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In drama the form is entirely that of a dialogue, i.e.

plays comprise the character’s speech, while the

author’s speech is represented only by playwright’s remarks and stage directions.

The original meaning of the word drama – “action” or “deed” (from Greek “dran” – to perform).

A play is literature before it comes alive in a theatre.

“Closet drama” is destined to be read more than they are acted (“closet” means “a small private room”).

Soliloquy is a dramatic monologue, when the character utters aloud his inmost thoughts addressing no one.

e.g. Hamlet’s famous soliloquy on death To be or not to be.

The cinema has invaded the dramatic field, and to compete it seems necessary for drama to seek other
fields, to attempt the dramatic treatment of an idea than the representation of a story or a simple fact.

Being a form of literature, drama in general (as a literary form) and some definite plays will survive through
the time only if their written form (the author’s text) appeals to both readers and a succession of producers
and directors.

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