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Name:Janessa Brase Grade Level:3rd grade

Topic/Central Focus: Ecosystems Subject:Science

Time Frame:45 min

Standard(s) to be met in the lesson:

SC.3.7.2.E Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem based on
how well each is likely to meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.

Learning Objective: Assessment Tool(s) and Procedures:

● Generates questions about When I give this lesson I will use a
different kinds of ecosystems checklist to determine which students
● · The student will understand that will be in different levels of the tiered
the size of an ecosystem depends tasks.
on the resources that are available

Research-Based Best Practice used in lesson and why it is appropriate/useful

● I will used tiered tasks to properly assess each level of student in the

Student Engagement used throughout the lesson

● The students will be reading their textbooks on the topic, watching
informational videos, and recording in their journals.

Academic Language:
Ecosystems, environemtn, population, sun, energy,

Materials: Technology:
● Worksheet
● Informational videos
8b7KKJ2I (Skip to one minute)
Faith/Values Integration:

Assets (Knowledge of Students: personal, cultural, community)

Differentiating Instruction
Identify the elements of the lesson that are differentiated (content, process, product).
Identify the student characteristic you will use to differentiate (readiness, interest, learning profile).
Explain how you differentiate (whole class, groups of students, individuals, or students with IEPs or 504 plans)
The students will have already watched an informational youtube video that
introduces ecosystems.
​Tier 1- In this tier we will read from the textbook as a class and the students will be
asked to answer questions on their own after the reading.
Tier 2- In this tier the students will be asked to join me at a back table and based on
their ability to answer questions we will go over the reading again or answer
questions together.
Tier 3- This is the tier for students who are able to read and complete their work on
their own and are one of the first students to be finished. They will be able to draw
a picture of an ecosystem of their choice and label the parts.

Procedure with time allotments:

A)​ ​Hook/Engage/Pre-Assess Students
I will use a peardeck slide to get each student’s response to the question “What is
an ecosystem?” ​This will open up the unit plan and create a discussion for the
students to have an idea of what we will be covering.​ “What kinds of
ecosystems could we see if we looked out the window? For example, what do we
know about a garden? What does this ecosystem need to survive? Think about your
own town or community that you live in.

B)​ ​Communicate the purpose of the lesson to students

“Today, we will be discussing ecosystems! Does anyone already know what this
means or have you ever heard this word before? Think about your own
environment, for example how are your surroundings different at home and at
C)​ ​Instructional Sequence:
5 min (Hook) Showing students the pear deck slide and discussing what
ecosystems they know about. The teacher may have to dig a little deeper to get the
students to show what they know. For example what is different about their
environments at home vs at school?
20 min-read from the textbook as a class and assign different questions based on
the reading. (Bottom of document)
10 min- watch youtube video about ecosystems and environments.
10 min- Work time! There will be 2 groups. One is working independently on a
worksheet and the other will be at a back table with teacher.

D)​ C
​ losure:

Analyzing Teaching (Reflection):

Completed after the lesson is taught.

Give evidence that the lesson was successful for students meeting the learning

If you could teach this lesson to the same group of students again, what are two or three things you would do
differently to improve the learning of these students based on their varied developmental and academic needs
and characteristics? Consider missed opportunities and other aspects of planning, instruction, and/or
assessment. Explain in the table below.

Clearly state each change you would Explain why and how you would change
make. it.
Student work after reading
1. Nonliving and living things make up something called?
2. We watched a video about ecosystems and something that each of them have in
common is what?
3. Based on the resources available, the __________ will be bigger or smaller?
4. Write 3 non living things that you could find in an ecosystem.

Kinds of Ecosystems
1. What kind of weather does a tundra have?
2. How do desert plants adapt to survive to their dry climate?
3. Describe what a grassland may look like.

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