Kasuri Methi Parathas - Fenugreek Flatbread: Prep Time: Cook Time: Category: Cuisine

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kasuri methi parathas | fenugreek

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Prep Time: minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes Category: main course Cuisine: indian


Recipe for easy, flavorful kasuri methi parathas or fenugreek flatbread. No yeast or eggs
required and they only take minutes!


2 1/2 cups Whole Wheat Flour (or Atta)

3 1/2 tablespoons Kasuri Methi

1/2 teaspoon Chili Paste (Green)

1 teaspoon Coriander (Powder)

1/2 teaspoon Chili Powder (Red)

2 tablespoons (Oil)

2 – 3 tablespoons Ghee (or Butter for cooking)

Salt to taste


1 Soak kasuri methi in half a cup of boiling hot water for 10 minutes.

2 In a large bowl, combine flour, green chili paste, coriander powder, red chili powder,
oil and salt. Remove kasuri methi from the water and add that too (don’t throw away
the remaining water).

3 Knead this together with water into a smooth, firm dough. Add water as required.
The dough should neither be too tough, nor too soft and should be kneaded well.

4 Heat a tawa or griddle. Take some dough (the size of a golf ball) and roll it out into a
circle. Place this on the griddle, and as soon as you see small spots appearing on
the surface, flip it. Now spread a little ghee (or butter) on the surface and flip again.
Do the same on the other side and fry till cooked. You only need enough ghee to sort
of wet the surface.

5 Follow the same instructions till all the dough is used. Or you could keep this dough
in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

6 Serve hot with some dal, curds, chutney and pickle.


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