Adaptations Activity PDF

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By: _____________________

Life Sciences: Adaptation


Some animals survive by blending in with their surroundings. This adaptation is

called camouflage. Make a model of how camouflage can be used by an animal to
hide from enemies. A model is a small copy of something. Models help us see
things we may not be able to easily see.

What You Need

• craft materials such as colored paper, glue, and scissors
• timer, clock, or watch

What You Do
1. Identify a “habitat” for your animal. This could be a room in your home or
a place in your backyard or neighborhood park.
2. Decide what your animal needs to look like so that it can survive in this
habitat by hiding from enemies.
3. Make your animal using craft materials. Place your animal in its habitat.
4. Have a friend look for it. Time how long it takes for your friend to find
your animal.
5. Have a friend complete steps 1–3. Then have your friend time how long it
takes you to find his or her animal.
6. Who won the animal camouflage game?

What Do You Think?

Make a claim. What are some effective characteristics of camouflage? Use your
model and the results of your game to support your claim.

Supports and Develops:

Science and Engineering Practices: Asking Questions (for Science) and Defining Problems (for Engineering) (1); Developing and Using Models (2); Planning
and Carrying Out Investigations (3); Constructing Explanations (for Science) and Designing Solutions (for Engineering) (6); Engaging in Argument from
Evidence (7).
Performance Expectation 3-LS4-3: Construct an argument with evidence that in a particular habitat some organisms can survive well, some survive less
well, and some cannot survive at all. 3-LS4-2: Use evidence to construct an explanation for how the variation in characteristics among individuals of the
same species may provide advantages in surviving, finding mates, and reproducing.

© 2015 Capstone

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