Eng Questionaire

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1. What is your age?

12 13-15 16-18 19-21

2. Which type of light Bulb is installed in your classroom?

Incandescents Halogen lamps Fluorescent lamps Others, Please Specify:________.

3. As a student/teacher how much thought do you give to saving energy?

A lot

A fair amount

Not very much

Not at all

4. Do the frequent power outages in your school affect your academic performance or your ability
to learn in the classroom?
Yes No

5. Given this, briefly explain how constant power outages have impacted you and your colleagues’
ability to learn in the classroom.


6. Do you think that the probability of a power outage in your classroom will increase or decrease
in the future or will it remain the same?

It will increase.

It will decrease.

It will remain the same.

7. How important is it for the Bishop’s High School to contribute towards clean energy by investing
in renewable sources such as solar?

Very Important


Low importance

8. Previously, has your school invested in solar energy?

Yes Not Sure No

9. Do you agree that a solar system should be used in your school instead of the conventional form
of energy supplied by GPL to save money and reduce the constant power outages in the

10. Yes No

10. Do you think that the expense incurred by the school in providing electricity takes away
from other developmental projects?
Yes No

11. What do you think are the current hindrances in installing solar energy panels for your school?


Difficulty with Installation

Insufficient Knowledge

Distrust in renewable energy

12. Would you compromise on quality in favor of cost-effective solar products?

Yes Maybe No

13. What maximum investment would you be willing to make in solar panels?

Yes Maybe No
Dear participant,
We are students of the University of Guyana. For our Cape Caribbean-
Studies Internal Assessment, we are investigating and assessing the use of digital tools in
the school, especially the classroom. Because you are a valued member of your school
community, we wish to invite you to participate in this research project by completing
the attached survey.
The attached questionnaire will require approximately five (5) minutes of your time
to complete. No reward or compensation is given for responding or completing the
survey nor is there any known risk. All responses given will remain strictly confidential;
in order to ensure confidentiality of all information, please do not include your name. If
you choose to participate in the survey, please answer all questions as honestly as
possible and promptly return the completed questionnaire to the surveyor.
We would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to assist us in completing
our project. The data provided in all questionnaires will be analysed, in order to
determine the views of participants.

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