EOTO (An Introduction)

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ONE TEACH ONE: A Revolution India Needs

UVALIFE’s Each One Teach One is a revolutionary project which aims on one hand to spread English
literacy all over the country helping in skill development and on the other hand a platform providing
employment to millions of educated and uneducated youth and adults in the country.

The program aims at starting English learning centres at every village, town and city nationwide. It is
based on the belief that there are millions of educated Indians with good knowledge of English and
millions of Indians with great caliber to manage and administer logistics and facilities. Each One teach
One collaborates with such smart and hardworking persons and English literate individuals to take the
mission of English Literacy all over the country and help in the larger progress of the nation.

Working for youth welfare and empowerment we have felt that youth of this country face a grave
challenge as far as English language is concerned. Either in the private corporate world or government
competitive examination English has come to stay and bothers millions of Indian youth who do not
know the language.

EOTO delivers English literacy to students over a period of two months and at free of cost as students
just need to pay a token amount of Rs 349 for the English manual they would be given. EOTO has grown
over the intricacies of boring grammar and transfers the language in a very subtle and simple manner
after which the students are English enabled as they can then learn the language on their own.


It starts with a Project Coordinator who will be in-charge of complete centre, managing students and
teacher. Thus a project Coordinator can earn and use his skills to spread the wonderful task of teaching
English and an English teacher can earn and use his skills for the welfare of its countrymen and the
country in general.

Financial Details:
A coordinator earns Rs 8000 per centre with each centre running 4 batches of 40 students. Thus a
coordinator earns Rs 50 per student (8000÷160). With five centres he earns Rs 40,000. With 10
primary referrals (50 coordinators) he earns Rs 200x10= Rs 2,000With this he shall earn Rs
42,000/month. His earning may go up to more than a lakh given his strength of networking.

An English Teacher would be compensated with an amount of Rs 6,400/centre/month for a period of
two-month course. A batch of 160 students to be taught over 4 different batches implying an earning of
Rs 40 per student (6,400÷160).


STUDENTS: They shall be able to understand the basics of the English language knowledge and will be
in a position of speaking the working levels of the language becoming English ‘ENABLED’. Course is so

delivered in a simple and smooth manner free from the intricacies of grammar that learners find it
enjoyable and fun to learn.

TEACHERS: They get an opportunity to both serve the nation as well as earn good amount of money
with little effort as they can earn as much as Rs.13000 handling students in a centre or different centres.

Project Coordinator: With right skills and efforts EOTO offers great employment opportunity to the
otherwise unemployed or underemployed as well as those looking for some meaning in life with a job
that is truly convincing and enjoyable.


There are different levels and consequent compensations which a project coordinator can aspire for.
There are four levels s/he can reach depending on his hard work and abilities.

The basic level is that of a PROJECT COORDINATOR with the next level upgrade to PROJECT HEAD. He
can further reach for BLOCK HEAD and finally DISTRICT HEAD. At PROJECT HEAD level a person
handles his 5-10 centres as well as 10 other coordinators. At BLOCK HEAD he handles another set of
100 coordinators and a DISTRICT HEAD is responsible for 1000 coordinators.

For referring the primary coordinators through direct referral a coordinator earns Rs 200 per
coordinator. When the primary referral refers a coordinator it becomes secondary referral for the
original coordinator who in turns now earns Rs 100 for the effort done by his primary referral.
Similarly for tertiary referral the original coordinator will earn Rs 50 for the effort done by his
secondary referral.


W at UVALIFE have taken a pledge to not let English become a reason of failure for the youth of this
country. As the world becomes a village (Glocal) we need to train our youth in the language so that they
can be skilled enough to face the world. We have thus designed and initiated our English literacy
program titled ‘Each One Teach One’ as a part of Skill Development initiative (in line with GOI’s Kaushal
Vikas Yojana) from our side.

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