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Iribarren Mansur 1

Domingo Iribarren Mansur

Mrs. Tubbs


23 April 2020

Annotated Bibliography

"Daddy." Poetry for Students, vol. 28, Gale, 2008, pp. 64-80. Gale eBooks, https://link-gale-

u=txshracd2904&sid=GVRL&xid=6b2f92b0. Accessed 19

Apr. 2020.

This article gives an explanation specifically to the poem “Daddy”, goes into detail to

analyze the poem, explains the events and the possible meanings inside the poem and tries to

decode all the metaphors to find it’s true essence, from the critical perspective of someone else.

In this paper the writer also ties this poem with other poems made by the same author, to find the

true meaning behind her writing style and what she is trying to say. Something that I found

interesting was the fact that her biography was also something relevant in this paper, which in

my opinion is the right way to approach this subject since it is focusing on finding the connection

this poems have with the real Sylvia Plath, her motivations, her symbolism, and many other

things that drive her poetry, if it is based on some aspects of her life that are only shown through

poetry, or a completely fictional setting and situation

Iribarren Mansur 2

"Lady Lazarus." Poetry for Students, edited by Sara Constantakis, vol. 49, Gale, 2015, pp.

166-185. Gale eBooks, https://link-gale- CX3611700021/GVRL?

u=txshracd2904&sid=GVRL&xid=2ce2d161. Accessed 19 Apr. 2020.

This paper, which was published in the same book as the previous one, dives deep into

the poem “Lady Lazarus”, analyses the poem in detail, tries to explain every event that takes

place in the poem and the meanings inside the poem and tries to understand the metaphors inside

the poem to find it’s true essence, from the critical perspective of another person. In this paper

the writer also ties this poem with other poems made by the same author, to find the true

meaning behind her writing style and what she is trying to say. This paper also covers the

biography of the author of the poem that is covered, which in my opinion is the right way to

approach this subject since it is focusing on finding the connection this poems have with the real

Sylvia Plath, her motivations, her symbolism, and many other things that drive her poetry.

Narbeshuber, Lisa. "'extravagant, like torture': Plath's Poetry as Ceremony and Spectacle."

Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, edited by Kathy D. Darrow, vol.

Iribarren Mansur 3

252, Gale, 2011. Gale Literature Resource Center, https://link-gale- H1420105335/LitRC?

u=txshracd2904&sid=LitRC&xid=7628fe97. Accessed 19 Apr. 2020.

Originally published in Confessing Cultures: Politics and the Self in the Poetry of

Sylvia Plath, ELS Editions, 2009, pp. 63-83.

This essay does not only focuses on the two poems that I am focused on, it also includes

some poems such as “Stings”, “The arrival of the bee box” and “The Munich mannequins”,

which gives the reader a broader view of her poetry style and what each part of the poem actually

means and the relation the poems and what she is trying to communicate, with the aspects of her

life that might have inspired this poems or the events on her life that ties the poems together. It

also focuses a lot in the metaphors that appear in this poems, specially “Daddy” and “Lady

Lazarus”, which are the poems that I am going to focus on to do my research. Another thing that

is discussed a lot is the way the speaker in the poems changes the tone and the atmosphere in

every part of the poem without losing the main theme of the poem, and how “the female body as

a site of resistance against male power and desire”.

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