based
2) and review answers






can be found in SuXeed

Additional details Track your progress

001 Introduction
002 BABoK V3 Themes
003 BA Knowledge Area This plan is in addition to
attending weekly training classes

004 Key Terms

005 Requirement classifications
006 BABoK V3 roles

3.1 Business Analysis Planning And

071 Functional Decomposition
068 Estimation
073 Interface Analysis
081 Organizational Model
092 Stakeholder List, Map, Or Personas
090 Scope Modelling

3.2 Elicitation And Collaboration

054 Brainstorming
099 Workshops
070 Focus Groups
059 Collaborative Games
074 Interviews
080 Observations
094 Surveys And Questionnaire
067 Document Analysis
053 Benchmarking And Market Analysis
085 Prototyping
3.3 Requirements Life Cycle
072 Glossary
078 Mind Map
051 Backlog Management
058 Business Rules Analysis
076 Lessons Learned (Retrospective)
082 Prioritization
086 Reviews
075 Item Tracking

3.4 Strategy Analysis

052 Balanced Score Card
055 Business Capability Analysis
056 Business Case
057 Business Model Canvas
065 Decision Analysis
066 Decision Modeling
069 Financial Analysis
087 Risk Analysis
095 SWOT Analysis

3.5 Requirements Analysis And Design

097 User Stories
096 Use Cases and Scenarios
079 Non-Functional Requirements
(NFR) Analysis
088 Roles And Permissions Matrix
084 Process Modeling
091 Sequence Diagram
093 State Model
060 Concept Modeling
061 Data Dictionary
064 Data Modeling
062 Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs)
Modelling Videos (UML - 100-104)
3.6 Solution Evaluation
050 Acceptance And Evaluation Criteria
077 Metrics and KPIs
083 Process Analysis
089 Root-Cause Analysis (RCA)
098 Vendor Assessment
063 Data Mining

007 Intro to BA planning and

008 Plan BA approach
009 Plan stakeholder engagement
010 BA governance
011 Plan BA information management
012 Identify BA perf. Improvements

013 Intro to elicitation and

014 Prepare for elicitation
015 Conduct elicitation
016 Confirm elicitation results
017 Communicate BA information
018 Manage stakeholder collaboration
019 Intro to Req. life cycle management
020 Trace requirements
021 Maintain requirements
022 Prioritize requirements
023 Assess requirements changes
024 Approve requirements

025 Intro to strategy analysis

026 Analyze current state
027 Define future state
028 Assess risks
029 Define change strategy

030 Intro to requirements analysis and

design definition
031 Specify and model requirements
032 Verify requirements
033 Validate requirements
034 Define requirements architecture
035 Design options
036 Analyse potential value and
recommend solution
037 Intro to solution evaluation
038 Measure solution performance
039 Analyze performance measures
040 Assess solution limitations
041 Assess enterprise limitations
042 Recommend actions to increase
solution value

043 Intro to underlying competencies

044 Analytical thinking and problem
045 Behavioral characteristics
046 Business knowledge
047 Communication skills
048 Interaction skills
049 Technology skills
Read the BABoK twice or thrice and
note down aspects which you found

Pay attention to knowledge areas as

70+% questions come from knowledge

Add information to your workbook

based on your understanding of BABoK.
CCBA® Certification Exam Prepa

Please provide your exam date (dd-mon-yy)

Sl. # Quiz_Name
1 BABoK V3 - Concept Questions - BA Concepts
2 BABoK V3 - Concept Questions - BABoK terms
3 BABoK V3 - Concept Questions - BA Planning
4 BABoK V3 - Concept Questions - Elicitation - Part 1
5 BABoK V3 - Concept Questions - Elicitation - Part 2
6 BABoK V3 - Concept Questions - Req. LCM
7 BABoK V3 - Concept Questions - Strategy analysis
8 BABoK V3 - Concept Questions - Req. analysis - Part 1
9 BABoK V3 - Concept Questions - Req. analysis - Part 2
10 BABoK V3 - Concept Questions - Solution evaluation
11 BABoK V3 - Concept Questions - Underlying competencies - Part 1
12 BABoK V3 - Concept Questions - Underlying competencies - Part 2
13 BABoK V3 - Concept Questions - Techniques - Part 1
14 BABoK V3 - Concept Questions - Techniques - Part 2
15 UML - Activity diagram
16 UML - Class diagram
17 UML - Data flow diagram
18 UML - ER diagram
19 UML - State diagram
20 UML - Use case model
21 CCBA V3 - Warm up - Intro to BA
22 CCBA V3 - Warm up - Terms
23 CCBA V3 - Warm up - BA Planning & Monitoring
24 CCBA V3 - Warm up - Elicitation
25 CCBA V3 - Warm up - Req. LCM
26 CCBA V3 - Warm up - Strategy analysis
27 CCBA V3 - Warm up - Requirements Analysis and Design
28 CCBA V3 - Warm up - Solution evaluation
29 CCBA V3 - Warm up - Underlying competencies
30 CCBA V3 - Warm up - Techniques
31 CCBA V3 - Scenarios - BA Planning and Monitoring - Set 1
32 CCBA V3 - Scenarios - Elicitation - Set 1
33 CCBA V3 - Scenarios - Req. LCM - Set 1
34 CCBA V3 - Scenarios - Strategy analysis - Set 1
35 CCBA V3 - Scenarios - Req. Analysis - Set 1
36 CCBA V3 - Scenarios - Solution evaluation - Set 1
37 CCBA V3 - Scenarios - BA Planning and Monitoring - Set 2
38 CCBA V3 - Scenarios - Elicitation - Set 2
39 CCBA V3 - Scenarios - Req. LCM - Set 2
40 CCBA V3 - Scenarios - Strategy analysis - Set 2
41 CCBA V3 - Scenarios - Req. Analysis - Set 2
42 CCBA V3 - Scenarios - Solution evaluation - Set 2
43 CCBA V3 - Simulation Test Set - 01
44 CCBA V3 - Simulation Test Set - 02
45 CCBA V3 - Simulation Test Set - 03
46 CCBA V3 - Simulation Test Set - 04
47 CCBA V3 - Simulation Test Set - 05
48 CCBA V3 - Simulation Test Set - 06
CCBA® Certification Exam Preparation Plan


KA Complexity level Plan of action Complete by

Concepts Fundamental Week -1 Provide exam date
Terms Fundamental Week -1 Provide exam date
Planning Fundamental Week -1 Provide exam date
Elicitation Fundamental Week -1 Provide exam date
Elicitation Fundamental Week -1 Provide exam date
Req. LCM Fundamental Week -1 Provide exam date
Strategy analysis Fundamental Week -1 Provide exam date
Req. analysis Fundamental Week -1 Provide exam date
Req. analysis Fundamental Week -1 Provide exam date
Solution evaluation Fundamental Week -1 Provide exam date
Underlying competencies Fundamental Week -2 Provide exam date
Underlying competencies Fundamental Week -2 Provide exam date
Techniques Fundamental Week -2 Provide exam date
Techniques Fundamental Week -2 Provide exam date
UML Competency-based Week -2 Provide exam date
UML Competency-based Week -2 Provide exam date
UML Competency-based Week -2 Provide exam date
UML Competency-based Week -2 Provide exam date
UML Competency-based Week -2 Provide exam date
UML Competency-based Week -2 Provide exam date
Intro Competency-based Week -3 Provide exam date
Terms Competency-based Week -3 Provide exam date
Planning Competency-based Week -3 Provide exam date
Elicitation Competency-based Week -3 Provide exam date
Req. LCM Competency-based Week -3 Provide exam date
Strategy analysis Competency-based Week -4 Provide exam date
Req. analysis Competency-based Week -4 Provide exam date
Solution evaluation Competency-based Week -4 Provide exam date
Underlying competencies Competency-based Week -4 Provide exam date
Techniques Competency-based Week -4 Provide exam date
Planning Scenario-based Week -5 Provide exam date
Elicitation Scenario-based Week -5 Provide exam date
Req. LCM Scenario-based Week -5 Provide exam date
Strategy analysis Scenario-based Week -5 Provide exam date
Req. analysis Scenario-based Week -5 Provide exam date
Solution evaluation Scenario-based Week -5 Provide exam date
Planning Scenario-based Week -6 Provide exam date
Elicitation Scenario-based Week -6 Provide exam date
Req. LCM Scenario-based Week -6 Provide exam date
Strategy analysis Scenario-based Week -6 Provide exam date
Req. analysis Scenario-based Week -6 Provide exam date
Solution evaluation Scenario-based Week -6 Provide exam date
Overall Simulation Week -7 Provide exam date
Overall Simulation Week -7 Provide exam date
Overall Simulation Week -7 Provide exam date
Overall Simulation Week -8 Provide exam date
Overall Simulation Week -8 Provide exam date
Overall Simulation Week -8 Provide exam date
Mark your progress
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start
Yet to start

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