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Drake Jedidiah Rojo Engcot 10- Mapagkalinga

Summary on Video about How to make a Speech

Based on the video that I watched and was given to us by the teacher, the speaker talked about
how to make a speech. The first point that I took from him is to have good flow to words since they are
very important in a speech. Preparing is an important process and you should not skip this process.
Another thing that could help based from the speaker is by reading. Reading news articles, magazines
and even listening to audio books could really help you in creating your speech. The best way to create a
speech is to take notes and practice. We should all learn how to take notes because these will surely
help us out especially if we are just starting to make one. Practicing is an essential process so that you
will be prepared when it’s your time to present. Another is you need to focus on your goal and knowing
your audience because it is not right to deliver a mismatched speech. You should also focus on your
topic and know what you want to tell your audience. We have been taught about the three bodies of a
speech; the introduction, body, and conclusion. The speaker also stated that these three are very
important since it will make your speech organized. You should start with a hook that will surely get
everyone’s attention. The body should cover all your points and the conclusion should sum up all points
that you presented. You can also fake the speech if you go without preparation but it is not advisable to
do this especially if you are a beginner because you might get lost along your topic in your speech. There
are lots of techniques that you can use in creating a speech but everyone has their own style and
approach in making one. In the future, if you are well experienced enough, you can find one that will
work for you. You will be also facing challenges along the way but keep in mind why you started and
never stop doing what you do, always focus on your goal and make sure you achieve it.

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