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Lebanese International University

School of Engineering

Department of CCE and EEE engineering

EENG301L— Electric circuits lab
Section ID: A

Report ID: 3

Report Title: Induction and transformers

Submitted by: Hassan saad

Mohamaad kasabie

Lab Instructor: Dr majed saad

Date: 12/22/2019
School of Engineering
Department of CCE and EEE Engineering
EENG301L – Electric Circuit Lab

Group- Experiments Report

Fall 2019-2020
Day Month date 2019, Time

Student Name & ID Hassan saad 71830160

Student Name & ID

Grade Weight
Objectives 20
Title 5
Cover 5
Equipment 10
and Roles
Experiment-1 10
Experiment-2 10
Experiment-3 10
Experiment-4 10
Conclusion 20
Total 100

Report submission in group of 2 students
Each experiment includes: title (1 pts), description (3
pts), and procedures (2pts), results (4 pts).

Conclusion should contains five points, four related to

each experiments+ Application point (4 pts/ each)
I. Objectives of the Experiment

To study how

induction voltage arises

as a result of moving
the magnet with
respect to the
conductor by
measuring the
induction voltage .
To study how

induction voltage arises

as a result of moving
the magnet with
respect to the
conductor by
measuring the
induction voltage .
Experiment1: We aim to study how induction voltage arises as a result of
moving the magnet with respect to the conductor by measuring the
induction voltage.

Experiment2: We aim to detect the principle of the transformer and the

relationship between the primary and secondary coils voltages.

Experiment3: We aim to study the transformer response when on load.

Experiment4: We aim to explain the transformer power losses and its types
and how to reduce the power loss in the transformer.

II. Equipment used in this Experiment

1-COM3LAB device.

2-Test board 70013 to implement the circuits.

3- Computer to visualize the outputs and inputs

III. Experiment I: Induction and Self-Induction

A. Description of Experiment I

Induction is the process where a conductor is placed in a changing magnetic

field or a conductor moving through a magnetic field that causes the production
of voltage across the conductor. Inductors do this by generating a self-induced
emf within itself as a result of their changing magnetic field. In an electrical
circuit, when the emf is induced in the same circuit in which the current is
changing this effect is called Self-induction, (L) but it is sometimes commonly
called back-emf as its polarity is in the opposite direction to the applied voltage.
B. Procedure of Experiment I

1- Connect the following circuit fig(1.1) on a com3lab device using a 700013

test board.


2- Remove the clip from the iron core of the transformer then remove the iron

3-Connect the com terminal of the oscilloscope to the lower terminal on the

Perform the following


settings on the
oscilloscope:Y1/div to
10mV; X/div to 100ms;
Trigger threshold level
to 5 mV
4-Apply the following settings to the oscilloscope: Y1/div to 50mV; X/div to
100ms; Trigger threshold level to 50 mV.

5-Insert a magnet to the clip and slide it side ways to generate a slight induction

C. Results

The movement of the magnet in front of the coil generates a slight induction
voltage in each winding of the coil which can be observed on the oscilloscope.
IV. Experiment II: Principle of Transformer and short
circuited transformer

A. Description of Experiment II

A transformer is a static device which transfers electrical energy from one circuit
to another through the process of electromagnetic induction. It is most
commonly used to increase (step up) or decrease (step down) voltage levels
between circuits. In the transformer AC voltage of one amplitude is transformed
into an AC voltage of a different amplitude. The transformer consists of two
coupled coils. The AC voltage U1 is fed to the primary coil, the transformed AC
voltage U2 is tapped at the secondary coil.

Short-Circuited Transformer: In the secondary circuit, there is a flow of

current even though no secondary voltage is produced when the secondary side
of the transformer is short circuited. So in this experiment our goal is to find out
the relationship between current flow in the primary and secondary coils
B. Procedure of Experiment II

1- Connect the following circuit fig (2.1) on com3lab using 700013 test board.

Fig (2.1):

2- Using the multimeters measure the voltage across the primary and secondary
coils while the iron core is removed from the transformer.

3- Repeat the measurements in the presence of the iron core.

For the short circuited transformer

connect the circuit below:

And measure the current across the primary and secondary coils
C. Results

When measuring the voltages across the primary and secondary coils in the
absence of the iron coil we get the following output:

When measuring the voltages across the primary and secondary coils in the
presence of the iron coil. The measurement should show that the iron core
increases the magnetic field in the coils and brings about the transfer from the
primary to the secondary side and that will be clear in the measurement fig
The primary coil of the transformer has 1000 turns; the secondary coil has 500 turns.
The number of turns has a ratio of 2: 1. Primary voltage U1 and secondary voltage U2
are also in a fixed ratio t, which is referred to as the voltage transformation ratio:

For the short circuited transformer:

The short-circuit current in the secondary winding has a linear dependency on the
primary current fed in.

V. Experiment III: Transformer under load

A. Description of Experiment III

When a transformer is under load the transferable power of a transformer is

limited due to its size. Due to connecting a load to the secondary coil, voltage
across it will be produced in addition to current flow. Thus, power will be
consumed by the load. So in this experiment, our goal is to find the voltage, the
current and the power of each resistor.

B. Procedure of Experiment III

1-Connect the following circuit fig(3.1) on a com3lab device using a 700013 test

2-Measure the voltage and the current across the circuit.

3- Calculate the power using the formula P=IV.

B. Results

After measuring the voltage and current across the circuit, and using them to
calculate the power we get the following power curve a result.
We observe that we have maximum power when the voltage at the load equals
half the secondary voltage and the power is only transformed in the load range

VI. Experiment IV: Transformer losses

A. Description of Experiment IV

Transformers are electrical devices consisting of two or more coils of

wire used to transfer electrical energy by means of a changing magnetic
field. And like any other electrical device it can have power loss. Power
losses in the transformer arise because of the magnetization of the iron
core, the induced eddy currents in the iron core as well as the ohmic
resistance of the coil windings the first two losses are described as iron
losses because they are caused by the iron core. The losses due to
winding resistance are described as copper losses on account of the
copper wire used there. Losses generate heat in the iron core and in the
coil windings. In this experiment we are going to calculate the power
losses in both iron and copper losses and see how can we reduce it.
B. Procedure of Experiment IV

1- Connect the circuit shown in fig (4.1) on a com3lab device using a 700013
test board to find the iron losses.

2- Measure the current I1 and Voltage V2 across the circuit when the transformer
is operated under no load.

3-Calculate the iron power loss with the measured values from the circuit using
the formula P=I1*V1

4-Conncet the circuit shown in fig(4.2) on a com3lab device using a board to

find the copper losses.

5-Measure the Current I2 and the Voltage V2 across the resistor when the
transformer is short circuited.

6- Calculate the copper power loss using the formula P=I2*V2.

7-The iron losses through remagnetization can be reduced, by using soft iron for
the transformer core. The eddy current losses can be limited by manufacturing
the core out of thin transformer sheet metal instead of solid material.

8-Copper losses can be reduced by selecting a wire with as large a cross-section

as possible. The total length of the wire is kept as low as possible by winding the
coils densely.
C. Results

When calculating the iron power losses that is caused by the

remagnetization of the iron core and by eddy currents, which are induced
in the iron core., we get the following graph of P Vs I.

When calculating copper power loss that is caused by the ohmic resistance
of the copper windings on the primary and secondary side. A voltage drop
occurs across them, which together with the short-circuit current results in
power loss.
We can observe clearly that the power loss in the short circuit operation is
larger than that of the no-load operation

VII. Conclusion (20 Points)

 The movement of magnets in front of the coil generates a slight induction

voltage in each winding of the coil and due to the high number of turns of the
coil, the induction voltage builds up into a large voltage pulse which can be
observed on the oscilloscope.

Induction finds application in AC voltage generator The small bicycle dynamo

operates according to the same principle of induction as the large-scale
generators in power stations. 

 In the transformer the Ac voltage of one amplitude is transformed into an

AC voltage of another amplitude and the transformer consists of two coils
linked together, AC voltage U1 is fed in at the primary coil, at the secondary
coil the transformed AC voltage U2 is tapped, the following relationship
exists between the voltage U1 and U2: U1/U2=n1/n2 If the secondary side of
the transformer is short-circuited, no secondary voltage can be produced.
But current flows in the secondary circuit, therefore the following
relationship exists between the current I1 in the primary circuit and current
I2 in the secondary circuit: I1/I2=n2/n1

 The power cannot be transformed from the first side to the second one if the
transformer is not under load or the second side of the transformer is a short
circuit, because in the first case the secondary current will be equal to zero
while in the second case the voltage in the secondary side will be equal to
zero, knowing that P = U*I.

 In the no-load operation in the transformer the primarily power loss is from
the iron loss (the iron remagnatization and the induction of eddy currents),
while in the short circuit operation the primarily loss is a copper loss which
comes from the ohmic resistance of the wire. Power losses due to
remagnetizing can be reduced by using soft iron, and the losses due to eddy
currents can be reduced by manufacturing the core out thin transformer
sheet metal instead of solid material.

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