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Enid News & Eagle

CDSA, United Way distribute supplies

to NW Oklahoma day care centers
By James Neal expect the day care centers will
Staff Writer CDSA still is have a surge in demand.”
looking for Of the 268 day cares in the
Community Development Sup- donations region, Kelly said 123 providers
port Association held a cleaning of gloves, dis- requested help with items like
supply distribution event Friday, disinfectant solution, hand and
part of an effort to get donated infectant spray, laundry soap and gloves.
cleaning supplies to day care cen- masks and CDSA was able to gather
ters across Northwest Oklahoma. hand sanitizer. supplies for all 123 providers,
Kim Kelly, Northwest Child Kelly said, thanks to donations
Care Resource & Referral manager collected by United Way of Enid
at CDSA, said she and her staff have been & Northwest Oklahoma, provided by Mid-
busy throughout the pandemic, contacting all Continent Packaging of Enid and Home
268 Northwest Oklahoma child care facili- Maid Better of Oklahoma City.
ties each week to assess needs. United Way CEO and Executive Director
Kelly said cleaning supplies have been a Dan Schiedel said the United Way “has been
growing need for day care staff, as supplies trying to assess all the different nonprofits
in some areas have dwindled, due to the and organizations in our community to see
need to sanitize surfaces more thoroughly what the needs are, and sanitizing products
and more frequently to prevent spread of the is one of the hardest ones.”
coronavirus. Schiedel said he and his staff were hav-
“We just want to make sure everyone ing a hard time finding sanitizer and soap
Stephanie Gray and Kim Kelly, from CDSA, load boxes of cleaning supplies Friday to be delivered to day cares in has what they need,” Kelly said, “and now
Northwest Oklahoma. (Billy Hefton / Enid News & Eagle) that things are starting to open back up, we See DISTRIBUTE SUPPLIES, Page A3

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Enid News & Eagle

Continued from Page A1
02 for day care centers, until he Rainbow Fleet distributed to
reached out to Mid-Continent other child care resource and
2020 Packaging. referral agencies around the
“We reached out to them state, including CDSA.
A003 and asked if they’d consider As Friday’s event was
donating some laundry deter- winding down, Smith said he
resized gent and hand soap,” Schiedel was coordinating the logistics
said. “They gave us twice as to donate another 275 gallons
much as what we asked for, of disinfectant to the project.
and because of that we were “What started as a commu-
able to work with all our part- nity event has turned into a lot
ner agencies with what they of child care facilities across
donated.” the state being able to clean
Schiedel said Mid- appropriately with a COVID-
Continent provided a pallet 19 approved disinfectant,”
each of hand soap and deter- Smith said.
gent, which CDSA was busy Kelly said CDSA still is
distributing to day care centers working to meet all the needs
Friday. of day care centers, and is look-
Dan Smith, owner of Home ing for donations of gloves,
Maid Better, said his compa- disinfectant spray, masks and
ny’s involvement in the supply hand sanitizer.
distribution started with what Oklahoma Department
was intended to be a small of Human Services will be
community distribution of dis- helping CDSA distribute
infectant in Oklahoma City. supplies to day care centers
“We thought it was going in Alfalfa, Beaver, Canadian,
to be a small event and we had Kingfisher, Texas, Woods
a crazy turnout — it just blew and Woodward counties
up,” Smith said. “We started again on Monday. Northwest
that event to give and we gave Child Care Resource &
a lot.” Referral staff will also be
He said an estimated 750- delivering supplies in Blaine,
1,000 cars came through that Major and Garfield counties
first disinfectant distribution. on Monday.
Not long after, he was con- If any day care centers
tacted by Rainbow Fleet Child in Northwest Oklahoma are
Care Resource & Referral of in need of assistance with
Oklahoma City, asking for dis- cleaning supplies, they can
infectant to help supply child contact Northwest Child
care centers. Care Resource & Referral
Smith donated 150 gallons at (580) 234-3552 or (580)
of disinfectant, which he said 242-6131.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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