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Task I.

Translate the sentences into English:

1. Ecological education is the process of forming a system of scientific knowledge
about nature and society.
2. The main purpose of environmental education is to form an ecological culture of
personality as a form of regulation of human interaction with nature.
3. Ecological culture is characterized by: deep knowledge of the environment;
ecological thinking and responsible attitude to nature.
4. Environmental education aims at overcoming consumer attitudes towards nature
and their resources.
5. Modern ecology is a science that is interdisciplinary.
6. Educational subjects, extra-curricular work, self-education are aimed at forming
an ecological culture of personality.
7. Achievements of the goal of environmental education are facilitated by creative
competitions on environmental topics, environmental tournaments, environmental
projects aimed at solving local environmental problems, participation in
international environmental programs.
8. Views and beliefs ensure that students have a responsible attitude to nature.

Task II. Write a short essay (about 10 sentences) about ecological problems of
our region.

Ukraine is one of the largest countries Europe in terms of population, area

and resource potential. And at the same time, she is one of the most
disadvantaged in ecological relation in Europe.
High level led to this.industry concentration agricultural complexes
human consumer attitude environment and of course
world's largest man-made disaster - accident on the Chernobyl NPP. If we don’t
start TODAY take action to improve eco-systems of Ukraine, tomorrow already
may be late!
The Chernobyl accident:
In 1986, an explosion and fire on Chernobyl nuclear power plant led
to emergency radioactive air pollution. Radioactive the cloud spread to the West
part of the USSR and Europe. Tenth Ukraine’s area suffered from radiation. About
one million people exposed to a high degree radiation, also about 3.5 million
hectares agricultural land and 1.5 million ha forests were polluted.
Air pollution:
High air pollution is a serious problem for Ukraine. Alone vehicles carry
responsible for 75-90% of emissions. Automobile transport, private and public,
is the most popular way of transportation in Ukraine and accounts for 49% of the
total the amount of all modes of transport. But road transport is also is the most
energy intensive and environmentally hazardous species transport. Vehicles
emit a large amount exhaust gases as well as others pollutants: heavy metals such
as lead, oxides carbon and nitrogen. Since the mid 90s years, the number of
private cars constantly growing.
Water pollution:
Mostly water pollution comes from excessive discharge of waste into water.
This is pollution of rivers, lakes, groundwater, bays and oceans with substances
harmful to Living creatures. Oil spills, emissions
ships, dumping garbage into oceans, lakes and rivers - these are only a few factors
polluting the water.
Household waste:
Another of the most serious environmental problems in Ukraine is the problem
utilization and processing of various waste. Hazardous chemicals and bacteria
seep in ground, into the air and unpaved water poisoning life on tens distance
kilometers from the landfill. Some people do not understand
that is very important problem and don't worry about this one. But they admit
error to be in able to change our the future is not for the better.
Ukraine - low forest country since forest covers only a sixth of her
territory. However export timber from Ukraine in 2, 5 times exceed imports.
Forests do not regenerate and lose biological resistance (forest area, affected by
pests and diseases, constantly increasing). A valuable wood species (oak, beech
and pine) are replaced low value (hornbeam, birch, aspen). A difficult situation in
the Carpathians and Crimea, because it is here because of forest degradation
landslide erosion develops, landslide processes. The consequence of these actions
is an increase in frequency and intensity floods in the western regions of Ukraine.
Land degradation:
“Granary of Europe” today going through hard times. After all, 71% of the entire
agrolandscape countries used for economic activity. But due to excessive and
incorrect land fertility use every year falls.Almost 40% of the total land area
Ukrainian resources relate to polluted lands. At maintaining current pace
soil degradation (erosion, flooding, climate change) critical fertility values may
be achieved in 20-30 years and even earlier.

Principles, ways to solve environmental problems in our country:

- intensification of environmental education in schools and universities
- environmental education of the population through the media
- increased spending on nature conservation and accelerated pace
construction of environmental facilities
- active promotion of environmental protection among
of the population
- activation of law enforcement and environmental authorities

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