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Strategic Alliance 1


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Strategic Alliance 2

An In-Depth Analysis of the Strategic Rationale behind Hudson's Bay Co. Strategic Alliance

with Tech Firm True Fit


Strategic alliances refer to a partnership between two or more companies to work together in a

specific business venture. The main aim of the strategic alliance is gain commercially from the

specializations of each other. The end result of a successful strategic alliance is to gain

competitive advantage in the market and increase its market share. The increasing market

complexity and uncertainty as well the effects of globalizations make strategic alliances

necessary in the modern dynamic business world. Alliances may involve competing organization

or those from different fields. Competitor alliances generally have shorter life span compared to

those from unrelated sectors. The paper discusses the various aspect of strategic alliance with

reference to the rationale behind the strategic rationale behind Hudson's Bay Co. strategic

alliance with tech firm True Fit. Hudson's Bay Co is an apparel retailer that aims at benefiting

from the fitting technology of technology giant True Fit. On the other hand, True Fit intends to

benefits from Hudson's Bay Co’s wide market and diverse customers that
Strategic Alliance 3


Strategic alliances refer to agreement between two or more organizations to work

together in a specific commercial undertaking. A strategic alliance may provide an organization

with capital, resource and development, customer base or scarce expertise. It may also influence

an organization’s image or introduction in a new market segment. They could also help with

winning business by offering facilities that that organization cannot provide, while let it work out

those skills within their group. In case an alliances works weel, a strategic association can be

exactly what you have to accelerate the development of your business (Backman et al., 2016).

The recently ended decade has been fierce in terms of market competition. With rivalry between

firms rising, organizations have grown progressively innovative in their quest for customers and

financing. Majority of them are depending more on external connections to accomplish their

strategic goals. Using partnerships to improve their market position can be fulfilling, however it

can simply take up significant time, exertion, and capital, and still end up with an unproductive

interest. The paper undertakes an in-depth analysis of the strategic rationale behind Hudson's Bay

Co. strategic alliance with tech firm True Fit.

Research Design and Theoretical Background

A strategic alliance is a game plan between two organizations to attempt a commonly

valuable venture while each of them maintaining their singularity The understanding is simple

and less taxing to undertake than a joint venture, in which two organizations pool resources to

make a different business element (Haghighi & Jalali, 2018). An organization may go into a

strategic alliance to venture into another market, improve its product offering, or build up an

edge over a contender. The course of action permits two organizations to progress in the

direction of a shared objective that will profit both.

Strategic Alliance 4

The relationship might be short-or long haul and the understanding might be formal or

casual. While the strategic alliance can be a casual alliance, the obligations of every part are

obviously characterized (Whited, 2018). The requirements and advantages picked up by the

joined forces organizations will direct to what extent the alliance is as a result. Strategic alliances

can be adaptable and a portion of the weights that a joint endeavor could incorporate. The two

firms don't have to consolidate capital and can stay free of each other.

A strategic alliance brings about its own disadvantages. While the understanding is

generally clear for the two organizations, there might be contrasts in how the organizations direct

business (Backman et al., 2017). Contrasts can make strife. Further, if the alliance requires the

gatherings to share exclusive data, there must be trust between the two partners. In a drawn out

strategic alliance, one gathering may get subject to the next. Interruption of the alliance can

imperil the strength of the organization. Absence of official sponsorship is regularly a wellspring

of alliance disappointment. With strategic alliances, the way to powerful official sponsorship is

deceivability and responsibility (Duysters et al., 2017). Since bombed alliances can legitimately

affect a business in a significant manner, or even have unfriendly ramifications for the official's

own budgetary reward or renown, he has a solid motivator to think about the strategic alliance as

significant as his other essential obligations.

Literature Review

To understand the difference between success and failure in strategic alliances, it is

important to outline the metrics beforehand. Both organizations must decide exactly how the

alliance and responsible executives reach their targets. While clear measurements are expected of

any alliance, shared measurements between the accomplices are totally basic to the achievement

of a strategic alliance. According to Aggarwal, V.S. and Kapoor (2019), mutual measurements
Strategic Alliance 5

bring quick arrangement of center between the gatherings, and when official patrons are

considered responsible for the common measurements, the two firms become adjusted as one.

Poor alliance administration structures are another regular wellspring of alliance disappointment

According to Cullen et al., (2016), strategic alliances are best served by formalized

administration structures with clear orders that are legitimately connected to the common

measurements supporting the association. Stevens (2018) provides an example of Hewlett-

Packard we regularly make strategic alliance official councils utilizing a "N by N" mapping of

key HP executives to their partners at the alliance accomplice. The number ("N") and position of

the executives taking an interest in the audit gatherings is custom-made to the points of interest

of each strategic alliance. The meetings between executives focus on the business unit(s) and

center capacities that are basic to execution of the strategic alliance. Customary meetings of the

executives from the two organizations proceed with the relationship constructing that starts while

defining and arranging the particulars of the strategic alliance (Zhang et al., 2016). Trust is

maybe the establishment of a strategic alliance and these connections are the structure hinders for

building up trust among the people who speak to the two gatherings in the strategic alliance.

Morasch (2019) holds that the true reason why most alliances fall flat is the consistent

change in the business condition. Trust permits the gatherings in a strategic alliance to have the

troublesome conversations that will change the alliance after some time and give it life span

(Butler, 2018). At the point when corporate procedures change because of a changing business

condition, the presumptions whereupon the strategic alliance was initially based additionally

change. Serrat (2017 states that what was at one time a strategic venture may no longer stay

strategic without change to the details of the alliance. In the most outrageous cases, the trust
Strategic Alliance 6

worked between the two organizations empowers the flexibility to oblige changes in showcase or

different conditions that sway one of the accomplices.

Strategic alliance organizations are feeling expanded weight. As basic staff becomes

extended and monetary resources become rare, strategic alliance organizations must apportion

their resources in the most effective way conceivable with the goal that really strategic alliances

can bolster and quicken the system of the business (Tjemkes et al., 2017). The five strategic

standards laid out in this article are essential determinants of the strategic estimation of an

alliance. Utilizing these standards to recognize authentic strategic alliances in the portfolio today

and as a guide for creating future strategic alliances are the initial steps to improving the effect of

an alliance organization (Morasch, 2019). The management standards, likewise portrayed above,

are the following stages towards improving the viability of the strategic alliances themselves.

Strategic Alliance Process

Make a Strategic Alliance That Meets Organizational Objectives and Needs

The first and most important thing is to comprehend your organization's targets in a

potential relationship. What does your organization need that an association may satisfy? Is an

association the main way or the most ideal approach to address these issues? Comprehend your

organization's capacities and what you can submit and add to an accomplice relationship (Albers

et al., 2016). Sincerely survey the qualities and shortcomings your organization brings to the

table, and afterward characterize activity steps that can be effectively estimated. At that point,

ensure all degrees of management bolster the activity (Bryce, 2019). Most importantly, center

around carrying an incentive to the client. Spot your accentuation on recognizing future market

or item differentiators. Concentrate your endeavors on ground breaking thoughts that gain by

center organizational qualities and destinations.

Strategic Alliance 7

Set up and Follow Alliance Processes

Effective associations frequently make a proper alliance management process that fuses

some type of alliance incorporation, management, arrangement, and appraisal. Self-appraisal and

accomplice evaluation is basic, and should be incorporated with the general procedure. You'll

learn numerous exercises en route, and it's essential to catch them, to improve future alliance

management endeavors. Start by setting up a lot of motivations and punishments attached to

alliance exercises (Rothaermel, 2016). They help adjust your organizational reasoning. Next,

characterize required jobs for both your representatives just as accomplice members. Make

certain to satisfactorily depict the related obligations, to guarantee that all holes are filled. At that

point, build up a careful field-tested strategy with satisfactory operational subtleties required to

help the alliance endeavors at your organization (Milosevic, 2017). Whenever the situation

allows, make committed relationship management groups and ensure you put the ideal

individuals in these jobs. Search for workers with strategic vision and great operational and

relational attributes. Ensure they can acknowledge change, are powerful, and adjust rapidly to

new circumstances.

Perform Due Diligence

Picking an inappropriate accomplice can mess future up when something turns out badly.

Unpracticed firms frequently neglect to focus on itemized accomplice examination forms, rather

concentrating more on transient goals or pioneering accomplice choice (Miller. 2019). Set aside

the effort to comprehend your accomplice, and perceive that a legitimate assessment is certainly

not a one-hour meeting; it's a progressing expository procedure.

Start with recognizing the potential accomplice's strategic practices and destinations; at

that point overcome any issues to your own practices and targets (Russo & Cesarani, 2018).
Strategic Alliance 8

Affirm good operational procedures among organizations, and invest the energy to truly

comprehend your accomplice's way of life. Reveal and assess your accomplice's victories and

disappointments with different connections. Perceive your accomplice's destinations, motivators,

inspirations, abilities, and level of promise to the relationship.

Make Flexible Teaming Agreements

Uniting two organizations is a difficult procedure with numerous parts. Set aside the

effort to make a definite, express comprehension of common targets, desires, and estimation

forms. This will decrease false impressions that will unavoidably happen en route.


The Hudson's Bay Company is a Canadian retail business chain. A hide exchanging

business for quite a bit of its reality, HBC now claims and works retail locations in Canada and

the United States. True Fit on the other hand technological company that allows customers to

discover their true fit. It is a footwear and attire disclosure stage. Its Genome is mapped from the

world's biggest assortment of characteristic rich fit and style information for footwear and

clothing (Gomes et al., 2016). Genome enables retailers and brands to open advanced

development in the $1 trillion footwear and attire industry. It controls the Confidence Engine,

permitting retailers to give exceptionally customized fit evaluations and size proposals to

customers, bringing about emotional increments in net income (Popli et al., 2017). True Fit is

likewise assisting with opening advanced development with its Discovery Engine, which permits

retailers to clergyman exceptionally customized assortments for every purchaser, and its True

Insight stage gives retailers and brands unmatched bits of knowledge to advance marketing,

promoting and item improvement. True Fit is driven by an accomplished group of executives and
Strategic Alliance 9

pioneers from design, retail, enormous information and internet business, and is supported by top


The alliance between Hudson's Bay Co. what's more, tech firm True Fit is a true case of

an association with common advantages. HBC collaborated with True Fit to include the U.S.

organization's fit personalization programming to This gave HBC the cachet of

being the principal Canadian retailer to utilize this imaginative innovation. It likewise permits

them to convey a superior encounter to their online clients (Postma, 2017). Consequently, True

Fit got the brand advantages of joining forces with a notable retail pioneer, and access to the

Canadian market. True Fit can fasten together its profound comprehension of every purchaser

and article of clothing style by mapping a huge number of styles from about twelve thousand

brands together, joined with the information on a great many client's style and brand affinities,

individual qualities, and fit inclinations. Presently, True Partners can inject this equivalent

information and insight into each client association and make really close to home encounters for

every single customer. The main rationale behind partnership between the two organizations


Acquisition of R&D

Hudson's Bay Co alliance with True Fit was meant to benefits from its research and

development in the technology sector. The main R&D that Truefit provides include

personalization programming. Hudson's Bay is the principal Canadian retailer to give True Fit

innovation to its clients. This empowers clients at the Company's leader Canadian stores and

Lord and Taylor in the U.S. to get a customized fit rating and size proposal while shopping on

the web (Khamseh, 2017). Clients give data about their preferred styles and furthermore answer
Strategic Alliance 10

inquiries regarding their body type. Thus, the framework gives a customized size suggestion

making an increasingly consistent internet shopping experience.

True Fit has multiple other partnerships with different retailers including Nordstrom,

Macy’s, Guess, Oscar de la Renta and have in excess of 1,000 brands under its database. Thus,

True Fit uses AI calculations to figure out its database, break down information and make

proposals dependent on client's needs and taste. In under 60 seconds, purchasers can make a True

Fit profile at either site, empowering them to get an individual fit rating and size suggestion for

each style (Colpitts, 2017). Further, the True Fit profile goes with the shopper, giving a

consistent fit personalization experience across the two destinations.

To make a True Fit profile, customers just info one extraordinary fitting style they as of

now wear, and answer several inquiries concerning their body type, and afterward True Fit

immediately restores an individual fit rating and size for each style. It's without quick for

customers, and there's no estimating (Little, 2016). Presently, clients on and have a significantly simpler and quicker approach to find styles they'll really

love and keep the first run through over a gigantic index of styles from top brands.

Product and Market Extension

Given the serious idea of the retail business, utilizing large information will be

progressively critical to make a serious edge. Marketing spend and stock management represent

an enormous part of dollar spend, so information investigation has been a significant apparatus

for Hudson's Bay to improve edges (Chalençonet al., 2017). The retailer has had the option to

increase an edge over its Canadian rivals by being at the front line of embracing information

examination devices, yet it will be fascinating to perceive how the scene develops throughout the
Strategic Alliance 11

following hardly any years as other Canadian retailers put resources into a portion of a similar


Conclusion and Implications

The management must be innovative, strategic, down to business, and forceful in

building alliances. They should further remain vigilant of their partners and focus on detail when

surrounding and executing against the organization goals. Most alliances experience serious

issues and most issues are found inside organizations with less alliance experience. If an

organization neglects essential management standards during the underlying romance, the

alliance will endure. The implication of the analysis is to help manage future strategic alliances

effectively, taking into consideration the strengths, weaknesses and lessons learnt from the

alliance between Hudson's Bay Co. and tech firm True Fit.

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