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Вправа 1.  Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1.I (to go) to bed at ten o’clock every day. I (to go) to bed at ten o’clock
yesterday. I (to go) to bed at ten o’clock tomorrow.

2. I (not to go) to school every day. I (not to go) to school yesterday. I (not to
go) to school tomorrow.

3. You (to watch) TV every day? You (to watch) TV yesterday? You (to watch)
TV tomorrow?

4. When you (to leave) home for work every day? When you (to leave) home
for work yesterday? When you (to leave) home for work tomorrow?

5. My brother (to go) to work every day. He (to leave) home at eight o’clock.
His office (to be) near our house and he (to walk) there. He (not to take) a bus.
Yesterday he (not to go) to work. Yesterday he (to get) up at nine o’clock.

6. .. you (to have) time yesterday? — No, I … .

7. What you (to buy) at the shop yesterday? — I (to buy) a book.

8. Yesterday my father (not to read) newspapers because he (to be) very busy.
He (to read) newspapers tomorrow.

2.   Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1. He (to watch) cartoons every morning. He (to watch) cartoons yesterday morning. He (to watch)
cartoons tomorrow morning.

2. I always (to go) to the theatre once a month. The price for the tickets (to go) up last month. I (not to go)
there next month because the tickets (to cost) a lot of money.

3. They (to enjoy) the film at the cinema yesterday evening. Who (кого) they (to take) with them to the
cinema yesterday?

4. How often you (to visit) your relatives?

5. We (not to have) much money but we (to spend) a good time in London last month.

6. She always (to do) all the shopping in the family.

7. Two years ago they (to be) rich but now they (to be) poor.

8. You (to be) happy in your new flat?

9. When the soup (to be) ready?

10. I (to like) my parents, so I often (to do) what they (to want).

11. When (to be) your birthday?

12. You (to buy) this book next week?


вправа 3.  Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
1. Kate (to cook) dinner every day. Kate (to cook) dinner tomorrow. Kate (to cook) dinner now. Kate (to
cook) dinner yesterday.

2. I (not to eat) ice cream every day. I (not to eat) ice cream now. I (not to eat) ice cream tomorrow. I (not
to eat) ice cream yesterday.

3. He (to spend) last summer in the country. He (not to spend) last winter in the country. He (to spend) last
spring in the country? Where he (to spend) last autumn?

4. She (to help) mother yesterday. She (not to help) father yesterday. She (to help) sister yesterday? How
she (to help) sister yesterday?

5. You (to go) to school every day? You (to go) to school now?

6. You (to go) to the south next summer? You (to go) to the north last winter?

7. What your brother (to do) every day? What your brother (to do) now? What your brother (to do)
tomorrow? What your brother (to do) yesterday?

8. What you (to get) for your last birthday? What you (to want) to get for your next birthday?


Упражнение 4. Закончите предложения. Используйте Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple.

1. It …………………… (happen)  two years ago.

2. I think it ……………………….. (happen)  soon.

3. He …………………….  (be)  born on the 2nd of January.

4. When I …………….. (be) a baby  I  …………………. (feel)  unhappy when Granny ………………….. (leave).

5. ……………………… (cook)  dinner every afternoon.

6. Right now Marina is in the kitchen. She………………..(cook)  fish for dinner.

7. I think she……………..  (cook)  fish for dinner tomorrow.

8. Look at the girl! Why………. she…………………. (smile)  at us?

9. Russian people……………………………….. (celebrate)  Christmas on the 7th of January.

10. Yesterday he ……………………………….. (forget)  to turn off the computer.

Present Simple & Past Simple & Future Simple & Present
1. (Granny / teach me English / now)
2. (Granny / teach me English / when I was seven)
3. (They / speak English / at the moment)
4. (She / speak English well / soon)
5. (He / use the computer / now)
6. (He / use the computer / every day)
7. (We / learn the rules / at the moment)
8. (We / learn new rules / tomorrow)
9. (I / do lessons / now)
10. (I / do lessons / two days ago)
1. He ……………………… (wash) his car last Saturday.
2. He ………………………. (wash) his car at the moment.
3. He often………………… (wash) his car.
4. We ……………………….. (buy) the chair a month ago.
5. They ………………….. (make) friends when they………………. (be) little
6. She……………………….. (do) a grammar exercise now.
7. She is a pupil. She often …………… (do) grammar exercises.
8. She……………………………(do) the exercise an hour ago.
9. His grandfather …………….. (work) at the circus when he …………………….
(be) young.
10. Don’t ask him any questions now. He …………….., (work).
Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple.
Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple
1. I see. I saw. I will see.
2. He is happy.
3. I am ready.
4. It catches me.
5. They feel sad.
6. He falls down.
7. She tries.
8. It eats.
9. They stay.

10. We study.

Вспомните конструкцию местонахождения There is/ are и выполните

упражнение, употребляя эту конструкцию в разных временах.
Повторить конструкцию местонахождения There is/ are (для начинающих)

1. Our park is nice. ……………………………………  a good playground there.

2. ………………………………. an old house near our school a year ago.

Now……………………………….. a new playground there.

3. ……………………………….. some strawberries in the fridge. You can take


4. ………………………………. some bananas in the bag. Where are they now?

5. ………………………………. a lot of apples in autumn.

6. ………………………………. a lot of apples next autumn.

7. ………………………………. a stadium and three playgrounds near our house.
We can play sports every day.

8. ………………………………. three playgrounds and a stadium near our house.

We always play sports after school.

9. ………………………………. three apples and a banana in the fridge. You can

give them to Sam.

10. ………………………………. a banana and three apples in the fridge. Can we

make fruit salad?

 Переписати в минулому часі

On Monday we have five lessons. The first lesson is Russian. At this lesson we
write a dictation and do some exercises. Nick goes to the blackboard. He
answers well and gets a «five». Pete does not get a «five» because he does not
know his lesson. After the second lesson I go to the canteen. I eat a sandwich
and drink a cup of tea. I do not drink milk. After school I do not go home at
once. I go to the library and change the book. Then I go home!

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