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1. Doctor, doctor
2. Kaveri and the thief
3. Who was the happiest of
4. The enchanted scorpions
5. the horse traps
6. treasure for ramu
7. the donkey and the stick
8. what’s in for me
9. the story of paan
10. fire on beard

doctor, doctor
once upon a time was a village
there lived a shopkeeper whose
name was ram the village had a
problem It mostly rained once a
year. People went to far cities to
collect water. day an old man
came to his shop. He was very
tired then he asked for water.
Ram got a pot full of water but
unfortunately the old man drank
the whole pot. That pot was the
last pot for this day. He slept then
suddenly someone called him he
woke up. The customer was his
best friend Ravi. He sat on the
table and took his products he
asked for some water, but he
replied: I don’t have water an old
man drank all my water but ravi
told I can see water filled in your
pot ramu was surprised to see
water in his pot. ravi was limb
and he cannot walk properly. Ravi
drank water from the pot and
then he went from the shop when
he was going ramu was surprised
to see that his lib leg was cured
but he thought that it was not
HIS SISTER. HE TOLD my sister is
having fever. Ramu told so, why
you took her to me take her to
the hospital. Didn’t you cured my
limb leg it was cured by drinking
your water give her also a sip of
water from your pot. after one
minute she was cured. Ramu was
surprised and thought he was
gifted by that old man. On the
next all the persons formed a
queue all were treated by ramu.
Soon his grocery shop became a
hospital. One afternoon that old
man only came he asked for water
on the same time a messenger
came from a far kingdom that
kingdom’s queen had fever but
ramu refused because they were
many more patients. The
messenger told what will you get
by curing these people if you cure
our queen you will get lots of
money. he thought he may or may
not be the old man I had met he
told to the old man I will be back
you stay here only. He went to
the kingdom he poured the water
from the pot but there was no
water in the pot. queen said get
out from my kingdom. Then he
went back to his shop, but the old
man was no there. He shouted
come back to my shop I will give
lots of water he thought I should
have give the old man water and
he took the magic from me. Then
he called a real doctor to cure the
patients in the village. Ramu
every day waited for the old man

Kaveri and thief

Once upon a time there lived a
woman whose name was kaveri
his husband was very lazy he ate
THEY had a farm which was very
dry and barren. But she tried hard
to grow crops. She everyday went
to temple. One day a thief came
to steal a statue which was in the
temple, but the temples were
locked all day except on mornings
and evenings, but he can’t go on
morning and evening time
because there were many people
at this time. He can go to the
temple only through digging a
hole in knavery’s farm. On the
next day the thief came to Kaveri
in disguise, but Kaveri was very
smart she identified the thief in
disguise. He asked why are
working so hard for this barren
land I will two thousand rupees
sell it to me she said no then he
said I will sell it five thousand
rupees, but she said no then the
thief told why are you not selling
this barren land. Kaveri told this
barren land has many treasures in
it which are hid by our ancestors I
am acting as sowing seeds, but I
am digging to find the treasure.
The thief thought I was going to
find a small treasure but got a big
treasure and this foolish woman
told me the where is the treasure.
On the night the thief digged the
whole farm. at last he was angry
to know that he was fooled by
kaveri. On the next day kaveri
was very happy to know that her
whole farm was ploughed the and
crops grew, and they sold the
crops and earned a huge profit.
She was praised for her
intelligence. One day the thief
again came to take his revenge in
another disguise. He came to
Kaveri’s house as a guest but
again kaveri caught him. She
came to another room and told
her a secret and saw that the
thief was hearing from faraway as
she was lying to her husband, she
told we are going to are aunt’s
house and I have hid our money
in the holes of the house. Then
they went and told the guest to
sleep outside. She told a lye that
she was going to her aunt’s house
instead she was going to her
mother’s house and she had no
treasure in the walls. in the night
the thief broked the whole house
but he was again fooled. On the
next day Kaveri’s husband told
what you done see we went to
your mother’s house and he
broked our house into pieces.
Kaveri told don’t worry we were
going to buy a new house if we
call the breakers it would cost a
lot. Again, the whole village
praised kaveri for her intelligence
ad her husband also learnt to
work hard and they both earned a
lot and took a new house

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