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HIGH 69, LOW 44 MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2020 $1.50


Trump extends guidelines to April 30

U.S. becomes INSIDE Gives up on Easter
world leader No postponement for Nov. vote deadline, aims for
President has no authority to cancel election. A6
in virus testing Protecting workers June 1 to restart
after slow start Retailers take extra steps for employees. A7 U.S. economy
BY ROWAN SCARBOROUGH Shuttered gym sued for continuing billing. A6
THE WASHINGTON TIMES Virus garners attention for obscure saint. A7 BY TOM HOWELL JR. AND DAVE BOYER

The U.S. has conducted nearly Virtual volunteers offer connection to strangers. A7 THE WASHINGTON TIMES

900,000 coronavirus tests across the Expert sees coronavirus, SARS similarities. A9 President Trump on Sunday said he wants
WHITE HOUSE UPDATE: President Trump said
country after fumbling at the start be-
cause of too few tests and faulty kits, the Hogan predicts New York-like conditions. A12 Sunday during a coronavirus task force meeting that
Americans to stay at home until April 30, abandon-
ing his hope of opening up businesses by Easter as
federal government says. Americans will need to hunker down another month. modeling suggested the U.S. coronavirus death toll
The increased numbers give the could reach tens of thousands and peak two weeks
White House a chance to shift policy to from now.
allow more tests to surveil the popula- He said the White House will release a new
tion while retaining diagnosis as the No. strategy for states by Tuesday and hopes to have the
1 priority, officials say. economy on its way to recovery by June 1.
The Federal Emergency Manage- It’s a sudden and somber shift for Mr. Trump,
ment Agency provided a statement to who on March 16 said he wanted Americans to
The Washington Times that said more work and learn at home, avoid nonessential travel
than 685,000 tests had been completed and use takeout instead of entering restaurants
in state and local public health and com- through March 31.
mercial laboratories. The White House Now, faced with the highest case count in the
said 90% of tests are now conducted in world with more than 137,000 infections and over
private labs. 2,400 deaths, he said the peak death rate isn’t ex-
The 50 states, the District of Colum- pected until mid-April, so he extended his mitiga-
bia, Guam and Puerto Rico have a total tion strategy through the end of the coming month.
of 92 testing sites. “You’re talking about a potential of up to 2.2 mil-
“U.S. Federal officials and the U.S. lion [deaths], and some people said it could even be
Public Health Service are working higher than that,” he said at a White House briefing.
closely with state, local and private sec- “And so if we can hold that down, as we’re saying,
tor partners to bolster testing capabilities to 100,000 — it’s a horrible number, maybe even
and supplies,” FEMA said in a written less, but to 100,000. … We all together have done a
statement. “We’re working to make test- very good job.”
ing more easily accessible to high risk Members of his coronavirus task force said mod-
populations: healthcare facility workers, eling is based on a variety of issues and “extremes,”
and first responders.” so people shouldn’t panic.
President Trump touted the uptick The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 was
Saturday while sending off the hospital
ship USNS Comfort from Norfolk, Vir- » see VIRUS | A10
ginia, to New York City.
“What we’ve done in building sys-
tems, we’re now the No. 1 tester any- IMMIGRATION
where in the world, by far,” Mr. Trump
said. “We’re testing more in one day than
other countries are testing in weeks, in
Border wall hits
South Korea, at more than 300,000
FOR BODY AND SOUL: Sandra Lockhart, a church member and nurse, screened Brandy Floyd and her son Codey, 8,
full speed as rest
» see TESTING | A5 as they arrived for Sunday worship service at the Union Springs Baptist Church in Rutledge, Georgia.
of U.S. hobbles

Mnuchin ushers rescue bill


The coronavirus has shut down much of the

country, left Capitol Hill a ghost town and even
past steep political hurdles sidelined aircraft carriers. But it hasn’t been able
to dent construction of the border wall.
BY DAVE BOYER and it was like, ‘Hey, Alfredo, this is Steven, Since the virus was first detected on U.S. soil in
THE WASHINGTON TIMES you know, the Treasury secretary, just try- January, the government has completed about 40
ing to get a hold of you. Give me a buzz more miles of border fencing, according to Border
Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of back when you get a chance.’ ” Patrol data, with more than half of that coming
the conservative Job Creators Network, Mr. Mnuchin is sometimes viewed since early February, about the time Mr. Trump an-
didn’t recognize the number on his ringing warily by conservatives who consider him nounced a second wave of cash was being funneled
cellphone, so he didn’t answer. a Democrat in President Trump’s inner from the Pentagon toward wall building.
The voicemail surprised him. It was sanctum. But the 57-year-old former Wall Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf,
Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin, Street executive is getting high marks for amid his virus duties last week, signed off on six
who was seeking his input as the Trump his round-the-clock efforts to rescue the waivers to speed wall construction in sections all
administration and Congress scrambled economy and serve as a liaison between across the boundary line, and contracts were an-
last week to assemble a $2 trillion pack- the president and House Speaker Nancy nounced for new segments of the wall.
age to fight the economic fallout from the Pelosi, California Democrat. The presi- “Border security is national security,” said Rusty
COVID-19 pandemic. dent and the speaker haven’t spoken in QUICK THINKING: Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin is rushing Payne, a spokesman for Customs and Border
“I thought it was actually a scam call,” aid to Americans and small businesses dealing with the coronavirus
Mr. Ortiz said. “I listened to the voicemail, » see MNUCHIN | A5 fallout. “This doesn’t do people any good if it takes a long time,” he said. » see IMMIGRATION | A10


Coburn leaves lasting legacy for taxpayers

Former senator known for wit, ‘Wastebook’ and decency dies at 72
BY STEPHEN DINAN With a single amendment to a bill in 2010, he congressional history.
THE WASHINGTON TIMES saved the government $262 billion and count- To those who knew him best, Mr. Coburn’s
ing. He made a cottage industry out of spotting virtuoso legislative abilities were exceeded by
Tom Coburn’s reputation preceded him ridiculous-sounding spending items, such as the his decency.
throughout the Capitol. He was a cantanker- “Bridge to Nowhere” project in Alaska. His work “I’ve never met another politician like him.
ous troublemaker who was tough to work with on the Senate’s oversight committee brought His honesty, devotion to facts and reason, his
and more interested in blowing things up than down the largest Social Security disability fraud strength, his intellect and his genuine warmth
getting things done — and that reputation was ring in history. will always be with me. His true friendship will
completely wrong, just about everyone who Mr. Coburn, a medical doctor turned politi- be a gift I will treasure forever,” said Erskine
worked with him quickly came to realize. cian who served six years in the House and Bowles, who was chief of staff to President Clin-
SENATE SAVANT: Former Sen. Tom Coburn, an Oklahoma While he was willing to stand in the way of a decade in the Senate, died Saturday at age ton and got to know Mr. Coburn while working
Republican and legislative virtuoso who railed against federal spending that he thought unnecessary, he was 72 after a lengthy battle with cancer, leaving
earmarking, died early Saturday after a battle with cancer. also a master legislator. one of the most substantial legacies in recent » see COBURN | A8


Gun shops declared Tornado tears through U.S. turns over third Cornerback signing fits
essential during Arkansas college town, military base in month in the mold of Rivera’s
virus outbreak. A4 leaving six injured. A8 to Iraqi control. A9 prove-it culture. B8 7 02803 87040 7

INDEX American Scene A8 | Commentary B1 | Comics B9 | Dear Abby B6 | Editorials B2 | Horoscope B6 | Inside the Beltway A2 | Metro A12 | Nation A7 | Politics A4 | Sports B8 | Television B6 | World A9
Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews



We already know that a wide variety of major print, broadcast
INSIDE THE Abortion awareness has taken on a new meaning during the
and online news organizations continue to produce coverage coronavirus pandemic, particularly when House Speaker Nancy
meant to undermine President Trump and his administration as Pelosi and other pro-choice factions insist that funds for the proce-
the teams do battle against the coronavirus pandemic. The official BY JENNIFER HARPER dure should be considered a vital part of the $2.4 trillion national
efforts are an evolving, quick-moving process with promising re- coronavirus aid response.
sults, the public updates delivered with considerable candor from “You know you live in a healthy society when its ‘elite’ journal-
those monitoring every facet of the response. ists demand even more dead bodies than those being produced by
In other eras, U.S. presidents and public officials would have a pandemic. That’s precisely what the New York Times editorial
received support from the press through helpful, fair and honest board asked for in their recent piece that called for even ‘more’
coverage meant to keep the public informed and engaged. abortions during the coronavirus outbreak. Imagine that; even
But not this time around. as normal life has been interrupted all around us, lefties need
Here’s some pertinent advice from a Fox News Channel host abortion mills to be one of the few constant and sure things still
Greg Gutfeld regarding the coronavirus crisis and the liberal news operating,” writes Gabriel Hays, a Media Research Center cultural
media’s unending bias and animosity against Mr. Trump and the analyst.
White House coronavirus task force. He cites a recent op-ed titled “Make Abortion More Available
“We can hold this country together with or without the me- During the Pandemic — Not Less” in which the Times made the
dia’s help, and believe me they are not helping much, if at all,” Mr. case that abortions were an “essential” component of comprehen-
Gutfeld told his audience over the weekend, with a warning about sive health care.
what appears to be the media’s own malaise. “Ah, yes, killing kids is as essential as the ER doctor saving lives.
“I have no doubt we will exit this dark period stronger and This is just a dark Orwellian leftist game. The notion that someone
better than before. Jobs will return. The economy will roar back. wanting an abortion is an equal emergency to someone’s imminent
The truth will come out. And we will have saved many lives. And death from coronavirus or a heart attack is not convincing,” writes
the only sickness that lingers, the one that seems impervious to Mr. Hays.
drugs, is the media’s own incurable bias. Best to keep your distance Our old friend “Deep Woods“ — a longtime political com-
permanently,” said Mr. Gutfeld. Fox News host Greg Gutfeld advises the public to “keep their distance” mentator who indeed lives in the dense woods of the Northeast —
from the media, and the many news organizations who continue to agrees with the analyst.
criticize President Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. “Does anyone else see the irony of spending $2 trillion to save
the lives of adults and elders, yet spend another $600 million to
No wonder Democrats are nervous. kill a million babies a year?” he writes from a “hunker bunker” up
“Despite the relentless attacks from Democrats and the media, it,” writes David Marcus, a columnist for The Federalist. north, in a terse note to Inside the Beltway.
a strong majority of America is behind President Trump’s leader- “You would think that most people would view this as good
ship during the coronavirus pandemic,” advises Steve Guest, rapid thing, I mean, in the middle of a crisis, having faith in leadership
response director for the Republican National Committee, who is better than not having faith in leadership, right? For many on
supplies this handy summation of public opinion polls conducted the left, though, these numbers are cause for consternation,” Mr. ⦁ 79% of U.S. adults say they are “probably behaving appropri-
in the last week: Marcus writes. ately” during the coronavirus pandemic; 79% of Republicans, 77%
“ABC/Washington Post poll: 66% express confidence in the fed- He cited CNN analyst Ana Navarro-Cardenas who was per- of independents and 80% of Democrats agree.
eral government’s ability to handle the outbreak,” Mr. Guests said. plexed by a recent ABC poll with a 51% approval rating for the ⦁ 9% overall say they are not taking the risks of coronavirus
A Gallup poll revealed 60% approve of the president’s response president. seriously enough; 7% of Republicans, 11% of independents and 9%
to the coronavirus. The Gallup poll also showed an increase in the “Who are these 51% of Americans who approve of the way this of Democrats agree.
president’s approval rating among independents and Democrats. lying, narcissistic, science-denying, petty, partisan, infantile, intel- ⦁ 8% overall say they are overreacting to the virus threat; 9% of
Another Hill-Harris poll found that 61% of voters say Mr. Trump is lectual wasteland, lame excuse for a President with the vocabulary Republicans, 4% of independents and 10% of Democrats agree.
taking strong measures to slow or stop coronavirus spread while of a 4 year-old (apologies to 4 year-olds), is mishandling this crisis? ⦁ 64% overall say they are worried about personally “experienc-
an ABC/Ipsos poll: revealed that 55% of the public approve of the Really,” the analyst wrote in a tweet. ing” coronavirus; 56% of Republicans, 61% of independents and
president’s management of the crisis. Mr. Marcus said that “for Trump supporters, this is all obviously 74% of Democrats agree.
And finally, a CBS News poll found that 53% say Mr. Trump is delicious. But that really isn’t the point. The point is that in a time ⦁ 37% overall say they are not too worried or not worried at all
doing “a good job of handling the outbreak.” of national crisis, Trump has changed his behavior and risen to the about the virus; 45% of Republicans, 39% of independents and 26%
challenge. Our friends on the left either can’t or refuse to see this. of Democrats agree.
But the American people do. And they are the ones who decide the
fate of Trump’s reelection chances, not the bobble-headed pundits
“President Trump’s approval Is spiking, and the Left can’t stand that people PBS, CNN, and MSNBC.” ⦁ Kindly follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin.


New York City Mayor
Public health ad
Bill de Blasio said
Sunday this was no
time for hindsight
campaign irks
Twitter criticized for banning LifeSiteNews
in response to
whether his
message for weeks
state lawmaker
Twitter is coming under pressure on the right of encouraging New BY VALERIE RICHARDSON
to restore a pro-life account that was deactivated Yorkers to “go about THE WASHINGTON TIMES
after posting a tweet that referred to a transgen- your lives” was in
der activist as “him.” part to blame for the Oregon Gov. Kate Brown isn’t pulling any
In an open letter, Media Research Center pres- coronavirus’ rapid punches with her state’s newly launched coro-
ident Brent Bozell called on Twitter to unlock the spread. navirus public-awareness campaign promoting
LifeSiteNews account, which was shut down over ASSOCIATED PRESS social distancing.
a Dec. 8 tweet that said, “Trans activist Jonathan A 30-second ad for the state’s Stay Home, Save
‘Jessica’ Yaniv ‘shocked … confused’ gynaecolo- CORONAVIRUS CRISIS Lives campaign says that “1.4% of all Oregonians
gist won’t see him.” could die” during the coronavirus pandemic, which
“We maintain this tweet was perfectly le-
De Blasio on his downplaying words: Now not the ‘time for hindsight’ would be about 60,000 people just in that state.
gitimate and appropriate and the LifeSiteNews For weeks, New York City Mayor Bill de Bla- course to avoid panic.” According to the ad, the average person knows
account should not have been deactivated as a sio encouraged New Yorkers to “go about your In late January, Mr. de Blasio said, “It’s 600 people, “which means five people you know
result,” said the letter, which was also signed by lives” as fears of the novel coronavirus spread, important just to go about your lives, continue could lose their lives.”
John-Henry Westen, co-founder and editor-in- advice that has come back to haunt him as the living as you have,” a message that he repeated “It’s up to you how many people live or die,”
chief of pandemic takes a deadly toll on the Big Apple. in February with statements such as, “This says the ad released over the weekend. “Don’t ac-
Copies of the letter have also been sent to At- Asked Sunday about whether his mes- should not stop you from going about your life, cidentally kill someone.”
torney General William Barr and the U.S. House sage was in part to blame for the virus’s rapid should not stop you from going to Chinatown The campaign by the Portland agency
and Senate Judiciary Committees. spread, however, Mr. de Blasio told CNN’s Jake and going out to eat.” Wieden+Kennedy, which was done pro bono,
LifeSite said it filed an appeal, but was told Tapper that this was no time for hindsight. As late as a March 11 press conference, the includes the thumbnail, “Did you accidentally kill
that the only way to restore the account would be “Well, Jake, we should not be focusing in my mayor said that “if you’re not sick, then you someone today?”
to “remove the offending tweet.” view on anything looking back on any level of should be going about your life.” “We are facing an unprecedented crisis. None
The Canadian activist last year filed a human- government right now,” Mr. de Blasio said on Such advice has not aged well, especially of us have been through anything like this before,”
rights complaint against 15 beauticians who “State of the Union.” “This is just about how we since Mr. de Blasio has since accused President said Ms. Brown in a statement. “The single most
refused a genital-waxing request. save lives going forward everybody was work- Trump of being slow to react. important thing each of us can do to protect our
— Valerie Richardson ing with the information we had, and trying of — Valerie Richardson community and frontline workers, and to save lives
right now, is stay home.”
WHITE HOUSE Not everyone was a fan.
DEMOCRATS CORONAVIRUS CRISIS Republican state Rep. Bill Post blasted the cam-
Trump picks mobilization oversight chief paign and countered with a two-minute video post
President Trump has appointed trade adviser
Super PAC to attack Trump over virus Rivera compares Trump to Gen. Patton that included positive messages like, “You’re doing
Peter Navarro to become coordinator of national Priorities USA, a Democratic super PAC Geraldo Rivera lumped praise on President great, Oregon!” and “Wash your hands … a lot!”
defense policy production, signaling a new pouncing on President Trump’s past comments Trump over his handling of the coronavirus pan- “This is going TOO far. Just. Stop. It. Oregonians
phase in the fight against the novel coronavi- about the novel coronavirus, intensified its efforts demic by likening him to George S. Patton, the get it. We’re doing the right thing. We don’t need
rus as the president for the first time ordered a Friday in the face of potential litigation. late U.S. Army general who commanded Ameri- to be shamed,” tweeted Mr. Post.
private company, General Motors, to produce Days after Mr. Trump’s reelection campaign can troops during World War II. Another 30-second spot highlights the work of
ventilators. threatened to sue TV stations that run a Priori- Mr. Rivera, a former talk-show host and Fox “essential workers,” including health care provid-
“My administration is marshaling the full ties USA advertisement highlighting the presi- News contributor admittedly friendly with Mr. ers, first responders, delivery drivers and grocery
power of the federal government,” Mr. Trump dent’s previous remarks about the coronavirus, Trump, drew parallels between the president and clerks.
said. “I know he’s going to do a fantastic job.” the super PAC shared a Spanish-language version Patton in a social-media posting. Jason Bagley and Eric Baldwin, executive cre-
Mr. Trump ordered GM to make ventilators of the spot being geared toward Hispanic voters. “Trump-haters clearly frustrated that the ative directors at Wieden+Kennedy Portland, said
under the Defense Production Act, hours after “The Trump campaign is doing everything American people-many of whom did not vote for they “created this campaign with the governor
slamming the company for not moving quickly possible to prevent us from seeing this announce- him-approve of the epic job @realDonaldTrump because we don’t want to look back and wish we
enough to manufacture the devices. ment,” said Daniela Martins, the super PAC’s is doing to mitigate the #coronavirus catastro- had done more.”
The order came hours after GM said it would national Hispanic media director. phe,” Mr. Rivera tweeted. “We have a lot of heart for Oregon and all who
build ventilators with Ventec Life Systems at a Priorities USA said on Tuesday that the spot “He’s flamboyant & unrestrained, but he’s like live here, and we know that staying home will save
plant in Indiana. would be shown on stations in Florida, Michigan, General Patton, the right warrior for the fight,” lives,” they said in a statement. “This campaign
Mr. Navarro, who has been working on emer- Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — four battleground Mr. Rivera tweeted. provides clarity and conviction around what stay-
gency supply production for weeks, said most states that be critical to Mr. Trump securing a Mr. Rivera, 76, made the comparison as the ing at home means — and how we all have a role
companies are cooperating voluntarily, but “we second term in office — as part of a $6 million confirmed number of cases in the U.S. of COVID- to play to help our community.”
did have a problem with GM and Ventec.” campaign TV and digital ad buy. 19 continues to surge. The ad campaign is scheduled to appear on local
— Dave Boyer — Andrew Blake — Andrew Blake television, radio, social media and online.

The Washington Times (ISSN 0732-8494) is published Monday through Friday.

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Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews


Politics “He did promise ‘America First.’”

— Two-time presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, in response to the macabre news
that the U.S. had surpassed China in the number of COVID-19 deaths


Ads target Burr’s

alleged insider
trading over virus
North Carolina Republican
not up for reelection until 2022

MoveOn is waging an adver-

tising war against Sen. Richard
Burr for reportedly profiting
off non-public information be-
fore the stock market cratered
in response to the coronavirus
The North Carolina Republi-
can is not up for reelection until
2022, but the liberal group’s ad
campaign on Facebook and in
the Raleigh News & Observer
aims to force Mr. Burr from office Sen. Richard Burr was targeted
immediately. The ads feature a in a series of ads on Facebook
black-and-white photograph of from MoveOn about reportedly
Mr. Burr with a hand shaded in profiting off of the virus pandemic.
The Department of Homeland Security ruled commercial gun sellers are protected by the Second Amendment and can remain open. red to show he was “caught red
GUN RIGHTS Mr. Burr, chairman of the Sen- profiting off the stock market
ate Select Committee on Intelli- tanking amid the coronavirus

Trump administration rules gence, reportedly sold about $1.7

million in stock after learning
of the coronavirus’ potentially
calamitous impact before the
outbreak. Sens. Dianne Feinstein,
California Democrat; Kelly Loef-
fler, Georgia Republican; and Sen.
James Inhofe, Oklahoma Republi-

gun shops as ‘essential’

information available to him be- can, all are facing accusations of
came public knowledge. He also impropriety. 
reportedly shared warnings with Ms. Feinstein told the Los An-
private donors while publicly es- geles Times the transactions in
pousing America’s preparedness question were made by her hus-

Move comes amid lawsuits filed to keep stores open to combat the virus.  
“In public, Sen. Burr mis-
band. She said she did not attend
a private Jan. 24 briefing for sena-
leadingly reassured voters about tors about the coronavirus before
BY JAMES VARNEY America’s novel coronavirus pre- the stock moves were made.
THE WASHINGTON TIMES paredness, parroting the Trump- Mr. Inhofe told The New York
GOP party line. But behind the Times he canceled the transac-
In the midst of some state and local scenes, he was selling off up to tion in question after he became
authorities moving to close gun shops dur- $1.7 million in personal stock aware of it, and he said the trans-
ing the coronavirus emergency, the Trump holdings,” the MoveOn ad on action was made by a third-party
administration stepped in Saturday to make Facebook reads. “Sen. Burr was adviser.
clear that such outlets are “essential.” caught red handed using pri- Ms. Loeffler tweeted on
The Second Amendment, which guar- vate information for his personal March 20 that she was not in-
antees private gun ownership as a consti- profit, at our expense — it’s time volved in the decision-making of
tutional right, also extends protections to for him to resign.” the trades in question, nor was
commercial gun sellers, according to the MoveOn ran its ads to “take she in communication with her
Department of Homeland Security’s Cyber- over” the homepage of the Ra- third-party financial advisers. Ms.
security and Infrastructure Security Agency, leigh News & Observer website Loeffler’s husband, Jeffrey Spre-
which issued the guidance. on Thursday, and splashed ban- cher, is chairman of the New York
Under the section on “law enforcement, ner ads across the newspaper’s Stock Exchange and founder and
public safety and other first responders,” digital articles as well. MoveOn chairman of the Intercontinental
the list includes, “workers supporting the has spent as much as $2,000 on Exchange. 
operation of firearm or ammunition product anti-Burr ads that began running MoveOn has run ads focus-
manufacturers, retailers, importers, distribu- on Facebook on March 21, accord- ing on accusations of financial
tors and shooting ranges.” ing to the Facebook Ad Library.  impropriety against Mr. Burr and
In largely Democratic states such as Many of Mr. Burr’s conserva- Ms. Loeffler. The group did not
California and New Jersey, state and local tive allies also have called for his respond to requests for com-
authorities cited the lack of clear DHS guide- Brian Xia, 44, picks up his gun at a gun store in Arcadia, California. Gun sales have been resignation. Fox News personal- ment about its ads and why it is
lines as one reason they were moving to shut exceptionally brisk during the coronavirus pandemic. ity Tucker Carlson has suggested not targeting Mr. Inhofe or Ms.
down the purchase and, in some cases, the he resign, and fellow Republican Feinstein.
manufacturing of firearms. lawmakers have pressured Mr. The Facebook Ad Library
Some legal challenges have already been Jason Ouimet, the executive director of the according to multiple reports, and some Burr, including Rep. Matt Gaetz shows MoveOn began running
filed against such actions. On Friday, the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action. states had carved out an “essential” ex- of Florida who requested the ads against Mr. Burr and Ms.
NRA filed a federal suit in California to stop The lawsuit named as defendants Mr. ception for gun stores prior to the DHS Senate immediately remove Mr. Loeffler on March 20. Within one
instances where local officials interpreted Newsom and Los Angeles County Sheriff guidance. Burr from leadership of the intel- week, MoveOn rendered its ads
Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s “shel- Alex Villanueva, who moved Friday to shut- That guidance came on the heels of a ligence committee. Mr. Gaetz also against Ms. Loeffler inactive on
ter in place” orders as making gun stores ter the city’s gun stores. Friday letter to the Trump administration has called on Sen. Thom Tillis, Facebook while expanding its ads
“non-essential.” On the other side of the left-right po- from the Gun Owners of America (GOA) North Carolina Republican, to against Mr. Burr in the Raleigh
The NRA and other Second Amendment litical divide, abortion groups have also and Gun Owners of California (GOC), refer Mr. Burr to the Justice De- News & Observer. 
groups depicted the targeting of gun stores as sued to keep their facilities open in Texas, which requested such classification. partment for prosecution.  Ms. Loeffler is running to keep
an attempt to realize political goals under the where authorities deemed providers of the “It is very encouraging to see CISA Mr. Burr’s office pointed to his her seat in a special election
cloak of emergency public safety measures. procedure “non-essential” and ordered include the firearms industry as essential,” statement saying that he relied on in November, with a potential
“NRA members recognize these unlaw- their closing. The three abortion clinics in GOA senior vice president Erich Pratt said news reports to make his stock runoff election for the seat fol-
ful power-grabs for what they are, and the Louisiana also shut down following “shelter in a statement. “In these uncertain times, the moves and has requested the lowing in January 2021, and then
National Rifle Association is proud to stand in place” orders March 22. ability to protect yourself — and to acquire Senate Ethics Committee review a regular election for the seat will
and fight alongside fellow Second Amend- Gun sales have been exceptionally firearms, magazines and ammunition — his actions.  be held in 2022. The next election
ment groups who recognize it as well,” said brisk during the coronavirus pandemic, should not be ignored.” Mr. Burr is not the only senator for Mr. Burr’s seat does not arrive
facing accusations of improperly until 2022.

What we need is a Wayne Gretzky approach to fight the coronavirus

ayne Gretzky The Trump administration’s its restrictions on National Guard troops may have been helpful two or Gotham Mayor Bill de Blasio
would not be decision to impose a half- European travel to keep New Yorkers three weeks ago, it is now just was recklessly encouraging resi-
impressed with hearted ban on travel between — which, like the out. (An effort some about pointless. Florida has dents to go out and about.
America’s feckless China and the United States (it alleged China flight have suggested should thousands of cases. The corona Mr. Gretzky also once ob-
response to the coronavirus. exempted Americans, though ban, do not apply to have begun years genie will not be put back into served that “hockey is a unique
Wayne Gretzky, the great- they can carry the disease just Americans — it was ago for altogether the bottle. sport in the sense that you need
est hockey player in history, is as easily as any foreigner) was already March 12. By different reasons.) Speaking of Florida, the Sun- each and every guy helping
reputed to have skated to where made in late January, weeks that point, more than Florida’s governor, shine State has finally closed each other and pulling in the
the puck was going — not after COVID-19 had begun 1,000 Italians had Ron DeSantis, has many of its public beaches — a same direction to be successful.”
where it was. rampaging through the Asian died of the disease
ETHAN ordered anyone ar- week or two after thousands If Americans help one

The United States govern- country and sickening tens of and cases and fatali- riving from New York swarmed them for spring break. another and pull in the same
ment’s inept response to the thousands. ties were increasing to self-quarantine for New Orleans issued a stay- direction by practicing social
coronavirus epidemic, by During that period, as the exponentially. two weeks. at-home order — after hordes distancing, we have a chance
contrast, has been decidedly pneumonialike ailment brought Closer to 1,000 President Trump of tourists packed the streets of reducing the still-rising rate
anti-Gretzkyian. From the China to its knees, about 14,000 are dying each day in over the weekend for Mardi Gras. of infections. But our record of
federal government on down to people a day were flying from Italy now, and still there are two tweeted that he, too, was mull- New York officials shuttered following Gretzskian precepts
feckless local officials, U.S. au- China to the United States. daily flights from Rome to New ing a quarantine order for the bars and restaurants — after leaves much to be desired.
thorities, with rare exceptions, Ditto for the supposed York. tri-state area — likely causing they were packed with St. Pat- ⦁ Ethan Epstein is editorial
have skated not even to where Europe flight ban, a case study Current attempts at curtail- thousands to flee who other- rick’s Day revelers on the week- editor of The Washington Times.
the puck is now, but where it in showing up a day late and a ing the travel of New Yorkers wise wouldn’t have — only to end before the famously social Contact him at eepstein@wash-
was two weeks ago. dollar short. When the Trump are similarly belated. The state shy away from the action. holiday. Making matters worse, or on Twitter @
Begin at the federal level. administration announced of Rhode Island is enlisting But as much as quarantine even as the coronavirus spread, ethanepstiiiine.
Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews


MNUCHIN with the White House,” Mr. Ortiz said.

“He sounded cool, calm and collected.
“This is odious and unfortunately
typical of the Democratic Party,” he said.
after signing the aid package that he will
insist on presidential “supervision” of
From page A1 He took the time he needed to listen to “No conservative likes the price tag.” the yet-to-be appointed inspector gen-
our ideas, and not at one moment did I Mr. Mnuchin said the administration eral. The development rankled Demo-
five months. ever feel rushed by him. If anything, I felt needed buy-in from Democrats at a criti- crats, who said it was a retreat on the
“He’s even-keeled,” said a Republican like I was taking too much of his time.” cal moment for the country. bargain struck by Mr. Mnuchin.
familiar with the exhaustive negotiations. A partner at Goldman Sachs from “There’s never a deal until it’s done,” Mrs. Pelosi said Sunday that Demo-
“He was spending long hours and really 1994 to 2002, Mr. Mnuchin later estab- he told Fox News host Sean Hannity. crats won’t allow the president to have
late nights at the Capitol, going between lished himself in Hollywood for bankroll- “We were negotiating through the whole unilateral control over the loan process.
the minority and majority leader’s office.” ing several successful and some medio- period. We took out anything having to In an appearance on CNN’s “State
A Democratic aide said of Mr. cre movies, including “American Sniper” do with wind [power] and the environ- of the Union,” Mrs. Pelosi also seemed
Mnuchin, “You can deal with him.” in 2014 and “The LEGO movie.” He got mental issues. The president cut lots and to bristle at Mr. Mnuchin’s focus on the
The president said his Treasury sec- an acting credit for playing himself in a lots of things out of this deal.” harm inflicted on financial markets dur-
retary “lived over in that beautiful build- nonspeaking role as a Wall Street banker He added, “When I do business deals, ing the economic shutdown. She recalled
ing,” and Mr. Mnuchin agreed that he with Warren Beatty in “Rules Don’t it’s win and win. But here, we needed a meeting with Mr. Mnuchin a week ago
spent about five days in the LBJ Room, Apply,” a film that also featured his future bipartisan support. There was a price Sunday in the office of Senate Majority
an ornate, frescoed space near the Sen- wife, Louise Linton. to pay.” Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky
ate chamber. When Mr. Mnuchin became national Mr. Schlapp said most conserva- Republican.
American Conservative Union Chair- finance chairman of Mr. Trump’s presi- tives are withholding their criticisms, “I said to them, since this is Sunday
man Matt Schlapp said of Mr. Mnuchin, dential campaign in the spring of 2016, for now, because they understand that and the churches are closed, I want to
“He had a big week, but more impor- many conservatives didn’t share Mr. the pandemic created unprecedented begin bipartisan meeting with a prayer,”
tantly, he did his country a lot of good.” Trump’s confidence in him. economic challenges. Mrs. Pelosi said. “And I quoted Pope
Mr. Trump signed the rescue pack- “He comes from the banking world, “I think most conservatives realize Francis’ word of prayer under this cir-
age Friday. and he had a reputation for being a Dem- that never before has the government cumstance. And he said, ‘I pray that God
Mr. Mnuchin now is working to make ocrat,” Mr. Schlapp said. “He obviously so broadly swiped away American eco- would enlighten those who are respon-
sure that direct payments of $1,200 to earned a lot of respect and credibility nomic rights, and for good reason,” Mr. sible for the common good, that they
most Americans and billions of dollars from all of us with the amazing job he did Schlapp said. “Literally, not allowing would take responsibility for those in
in loans to small businesses are delivered on finance for the president’s election in people to go to work, not allowing people their care.’ And Secretary Mnuchin said,
rapidly. 2016, and he’s figured Washington out.” to operate their businesses — that’s an ‘Well, since you quoted Pope Francis, I
“This doesn’t do people any good if The massive cost of the rescue economic taking, and the government will quote the markets.’ And so that has
it takes a long time,” Mr. Mnuchin said Responding to House Speaker Nancy package, including four months worth shouldn’t be allowed to do that without a taken us to another area of values, to me,
Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” Pelosi’s prayer quoting Pope Francis, of unemployment benefits that will financial settlement from those who had about this.”
Mr. Ortiz, whose network represents Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin pay many workers 100% or more of the economic loss. That’s predominantly The president, who hasn’t spoken to
small businesses, did call back after that said he would quote the stock markets. what they were earning in their jobs, what we’re seeing here.” Mrs. Pelosi since a frosty meeting Oct.
missed phone call last week to emphasize isn’t sitting well with many conser- One of the stickiest negotiating points 16 as the Democrats’ impeachment in-
to Mr. Mnuchin the need to get govern- vatives. Mr. Schlapp also pointed to with Democrats was a $500 billion fund quiry picked up steam, summed up Mr.
ment loans to small business owners In the same week, a record 3.2 million “dandelions” in the package such as to provide loans to distressed corpora- Mnuchin’s value to his administration
quickly. people filed for unemployment benefits. $25 million for the Kennedy Center tions. Democrats wouldn’t support the and to the nation.
He also urged Mr. Mnuchin to extend “We talked on multiple occasions, for the Performing Arts in Washington package until the White House agreed to “He’s a fantastic guy, and he loves our
aid to “gig” workers and independent despite the world basically collapsing and $75 million for the Corporation a special inspector general to review how country,” the president said. “And he’s
contractors, who usually don’t qualify around him and trying to get the left for Public Broadcasting, which funds the administration allocates the loans. been dealing with both sides — Repub-
for help. and the right together on ideas to work National Public Radio. But Mr. Trump notified Congress lican and Democrat.”


As a result of more testing for the coronavirus that UP TO
causes COVID-19, the U.S. has become the country
with the highest number of confirmed cases. 12 MONTHS


From page A1
tests, was the world leader in identifying and
containing COVID-19 early on as the virus left the
city of Wuhan, China, via thousands of travelers
and spread globally. The U.S. recorded its first case
Jan. 15 in Washington state in a traveler who had Certificated
been to Wuhan. ShingleMaster ™ CertainTeed
The South Korean government separated citi- Dealer
zens who tested positive from their families, but the
U.S. chose to encourage the infected to self-isolate We are a
at home.
Scientists believed that, like the 2002 severe 5 Star CertainTeed
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus SELECT ShingleMaster,
outbreak, COVID-19 came from bats that spread only 1% of all roofers in the
the germs in a wild animal meat market — this time
in Wuhan. China said in February that it had shut
U.S. have this accreditation.
down such markets across the country.
The Association of Public Health Laboratories
said it has faced many challenges to increase testing
and still has shortages.
“While the number of both private and public 50 Year Labor & Materials Manufacturer’s Warranty
health laboratories capable of testing is expanding,
the country is still facing testing challenges includ- 3PPmOH5SBEJUJPOBMt%FTJHOFSt-VYVSZt'MBUt4MBUF$FEBS4IBLF
ing shortages of materials required for testing (such
as laboratory supplies, testing reagents and personal
protective equipment ),” the association says on
Ask about our many colors & styles of siding. Affordable products with world class service.
its website. “As such, testing needs to be limited
to priority groups until sufficient testing supplies
become more widely available.”
Dr. Deborah Birx, a career government virus
researcher and White House coronavirus adviser,
said this weekend was a time to set a strategy to
“weave together” more testing to surveil the popula-
$1,000 OFF & FREE GUTTERS with purchase of new roof
tion with diagnostic testing. *WITH PURCHASE OF NEW ROOF OR 4 FREE WINDOWS with this coupon.
“I think what we’re going to work on over the Valid initial visit only.
weekend is to weave together both a testing strategy Valid initial visit only.
for surveillance, which you have brought up in that Cannot be combined with other offers. Cannot be combined with other offers.
key point, while maintaining a strong testing for Expires 6/30/2020.
diagnosis,” Dr. Birx said. “Our first obligation is still
to ensure that patients get diagnosed.”
The increased testing has produced a higher
number of confirmed cases, sending the United
States, the third most populated country, to the top
spot with 124,686 coronavirus cases.
As of Sunday, the U.S. had 2,191 COVID-19 deaths,
according to the Johns Hopkins University interac-
tive coronavirus tracker website. Italy leads the
world with 10,023 fatalities.
The U.S. death rate of five per 1 million people is
below those of most European countries, accord-
ing to Our World in Data at Oxford University in
England. The U.S. and Europe felt the virus invasion
in January. #BZt#PX
Italy, struck hard by clusters of outbreaks in $BTFNFOUt%PVCMF)VOH
Lombardy, home to a number of Chinese workers,
has a rate of 145 coronavirus deaths per million, (BSEFO"XOJOHt4MJEFS
compared to 100 in Spain, 32 in the Netherlands, 30 1JDUVSF"55*$*/46-"5*0/
in France, 25 in Belgium, 11 in the United Kingdom
and four in Germany.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, like Dr. Birx a key adviser to
Mr. Trump, told CNN on Sunday that testing is the
key to addressing new urban hot spots in Detroit,
New Orleans and elsewhere.
“If we do testing, identification, isolation, get-
DOORS MHIC license # 135735
DC license # 420218000186
ting people out of circulation who are infected and VA# 2705168571
contact tracing, we might be able to prevent those 4UPSNt4MJEJOH1BUJP
areas from getting to that stage where we’d have to
do mitigation, which is much more than difficult
and much more frustrating than trying to contain,”
said Dr. Fauci, director of the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews



Legal experts:
Trump can’t delay
general election
President’s authority also
doesn’t extend to canceling vote
BY DAVID SHERFINSKI to postpone an election during
THE WASHINGTON TIMES emergencies, neither the Consti-
tution nor Congress provide any
The rash of states postponing similar power to the president or
or modifying their primary elec- other federal officials to change
tions because of the coronavirus this date outside of Congress’s
raises a question: Can President regular legislative process,” the
Trump delay or cancel Novem- report said.
ber’s elections and extend his Other legal experts agree that
presidency because of the crisis? Mr. Trump can’t unilaterally can-
In a word, no, according to cel the election. They say he could
legal experts who say such powers try to use some of his discretion
lie outside the scope of presiden- to set rules on where people can
A MoneyGeek survey’s results underscored the deep economic shock the coronavirus and its concomitant business shutdowns have tial authority. vote depending on how big of a
delivered. As of Friday, 22 states had issued “shelter at home” rules, which have closed many businesses. “The president has no power risk the coronavirus is posing to
on this score,” said Samuel Is- public health in the fall.
ECONOMY sacharoff, a constitutional law “People are already talking
professor at the NYU School of about Trump canceling the elec-

Americans feeling a bit more at ease after Law. “It should be the last thing tion in November, which is some-
that we do in a democracy to thing that he can’t do,” said Rick
cancel elections.” Hasen, a law professor at the

relief package finalization, survey says U.S. law doesn’t have any pro- University of California, Irvine.
visions allowing a president to “Although I am concerned that
stay in office after noon on Jan. he could issue orders that would
20 even in the case of a national close polling places.”
BY JAMES VARNEY emergency, according to a report Several states have postponed
THE WASHINGTON TIMES Gym sued for continuing to charge this month from the Congressio- their presidential primaries
nal Research Service. amid the coronavirus pandemic,
The congressional relief package final-
ized Friday appears to have moved the
for membership while being closed If no other avenues for picking with officials saying the public
a new president shouldn’t be
needle slightly positively among Ameri- BY ALEX SWOYER cancel their membership by mail, and have worked, asked to put their
cans when asked whether they have lost THE WASHINGTON TIMES freezes and cancellations are subject to the rules of suc- “It should be safety at risk.
or would lose wages during the ongoing certain fees.” cession to fill a the last thing On Friday,
coronavirus pandemic, as nearly half say A New York woman launched a class- A number of members have taken vacancy would Ohio Gov. Mike
they are unable to work from home, ac- action lawsuit against her gym last week to social media to complain about the kick in, the report
that we do in a DeWine signed
cording to a new survey from an online in federal court, saying it is refusing to payments. said. democracy to legislation that
financial service. suspend memberships but is remaining Jim King commented on the club’s If there isn’t a cancel elections.” moves his state’s
MoneyGeek surveyed 1,257 Americans closed due to the spread of COVID-19. Facebook page that it needs to address president or vice primary to a
nationwide between March 22 and 25, with Mary Namorato sued New York locker-rental fees. president to per- — Samuel Isaacharoff, largely vote-by-
36% of the surveys completed on the day the Sports Clubs, owned by Town Sports “Are you temporarily freezing all form the duties NYU School of Law mail election,
Senate and White House announced they International LLC and Town Sports Inter- memberships and suspending fees until of the office, the with limited in-
had agreed on a $2.2 trillion relief package. national Holdings Inc., on Thursday after you reopen? Why is this information not speaker of the person options
Before March 25, MoneyGeek that “54% the club did not respond to her inquiries included in the announcement about House — a post currently held on April 28 for people with dis-
who are currently employed have lost or ex- about suspending her membership. temporarily closing?” Mr. King wrote. by Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Cali- abilities or people who don’t have
pect to lose wages due to the coronavirus.” Town Sports International operates Other gyms like Crunch and Equinox fornia — would act as president. a home mailing address.
That number dropped to 49% among those clubs in the Northeast and has more than have frozen member accounts upon clos- If the speaker can’t serve, the Mr. DeWine invoked a last-
surveyed on the 25th, said Doug Milnes, one 600,000 members. ing their doors during the coronavirus president pro tempore of the minute public health emergency
of the survey’s two creators. Ms. Namorato pays about $70 a month pandemic, according to multiple reports. Senate — currently Sen. Chuck ahead of his state’s scheduled
The survey saw a less positive move in and has been a member since January The 23-page lawsuit alleges the club Grassley of Iowa — would step in. March 17 primary to delay in-
the employment landscape. On the 25th, 2019. After the clubs closed under the is denying members the option to cancel The U.S. presidential election person voting. He had previously
35.6% felt it was “‘very likely’ or ‘completely direction of state authorities on March and has breached its contract since the is unique in that under the Elec- advocated moving in-person vot-
likely’ that they will lose their employment 16, she wanted to explore her options company cannot offer its services. toral College system voters who ing to June 2.
in the next 12 weeks,” compared to 37.9% to save money. The club last billed Ms. The CBS News affiliate in New York head to the polls in November Derek Muller, a professor at
who thought so before that date. Namorato on March 1. reported that the club says it will address aren’t technically voting for can- Pepperdine’s Caruso School of
“I think a good way to put it is there She filed a complaint with the New members’ concerns over dues once it didates, but rather “electors” who Law, said states approving such
was a small improvement in outlook from York attorney general’s office, which ac- reopens. gather in December to formally delays lucked out in the sense
the time we started fielding on the survey cording to court papers, told her: “New A spokesperson for the fitness com- pick the president. that former Vice President Joseph
to the time we finished,” Mr. Milnes said. York Sports Club is not automatically pany did not immediately respond to a “The presidential electors are R. Biden has all but clinched the
“When you see so many people worried freezing or canceling memberships, is request for comment from The Wash- selected in the manner state legis- Democratic nomination, which
about missing payments or losing their jobs, only permitting members to freeze or ington Times. latures shall set, and the Congress lessens the practical political ef-
it just brings home the impact of all this.” and the Senate are elected in such fect of the postponements.
The survey results underscored the a manner as the Congress shall “That’s not a luxury you get in
deep economic shock the virus and its surveyed said they expected to be able to same timeline in terms of coping with set,” Mr. Issacharoff said. November,” he said. “So maybe
concomitant business shutdowns have pay their bills, a number that showed little the virus, which first infected humans in While the Constitution grants people feel a little bit better about
delivered. As of Friday, 22 states had issued change on March 25, Mr. Milnes said. The Wuhan, China, last year before marching power to the state legislatures to pushing back primaries, but there
“shelter at home” rules, which have largely same majority — 57% — predicted the across the planet. Washington state, for appoint electors, states operate is really no sort of failsafe in
closed businesses not deemed “essential” emergency would last 8 weeks or less. example, was hard hit by the virus in early under a system in which their November.
by government and politicians. In terms of consumer spending, 45% said March but its experiences have since been Electoral College votes go to the “The Constitution says that the
Some businesses, such as restaurants, they had put off making a purchase with an eclipsed by more populous states such as winner of the popular vote of terms of members of Congress
have managed to continue on a take-out or additional 23% saying they expected to start New York and California. their state. Maine and Nebraska end Jan. 3 and the term of the
delivery basis, but that would only let them delaying purchases soon. Slightly less than One finding that surprised both Ms. operate under a modified system president ends Jan. 20th, so you
stay open with a skeletal crew compared one-third — 33% — said the bug has not had Adler and Mr. Milnes was that more than in which they use both the state- could end up with no House and
to their pre-coronavirus workforce. Other an impact on their spending. four times the percentage of Americans said wide popular vote and the vote two-thirds of a Senate and that’s
businesses, such as movie theaters, most The median amount Americans re- they would clean as opposed to “working in each congressional district to it,” he said.
retail stores and others have been shuttered ported spending to stock up on coronavirus out” during this unanticipated and unde- distribute their electoral votes. Mr. Biden said Mr. Trump
or reduced to drive-by status in which small supplies was $150, although a handful said sirable downtime — 18.4% to 4.5%. The Since 1845, Congress has re- doesn’t have the authority to post-
numbers of workers hand out preordered, they had spent $600 or more. single biggest way Americans said they are quired states to choose their elec- pone the election — though he
prepaid items. While representatives from all 50 states passing the time was predictably watching tors “on the Tuesday after the first added that the president could
In the survey, 47% said they are unable were included, MoneyGeek said the sample TV at 37.5%. Monday in November,” though start a “drumbeat” saying that it
to perform their job from home, a major size was too small to draw clear conclusions “The cleaning one, that really surprised if states can’t meet that deadline should be postponed.
contributor to the shaky feelings about about different regional patterns. Answers me,” Ms. Adler said. it would fall to their legislatures “Democracy and dealing with
employment going forward, said Hillary tended to be the same among men and It remains to be seen, they noted, if the to work out another date, the this crisis have to be able to be
Adler, who partnered with Mr. Milnes on women, Mr. Milnes and Ms. Adler told The U.S. may see a surge in birthrates at the end Congressional Research Service done at the same time,” the former
the project. Washington Times. of 2020 similar to what New York City ex- report said. vice president said in a recent ap-
Despite the grim outlook, 57% of those Not every part of the country is on the perienced after suffering a blackout in 1977. “Unlike the practice of some pearance on ABC’s “Jimmy Kim-
states that allow the governor mel Live.”


Judges ordering release of high health risk illegals from ICE custody
BY STEPHEN DINAN Immigration and Customs En- is a 23-year-old who is recovering The Trump administration, Judge Torres said ICE was Homeland Security and the
THE WASHINGTON TIMES forcement has plenty of experi- from a facial fracture. in one court filing in California, showing “deliberate indifference” Health Department, which each
ence working with migrants who Judge Hatter, a Carter appoin- argued mass releases aren’t well- to migrants’ medical situation. have authority over some juve-
Federal judges have begun to have highly contagious diseases. tee, said the Adelanto facility has thought out, particularly when it One federal judge in Washing- niles, to explain why it’s taking
order release of high health risk Judges have not been been dinged by the Homeland comes to children. ton earlier this month rejected a them too long to release some of
illegal immigrants from ICE cus- convinced. Security inspector general for “ICE and ORR are taking ex- request for coronavirus-related the minors.
tody amid the coronavirus crisis, “This is an unprecedented health and safety risks in the traordinary actions to protect releases, though he suggested Amnesty International said
saying the agency is showing time in our nation’s history, filled past, and COVID-19 heightens children in their custody from he is willing to reconsider. Other it wants the children released
“callous disregard” by keeping with uncertainty, fear, and anxi- those risks. harm,” the government said, re- cases are still pending from now, saying even measures to
them in group facilities where ety. But in the time of a crisis, our He said the government can- ferring to the two different agen- Maryland to California. care for them in custody, such as
they are at risk of infection. response to those at particularly not ensure that no one at the facil- cies in Homeland Security and In one major test, a federal quarantine, can be traumatic for
One judge in New York or- high risk must be with compas- ity has, or will contract, the virus. the Health Department respon- judge ruled that illegal immigrant juveniles.
dered 10 people released immedi- sion and not apathy,” wrote Judge In New York, Judge Analisa sible for juveniles at different children must be released more “This treatment of children
ately on Thursday, and a judge in Terry Hatter Jr., in the Central Torres ordered release of 10 points in the process. quickly to get them out of harm’s should make every single per-
California ordered two others set District of California. “The gov- migrants from an ICE facility Those actions include follow- way. But Judge Dolly M. Gee, an son in the United States sick to
free late Friday. Broader cases are ernment cannot act with a callous in New Jersey after the agency ing CDC guidelines, the govern- Obama appointee to the court in their stomach. At a time when
still pending in other courts that disregard for the safety of our acknowledged two coronavirus ment said. the Central District of California, protecting public health rests on
could spur release of thousands fellow human beings.” case facilities in the state. But judges in several cases said she wouldn’t order an im- access to care for all, inaction by
more people. He ordered release of two peo- ICE had indicated it was al- said it seems impossible to imag- mediate release, saying that could ICE endangers not only these
The Trump administration ple from an ICE contract facility ready working to release some ine that a 6-foot social distancing produce chaos as the government children’s health but also jeop-
has opposed the releases, ar- in Adelanto, California: One was of the migrants, but Judge Torres recommendation can be main- searched for sponsors to take ardizes the public,” said Denise
guing there’s no major danger a 58-year-old with kidney stones, ordered it sped up, saying she tained in confinement, so condi- custody. Bell, a researcher for Amnesty
and assuring the courts that U.S. arthritis and a hernia. The other wanted no mistakes or oversights. tions are inherently risky. Instead, she ordered International USA.
Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews


Nation “Don’t be too scared, it’s going to be all right. God loves you.”
— Country music legend Dolly Parton, in an Instagram video encouraging people to “keep the faith” amid the coronavirus


Volunteers offer
connection, aid
as participants
stay safe at home

WINTER PARK, FLA. | Sitting cross-legged in her living

room, Donna Borak rested her palm on her heart as she
guided a small group of virtual participants in meditation
and deep breathing. Notice where you might be holding
tension, she instructed.
“Send your attention to your head … maybe acknowl-
edging it’s OK if you’ve been worried and scared,” she
told them “Maybe finding comfort that we are all in this
From her Washington, D.C., home, Ms. Borak has been
hosting a free virtual meditation class daily for anyone who
wants “a respite during such a moment of uncertainty.”
Attendees are encouraged to bring children, loved ones
or pets. “Even your plants.”
“Inhale, maybe even a little bit more deeply this time,
slowly letting the air out of your mouth.”
As social distancing has emerged as a key tool to
staunch the spread of the coronavirus, ordinary people
around the globe have turned to technology to overcome
physical barriers. In ways big and small, they are forging
A wears a face shield and gloves while standing behind a plexiglass shield as she scans items at grocery store in Oklahoma City last week. new connections and comforting others inundated by
bad news about the virus or burdened by unpaid bills.
RETAIL Ms. Borak wanted to carve out a space for together-
ness — for a stressed-out parent, a manager or a laid-off

Retailers take extra steps to protect employee to take a break. So far, attendees joining her class
on Zoom video conferencing have mainly been friends
and family, and she’s been sharing sessions on Instagram.
“While a meditation class for 15 minutes doesn’t solve

workers, customers from coronavirus financial stress or help to explain what will happen next
or address serious health care concerns, to me, it’s an
opportunity to not be alone and to not exist in isolation,”

Precautions include rigorous cleaning, special hours, distancing signs she said by phone. “I didn’t want anyone to feel alone.”
For most people, the virus causes only mild or mod-
erate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some,
BY SHEN WU TAN especially older adults and people with existing health
THE WASHINGTON TIMES problems, it can cause more severe illness, including
pneumonia. The vast majority of people recover.
Retailers have implemented extra precau- A journalist whose work stints included The Associ-
tions for customers and employees as they ated Press and who had been attending yoga teacher
struggle to provide goods and services during training, Ms. Borak draws lessons from such testing times.
the coronavirus pandemic. “Going forward, for every time that we opted out at
Cleaning more rigorously, hosting special the last minute of attending an event or a happy hour or
hours for vulnerable customers, extending paid a dinner, we’ll hopefully feel differently about it when we
sick leave and putting up signs about social dis- come back together again,” she said. “We need each other.”
tancing are some of the steps stores have taken In Austin, Texas, Catherine Woodiwiss has also gone
to ease anxiety for consumers and workers. online to provide relief of a different kind. She knew that
“We’re taking any and all measures to ensure the cancellation of South by Southwest — a film, music and
the well-being of our customers and associates. technology festival that attracts hundreds of thousands to
To that end, we remain in contact with the CDC, Austin — could hit artists and small business owners hard.
as well as respective state health departments, Her first instinct to help by buying local wasn’t going to
and are taking every precaution necessary to work amid the social distancing and various shutdowns. So
keep our stores safe, cleaned and sanitized,” she encouraged those who lost income to reach out online.
said Charles Crowson, senior communications “I can’t give a ton, but I can give something, and will
manager for Walmart. as much / for as long as I can,” Ms. Woodiwiss tweeted.
Walmart stores adjusted operating hours to Social distancing is indicated on the floor at the checkout line at Oklahoma City grocery store last She said takers included an 18-year-old pregnant
help employees restock shelves and sanitize week to remind customers to stay apart because of concerns over the COVID-19 virus. woman who works as a cashier and said her store would
surfaces, and provided a voice-activated app be closed for a month and a musician whose shows would
for workers to use for cleaning guidance. have covered rent and other expenses.
The retail giant has installed plexiglass starting this week. CVS, its partnering phar- opening its stores to customers who are 60 She used Venmo to send money directly after doing a
“sneeze guards” at pharmacy lanes, and will macy, also will open early to accommodate years and older one hour before opening to the “light vetting” of recipients by looking at their accounts.
set up these barriers at regular registers over these shoppers. general public. The natural and organic market “I’m comfortable erring on the side of being of help,”
the next three weeks. It also has placed floor Grocery store chain Trader Joe’s temporar- is working under Amazon to expand free, two- she said. “In a moment of need, I am comfortable giving
decals at entrances and in checkout lanes to ily has closed some of its stores in New York, hour delivery and door-drop services for Prime to who asked for it.”
help customers gauge proper social distancing. New Jersey and Maryland, where staff members members in more than 2,000 cities and towns. There are “times that I have been very much in need
Target said it will station staff members at tested positive for COVID-19, for cleaning and It also is trying to expand pickup services to of financial support from other people,” Ms. Woodiwiss
store entrances to make sure carts are clean restocking. The store in Elkridge, Maryland, all markets in a shorter time frame. said in a phone interview. “I am very lucky to be at a
for customers. Employees will clean checkout which closed due to a suspected COVID-19 Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease moment … where that’s not true.”
lanes after each transaction and alternate the case, reopened Friday. specialist at Vanderbilt University, said stores She’s been setting aside money for a while to help with
use of lanes to allow deep cleaning of those Trader Joe’s is limiting the number of cus- could check their employees’ temperature be- different causes. Now coronavirus is her cause — and
not in use. Target will stop accepting in-store tomers in a store at one time, exercising social fore work as another precaution. He also offered she’s part of a bigger effort. On her social media feeds,
product returns and exchanges for the next distancing practices, cleaning carts and baskets some shopping tips: she’s seen people come together in new ways, holding
three weeks, but will honor returns that expire and suggesting shoppers limit their purchases ⦁ Order groceries online or by phone, then “singing circles” or sharing self-quarantine recipes.
within that time period. to two per item. The grocery chain is stressing pick up the items at the store to minimize Ms. Borak and Ms. Woodiwiss are among an army of
For now, Target is pausing the sales of reus- that its employees stay home if they are sick contact. virtual volunteers worldwide donating time and money.
able bags and is asking customers who shop or feeling unwell, offering an additional seven ⦁ If groceries or other items are delivered, Some have used the Internet to set up food-delivery
with these to bag their own items at checkout. days of paid sick time. For staff quarantined for wash your hands after handling packages and services to the elderly. One mother issued an interna-
Paper and plastic bags will be available, and or diagnosed with coronavirus, Trader Joe’s is wipe down cardboard boxes. tional call for help celebrating the birthdays of her self-
any local fees will be waived during this time. providing up to two weeks of paid leave. ⦁ Visit the store during non-peak hours. quarantined children.
The stores are expanding dedicated shop- Customers will not be charged for Trader ⦁ When shopping during “seniors only” “People are trying to figure out how to belong with
ping hours for seniors and those with exist- Joe’s paper bags, and the grocery stores are hours, be aware of long lines and observe the each other … when we are physically separate,” Ms.
ing health problems, reserving Tuesday and installing plexiglass at registers. 6-foot rule of social distancing. Woodiwiss said. “In this moment of real, relatively
Wednesday mornings for vulnerable customers Whole Foods is adjusting its hours and ⦁ Use self checkout when possible. unanticipated crisis, it’s been really great to see people
show up.”


Virus pandemic garners attention for obscure Catholic St. Corona

BY CHRISTOPHER VONDRACEK during times of economic crisis, over whether she born in France, “crown”), to imply that she Pandemics” — to intercede for emergency, say scholars.
THE WASHINGTON TIMES according to the Catholic News Syria or Sicily. She is believed to had lived a richly spiritual life. the congregation. “In view of how COVID-19
Service. have been the 16-year-old wife of Coronaviruses are so named be- ⦁ On Wednesday, a headline has triggered an economic crisis,
Of all the notable figures the “Over the centuries, St. Co- a Roman soldier, who either was cause the spiky germs resemble on a web article by The Hill with many people fearful about
coronavirus pandemic has thrust rona was often prayed to by or was a comrade of St. Vincent, a crown under a microscope. read: “German cathedral pre- money matters looming ahead, it
into the spotlight — Anthony people seeking her help in times in Damascus circa 160. But during the current pan- pares showcase for relics of Saint might not be at all far-fetched for
Fauci, Deborah Birx, Tom Hanks of trouble, be it heavy storms For his Christian beliefs in demic, some faithful are conflat- Corona, patron of epidemics.” them to call on the saint for sup-
— none is more unexpected than or livestock diseases,” the news violation of Roman law, Vincent ing the names and praying for Meanwhile, officials at Ger- port,” the Catholic News Service
a little-known Catholic saint, a agency, run by the U.S. Confer- was tortured and beheaded. Co- the saint’s intercession: many’s Aachen Cathedral, one said in its post.
martyr of the 2nd century who ence of Catholic Bishops, said rona provided comfort to him ⦁ Earlier this month, Vienna- of Europe’s oldest, are displaying The news service added that
seemingly shares the name of Thursday in an online post. during his tortures and was mar- based Gloria TV posted an ar- relics of St. Corona. But contrary St. Corona’s feast day — May
the deadly virus. “People believed she had a posi- tyred herself: Tied between bent ticle describing St. Corona as the to a Reuters report, she has not 14 — may prove a more reason-
St. Corona typically has not tive influence regarding money palm trees, she was ripped her “patroness of pandemics.” historically been referred to her able time for emerging from the
been beseeched as a patron saint matters, with ‘coronae’ (crowns) apart when the trunks snapped ⦁ On March 18, the Diocese as an intermediary for “resisting shadows of stay-at-home orders
of cures or contagions (falla- being the name given to coins.” erect. of Lansing, Michigan, posted an epidemics.” for many Americans than Easter,
cious internet stories to the The story of St. Corona is She was given her saintly article to its website calling on Still, her intercession could as has been promulgated by the
contrary), but as a benefactor murky, with experts disagreeing name Corona, (Latin for Saint Corona — “Patroness of be of aid in the ongoing health White House.
Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews


American Scene
Study: Little asbestos found ARKANSAS
after Detroit house demolitions
Cost-savings and public safety
benefits by swiftly demolishing dan-
Six injured as tornado tears through Arkansas college town
gerous vacant houses in Detroit could From combined dispatches Forecasters with the Storm Predic-
outweigh the risk of asbestos exposure JONESBORO, ARK. | A tornado ripped tion Center in Norman, Oklahoma,
to people in neighborhoods, accord- through northeast Arkansas on Satur- warned that a severe weather outbreak
ing to researchers at the University of day, leaving six people hurt after hitting was possible later Saturday for much of
Michigan. commercial and residential areas in the the central U.S.
A study of 25 emergency demoli- college town of Jonesboro. In Iowa, severe storms damaged an
tions found small to undetectable The six people reported injured apartment building in the northeast
concentrations of asbestos, which has were taken to a local hospital with portion of the staet Saturday night and
been linked to cancer, mesothelioma minor juries, Jonesboro E-911 Director knocked down power lines in the area.
and other illnesses. Jeff Presley said. The tornado did major A tornado that was spotted in Oel-
Of 101 air samples analyzed, 54 damage at the Mall at Turtle Creek and wein, Iowa, tore off part of the wall of
showed a measurable “amount of dust Jonesboro Municipal Airport. a 12-unit apartment building and dam-
of any kind,” said Rick Neitzel, associ- Like much of the rest of the world, aged the siding of a second building in
ate professor of environmental health Jonesboro is working to fight the spread the complex. Oelwein police said no
science and principal investigator on of COVID-19. Because of that, most serious injuries were reported.
the study. stores in the Mall at Turtle Creek were In Illinois, a tornado touched down
But only one microscopic asbestos closed Saturday to fight the coronavirus late Saturday in northern part of the
fiber was found in samples from each pandemic. state, damaging homes and uproot-
of two houses. Severe weather could have been ing trees, weather officials confirmed
“Frankly, I was expecting to find much worse if not for that, Mr. Presley Sunday.
more asbestos,” Mr. Neitzel said. “We said. The tornado touched down in Ogle
were extremely surprised, and it “At 5 o’clock on a Saturday afternoon County just outside the city of Oregon
was great news from a public health that place would’ve been packed, and around 9 p.m. Saturday, according to
perspective.” at this point there was hardly anyone A group of people help clear debris and salvage items from Pawn Depot after a National Weather Service meteorolo-
The average cost to tear down a va- in there,” he said. “It’s a blessing in tornado touched down Saturday in Jonesboro, Arkansas. gist Gino Izzi. It was on the ground for
cant house in Detroit is about $12,600, disguise.” roughly 10 minutes.
according to the Detroit Land Bank Power was out in sections of the city, No injuries were reported.
Authority. which affected the city’s traffic lights. whether there it had been hauling any- much of eastern Arkansas, tweeted One home appeared to have lost its
Nearly, $4,000 of that cost goes to Wreckage tossed about by the twister thing hazardous. that a tornado tore through “the heart roof and windows, officials said. Survey
removing asbestos before demolition, also blocked roads. The mayor issued The National Weather Service of town” and asked for prayers for first teams planned to assess the damage
as required by federal rules. a 7 p.m. curfew, and authorities asked tweeted a video from the Arkansas responders. Mr. Crawford said his staff Sunday.
The study suggests that money in- people not to drive around. Department of Transportation that and family were safe. Reports of possible tornadoes Sat-
stead could be spent on tearing down The storm also derailed a train, showed a large tornado dropping from Jonesboro is home to Arkansas State urday in Illinois also cropped up in
more houses. Mr. Presley said. Crews were examin- storm clouds in Jonesboro. University. The university tweeted that Peoria County, where there were power
“Crime and things associated with ing damage and trying to determine Rep. Rick Crawford, who represents campus was not damaged. outages, and Henry County.
blighted homes likely pose a much
bigger impact from a public health per-
spective,” Mr. Neitzel said. Mayor Mike Duggan’s administra- In an announcement Sunday, CBS concerts. pursuit of food to stray more often into
But city officials noted that federal tion has torn down about 19,000 vacant said the country stars will perform “an CBS says the special will be filmed shipping lanes, scientists say.
requirements would have to change for houses in Detroit since 2014. intimate concert for viewers look- with a minimal crew that will take The phenomenon already has
them to stop doing abatement. — Associated Press ing for the comfort and shared joy of social distancing precautions. increased ship strikes involving rare
“We are encouraged that this study music during this difficult time.” — Associated Press North Atlantic right whales on the
shows our environmental protocols CALIFORNIA The inspiration came from a live East Coast and giant blue whales on
during demolition have effectively show that Mr. Brooks performed from MAINE the West Coast, researchers say.
protected residents,” Detroit Demoli-
Garth Brooks, Trisha Yearwood his studio last week that attracted mil- The number of strikes off California
tion Director LaJuan Counts told The to take requests in live special lions of viewers and caused Facebook
Whales face more ship increased threefold in 2018 — to at
Associated Press. “Unless there is a LOS ANGELES | Country power cou- Live to crash multiple times. collisions as waters warm least 10 — compared to previous years.
change at the federal level, we will ple Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood With millions of Americans staying PORTLAND | Climate change is im- When whales are killed in a ship
continue to include abatement as part will be taking viewer requests during a at home to try to stop the spread of the periling the world’s largest animals by collision, they often sink and don’t
of our standard demolition protocols.” live prime-time show this week filmed coronavirus, performers are turning increasing the likelihood of fatal col- always wash ashore.
The exception being emergency at their home. to live streamed concerts to reach fans lisions between whales and big ships So scientists and conservationists
demolitions when “abatement is not CBS will air the special, “Garth and and lift spirits. John Legend, Keith that ply the same waters. say fatal ship strikes are dramatically
possible due to worker safety con- Trisha: Live!” on Wednesday at 9 p.m. Urban and John Mayer are among Warming ocean temperatures are underreported.
cerns,” Mr. Counts said. Eastern. the stars who have performed virtual causing some species of whales in — Associated Press

COBURN Alaska’s congressional delegation in-

serted an “earmark” into a bill directing
“From Day One, he was completely
transparent, honest and straightforward
Vermont independent, on legislation
to allow Americans to access prescrip-
From page A1 $223 million to the project. The Alaskans with me. But he didn’t just give me his tion drugs sold at lower prices in other
said the bridge was needed to replace a trust; it was something I had to earn countries.
on a commission to cut the deficit. less reliable ferry service. over time,” Mr. Bowles said. “But once “The real reason he was so dangerous
Mr. Coburn won election to the U.S. After Hurricane Katrina slammed he did feel confident that Al and I were is because he was so independent and
House as part of the Republican sweep in the Gulf Coast, Mr. Coburn called on as committed to real fiscal responsibility had his own opinions and solutions on
1994, when he captured a Democrat-held Congress to cut the bridge money and and reform as he was, he educated us, everything,” Mr. Foster said.
seat. He served three terms and then left use it to rebuild a bridge in Louisiana. His directed us and led us to ideas and solu- Those solutions showed up in Mr.
to keep his term limit pledge. The seat amendment was crushed by a 82-15 vote. tions we would never have found without Coburn’s oversight reports. One report
was promptly won by a Democrat. But the bridge was never built. Mr. his direction, guidance and expertise.” exposed the massive Social Security
Four years later, he sought Oklaho- Coburn had made the project too toxic. scam run by Eric C. Conn, a lawyer in
ma’s open Senate seat. Republican lead- Former Sen. Tom Coburn bucked right- Several years later, Alaska Gov. Sarah The outsider Kentucky who filed thousands of bogus
ers worked against him in the primary, wing views on homosexuality and was a Palin canceled the project and said the That’s not to say Mr. Coburn wasn’t disability applications. Had the fraud not
but he won. In the general election, he champion for HIV/AIDS patients. money would be used elsewhere. willing to mix it up. been stopped, it could have accounted
beat Rep. Brad Carson, the Democrat Earmarks never recovered from the Most freshman senators are content for $1 billion in lifetime benefits that
who had taken over his House seat. bad press and were eliminated by 2011. to lie low and get a feel for how the Sen- shouldn’t have been paid.
Alan Frumin, who was parliamen- redundancies that as of last year saved ate operates. Some wait months before Conn is now in prison serving a
tarian in the Senate during most of Mr. $262 billion — “and counting,” said Gene Silly science and other crusades delivering their maiden speeches on 12-year sentence for the fraud and a
Coburn’s tenure, said people warned him Dodaro, who, as comptroller general, is Mr. Coburn made “shrimp on a tread- the floor. 15-year sentence for escaping home
of the impending storm after Mr. Co- head of the GAO. mill” famous when he highlighted a Mr. Coburn didn’t bother with a confinement.
burn’s election in 2004. He was prickly The GAO’s duplication webpage has federally funded science research project maiden speech. He just began block-
and tough to work with, the story went. been viewed more than 280,000 times. that involved running shrimp on a spe- ing other senators’ bills. Within a few ‘A special, special man’
“Suffice to say it, they were wrong,” The reports have more than 165,000 cially built treadmill designed to test how months of taking office, Roll Call, a Many members of Congress, when
Mr. Frumin said. views on PDF and have been down- shrimp absorbed oxygen under stress. Capitol Hill newspaper, said Mr. Coburn they come to Washington, go through a
“We developed such respect for loaded nearly 45,000 times. When a video of the shrimp surfaced, had put a “hold” on hundreds of pieces transformation. For the first few years,
his way of doing business, and respect When the next report is released Mr. Coburn pounced and dubbed it a of legislation. when they talk about “we,” they usually
morphed into affection, and I say that this spring, the $262 billion figure will waste of taxpayer money. Don Ritchie, historian emeritus for mean their constituents back home.
as somebody who, he certainly put us be even higher. The Washington Times reached out the Senate, said Mr. Coburn probably Eventually, when they say “we,” they
through our paces,” Mr. Frumin said. “He “The gift that keeps on giving, and to the study’s author but got no response. holds the all-time record for holds. mean themselves and other members
was dogged, he was thorough and he was it will for a long time,” Mr. Dodaro said. Mr. Coburn also challenged the Social Some of Mr. Coburn’s friends on of Congress.
good to his word on everything. He was One of Mr. Coburn’s principles drilled Security disability of a man who lived as Capitol Hill seemed to misunderstand Mr. Coburn didn’t succumb to that.
a force to be reckoned with.” into staff was that they shouldn’t be an “adult baby” who slept in diapers in an him and labeled him a hard-liner. The He made a three-term pledge when
Setting aside the late Sen. Robert C. afraid to fight and lose. Sometimes you adult-size crib and collected government reality was far more complex. he first ran for the House in 1994 and
Byrd, the West Virginia Democrat who won the war by losing a few choice benefits, even though he acknowledged He was a champion for HIV/AIDS stuck to it. He left the chamber after the
literally wrote the book on the history battles. he had some computer and woodwork- patients, though in his own way, said 2000 election.
of the Senate, Mr. Coburn was in a class But they were also drilled to always ing skills. Scott Evertz, who was Mr. Bush’s director When he ran for the Senate, he im-
of his own when it came to learning and treat legislative opponents with respect, When Democrats called a press con- of AIDS policy. posed a two-term pledge on himself. He
deploying the chamber’s rules. to try to find common ground and to ference to complain that Mr. Coburn was “Being concerned about an epidemic ended up staying just 10 years and left
Few senators bother to pay attention outwork everyone else. blocking a bill that they wanted Congress or a pandemic, and being fiscally conser- early because of poor health.
to the rules. Of those who do, some “When I met Dr. Coburn in Novem- to pass, he showed up and sat in the front vative, are not mutually exclusive,” Mr. “Tom Coburn was a special, special
delegate to their staff while others learn ber 1994, he got right up in my face and row alongside the press.”I’m going to Evertz said. “I don’t think there was any- man,” said Sen. Ben Sasse, Nebraska
it all themselves. Mr. Coburn did both. said, ‘Are you sure you want to work for enjoy the festivities,” he told reporters. one that could quarrel with the fact that Republican. “He was a Christian and a
me? I’m not coming to Washington to Mr. Coburn was the chief sponsor of he cared about people living with HIV.” father and a husband, and all of those
‘I’m not coming to Washington make friends,’ ” recalled Roland Foster, Sen. Barack Obama’s biggest legislative Mr. Evertz recalled a meeting of the identities were much more important
to make friends’ Mr. Coburn’s legislative director. “After accomplishment: the Federal Funding president’s advisory AIDS council where to him than where he got his paycheck.”
By his own measure, Mr. Coburn being elected to the Senate, a Senate Accountability and Transparency Act of Mr. Coburn passed out a book, “Sexual Mr. Coburn took pains to keep his ties
failed in 2010 when the Senate was debat- staffer advised me not to work for him 2006. Mr. Obama attended the ceremony Ecology,” written by a gay rights ac- to his Oklahoma life while in Washington
ing yet another debt limit increase and because no one was going to work with at the White House where President tivist. The book was rather graphic — including delivering babies as part of
he came to the floor with an amendment him. After irritating nearly everyone George W. Bush signed it into law. The and stunned liberal and conservative his doctor’s practice.
demanding $120 billion in spending cuts. in Washington for 20 years, he left the measure created, members. Mr. Evertz said Mr. Coburn That sparked another of his fights
He figured government had at least Senate at a time of extreme partisanship which is still the best way to track gov- found the book scientifically sound and against the Washington establishment.
enough duplication that agencies should but with more friends on both sides of ernment contracts and disbursements. therefore deemed it worthwhile. The Senate ethics committee ruled that
be able to sweat out that much. the aisle than nearly anyone else left in Already famous in Washington, Mr. In 1996, when Republican presiden- Mr. Coburn was violating conflict of
Democrats who controlled the politics.” Coburn gained national attention with tial nominee Bob Dole was refusing a interest rules by holding an outside job.
chamber resisted, and so did some Coburn staffers figure they wrote his annual “Wastebook,” which high- campaign donation from the Log Cabin Mr. Coburn then stopped taking pay-
Republicans. more than 1,000 amendments to cut lighted silly spending. Late-night come- Republicans, whose members advocate ment and said he would work pro bono.
Mr. Coburn settled for a study, and spending during his 10 years in the dians ate it up. for gay rights, Mr. Coburn spoke at the The committee rejected that plan, saying
Congress ordered the Government Ac- Senate. Those who worked with Mr. Coburn group’s event, Mr. Foster said. he was working at a for-profit hospital so
countability Office to produce a report Most of the amendments were eas- said he was never cheap. He gave his best Mr. Foster said Mr. Coburn had skep- it presented a conflict of interest.
on redundancies. ily defeated or, more often, never even and expected that of those around him. ticism of big business as well as big He ignored the committee and con-
Yet that failure may be the single got a vote. “I loved working with him. He ac- government. Among the measures he tinued his practice.
most successful act of budget-cutting One of those failures was the Bridge tually made it easy to do so,” said Mr. sponsored were bills to prohibit insur- A little-known fact, according to a
in decades. That Republican study be- to Nowhere, a span in Alaska that was Bowles, who worked with Mr. Coburn ance companies from canceling policies longtime aide, is that one of the babies
came known as the duplication report, to be built to reach Gravina Island, with on a committee to make suggestions for for those who sought HIV tests. He also Mr. Coburn delivered was future “Ameri-
a yearly page-turner of government a permanent population of perhaps 50. cutting the deficit. teamed up with Sen. Bernard Sanders, can Idol” winner Carrie Underwood.
Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2020 ☆R WORLD | A9

World “This is not the time to gather followers. This is not a time for political war.”
— Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, under fire for the heavy toll the coronavirus pandemic
has had on his country, appealing for unity at a Cabinet meeting Sunday as authorities reported
another 123 deaths, pushing Iran’s overall toll to 2,640 dead and 38,309 confirmed cases

Pyongyang tests new missiles
as tensions rise on peninsula
SARS share
SEOUL | North Korea on Sunday fired
two suspected ballistic missiles into the
sea, South Korea and Japan said, con-
tinuing a streak of weapons launches
that suggests leader Kim Jong-un is
trying to strengthen domestic support
amid worries about a possible coronavi-
expert says
rus outbreak in the country.
South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff
said it detected the projectiles flying
Novel virus ‘does
from the North Korean eastern coastal
city of Wonsan into the waters between
mimic its sibling’
the Korean Peninsula and Japan on BY BILL GERTZ
Sunday morning. The projectiles flew THE WASHINGTON TIMES
about 143 miles at a maximum altitude
of 19 miles COVID-19 closely resembles the virus that
The military described the launches caused the outbreak of the SARS epidemic in China
as “very inappropriate” at a time when 17 years ago and was not a surprise to experts in the
the world is battling the coronavirus field, according to a specialist at a leading research
pandemic. center that studied the virus.
— Associated Press Kenneth Plante, a director at the World Refer-
U.S. officials said they turned over operations, as well as some $1.1 million in equipment, to Iraqi Security Forces ence Center for Emerging Viruses and Arboviruses,
GERMANY at K1 Air Base, making it the third Iraqi outpost U.S. and allied forces have left just in the past month. a repository of viruses at University of Texas Medi-
cal Branch in Galveston, has been studying the virus
State minister believed to be IRAQ since early February.
a suicide over virus despair Both the 2003 SARS virus and the new strain
BERLIN | The state finance minister of
Germany’s Hesse region, which includes
Frankfurt, appears to have killed himself
U.S. turns over third military this year originated from bats in China and mutated
in ways that allowed infections in humans, he said.
“The interesting thing about this virus is that it
and the state’s governor suggested
Sunday that he was in despair over the
fallout from the coronavirus crisis.
The body of Thomas Schaefer, a
base in 1 month to Iraqi control does mimic its sibling, the standard SARS corona-
virus,” Mr. Plante said.
Researchers so far have learned much about the
new virus and are working to validate how close its
54-year-old member of Chancellor
Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Consolidation comes amid tensions with Iran characteristics are to SARS.
“Some people have been hypothesizing this virus
Union, was found Saturday on railway coming out for years,” Mr. Plante said. “And when
tracks at Hochheim, near Frankfurt. BY GUY TAYLOR The New York Times reported Friday that the it finally did come out, it came out pretty close to
State governor Volker Bouffier THE WASHINGTON TIMES Pentagon has ordered U.S. commanders to prepare a what people would expect it to emerge as.”
said Mr. Schaefer was worried about campaign to destroy the leading Shiite militia, Kataib Mr. Plante said there are signs the virus is mutat-
“whether it would be possible to suc- A key northern Iraqi military base that was at the Hezbollah, which has carried out attacks against Ameri- ing from its original form.
ceed in fulfilling the population’s huge center of recent tensions between U.S. and Iran-backed can troops. The top U.S. commander in Iraq, Lt. Gen. “This virus has been actually remarkably stable
expectations, particularly of financial forces in the area became the face of a widening Ameri- Robert P. White, reportedly strongly advised against in our hands,” he noted. “But there is a possibility
help.” can drawdown from Iraq on Sunday. such a clash, the newspaper said. that we could see some further mutations that could
— Associated Press U.S. officials said they turned over operations, as None of the options facing the White House are change the [characteristics] of this virus.”
well as some $1.1 million in equipment, to Iraqi Security optimal, according to Kirsten Fontenrose, a former Researchers believe the current virus was trans-
PHILIPPINES Forces at K1 Air Base near Kirkuk, making it the third top National Security Council adviser in the Trump mitted from bats to another animal host and then
Iraqi outpost U.S. and allied forces have left just in the administration who now heads the Scowcroft Middle to humans. Another mutation allowed it to spread
American, Canadian among past month. East Security Initiative at the Atlantic Council. rapidly among humans.
dead as plane explodes Amid reports claimed the Trump administration “The number of violent attacks on U.S., Iraqi, and China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, after ini-
MANILA | A plane carrying eight is clandestinely preparing a military offensive against international troops and civilians by Iran-directed tially agreeing to provide virus samples to the cen-
people, including an American and a Iran-backed militants in Iraq that have clashed with paramilitary groups in Iraq has escalated in the past ter, declined to supply any samples, Mr. Plante said
Canadian, burst into flames Sunday American and allied forces, there was no indication two weeks at an alarming rate,” Ms. Fontenrose wrote in the interview late last week. The first U.S. samples
while attempting to take off from Ma- Sunday that the movement of some 300 U.S. and in an analysis published by the think tank last week. were obtained by the Centers for Disease Control
nila’s airport on a flight bound for Japan, other international forces from K1 was tied to such She said uptick was likely ordered by Iranian leaders and Prevention from a patient in Washington state
killing all those on board, officials said. preparations. seeking to use the coronavirus pandemic as cover to and sent to the Texas virus center on Feb. 6.
The Westwind 24 plane, which was U.S. officials instead inside that the troop movements make advances inside Iraq, and that Tehran should be The center has sent the samples on to more than
carrying six Filipino crew members and were planned months ago and were set in motion by wary of how Washington may respond. 100 research and diagnostic centers mainly in the
the American and Canadian passengers, the U.S.-led international coalition has had in breaking “Tehran is betting that the world is too consumed United States. The best researchers in the world are
was bound for Tokyo on a medical mis- the Islamic State’s hold on territory in Iraq and Syria. with managing a pandemic to hold them accountable working on determining how the virus functions,
sion when it caught fire near the end of A statement Sunday by the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq — and that the U.S. administration is unwilling to stay how it spreads and how it can be stopped.
the main runway. insisted the pullbacks “are not related to recent attacks the course in Iraq because it is too gun-shy in an elec- “We already have infectious clones; we already
Officials declined to identify the vic- by Iraqi Shiite militias — which U.S. officials say were tion year and too financially strapped by the coming know the receptor,” he said in an interview. “There
tims until their families were informed. planned in coordination with Tehran. The statement burden of U.S. unemployment,” Ms. Fontenrose wrote. are animals already in place and with laboratories,
The airport had only minimal staff due said they are also unrelated to coronavirus develop- “[But] the implications of a global pandemic make that repositories that are being collaborative, we are
to air travel restrictions owing to the ments in Iraq, and fit with U.S. plans to consolidate the a risky bet.” getting a lot of work done very quickly.”
coronavirus. deployments of an estimated 5,000 U.S. troops in Iraq. “The one variable that the regime in Tehran may not The similarities to the earlier SARS virus, which
— Associated Press U.S. Brig Gen. Vincent Barker noted that the base have considered is this: their assumption that [Presi- spread to around 8,000 people worldwide and killed
near the Kurdish city of Kirkuk was essential to the dent Trump] is loath to start a war with Iran is based almost 800, are still being studied.
POLAND fight in recent years against Islamic State safe havens on conditions that pre-date coronavirus,” she wrote. By contrast, the new virus has infected over
in the nearby Hamrin Mountain. Kurdish forces in “With U.S. unemployment skyrocketing, the prospect of 680,000 people and caused nearly 32,000 deaths
Music world mourns death recent months have said Islamic State remains active ramping up military engagement begins to look like an worldwide.
of composer Penderecki in the region. economic stimulus package and federal jobs program.” “Thankfully, the case fatality rate is lower with
WARSAW | Krzysztof Penderecki, one But K1 was also the target of a rocket strike in late U.S. commanders in Iraq on Sunday said coalition this virus, though it does seem to be more transmis-
of the world’s most popular contempo- December that killed an American contractor, trigger- forces are being consolidated in Baghdad and at the Ain sible,” Mr. Plante said.
rary classical music composers whose ing a series of tit-for-tat attacks that included a deadly al-Asad Air Base. Forces have already withdrawn this The origin of the virus is still unknown and
works have featured in Hollywood films U.S. drone strike on senior Iranian commander Gen. month from the Qayyara base in Nineveh province and according to the National Academies of Science,
like “The Shining” and “Shutter Island,” Qassem Soleimani and an Iranian retaliatory salvo the Qaim base near the border with Syria. Engineering and Medicine, the president of the
died Sunday. He was 86. that left over 100 U.S. service personnel with lingering U.S. Army Col. Myles Caggins, a spokesman for Chinese Academy of Sciences initially agreed that
Mr. Penderecki was best known brain injuries. the coalition, said troops have so far been relocated to the Wuhan Institute of Virology would share virus
for his monumental compositions for The attacks nearly put Iran and the U.S. on the path other bases and some will head home in the coming samples with the Texas center. But after some dis-
orchestra and choir, like “St. Luke Pas- to open conflict, and leading politicians allied to the weeks. He said additional withdrawals are planned “in cussions, the provision of samples, “never actually
sion” and “Seven Gates of Jerusalem,” Shiite militias have stepped up a campaign demanding the coming days.” happened,” Mr. Plante said.
though his range was much wider. at all U.S. forces withdraw. ⦁ This article is based in part on wire service reports. Mr. Plante dismissed the one theory about the
— Associated Press virus — that the virus was being researched at
a laboratory in Wuhan, and may have escaped
through mishandling of infected animals, or an ac-
cidental infection of a lab worker. It also undercuts
MILITARY a Chinese-pushed conspiracy theory that somehow
a U.S. Army team participating in the World Mili-
Report sees persisting problems in privatized military housing tary Games in Wuhan last year brought the virus
with them.
“There’s a lot of conspiracy theories that this
BY MIKE GLENN raised questions about [the Defense Department’s] The GAO officials made several observations came out of a biocontainment facility and things
THE WASHINGTON TIMES management and oversight of privatized military during a yearlong investigation of a number of of that sort,” he said. “But these viruses are closely
housing,” according to the report by the congres- military bases across the country. related to bats.”
The Defense Department needs to take on a sional watchdog group. While the services were using performance “I’ve seen no evidence this is a virus that came
larger oversight role in the management of priva- The GAO said individual service members said metrics to monitor the housing companies, those out of a lab,” he added. “This appeared in an area
tized housing for the troops to make sure complaints they would refuse to live in private housing and that standards didn’t result in any meaningful informa- where it was hypothesized to appear. Close contact
about substandard conditions like mold, leaks and the conditions were so poor in some instances that tion about the conditions the troops were living in. with animals that have zoonotic virus and people
rodents are dealt with, according to a new report it influenced their decision on whether to reenlist. While maintenance data was being collected by like we’re seeing in these wet markets are prime
by auditors from the Government Accountability While acknowledging the military services the military and the housing companies, it wasn’t places for these zoonoses to emerge into human
Office. have increased their monitoring of base housing done in a reliable or consistent manner. populations.”
The report comes amid lawsuits and mounting conditions, the GAO report issued late last week The GAO also found that information in some Zoonosis is a disease transmitted from animals
concern on Capitol Hill over the conditions for found that military officials lack reliable data on of the reports the Department of Defense sent to to humans.
many service personnel and their families since housing maintenance or resident satisfaction. Sen. Congress over the years also was not reliable. On China’s lack of cooperation, Mr. Plante said
the Pentagon increased its reliance on private Mark Warner, the Virginia Democrat who pushed In their report to Congress, GAO investigators China recently has been slightly more forthcoming
contractors to provide housing. for the report, said the conclusions support what made 12 recommendations, including improving but that tight political controls have limited more
In 1996, Congress enacted the Military Housing military families have been telling him. performance indicators, maintenance data and cooperation.
Privatization Initiative to bring in private sector The Defense Department “has not done enough resident satisfaction reporting. The Department of “Samples… are notoriously difficult to get out
developers and property management companies to protect service members and their families, who Defense also should study what impact the initia- of China,” he said, noting the political climate and
to take over virtually all military housing — more have been forced to put up with unacceptable living tives might have on project finances. regulations.
than 200,000 residences. conditions in private military housing for far too The Defense Department “generally concurred Data sharing among nations outside of China
“Over the last few years, reports of the pres- long,” Mr. Warner said. “It’s about time to even out with the recommendations and identified actions picked up as the virus spread as the nations un-
ence of lead-based paint and other hazards, such the power imbalance between our service members it plans to take to implement them,” GAO officials derstood the severity of the outbreak and need to
as mold and pest and rodent infestation, have and privatized military housing companies.” said in their report. respond rapidly.
Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews



1 to 500 501 to 1,000 1,001 to 2,000 2,000+

Latest data reported as of March 29 at 10:10 a.m. EDT; Cruise ship cases and 100 cases in Puerto Rico not shown.

The Rev. Peter Gower of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church in Johnston, Rhode Island, spread incense to worshippers sitting in their

VIRUS Mr. Trump’s comments implied that

masks were being siphoned off somehow
cars during a Sunday Mass he led from the front door, Gatherings are restricted because of the rapidly spreading coronavirus.

From page A1 instead of being used by health care

professionals who are working around At a meeting with supply chain execu- travel for 14 days. restaurant workers have been laid off.
discovered in Wuhan, China, in De- the clock, at great personal risk, to help tives, Mr. Trump said the pace of pro- The president said he doesn’t think he Mr. Trump also said he wants to get
cember. The disease killed thousands people dying from COVID-19 in the duction will depend on companies that scared anyone by floating the quarantine cruise lines and other industries going
in China before the epicenter shifted to hardest-hit part of the U.S. he is asking — or compelling through and that, instead, it compelled people to again.
South Korea and then Europe and the “Something’s going on. And you the Defense Production Act — to pri- stay home. “We had the greatest economy in
Americas. ought to look into it as reporters,” he said. oritize federal orders for the lifesaving The decision-making on Saturday the history of the world three weeks
Italy has the worst death toll, with Governors are pressuring Mr. Trump machines. was the latest turn in America’s unpre- ago,” said Mr. Trump, who had hoped
nearly 11,000, followed by Spain, with to use the full weight of his powers to Ventilators are machines that help dictable bout with the virus. to highlight the economy as part of his
over 6,800. expand the production of medical equip- people breathe. COVID-19 causes respi- On Feb. 26, Mr. Trump said the num- reelection bid this year.
New York City is the epicenter of ment and protective gear for health care ratory distress, so ventilators are consid- ber of COVID-19 cases “within a couple Mr. Trump defended his approach
the crisis in the U.S., which has reported workers on the front lines. ered the most vital piece of equipment of days is going to be down to close to the epidemic in Florida, a state that
over 33,000 cases of the coronavirus and Mr. Trump’s response to the crisis has for hospitals battling the pandemic. to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve is pivotal to his election bid.
nearly 680 deaths, according to the Johns been dogged by questions about a lack of Mr. Trump said two major insurers, done.” He said Florida’s requests for supplies
Hopkins University tracker. supplies in select states and the delayed Humana and Cigna, have waived costs “We’re going very substantially down, have been fulfilled because they are
The president noted that he grew up start to robust testing. for coronavirus treatments and he hopes not up,” he said. “very aggressive.” But he quickly pivoted,
in New York and had never seen anything Mr. Trump on Sunday was combative other insurers do the same. On Sunday, Mr. Trump again spoke of saying all governors should be happy.
like the devastation hitting the city, as and hit back at those who said he still was The pandemic has upended Ameri- the possibility of “massive depression, “Florida has been taken care of,
refrigerated trucks take away bodies. not doing enough. He railed against media can life, with masses of adults balanc- meaning mental depression” and “large Michigan has been taken care of,” Mr.
“You see the black body bags. It’s outlets that are leery of carrying his brief- ing telework with home-schooling and numbers of suicides.” He also raised the Trump said.
not supplies; it’s people. I’ve never seen ings live and Democratic governors who church services on YouTube. Local wa- likelihood of more drug addiction. In the same breath, he said he “doesn’t
anything like it. These people are doing have criticized his administration’s efforts. tering holes have shuttered, while essen- “You will see drugs being used like like” the Democratic governor of Wash-
a fantastic job,” Mr. Trump said. “When they’re disrespecting me, tials such as grocers, gas stations and, in nobody ever used them before,” he said. ington state, Jay Inslee, and that’s why
Even as he described the horror, the they’re disrespecting the government,” some places, liquor stores remain open. Mr. Trump signed a $2 trillion bill he gets Vice President Mike Pence to
president questioned the tremendous Mr. Trump said. Major cities including Detroit and from Capitol Hill on Friday to catch an call instead.
use of medical masks at an unnamed Officials said the U.S. had performed New Orleans reported spikes in the economy in freefall, though he is already “I want them to appreciate the incred-
hospital in New York, noting that use 894,000 tests for the coronavirus infec- number of cases over the weekend, looking at additional measures. ible job we’re doing,” Mr. Trump said.
surged from 10,000 to 20,000 to 300,000 tion as of the close of business Saturday. through New York City remains the key The president said he ordered his The president said New York Gov.
in recent days. The rate of testing is far better than it worry spot. Treasury and labor secretaries to look into Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, is pleased
“Where are the masks going? Are they was in the early days of the pandemic, as Mr. Trump on Saturday said he was restoring the tax deductibility of meals with the speed at which the Army Corps
going out the back door? How do you go commercial testing comes online, though considering a quarantine of the tri-state for corporations whose workers frequent of Engineers and Federal Emergency
from 10,000 to 300,000? And we have the administration is still prioritizing area around New York City, though it was restaurants, saying he developed the idea Management Agency managed to build
that in a lot of different places. Because I those who are hospitalized. unclear what authority, if any, he had to after talks with high-end chefs such as 2,900 hospital beds at the Javits Center in
just don’t see a practical standpoint how Mr. Trump also said General Motors institute one. Thomas Keller, Wolfgang Puck and Daniel Manhattan, to free up space for COVID-
that’s possible to go from that to that, and other companies will be producing Instead, the Centers for Disease Con- Boulud who operate in New York. 19 patients at traditional hospitals.
and we have that happening in 10 places, three times more ventilators over the trol and Prevention urged people in Eateries are among the hardest-hit “People have never seen anything like
not to that extent. That was the highest next 100 days than they typically produce New York, New Jersey and Connecticut businesses in the crisis because they that,” Mr. Trump said. “Everyone’s trying
number I’ve heard,” Mr. Trump said. in a year. to refrain from nonessential domestic operate on tight margins, and many to figure out how they did it.”


A border wall construction site south of Yuma, Arizona, is buzzing with activity, even during a pandemic that

listen. has crippled much of the country. Officials now are trying to stop the spread of the new coronavirus.

IMMIGRATION Immigrant rights activists, environmentalists

and other Trump opponents have complained to top

share. From page A1

Protection. He said construction remains on track
to meet the target the president laid out. “We have
administration officials, saying the wall is a distrac-
tion amid the virus crisis — or, worse, a potential
vector for its spread.
They point to California, where the governor
completed 142 miles of new border wall system, and has issued a “shelter in place” order instructing all
we have another 197 miles under construction. In residents not to go out unless they’re engaged in
addition, there are 414 miles in the preconstruction essential activities.
phase. We remain confident we will have 450 miles “In the border communities we represent, these
completed by the end of 2020.” extraordinary actions by the federal government
Brandon Judd, president of the National Border are quite literally endangering the lives of border
Patrol Council, said it makes sense to keep building. residents,” Tricia Cortez, executive director of
“Today is not the time to play politics with the the Rio Grande International Study Center, said
lives of U.S. citizens. Walls have proven to stop il- in a statement joining other activists in opposing
legal entries into the United States; therefore, they construction.
are an essential law enforcement resource which Some Trump opponents have called for him to
will undoubtedly help in reducing the spread of return back to the Pentagon billions of dollars he’s
COVID-19,” he told The Washington Times. siphoned away over the last two years to direct to
Mr. Trump in several press conferences last wall-building.
week connected the wall to the coronavirus that Jay Field, a spokesperson for the U.S. Army Corps
causes COVID-19. of Engineers, which is overseeing the construction
“We’re up to over 150 miles of wall on our effort, said they’re exempt from coronavirus shut-
southern border, which is now turning out to be down orders because they are engaged in essential
even more important than we originally thought. national security work, though they are taking the
But I always thought it was very important having virus threat seriously.
borders,” he said one day. “We are taking deliberate and prudent steps,

subscribe. The next day he returned to the issue when

asked whether the U.S. would join a global effort
to reduce tariffs.
The president seemed to dismiss the idea, saying
following all government and CDC guidelines, to
continue operations at the southern border,” the
spokesperson said. “We are committed to fulfilling
our responsibilities as a project-executing agency to
the U.S. has strong borders and he wants to keep help secure the nation’s southern border.”
it that way. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which is
“Before I came here, we weren’t into borders,” overseeing the construction effort, didn’t respond
he said. “Now we’re up to almost 164 miles. Think to a request for comment on what justification it
of that: 164 miles of wall. Big, beautiful wall. And in is citing for continued construction, though Cali-
those areas, it’s very, very tough to come in. We’ve fornia’s shelter in place order specifically deems
been very tough on the borders. I mean, where we construction an essential service.
have the wall built, nobody is getting through. Now, Even as wall construction continues, the Trump
they’re going around, but that’s a long trip. If they’re administration has taken steps to try to reduce the
going around, that’s the way they get through.” flow of people attempting to enter without autho-
As of March 20, some 656 miles of the border rization across the southwest border.
now had a barrier — just 2 miles more than the 654 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
miles when Mr. Trump took office. But 128 of those triggered a part of public health law that the admin-
miles have been upgraded from old dilapidated istration is using to immediately turn back illegal or outdated construction, and another 11 miles of immigrants who show up at the border.
secondary wall set back off the border have been Mr. Wolf said in an interview with Fox News last
upgraded. One new mile of secondary wall has weekend that it had cut unauthorized crossings by
been constructed. 50% in its first day.
Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews


In The Palm Of Your Hand.


Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

A12 | METRO ☆☆ R MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2020

Metro “Virginians are finding ways to help their fellow citizens and address critical needs in the
battle against #COVID19. We are #OneVirginia family, and together we will get through this.”
— Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, on Twitter


Hogan predicts New York-like conditions for region

Number of virus Department of Corrections (DOC) is not
following coronavirus protocols issued
cases growing by the Centers for Disease Control and
exponentially According to the court document, the
CDC recommends having a stock of medi-
cal supplies, personal protective equipment
THE WASHINGTON TIMES General Counsel Eric Glover was unable to
provide a list of materials currently in stock.
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan said Sun- The CDC also recommends social dis-
day he doubts the state will be able to tancing in corrections facilities at meals,
loosen its coronavirus restrictions in the in common areas and at group activities,
next two weeks, saying the Maryland-D.C.- but the agency has not confirmed it has
Virginia area at that point will be “looking implemented such measures, and the jail’s
a lot more like New York.” population of about 1,700 inmates makes it
“No, we don’t see any way that we’re unlikely it will be able to do so, according
going to be opening back up in a couple to the court document.
of weeks,” Mr. Hogan said on “Fox News Meanwhile, Metro officials said Sunday
Sunday.” The case load in the Washing- that, beginning Monday, subway riders no
ton area “has quadrupled in the past longer will be able to board the front or
week, and we see that continuing to grow rear subway cars in order to create a buffer
exponentially, and we think in two weeks between operators and the public.
around Easter, we’re going to be looking “Despite the fact that rail ridership
a lot more like New York.” is down about 93 percent, Metro will
As of Sunday night, the region has continue to operate all 8-car trains — the
recorded 41 deaths and over 2,500 cases “No, we don’t see any way that we’re going to be opening back up in a couple of weeks,” Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan said. Mr. longest possible length — to allow plenty
of COVID-19, with 401 in the District, 890 Hogan said that he doubt that the state will be able to loosen its coronavirus restrictions. of room for safe social distancing in the
in Virginia and 1,239 in Maryland. The remaining six cars,” officials said.
District has 106 cases and Maryland 39 Metro also will continue its reduced
cases that are in recovery. The Virginia assistance to the District’s Emergency declaration to address immediate threats Facility to a quarantine unit after the service for essential travel only through
Department of Health did not “have that Response Services and to residents and to public health and safety, medical care confirmation of the jail’s first coronavirus April 3. Metrorail will be open from 5
information to share at this time.” businesses that have been severely im- and sheltering, logistics and supplies. case, the corrections agency said. a.m. to 11 p.m., with trains running every
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser also an- pacted by COVID-19,” the city said. In the District, two male inmates at In a court filing, the District’s Public 15 minutes on the Red Line and every 20
nounced Sunday that the District has The D.C. Department of Health an- the D.C. Jail in their 30s tested positive Defender Service has asked for the re- minutes on all other lines.
received a disaster declaration from nounced Sunday night four additional over the weekend, bringing the facil- lease of all inmates serving sentences Seventeen stations remain closed.
the Federal Emergency Management deaths from the coronavirus — all men, ity’s total cases to four, according to the for misdemeanors, the Washington City Metrobus will run on a modified Sun-
Agency because of the coronavirus three of them over the age of 65. Department of Corrections. Paper reported. day schedule. Fare collection has been
pandemic. Miss Bowser has already requested Officials had moved both men Thurs- A public defender requesting the re- suspended as Metro is asking most bus
“The declaration will provide emergency assistance through the day from the Correctional Treatment lease of a client wrote in a motion that the riders to use only the rear door.

Quarantine shows value of spending more time with your family

ack when America was marked advances and the per week, many of those spent with after all. And workers? The savings in gas,
by cottage industries, people abundance of iPhones in hand. When the virus mayhem passes, wasted time commuting and the reduc-
worked in their homes or food produced by No one is advocating a return to the every parent should focus on how they tion of the stressful daily grind can
on their land, coordinating modern farm- challenging days of cottage industries. can become and remain deeply involved greatly improve their overall satisfac-
with neighbors to produce goods and ing techniques But when this virus crisis has passed, in the education of their sons and tion with life. Studies show that happier
services. resulted in people should we automatically return to the daughters. employees equals better employees.
Fathers passed down trades to living longer and mass warehousing of family members All of us should pledge to abandon What boss doesn’t want that?
their children, and mothers often healthier lives. away from each other? Maybe it’s our old habits of spending massive When we are again free to roam
taught school lessons and cooked from REBECCA But as time time to harness what is best from both amounts of time with everyone but the as we please, the challenge is to resist
“scratch.” Families had two or three HAGELIN went on, ever worlds. people we love the most. If we harness resuming a chaotic lifestyle. Whether
meals together nearly every day, and more moms and Recent weeks have seen families the potential of new technologies with you are looking for a new job or return-
spent their evenings reading something INSIDE dads rushed spending lots of time together, even a focus on strengthening our families, ing to an old one, fight for more time
called “books.” THE through their if under stressful conditions. COVID- America can advance to the next golden with your family, even if it means less
Sadly, those days also were known CULTURE mornings, carted 19 aside, the majority of that stress age. income. Remember, although your chil-
for rampant diseases, filth and even the youngest is because the American family has It’s time to redo the way we do busi- dren might beg for the latest gadget or
hardship. of babies off to daycare, and children forgotten how to be together. Sadly, the ness in America. coolest clothes, what they really crave is
In the era known as the Industrial headed off to long hours at school and reality is that most have never known The fact is that we live in an era more time with you.
Revolution, factories began to spring “after care.” Family members spent togetherness in the first place, so there where more jobs can be done at home. In the meantime, take advantage of
up, and laborers abandoned low-paying their days splintered from one an- was really nothing to forget. I’m not sure when we developed the the opportunities that come with home
jobs in their homes for low-paying jobs other. Children became warehoused in But something is happening in idea that “real work” only occurs within quarantine. Rediscover those things
on assembly lines. colossal schools, while moms and dads homes across the country that is the four walls of an office building, but called “books,” play games and create
As transportation and technol- became warehoused in separate, sterile positive. Parents are opening their our nation has suffered from that mind- warm memories. Let each of your fam-
ogy advanced, more and more fathers office buildings. children’s textbooks and providing set because our families have suffered. ily members know that you don’t want
started working in any place but the By the time COVID-19 hit us, we had guidance while they study online. Of course, not every job can be done things to return to normal, you want
home. Soon, mothers started leav- become so consumed by the busyness Imagine that: Parents engaged in their at home, but some portions of nearly things to be better. And that starts with
ing their homes in massive numbers of life that the average family spent kids’ education, learning for themselves every position can. By allowing em- your commitment to spend more time
too. Incomes started to increase, and only a few waking hours a day together. what is actually being taught at school. ployees to telecommute at least part of with them from this day forward.
wonderful inventions made life more The number of family meals had Many are even beginning to wonder if the week, companies can save costs on ⦁ Rebecca Hagelin can be reached at
convenient and comfortable. Medical plummeted to three hurried dinners there’s something to home schooling office space, equipment and electricity.

wake of the coronavirus epidemic. VIRGINIA

The Richmond Times-Dispatch
Officials: Man led deputies THE METRO AREA
reported that overnight facilities and
restrooms at state parks will be closed Man works to restore historic
starting Friday. The closures will last
to wife’s body in creek
A Frederick County man was ar- taken to a hospital for treatment of
through April 30.
The facilities include all cabins and
black cemetery in Richmond
rested in the killing of his wife after injuries unrelated to the fire. campgrounds, as well as restrooms and BY C. SUAREZ ROJAS thorns. New stewardship and volunteer
leading investigators to her dead body He’s been charged with several bathhouses. Visitor centers and other RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH efforts have given hope that the com-
in a creek bed near their home. counts including arson, and is being indoor facilities also are also closed. munity can restore a cemetery that in the
Thomas Anthony Lehan, 37, was held in the county jail. Visitors are asked to follow social- RICHMOND | Over the summer, the past has been compared to the illustri-
charged Thursday with first-degree — Associated Press distancing guidelines. Those who are United Nations recognized Richmond’s ous Hollywood Cemetery, where ornate
murder in the death of Katie Lehan, sick or who have been exposed to historic Evergreen Cemetery as a sacred graves of U.S. presidents and Confederate
34, after he told investigators where FORT MEADE people who are sick have been asked to site containing the memories of thou- leaders are well-maintained.
she was buried, the Frederick County stay away. sands of formerly enslaved and freed “He has sweated through summers
Sheriff ’s Office said.
Historic graves could be — Associated Press blacks from the 19th and 20th century. and winters in conditions that were
Multiple county and state teams had moved for federal facility The cemetery, established in 1891, is pretty beastly at times while keeping his
been searching for Ms. Lehan since her Graves at a century-old family cem- ALEXANDRIA home to luminaries such as Maggie Lena eyes on the goal of returning Evergreen to
disappearance on Sunday. Mr. Lehan etery on the grounds of Fort Meade Walker, the first black woman in America the glorious African-American cemetery
became a suspect after investigators could be moved to make way for a fed-
Judge rejects appeal from to charter a bank, and John R. Mitchell that it was designed to be,” said George
found inconsistencies in his statements, eral government building on the land, a man convicted in terror plot Jr., a civil rights pioneer and editor of the Nixon, one of Mr. Harris’ volunteer part-
and more evidence was discovered in a newspaper reported Friday. A judge again rejected a request Richmond Planet. ners who began working with him three
search of their home, deputies said. A state district court ruled last week from a Northern Virginia man who Many final resting places had been years ago.
— Associated Press that the U.S. government could obtain sought to overturn his life sentence for overtaken by a tangle of trees, brush and Mr. Harris, 71, does not have any
the 418-square-foot burial ground at joining al Qaeda and plotting to assas- kudzu as the site was neglected over the relatives buried at the cemetery, but he
ST. MARY’S COUNTY Fort Meade to build national security sinate then-President George W. Bush. decades. It’s a wrong that Marvin Harris began working at the site regularly about
computing facilities there, according Ahmed Omar Abu Ali was con- is working to right. five years ago in preparation for his high
Man charged with setting to The Capital Gazette. The cemetery victed in 2005. He filed a motion last “I tell ya I’m a tough guy, but I teared school class’s 50th anniversary.
fire to vacant home lies within a National Security Agency year for a new sentence, arguing that up when I came out and saw this mess,” A 1967 graduate of Maggie L. Walker
A man has been charged with arson Cyber Defense Campus. journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder said Mr. Harris, executive director of the High School, he and several classmates
in connection to a fire set at a vacant — Associated Press shows that Saudi Arabia lies about the Evergreen Restoration Foundation. had coordinated volunteer efforts to clean
home. brutality of its security forces. Overgrown trees and vegetation still up the site in honor of their school’s
The Maryland Office of the State Key evidence against Abu Ali came cover more than half of the 60-acre site, namesake.
Fire Marshal said Friday that investi- from a confession he gave in Saudi cus- obscuring gravestones. But efforts to “We realized that basically life had
gators responded to a fire at a vacant RICHMOND tody. Abu Ali said the confession was restore and maintain the site have gained been good to us, that most of us have done
home in a residential area of St. Mary’s tortured out of him by Saudi Arabia’s momentum in the past five years, thanks well. And we wanted to give back,” he
County. Investigators determined that
State parks announce internal security agency. Saudi agents in large part to the work of Mr. Harris said. “At that time, we knew it was a mas-
the fire was set by Devon Tyler Lee, 18. further restrictions testified under assumed names at Abu and volunteers who have cleared about sive project. But putting it in your brain
Mr. Lee was arrested at his resi- Virginia State Parks are restricting Ali’s trial, denying any torture. 20 acres. and coming out here and implementing
dence in a nearby neighborhood and access and services even further in the — Associated Press The site no longer has battle vines and it are different things.”
Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

▶ Editorial: Democrats agonistes / B2



President Trump vs. Joe Biden on the coronavirus crisis

Despite the predictable critics, Trump’s popularity remains high
By Allan H. Ryskind damage, according to the president’s medical experts,
was to block potential carriers from entering our

id Donald Trump blow borders. The entire world now seems to accept the
the coronavirus crisis? policy, with Dr. Fauci arguing that thousands of lives
My Never Trumper have been saved as a result.
friends keep telling me Just for the record, Taiwan, despite millions of
that he was wrong from Chinese visitors yearly, produced spectacular results
the git-go, that he called a month before the Trump policy kicked in by stop-
the disease a “hoax,” that ping flights from China, quarantining suspicious
he refused to act quickly, cases and examining the symptoms of passengers
that he failed to follow of all direct flights from Wuhan, the epicenter of
the science, etc, ad nauseam. the disease. As of mid-March, this island nation,
But the president never called the coronavirus a with its “xenophobic” policy, as Mr. Biden might
hoax. Not even close. It was The Washington Post’s put it, had just 48 cases and one virus-related
Dana Milbank who made this accusation, tweet- death, according to the Journal of the American
ing on Feb. 28: “Remember this moment: Trump, in Medical Association.
South Carolina, just called the coronavirus a ‘hoax.’“ Despite the unceasing attacks, the president’s
But this “scoop” didn’t contain, as Barack Obama approval ratings have levitated nicely as a result of
liked to say, a “smidgen” of truth. Even fact-checking regular press briefings where he’s surrounded by
organizations on the left viewed it as bogus. But a vast army of health specialists who have per-
the Milbank libel, which still rides the Internet, is, suaded the public that the administration is doing
alas, emblematic of why so much of the public is everything possible to end the virus and keep the
misinformed. economy afloat.
How about the obscene fable that he never fol- What the public sees on TV is the administra-
lows the science? The answer to that is to listen to Dr. tion mobilizing federal, state and local govern-
Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute ments, the entrepreneurial class and a brilliant
of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and now a media selection of epidemiologists and virologists to find
star. Dr. Fauci heatedly insists that the president has solutions to this dread disease. Those briefings
never, ever overridden the advice on the science of- have had, momentarily anyway, a calming effect
fered by his advisers. on the nation, with the ABC/Ipsos March 20 poll
That may change if the president modifies the reporting that 55 percent of respondents now
lockdown in certain areas of the country, but Dr. approve of President Trump’s management of the
Fauci, while skeptical, hasn’t flatly rejected the idea health crisis.
either. He’s also sympathetic to the president’s di- Even Democratic governors are getting along
lemma — saving lives and saving the economy. with the president these days and Nancy Pelosi,
The president’s foes are right to say he played though sullen, is embracing the president’s poli-
down the virus’ contagious quality early on, but that cies. There is also a slight thaw in a tiny portion
was based on what his highly qualified science advis- and the task force’s optimism, how was he ignoring “Health experts [from WHO] warn China travel of the media, with Dana Bash, the CNN anchor,
ers were telling him. On Jan. 31, key members of the the science?) ban will hinder coronavirus response.” Not to be saying that the president, because of his message,
president’s Coronavirus Task Force briefed the press Nevertheless, the administration planned to outdone, the Democratic Party’s likely nominee, Joe and more sober tone, is “being the kind of leader
on the current situation. Dr. Robert Redfield, director quarantine and test people who had been to China Biden, who Never Trumpers think should replace that people need and want and yearn for in times
of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, — the main source of the disease — and temporarily this president, erupted: “This is no time for Donald of crisis and uncertainty.”
noted the “serious health situation in China,” but suspend entry of ”foreign nationals who pose a risk” Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia … to lead Maybe the Never Trumper crowd should sit
stressed “the risk to the American public currently of transmitting it. the way instead of science.” down with Ms. Bash and Dr. Fauci, at a social
is low.” But that was far too aggressive an approach for the But what do we now know with the luxury of distance, of course, to get a better read on what
He said that in the United States “we have president’s current critics and even the World Health hindsight? That President Trump’s health experts the administration is accomplishing.
confirmed six cases” of the virus which had not yet Organization (WHO), which had just declared the proved wiser than WHO’s health experts (and Mr.
produced a single death, repeating that the current outbreak a global emergency. The blogosphere ex- Biden’s). At the moment Mr. Trump announced his Allan H. Ryskind, a former editor and owner of
risk “to the American public is low.” (Question for the ploded with harsh condemnations of the travel ban. policy, the sole known source of the coronavirus Human Events, is the author of “Hollywood Trai-
Never Trumpers: If the president reflected the CDC’s The website STAT headlined its lead story: was China and the most effective way of limiting its tors” (Regnery, 2015).

Two Orthodox Jewish approaches to the coronavirus

The principle of living by religious laws but not dying by them is integral to Jewish practice
By Devorah Goldman communal study and prayer provide
physical and spiritual benefits to par-
n recent days, a stark distinction ticipants and the world. The suspension

I between two groups of Orthodox

Jews made national news. Rabbi
Hershel Schachter, the dean of Ye-
shiva University’s rabbinical seminary,
was unequivocal in stating that religious
of these activities is therefore not only
traumatic and isolating, but can pose its
own dangers.
Modern Orthodox communities
have attempted to fill this void with such
communal gatherings, such as prayer things as online communal prayer ser-
services and study groups, should be vices, though these services are limited ILLUSTRATION BY HUNTER
suspended due to the coronavirus threat. due to the lack of an in-person quorum.
His guidance was issued in early
March and was swiftly followed by
Jewish communities across the United
Many Hareidim spurn Internet use —
for good reason — and so do not have
these options readily available.
‘Why aren’t
States, many of which shut down
synagogues and Jewish schools almost
But this is not their only consider-
ation. The way some Hareidi Jews have
approached the generally unquantifi-
we asking
Meanwhile, Rabbi Haim Kanievsky,
an acknowledged Jewish legal authority
among a wide swath of Hareidi Jews in
able coronavirus risk has roots in other
biblical traditions. In the Purim story,
for example, Queen Esther put herself
Israel, initially ruled that private schools in apparently grave danger when she We should be asking why
should remain open, though he has approached King Ahasuerus to ask him
since modified his stance to an extent. (It to save her people, and did this only elected officials dismiss positive
should also be noted that other Hareidi after the Jews of Shushan had fasted and
leaders ruled differently, including the prayed for three days straight.
information about coronavirus
chief rabbi of Israel.) In the Book of Daniel, three young
Both Modern Orthodox and Hareidi Jewish princes refused to bow down to By Everett Piper
Jews strictly observe the Sabbath, kosher an idol crafted by Nebuchadnezzar, and

laws and myriad other tenets that govern were thrown into a fiery furnace as pun- r. Eran Bendavid and Dr. Jay
religious life, including those regard- ishment. They emerged unscathed. Lord Bhattacharya, professors of
ing daily prayer with a quorum of 10 Byron wrote a memorable poem, “The medicine at Stanford Univer-
men. Apart from certain differences in Destruction of Sennacherib,” which cel- sity, published an article in
dress and cultural norms, their religious ebrated the triumph of spiritual warfare the March 24 edition of The Wall Street
worlds are very similar. Yet the philo- in the time of Isaiah. Journal, stating the following:
sophical difference in their approaches There is no doubt that the religious “Fear of Covid-19 is based on an estimated
to the coronavirus is not a shallow one, groups who closed shop and turned to mortality rate of 2% to 4% … We believe this
and should be better understood. online services were correct. The prin- estimate is deeply flawed.”
For Rabbi Schachter, the decision to ciple of pikuach nefesh, of living by the Drs. Bendavid and Bhattacharya continue:
prohibit synagogues and schools from laws and not dying by them, is integral “The true fatality rate is the portion of
operating was quick, stemming as it to Jewish practice and belief. But the those infected who die, not the deaths from
did from the legal principle of pikuach idea that suspending normal religious identified positive cases. The latter rate is mis-
nefesh — that saving a life trumps on that day. Orthodox Jewish doctors world, as opposed to how much we rely life presents a spiritual compromise leading because of selection bias in testing.
any other religious act, no matter how frequently violate Sabbath law in tend- on G-d. shouldn’t be summarily dismissed. The degree of bias is uncertain because avail-
sacred. This principle is rooted in the ing to patients, though such violations In some ways, the coronavirus seems There is a perennial tension between able data are limited … If the number of actual
Hebrew Bible’s injunction to not only would be unthinkable in other circum- designed to provoke such questions. It doing our due diligence in guarding infections is much larger than the number of
follow the Almighty’s commandments, stances. For Modern Orthodox commu- poses a grave threat to many, but some, against physical dangers and relying cases — orders of magnitude larger — then
but to “live by them.” (Leviticus 18:5). nities in America and elsewhere, all this like Sen. Rand Paul and certain NBA on God, and trust in Divine protection the fatality rate is much lower as well. That’s
If following a commandment entails a goes without saying, and is simply part players, have tested positive with no is present not only in Jewish thought, not only plausible but likely based on what we
risk of death, then, according to this prin- of religious law. symptoms whatsoever. It has spread but in all monotheistic religions. As we know so far.”
ciple, Jews are enjoined to violate that So why did Rabbi Kanievsky arrive swiftly in Italy, but less quickly in Japan, move forward day by day, we will have After summarizing all presently available
commandment. at a different conclusion? The answer is for reasons that are yet unclear. Despite to make such judgments over and over data from China, Italy, Iceland, and the United
The violation in such cases is viewed rooted in another long-standing line of the best efforts of countless health pro- again. States, the authors conclude:
as a virtuous act. If someone is dan- religious thought — the idea that fulfil- fessionals, we still have more questions “An epidemic seed on January 1 implies
gerously ill, for example, there is no ment of the Almighty’s will provides its than answers. Devorah Goldman is a visiting fellow that by March 9, about six million people
question that driving to the hospital on own form of protection. This speaks to a There is also a deeply held belief, at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, in the U.S. would have been infected. As
the Sabbath would be permitted, even basic religious dilemma regarding how in both Modern Orthodox and Hareidi and a research analyst at the Tikvah
though driving is otherwise prohibited much control we have over the physical circles, that the religious activities of Fund. » see PIPER | B3
Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews



Democrats agonistes
Will Cuomo replace Biden?

ne of the unexpected con- To be sure, like most trial balloons,
sequences of the COVID-19 the idea that divided Democrats — in-
pandemic has been, for all cluding those nervous about Mr. Biden
practical purposes, suspension of as standard bearer — would turn to
the campaign for the Democratic Andrew Cuomo might drift swiftly
presidential nomination. and decisively into oblivion. Yet there
Of course, Joe Biden has emerged might be some validity here. There is
from near-oblivion, pulled decisively palpable uncertainty about the 77-year-
ahead of Bernie Sanders in the delegate old Joe Biden’s fitness for the campaign
count, and appears headed toward the against Donald Trump, and his long-
nomination in July. That’s the conven- term prospects. By contrast, Andrew
tional wisdom. But the conventional Cuomo is the 62-year-old, three-term
wisdom is always a mixture of truth governor of New York whose daily
and wishful thinking. It is entirely televised press conferences on the
possible that Democrats, watching Mr. pandemic project an image of vigor-
Biden shelter in place in his Wilming- ous, well-informed executive action.
ton basement, are more than a little (In fairness, Mr. Trump’s daily brief-
disconcerted by his befuddled aspect, ings have had a comparable effect.) BOOK REVIEW
meandering comments and official Moreover, Mr. Cuomo has been

Miss Manners
declarations intended to mollify the shrewd: He’s picked fights with Mr.
Sanders wing of his party. Trump when it works to his advantage
Writing this week about the Sen- but also gives credit to Mr. Trump
ate’s coronavirus rescue package — or
“slush fund,” as his onetime rival Sen.
Elizabeth Warren calls it — Mr. Biden
when it’s due. He also stands — or in
his case sits — in contrast to the mayor
of New York City (and rival Demo-
weighs in
declared that “we can’t let Donald crat) Bill de Blasio, whose reputation MINDING MISS MANNERS: IN suggesting that the writer is saying
Trump and Mitch McConnell hold for disorganization and lassitude re- AN ERA OF FAKE ETIQUETTE more about herself than the man who
small businesses, workers, and com- mains safe. By Judith Martin offends by being what he apparently
munities hostage until they get their So Democrats may well be remind- Andrews McMeel Publishing, $19.99, 240 pages feels is polite gesture and not a com-
ment on the effort involved. And she
no-strings corporate bailout.” Neither ing themselves that the last time a New By Muriel Dobbin hits her stride when dealing with a
Ms. Warren nor Mr. Sanders nor, for York governor was their nominee letter about people who admit such
that matter, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio- his name was Franklin D. Roosevelt.

udith Martin has become the high a transgression as asking someone
Cortez would have said it differently. Or mindful of history, they might be priestess of politeness for which whether their husbands are going to
we should all be grateful. get them pregnant while conceding
Put another way: If Mr. Biden’s ap- thinking of dangers as well. The last In a 200-page book which “I’m rude” for such an inquiry.
peal is based on his ability to attract time a senior politician stepped in to ranges from Christmas lists to the Miss Manners recommends that the
independent/centrist voters, what are wrest the nomination from a slate importance of saying please, Ms. Martin response should be “Evidently” fol-
offers sensible advice to the most non- lowed by silence.
those voters to make of such remarks? of popular candidates (and without sensical of her correspondents and the And she also digs in her heels on
Such uncertainty may explain an running in a single primary contest) sharp side of her tongue to those who the topic of political correctness and
interesting recent development: The it was 1968 — and Hubert Humphrey transgress the boundaries of etiquette. the current capacity of “venting” to
untethering of the Cuomo Trial Bal- was probably fatally wounded by the She acknowledges in a foreword demonstrate opinions. She admits it is
that when she “assumed the quixotic the American way to speak up against
loon. It may have been prompted bitterness of Eugene McCarthy and task of civilizing society etiquette was a wrong “even if we can’t agree about
by such pronouncements as quoted Robert Kennedy fans. not a problem.” However, given that what it is.” But she announces she is
above, or it might have been the cu- So keep an eye out for Joe Biden this concept had collapsed in the past lodging a protest against public name
mulative effect of Mr. Biden’s notes skyping from his basement, and An- decade, she felt now called upon to calling in the streets or electronically
put forward “a radically as a form of protest.” She
from underground. We don’t know. drew Cuomo sitting center-stage in different system by which notes that she expects to
But there it is. Albany, and heat up the popcorn. we would all restrain be called naive and a lot
ourselves just enough worse for objecting to
to keep life from being venting.

Maduro in the dock unpleasant.”

She admits it was to
her surprise that people
“But then who isn’t,
these days?” she asks.
Asked by a correspon-
Venezuelan dictator accused of drug trafficking began listening to the dent how to be polite
point that civility “be- without being politically

dd international drug dealer to a several indictments made public Thurs- came part of the national correct, she notes that
resume that already includes day against the embattled socialist leader conversation.” She adds those who defend their
bus driver and dictator. Nico- and his inner circle,” the Associated Press tartly, “Politicians won political politeness con-
elections by calling for it tend that they are being
las Maduro, the ruinously corrupt and reported. although not by practic- frank and honest about
inept left-wing leader of Venezuela was Somehow we doubt Mr. Maduro will ing it because that was considered a their views. She emphasizes her dislike
indicted Thursday on some extraordi- be surrendering himself voluntarily. And sign of weakness.” of “hate talk” and questions the use of
narily serious charges. so the United States has offered a reward The book is a delectable collec- some political correctness allegedly
tion of letters to Miss Manners who as part of the right to free speech. Miss
“Nicolas Maduro effectively converted of up to $15 million for bringing him to responds to her “gentle reader” with Manners reminds that obnoxious lan-
Venezuela into a criminal enterprise at justice. (John Walsh was never able to a caustic blend of good humor and guage and name calling are exercised
the service of drug traffickers and ter- offer such generosity on “America’s Most exasperation. To someone who rec- without legal reprisals.
ommends sending itemized lists of pre- “Etiquette relies on voluntary
rorist groups as he and his allies stole Wanted.”)
ferred Christmas gifts to friends who compliance,”she declares.
billions from the South American coun- Get cracking, would-be bounty have “disposable income,” Miss Man- In one of the letters that “ruined
try, the Justice Department charged in hunters. ners especially deplores using children Miss Manners’ day,” a writer described
as the messengers for such a mission. her experience with a friend who
To anyone receiving such a list, she explained her failure to send a Christ-
responds, “If you were as appalled as mas card because she had only bought
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Miss Manners is at helping a child beg,
the best rebate would be to ignore the
25 and no more would be sent to other
friends. Acknowledging the collapse
suggestion.” of her day, Miss Manners suggested
Rebuff Red China’s ‘help’ And she has no patience at all with
those who consider ending using the
that egotism was the root of the kind
of problem that inspired people to tell
In a phone call with President Trump world community, when timely lately Italy) as being the origin of word “please” as part of a request, es- others they were not enough in favor
last Thursday, Chinese President Xi discolsure could have prevented the virus. pecially a parent who discourages the to receive invitations, cards or gifts.
pledged cooperation in combating the virus’ spread to other countries. For goodness’ sake, the United use of please as “begging” by a child. She found it “particularly appalling”
the coronavirus. Chinese Commu- China refused entry to the medical States does not need Red China’s “How eager are you to drop the that this seemed to represent “some
nist Party officials have expelled personnel from the Centers for Dis- help to get a handle on the “Chinese few remaining daily courtesies that sort of social obligation to announce
journalists from The Wall Street ease Control and Prevention, people virus.” We should keep them as far remain?” demands Miss Manners. ‘nyah nyah’ to the excluded ones.”
Journal, The New York Times and considered some of the best in the away as possible; they are not to be “Without the addition of please, a
The Washington Post lately for world. They have retaliated against trusted. The only help the United request becomes an order.” Muriel Dobbin is a former White House
the reporters’ alleged bias when it Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist States needs from Red China is She is similarly dismissive of writ- and national political reporter for Mc-
comes to the coronavirus — and at Wuhan Central Hospital who reparations for the financial losses ers who complain that they don’t like Clatchy newspapers and the Baltimore
these are largely journalists with a contracted the virus, for blowing to our economy. a man opening a door for a woman, Sun.
liberal slant. the whistle. The doctor mysteri-
The Chinese government de- ously died at age 34. And China JORGE E. PONCE
layed announcing the virus to the has blamed the United States (and Trinity, Fla.

Staying home the best remedy?

Published by The Washington Times LLC
All my life I have heard that doc- from China that is similar to pneu- emerging statistics seem to follow
tors recommend people get outside monia or influenza. According to the ratio pattern similar to other flus. LARRY T. BEASLEY, CEO THOMAS P. McDEVITT, Chairman
and be active with walking or other statistics from the Centers for Disease There are practical things that can
CHRISTOPHER DOLAN, President & Executive Editor
exercise. I learned that this was to Control and Prevention, in the 2018- be done to protect people and those
expose people to the sun to increase 2019 flu season 16.5 million Ameri- things should be done. But destroy- NEWS EDITORIAL AND OPINION
vitamin D and to get fresh oxygen. I cans saw a doctor because of the flu, ing the livelihood of over 300 million IAN BISHOP, Managing Editor CHARLES HURT, Opinion Editor
was told that high levels of vitamin 490,000 were hospitalized because people is not practical, realistic or CATHY GAINOR, Managing Editor
ETHAN EPSTEIN, Editorial Page Editor
D and oxygen in the blood help the of it and 34,000 people died from it. sane. I suspect that our government JOHN BOURANTAS, Assistant Managing Editor CAROL HERMAN, Deputy Editorial Page Editor
body to fight germs that cause dis- Why weren’t we staying in our homes leaders are being misled with bad STEPHEN DINAN, Assistant Managing Editor
ease and that low levels of vitamin and destroying our economy to save advice from those who want our DAVID R. SANDS, Assistant Managing Editor BUSINESS
D and oxygen in the blood invite those people? What’s more, “shelter country to become like a laboratory. MARIA STAINER, Assistant Managing Editor JOSEPH E. TEIPE, JR., Executive Vice President
JOSEPH SZADKOWSKI, Assistant Managing Editor
disease. Isn’t ‘sheltering in place’ in place” is the advice Italy followed. That’s not going to work. DAVID DADISMAN, General Manager
weakening Americans, making it How well did that work? RAYNARD BOLDING, Chief Financial Officer
DESHONDA MURRAY, Human Resources Manager
easier for them to get sick? Check the statistics. Most people WOODROW WILCOX JORGE CARRASQUILLO, Information Technology Director
This coronavirus is a new disease who get the coronavirus survive. The Griffith, Ind.
Submissions: Op-eds may only be submitted by e-mail
Letters to the Editor must be original, exclusive to The Washington Times and sent via email. We prefer
letters that are fewer than 350 words. Please include your name, address and daytime telephone number.
Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews


A sober look at COVID-19 How Democrats take advantage

Public policy panic about coronavirus is not supported by the facts of the coronavirus crisis
By Joel W. Hay and Cynthia L. Gong let’s put that in perspective: That is 2.3 deaths per Drafting women into the Army and more people into big government
one million Koreans from a respiratory illness that,

oliticians and medical experts assert like the flu, can end in fatal pneumonia.
that: 1) COVID-19 is lethal to many Thus, this so-called COVID-19 pandemic would By Robert Knight was removed in 2015 under President Obama,
beyond those that typically suc- have barely registered among the 170 per one who purposely sent women into battle.

cumb to pneumonia in flu season million deaths in the United States from flu and on’t look now, but powerful forces Now comes what the commission calls
(typically up to 60,000 in the United pneumonia. Unfortunately, nowhere in the world are maneuvering to subject our a “once-in-a-generation moment” to sweep
States annually; and 2) COVID-19 were there adequate test kits ready to detect and daughters to the draft. It’s part of aside the ages-old protection of women as
is still slowly spreading in major trace the rapid path of this global pandemic. The the ongoing exploitation of the non-combatants.
industrialized countries, implying lack of statistically valid testing and the absence of current crisis. More about this below. “At a time when our country is having
there is still some potential benefit to the enormously serological/antibody testing has led to many false Right now, our home-grown socialists are extremely important conversations about our
costly social distancing and economic shutdown conclusions by physicians untrained in the science delighted that Uncle Sugar will be handing out path forward, we should be prioritizing the
measures. of epidemics. checks to everybody under the sun as part of recommendations coming out of this com-
What if they are wrong? What if COVID-19 isn’t All COVID-19 deaths are tragic. Yet, for every the $2 trillion stimulus package. mission and working to make them a reality,”
significantly deadlier than regular flu? What if COVID-19 frail or chronically ill person (regardless of age) And why shouldn’t they be? The socialist said former Army Gen. Stanley A. McChrys-
has already spread everywhere possible? Are we engaged with underlying medical conditions (whether goal is to make everyone dependent on govern- tal, known mainly for commanding U.S. forces
known or un- ment, except for them. They’ll be in charge, tell- in Afghanistan.
known) who suc- ing everyone else how to live and what to think. Translation: Let’s ram this through while
cumbs to COVID-19, If there was any doubt that Democrats would people are terrified and distracted.
there are hundreds try to take advantage of the coronavirus crisis It isn’t just the military. The Deep State has
of people, mostly and the stock market crash, Rep. James Clyburn, a profound interest in reframing citizens’ rela-
younger, healthier South Carolina Democrat, eliminated it. tionship with our government. Proponents of
students and work- The House Majority Whip, who almost mandatory national service, for example, tout
ing age adults who single-handedly saved Joe Biden’s bacon in the “fairness” to make everyone serve, not just
will have their lives Palmetto State’s primary, advised his fellow volunteers.
ruined for months Democrats to see this as a “tremendous oppor- This flies in the face of the nation’s found-
or perhaps years tunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” ing by people who saw government as a nec-
by the economic This mirrors Rahm Emanuel’s famous essary evil, not a panacea for all the world’s
collapse ostensibly admonition, “you don’t ever want a crisis to go problems.
created to control to waste. It’s an opportunity to do things you During each major war, from the Civil
the epidemic. We would otherwise avoid.” War through Vietnam, the national state has
estimate that the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has packed expanded its powers. The same thing hap-
economic disrup- all sorts of leftist wish list items into the pened during the Great Depression and the
tions will destroy bailout, despite some Republican Senate 2008-2009 recession.
many more lives opposition. There’s $50 million for legal Growing the state is the primary focus of
than the social services for the poor; $75 million for federal leftists, regardless of their particular issues.
distancing and arts programs, and $25 million for the Ken- People under an all-powerful state can be
economic shutdown nedy Center so congressmen won’t miss their forced to lie and to betray their consciences.
would save. favorite shows.
Moreover, As of Friday,
our econometric it wasn’t clear
models, updated how many items
daily, are showing survived in the
that new COVID-19 final version. The
case reports and Dems wanted
death reports are federal money for
slowing drastically abortions and fetal
everywhere except tissue research.
in the United States, They wanted to
where there are weaken state elec-
greater variations tion safeguards by
in state-level test mandating national
kit availability and early voting, same-
significant delays day voter registra-
in case reporting tion and absentee
capabilities. We balloting without
project a crest in voter ID. They also
U.S. reported cases wanted student
ILLUSTRATION BY LINAS GARSYS and deaths in the loan forgiveness,
next 3-4 weeks with “green” offsets on
in the most expensive public health intervention in his- COVID-19 mortality substantially lower than that carbon and forcing
tory without any possible payback? for a typical influenza season (although total flu and a “diversity” agenda
Consider four points : pneumonia deaths may rise slightly). https://rpubs. on corporations.
1. In Italy, where COVID-19 health care plan- com/nzawadzki/covid19-by-country Although much
ning and medical management has been disastrous, It is disappointing that the public officials who of the bill will help
there is a COVID-19 death rate of 124 per million implemented these drastic social distancing and revive the economy,
thus far (which is has now slowed drastically ac- economic shutdown measures show such extreme it has billions for
cording to our models). By comparison, in a typical concern for slowing the epidemic without under- massive expansion
year, the United States experiences 170 per million standing the enormous price that all citizens and of federal welfare
deaths from flu and pneumonia. residents are already paying. They have resorted to programs without a
2. Countries that haven’t mandated social the most expensive, intrusive and wasteful methods clear indication that
distancing measures, such as South Korea and the to try to flatten the infection curve, without any these are temporary
Netherlands, have lower rates of COVID-19 than evidence that such measures work. fixes. This fits Mr.
China and the United States, who have slammed The Netherlands encourages its young people Clyburn’s and Mr. Emanuel’s socialist vision Free people, not so much.
their cities and economies shut. Even countries as to mix socially, work and recreate normally, and of using a calamity to permanently expand Conflating voluntary service with man-
culturally and politically distinct as Iran and Italy create herd immunity while using social isolation government. datory service is a huge lie. The Mormon
have experienced the same measures only for those Government is the left’s religion. It has an- church encourages young men to serve as
30-day epidemic growth Public officials have resorted to the most at highest risk (i.e., elderly gels and devils. The high priests of the media missionaries for two years, and young women
curve flattening, as have for 18 months. But it is a voluntary religious
the others.
expensive, intrusive and wasteful methods with comorbid conditions
and the immunocom-
tell us who’s who. Tithes are mandatory, and
paid as taxes, but they come in other forms duty. When government mandates behavior,
3. The cost per death to try to flatten the infection curve, without promised). In the United as well. Such as turning our daughters over to it can use force, which distinguishes govern-
averted from these so- any evidence that such measures work. States, some medical the tender mercies of the administrative state. ment from the rest of civil society.
cial distancing measures professionals already The National Commission on Military, The healthiest arrangement is subsidiar-
exceeds $300 million per life prolonged, far greater encourage such measures for chronically immuno- National and Public Service, a congressio- ity, whereby people closest to those in need
than the U.S. government’s own valuation of an compromised individuals, such as those undergoing nal panel championed by the late Sen. John know best what’s needed. It starts with
American life at approximately $7-9 million per life. chemotherapy. McCain, has seized the moment to advocate the family, then the churches, synagogues,
4. The Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, where Korea uses aggressive contact tracing to find mandatory registration of all young women neighbors, local community and on up to the
the poorest, sickest, and frailest children in the and isolate known cases, but no social isolation for the draft. For years, women have served county, state and national governments.
United States are treated, has seen no deaths and measures for the general public. Both of these ap- admirably in many capacities, just not delib- The left has this backwards, preferring to
only one case. If this virus is as lethal to anyone proaches are more effective and orders of magni- erately in direct combat. start with big government. It doesn’t matter
outside of the typical influenza risk groups (frail tude less expensive than sending everyone home Women have been exempted from the that this often does deep damage to the rest of
elderly, multiple comorbidities, poor lung function, and shutting down the economy. This is public draft, and military women from combat, be- civil society. In fact, that’s the point.
etc.) as people claim, we would have already seen policy by panic. cause they’re the bearers of life and primary Having so many independent, self-governing
many more cases. caregivers. Plus, men are better equipped for folks is deplorable to them. As is exempting our
South Korea implemented the most comprehen- Joel W. Hay is a professor at the University of South- combat. daughters from the draft.
sive viral testing and contact tracing in the world. ern California (USC) School of Pharmacy and at the In 1981, in Rostker v. Goldberg, the U.S.
The COVID-19 epidemic peaked in South Korea at USC Dept. of Economics (by courtesy). Cynthia L. Supreme Court ruled that because women Robert Knight is a contributor to The Wash-
the beginning of March and, through today, has had Gong, is an assistant research professor at the USC don’t serve in combat, they’re ineligible for ington Times. His website is roberthknight.
131 COVID-19 deaths. While 131 deaths are alarming, Keck School of Medicine. the military draft. That civilized distinction com.

Piper mounds of toilet paper, that Huxley’s hierarchy is

smiling at just how easy it was to control an ideologi-
willing to be conquered without anyone firing a
single shot?
“We take some pride in the fact that Democrats
in the Senate and the House were able to flip this …
From page B1 cally complacent people? “Conspiracy theory,” you shout. We have some other things we want to do, but first,
Are Orwell’s oligarchs grinning from ear to ear at Really? we want to take pride in what [we’ve done]. We want
of March 23, according to the Centers for Disease how quickly we all agreed to submit? Consider this: more …” — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Control and Prevention, there were 499 Covid-19 Is it possible that the smart folks in Belgium, “If we see continued noncompliance [we] will C.S. Lewis once admonished that before we read
deaths in the U.S. If our surmise of six million cases Beijing and the Beltway who fancy themselves our step in and shut off their water and power. You know any new books, we should first read a dozen or more
is accurate, that’s a mortality rate of 0.01%, assuming rulers, are watching? who you are, you need to of those that are old. He, thus, encouraged us to set
a two-week lag between infection and death. This is Are they taking notes? stop it. This is your chance aside our inclination to “chronological snobbery”
one-tenth of the flu mortality rate of 0.1%. Such a low Are they as amazed as to step up and shut it down and humble ourselves before the wisdom of the ages.
death rate would be cause for optimism … If we’re we are at how fast entire — because if you don’t, In that spirit, I close:
right about the limited scale of the epidemic, then … nations of fearful children we will shut you down.” — “After the Age of Utopias came what we may call
we should undertake immediate steps to evaluate the were seduced by the tunes Los Angeles Mayor, Eric the American Age … Men seemed to have solved
empirical basis of the current lockdowns.” of political Pied Pipers Garcetti the social riddle … It went with a buoyant optimism
I repeat, “This is one-tenth of the flu mortality promising protection And this: [but], that optimism has [turned] into pessimism.
rate of 0.1%”. from the “rats” of man’s “All public and private For, the Slump [has] brought even more disillusion-
Why are we not demanding that our elected of- mortality? in-person gatherings of 10 or more individuals are ment than the War. A new bitterness, and a new
ficials tell us why they are dismissing such positive Why are we not nervous as we watch how easily prohibited … The authorized punishments for con- bewilderment, [runs] through all social life … The
information? an entire planet was brought to its knees by the deci- viction are … confinement in jail for not more than Brave New World is more of a revolution [than]
Why? sions of so few? twelve months and a fine of not more than $2,500, ei- Utopia.” — G.K. Chesterton (1932)
Have we really become this intellectually obtuse Are “We the People” … a citizenry that is clearly ther or both.” — Virginia Governor, Ralph Northam
and this addled in our social comforts? defined by our eternal liberties and not just our tem- And this: Everett Piper, former president of Oklahoma Wes-
Do we not care about our freedom, or at least that poral lives — truly this eager to set aside nearly all of “The COVID19 bill is a tremendous opportunity leyan University, is a columnist for The Washing-
of our progeny, enough to ask a few questions? our God-given freedoms for the fleeting promises of to restructure things to fit our vision.” — Democratic ton Times and author of “Not A Day Care: The
For example: financial protection and personal health? Majority Whip, James Clyburn Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth”
Is it possible that, as we sit stupefied on our Is an entire globe of nearly 8 billion people this And, finally, this: (Regnery 2017).
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MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2020 (D)c lUrtd)iitfltun (Times ☆R FUN & GAMES | B5


1 Rating: Bronze Cereal Aisle By Sally R. Stein, Edited by Stanley Newman
Fill in the blank cells using numbers 1 to 9. Each number ACROSS 63 Modify a S Soft throws 36 Perform in a

8 can appear only once in each row, column and 3x3 block.
Use logic and the process of elimination to solve the
1 Resorts with
hot springs
5 Field goals or
64 “'Bald" bird
6 5 colada
9 Expandodgrain
10 Sir__ Newton
37 "Little" suffix for
puzzle. The difficulty level ranges from Bronze (easiest) to RBIs (rum cocktail) 11 Monarch's 39 _ of the
9___Piper of 66 Roller coaster or decnee above ("other"
Silver to Gold (hardest). Hamelin carousel 12 Takes a nsk category)
13 Largs antlered 67 Got to one’s feet 13 1200. in Roman 44 India's continent
animal 68 STOP or ONE numerals 47 Theater
© 2018 by Janric Enterprises. Dist. by Creators Syndicate, Inc. 14 Crunchy WAY 20 Young girt greets rs
ANSWERS TO PREVIOUS PUZZLES: Mexican food 69 Food for a 24 Sea's coral 49 Most recent
8 1 9 1 6 2 5 3 8 4 7 s o 1 L ■F L A T
M A Ft C ■ D A H V
15 Beef inspection
70 Final or
25 Fuel for old
50 Sounds of
16 Very near midterm furnaces 51 Center-to-edge
8 3 2 9 7 4 1 5 6 U T A H Bi> W 1 R L
8 5 4 7 8 1 6 3 9 2
HBEinEiEJ □ A GE N D A 5
17 Shade trees
18 __ and square DOWN
26 Tulsa's state:
circle lines
52 Included with
(honestly) 1 One-person 27 Internet 53 Chose
3 7 9 5 2 8 6 1 4 19 Cereal made performance addresses, candidates
6 2 6 5 t 4 9 1 3 8 from kernels
21 Front of a clock
2 Of low quality
3 Part of PTA:
for short
28 Hrgh-fiber cereal
56 Garfield dog
57 Ocean's rise
1 8 4 3 6 7 9 2 5 22 "„_sony, my Abbr. with dried fruit and fait
1 mistake" 4 Believe it proper 29 Harsh sound 58 Husband or wife
6 2 1 7 9 5 4 8 3 23 Builds, as a 5 Output from a 30 Top-rated 59 Swelled heads
7 5 8 4 3 1 2 6 9 building clothes iron 33 Keogh plan 60 Frequently
8 4 9 3 6 8 2 5 7 1
25 Jury venues
29 Headquartered
6 Speak up
7 Apex
relatives; Abbr. 61 Was first on the
35 Chopped down trail
31 Cajun vegetable
JUMBLE/David L. Hoyt & Jeff Knurek RUBES/Leigh Rubin IN THE BLEACHERS/Steve Moore
10 12
32 Grain storage
structure \
Unscramble these Jumbles,
one letter to each square, 34 Wipe a r
to farm four ordinary words. blackboard clean
EMIWO 38 “__ good time''

r ("Be patient")
40 Jogged or
spnnted I
OMRHU 41 Mr.__ (handy
42 Rodeo rope
KANWEE 43 Neighborhood
45 Copper-coated
-- X ■ '■ coin
46 Operating, as a
r > ! 43 Heavy hammer
% No* arrange ine -cifded M9Wi 50 Tall construction
'• 2020 TrBurw Canton! Agoncy, U_C surprise aiiswer.
to form as
All Rights Ftetanwd su^HW Qjf the aiwe cartoon. machines
Afl$W£f Y Y' r^ r\ 53 By way of, on
here: k. ■ itineraries
flArawefa lomorrow) 54 Young sheep
“Mow!—Mary keeps belching the entire 55 Cerea) prepared
juimtra: viper whfer oourtt Mnje
Fiiiayi | An?**» ITtiiiwvdirt^«]VmtvwQcale, alphabet and releasing vast on a stove
proftuctcn was j 'PAPLFf-YltW MOVt
amounts of methane in my face!" 62 Aroma

B.C./Mastroianni & Hart LOLA/Todd Clark

BOUND & GAGGED/Dana Summers BUCKLES/David Gilbert

THE BUCKETS/Greg Cravens ROSE IS ROSE/Pat Brady & Don Wimmer

DOGS OF C-KENNEL/Mick & Mason Mastroianni HERB & JAMAAL/Stephen Bentley

CARPE DIEM/Niklas Eriksson BROOM-HILDA/Russell Myers

DICK TRACY/Joe Staton & Mike Curtis POOCH CAFE/Paul Gilligan

STRANGE BREW/John Deering BOTTOM LINERS/Eric & Bill Teitelbaum THE FLYING McCOYS/Glenn & Gary McCoy PARDON MY PLANET/Vic Lee BLISS/Harry Bliss

Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

B6 | LIFE ☆R MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2020

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March 30). This is a year HUMOR

of uncanny and wonderful connections. Old friend-
ships will be renewed, and new people will feel like
old friends. A transformation on the domestic front Laughter a powerful coping mechanism during virus crisis
happens as you invest your time, money, creativity and
heart into your home and get back way more than you BY WILLIAM J. KOLE health problems, it can cause more severe illness, And over here, see novelist Curtis Sittenfeld,
put in. A big award comes in July. Aries and Gemini ASSOCIATED PRESS including pneumonia, and death. sharing a photo of herself eating lunch in her wed-
adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 20, 45, 4 and 16. Those are scary words and scary prospects. ding dress after her kids asked her to wear it “and
ARIES (March 21-April 19). For today, it’s best to get BOSTON | Neil Diamond posts a fireside rendition But history has shown that its heaviest moments I couldn’t think of a reason not to.”
advice from inside yourself. Don’t let anyone diagnose of “Sweet Caroline” with its familiar lyrics tweaked are often leavened by using humor and laughter For centuries, laughter in tough times has been
your problem, tell you how you should feel or even to say, “Hands … washing hands.” A news anchor as conscious choices — ways to cope when other cathartic, said Wayne Maxwell, a Canadian psy-
suggest your next good move. You are the best judge of asks when social distancing will end because “my things aren’t working as expected. chologist who has done extensive research on
you. husband keeps trying to get into the house.” And “There’s so much fear and horror out there. All “gallows humor.” The term originated in medieval
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). There’s no flaw, ob- a sign outside a neighborhood church reads: “Had the hand washing in the world isn’t going to clear Britain, where hangings took place in parks near
stacle or reason holding you back. not planned on giving up quite this much for Lent.” up your head,” said Loretta LaRoche, a suburban pubs and patrons told jokes at the victims’ expense.
You just need to learn a few little Are we allowed to chuckle yet? We’d better, Boston stress management consultant who is “Even in some of the writings of ancient Egypt,
HOLIDAY tricks to get yourself into the hab- psychologists and humorists say. Laughter can be using humor to help people defuse the anxiety the there are descriptions of military personnel return-
MATHIS its that will pull you unthinkingly the best medicine, they argue, so long as it’s within pandemic has wrought. ing from the front lines and using humor to cope,”
HOROSCOPE forward. the bounds of good taste. And in a crisis, it can be “Some people will say this is not a time for said Mr. Maxwell of Halifax, Nova Scotia.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The a powerful coping mechanism. laughter. The bottom line is, there is always a time But, he warns, there exists a kind of comedy con-
first step to winning in an envi- “It’s more than just medicine. It’s survival,” said for laughter,” Ms. LaRoche said. “We have 60,000 tinuum: While humor can helpfully lighten things
ronment is to choose environments you’re genuinely Erica Rhodes, a Los Angeles comedian. thoughts a day and many of them are very disturb- up, too much laughter and flippancy can signal a
interested in. Get excited about going, or go where you “Even during the Holocaust, people told jokes,” ing. Laughter helps the brain relax.” person is trying to escape from reality.
won’t have to fake your enthusiasm. Ms. Rhodes said in a telephone interview with The That explains why social media feeds are pep- There are also questions of taste. No one wants to
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Athletes aren’t expected Associated Press. “Laughter is a symbol of hope, and pered with coronavirus-themed memes, cartoons poke fun at medical misery or death. Quarantining
to play every position, and you shouldn’t expect this of it becomes one of our greatest needs of life, right up and amusing personal anecdotes. and social distancing, though, are fair game, and self-
yourself either. Play to your strengths. You don’t have to there with toilet paper. It’s a physical need people Here’s Diamond posting a video of himself deprecating humor is almost always safe — though
make every point in the game. Just help make a few. have. You can’t underestimate how it heals people singing “Sweet Caroline” with the lyrics altered to Ms. LaRoche cautions that humor, like beauty, is
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). If you have to guess whether and gives them hope.” say: “Hands … washing hands … don’t touch me … always in the eye of the beholder.
the message will land right, the mood will be conveyed, For most people, the coronavirus causes mild I won’t touch you.” “It all depends on how your brain functions,”
the point will be made, you’re probably on the right or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough There’s Fox News anchor Julie Banderas tweet- she said. “Give yourself permission to find humor.
track. It’s the ones who don’t question themselves who that clear up in two to three weeks. For some, ing: “How long is this social distancing supposed to It’s almost like a spiritual practice, finding ways to
are most likely to miss the mark. especially older adults and people with existing last? My husband keeps trying to get into the house.” laugh at yourself.”
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). People you can laugh
with are the treasures of your day. And if you happen
to be the one who’s making this laughter happen, you’ll
feel mightily accomplished.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Sometimes you feel like
you have no control over your emotions, and some-
Medical setback causes man to cut ties with girlfriend
times your emotions feel like they have no control over DEAR ABBY: I had a boyfriend for two and me and my daugh- incommunicado. In the meantime, stay as active
you. But today, you and your feelings will be on the years until a few days ago. He’s a 40-year-old ABIGAIL ters. (He always intro- with other friends as you can. Above all, do NOT
same page. easygoing paraplegic (from a car accident VAN BUREN duces us as his family.) allow yourself to become socially isolated be-
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You’ll feel like keeping long before I met him), and I’m an easygoing The doctor now says cause he has chosen to isolate himself.
some of your views to yourself. “Those who are able to 36-year-old woman with two kids from a previ- DEAR ABBY he may need to stay there DEAR ABBY: My daughter “Frances” is
see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will ous marriage. for a year, and I know he currently applying for graduate school and is
never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.” We had a great connection, a similar out- became immediately de- dating a man who works in human waste man-
— Plato look on life and had the same interests in pressed. He sent me a text saying he thinks agement. She lives in the dorms at school.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ll be drawn to pretty much everything. He adored my girls. we should just be friends, and he doesn’t Her brother “Harry” was at a party recently,
focus on those with needs bigger than your own, and We would all go to a movie every so often or want a reminder of what he can’t do anymore. and a young lady told him the “poop pumper”
this will unexpectedly brighten you. As your wells of to dinner occasionally, but mostly we would I feel like this isn’t him, that he’s jumping to has been trying to get some alone time with
compassion get deeper, your vibes raise higher. stay in and play games or watch TV when we rash conclusions because of stress. I don’t her. I feel I should tell Frances that her guy
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Grudges and ill feel- were spending time together. want to end the relationship. I’m willing to is on the prowl. They have been dating since
ings only get more cumbersome as time passes. In the I’m his first girlfriend, so he was new to the keep moving forward and get through this Frances was 16, and my wife and I have al-
spirit of lightening up, you’ll let go of some old baggage concept of having someone love him in spite speed bump together. ways thought she could do better. Should we
that’s been slowing you down. of every little flaw he had (which were very He won’t answer my calls or texts, and I’m tell her? — HOLDING MY NOSE IN OHIO
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). What one person few). I told him so many times that no matter at a loss about what I should do next. I want DEAR HOLDING: No, HARRY should tell
calls education another calls propaganda, advertising, what was wrong, I was going to stick by his to keep him so badly. My heart aches every his sister about the person he met at the party
persuasion and bias. You accept nothing at face value, side. day worrying about this. He may lose a year of and exactly what he was told. Coming from her
as almost everything that has a face has a whole body Recently, he’s had a medical problem with freedom, but I’m losing a lifelong companion. brother it will sound less like “I told you so.” As
behind it. a few ulcerated sores. This sometimes hap- — HEAVY HEART IN PENNSYLVANIA to your comment that Frances “could do better,”
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your goal is not to pens to paraplegics. Unfortunately, his doctor DEAR HEAVY HEART: You really have no if you’re referring to the boyfriend’s chosen field,
reach every person. It’s to reach the right people. The has said he needed to leave his apartment choice but to follow this man’s lead, so do as he be aware that people in waste management can
right people like you immediately and without convinc- temporarily and go into a nursing facility to has asked. Remember, you promised to support earn a very good living doing a very important
ing. If you don’t feel the receptivity, move on. get round-the-clock care. A few months went him no matter what. Agree to be “just friends,” job.
CREATORS.COM by, with plenty of visits from friends, family, although it won’t be easy if he wants to remain ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION

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TheMovieCh ’ 6:25 The Perfect Score ★★ (2004, Com.) ’ From Dusk Till Dawn ★★ (1996, Hor.) Harvey Keitel. ’ Days of Thunder ★★ (1990) Tom Cruise, Robert Duvall. ’ Company
Showtime ’ VICE ’ Homeland Carrie waits. ’ Black Monday ’ Black Monday ’ Homeland Carrie waits. ’ VICE ’ Black Monday ’ Desus & Mero ’ Black Monday ’ Desus & Mero
Showtime2 ’ 6:45 The Best of Enemies ★★ (2019) Taraji P. Henson, Sam Rockwell. ’ Charlie Says (2018, Dra.) Matt Smith, Hannah Murray. ’ VICE ’ Desus & Mero ’ Amer History
Starz ’ Miss Bala ★ ’ Outlander ’ 8:02 Spider-Man: Far From Home ★★★ (2019) Tom Holland. ’ 10:14 Outlander “The Ballad of Roger Mac” ’ 11:16 The Intruder ★ (2019)
STZENC ’ 4:26 Amistad ’ 7:03 Soul Food ★★★ (1997) Vanessa L. Williams, Nia Long. ’ Jackie Brown ★★★ (1997, Crime Drama) Pam Grier, Samuel L. Jackson. ’ 11:37 Reservoir Dogs ★★★
Tom Payne stars in “Prodigal Son” Monday on Fox. Sundance ’ 6:00 The Patriot ★★★ (2000, War) Mel Gibson, Heath Ledger, Joely Richardson. ’ The Patriot ★★★ (2000, War) Mel Gibson, Heath Ledger, Joely Richardson.
TurnerCM ’ 6:00 Romance on the High Seas ★★ (1948) ’ Captain Nemo and the Underwater City ★★ (1969, Fan.) ’ The Incredible Mr. Limpet ★★ (1964, Children’s) Don Knotts. ’ Beneath-Reef
BEST BETS NEWS & TALK NEWS & SPORTS ▶7:00 ▶8:00 ▶9:00 ▶10:00 ▶11:00 ▶12:00
CNBC ’ Mad Money ’ American Greed ’ American Greed ’ American Greed ’ American Greed ’ American Greed ’ Amer. Greed
Prodigal Son / 9:01pm (5) The Matter of Fact With Soledad O’Brien CNN ’ Situation Rm ’ Erin Burnett OutFront (N) ’ Anderson Cooper 360 (N) ’ Cuomo Prime Time (N) ’ CNN Tonight with Don Lemon ’ CNN Tonight with Don Lemon ’ Cooper 360
police team takes a deep dive into the / 8:00am (FYI) Women’s right to vote; ESPN ’ SportsCenter ’ To Be Announced ’ The Draft ’ The Draft ’ SportsCenter W/Van Pelt ’ SportsCenter
high-stress classical dance world as they the Rightfully Hers Exhibit at the National ESPN2 ’ 6:00 NFL Live ’ To Be Announced ’ To Be Announced ’ To Be Announced
investigate the mysterious poisoning of a Archives. FoxNews ’ Bret Baier ’ The Story With Martha ’ Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) ’ Hannity (N) ’ The Ingraham Angle (N) ’ Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream (N)
swiftly rising ballet star in the new episode The Wendy Williams Show / 11:00am MASN ’ 6:00 Orioles Classics From Sept. 20, 1998. ’ Bensinger ’ ESPNEWS (N) ’ ESPNEWS (N) ’ Nationals Classics
(5) Bellamy Young (“Prodigal Son”); style ex- NBCSP ’ TBA ’ NFL Football From September 10, 2006. (N) ’ NFL Football From November 24, 2013. (N) ’ Ninja Warrior
“Scheherazade.” Elsewhere, Jessica
pert Brittney Levine shows fall fashion trends. SportsNET ’ Caps ’ To Be Announced ’ Caps ’ DC Sports ’ Overtime ’ Redskins Nat. ’ Offseason ’ DC Sports
(Bellamy Young) reunites with Nicholas
Sister Circle / 12:00pm (TVOne) Singer VARIETY CABLE ▶7:00 ▶8:00 ▶9:00 ▶10:00 ▶11:00 ▶12:00
Endicott (guest star Dermot Mulroney), an Jacob Banks; journalist Danielle Canada. A&E ’ Elizabeth Smart: Autobiography “Part 2” ’ Hunting JonBenét’s Killer: The Untold Story ’ The Killing of JonBenet: Her Father Speaks ’ JonBenét’s
old socialite friend, while Bright and Eve Animal Plnt ’ 6:00 Puppy Bowl XIV (Part 1 of 3) ’ Puppy Bowl XV Puppy from 51 shelters across 23 states. ’ Puppy Bowl XVI ’ Puppy Bwl
(Tom Payne, Molly Griggs) press Martin The Wendy Williams Show / 1:00pm
(20) The hilarious Tiffany Haddish talks about BBC ’ Trek: DS9 ’ Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ’ Grease ★★★ (1978, Mus.) John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John. Premiere. ’ 10:33 Grease ★★★ (1978, Mus.) John Travolta.
(Michael Sheen) for answers about the girl her new movie, “Like a Boss”; Hot Topics. BET ’ Daddy’s Little Girls ★★ (2007, Rom.) Gabrielle Union, Idris Elba. ’ Tyler Perry’s Good Deeds ★★ (2012, Dra.) Tyler Perry, Thandie Newton, Gabrielle Union. ’ Martin
in the box. Broadway musical star Andy Karl The Steve Wilkos Show / 1:00pm (50) Bravo ’ Below Deck ’ Below Deck Sailing Yacht ’ Below Deck Sailing Yacht ’ Below Deck Sailing Yacht (N) ’ Below Deck Sailing Yacht ’ TBA ’ Chrisley ’ Chrisley
(“Groundhog Day”) also guest stars. Rose says her young nephew told her that he Cartoon Net ’ Teen Titans ’ Wrld, Gumball ’ Apple ’ Home Movies ’ American Dad ’ American Dad ’ Rick, Morty ’ Bob’s Burgers ’ Bob’s Burgers ’ Family Guy ’ Family Guy ’ Chicken
Independent Lens / 10:00pm (22) was sexually abused and that his mother was Comedy Ch ’ The Office ’ The Office ’ The Office ’ The Office ’ The Office ’ The Office ’ The Office ’ The Office ’ The Office ’ Daily Show ’ The Office ’ South Park
involved. Discovery ’ Street-Full ’ Street Outlaws: Memphis ’ Street Outlaws: Memphis (N) ’ 9:01 Driven ’ 10:02 Fast N’ Loud ’ 11:03 Fast N’ Loud ’ Street-Mem.
2:30am (22) China ended its draconian
Disney ’ Raven ’ Raven ’ 7:35 Bunk’d ’ Fam Jam ’ Gabby Duran ’ Sydney-Max ’ Roll With It ’ Coop & Cami ’ Sydney-Max ’ 10:55 Bunk’d ’ Gabby Duran ’ 12:10 Jessie
one-child policy, which made it illegal for The Kelly Clarkson Show / 2:00pm
(4) Kelly covers Patty Griffin’s “No Bad News”; Disney XD ’ Gravity Falls ’ Owl Hse. ’ DuckTales ’ Player Select ’ Parker Plays ’ Big City ’ DuckTales ’ DuckTales ’ DuckTales ’ Player Select ’ Player Select ’ Amphibia
families to have more than one child, in DIY ’ Off the Grid ’ Building Off the Grid ’ Maine Cabin Masters ’ Maine Cabin Masters (N) ’ Maine Cabin Masters ’ Maine Cabin Masters ’ Maine Cabin
2015, but ripples from the brutality with Jeff Goldblum; Ilana Glazer.
E! ’ 6:00 Botched ’ Botched “Silicone Slip-Ups” ’ Botched “Double D-isaster” ’ Botched “Plastic Fantastic” ’ Botched “The Boobinati” ’ Botched ’ Sex and City
which that policy was enforced are still The Real / 2:00pm (20) Garcelle Beau-
vais (The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills); Food Net ’ Beat Bobby ’ Beat Bobby ’ Beat Bobby ’ Spring Baking Championship ’ Spring Baking Championship ’ Chopped Sweets (N) ’ Chopped Sweets ’ Spring Baking
being felt in the country. Award-winning highly discounted fashionista finds. Freeform ’ 6:00 Back to the Future ★★★ (1985) Michael J. Fox. ’ Ferris Bueller’s Day Off ★★★ (1986) Matthew Broderick, Alan Ruck. ’ The 700 Club ’ Mall Cop
filmmakers Nanfu Wang and Jialing Zhang’s fX ’ 5:30 Ride Along ★★ (2014) ’ Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle ★★★ (2017) Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart. ’ Breeders (N) ’ Better Things ’ Breeders ’ Independence Day
documentary “One Child Nation” examines The Ellen DeGeneres Show / 3:00pm FYI ’ Flipping ’ Flipping Vegas ’ Flipping Vegas ’ Flipping Vegas ’ Flipping Vegas ’ 11:01 Flipping Vegas ’ Flipping
(4) An interview with Demi Lovato; Justin
the repercussions of that devastating GAC ’ Texas Flip ’ Texas Flip N Move ’ Texas Flip N Move ’ Texas Flip N Move ’ Texas Flip N Move ’ Texas Flip N Move ’ Texas Flip
Bieber performs.
and ill-advised “social experiment,” and Galavision ’ Dice el Dicho ’ P. Luche ’ Mi querida ’ P. Luche ’ P. Luche ’ P. Luche ’ P. Luche ’ P. Luche ’ P. Luche ’ P. Luche ’ P. Luche ’ P. Luche
The Mel Robbins Show / 4:00pm (50) Hallmark ’ 6:00 A Country Wedding (2015, Rom.) ’ Love, Rom. & Chocolate (2019) Lacey Chabert. ’ Golden Girls ’ Golden Girls ’ Golden Girls ’ Golden Girls ’ Golden Girls
uncovers a long series of shocking human Sexual predators chatting with kids on social
rights violations, including the widespread HGTV ’ Home Town ’ Home Town ’ Home Town (N) ’ Home Town (N) ’ Home Town ’ Home Town ’ Home Town
media; how to protect children from online History Ch ’ Amer. Pickers ’ American Pickers ’ American Pickers ’ American Pickers (N) ’ 10:03 American Pickers ’ 11:05 American Pickers ’ Amer. Pickers
abandonment of newborn girls. predators.
Lifetime ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 “Senior Year” ’ The First 48 ’ 9:03 The First 48 ’ 10:03 The First 48 ’ 11:03 The First 48 ’ The First 48
Almost Paradise / 10:00pm (WGN-A) Desus & Mero / 11:00pm (Showtime) MTV ’ Ridiculous. ’ Ridiculous. ’ Ridiculous. ’ Ridiculous. ’ Ridiculous. ’ Ridiculous. ’ Ridiculous. ’ Ridiculous. ’ Ridiculous. ’ Ridiculous. ’ Ridiculous. ’ Ridiculous.
1:00am (WGN-A) Christian Kane re- Desus and Mero welcome Rep. Maxine Nat’l Geo ’ Drain-Great ’ Drain-War Machines ’ Cosmos: Possible Worlds (N) ’ Cosmos: Possible Worlds (N) ’ 10:03 Drain the Oceans ’ 11:03 Drain the Oceans ’ Cosmos
teams with his former “The Librarians” Waters. Nickelodeon ’ Loud House ’ To Be Announced ’ Danger Force ’ SpongeBob ’ SpongeBob ’ SpongeBob ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ 11:35 Friends ’ 12:10 Friends
boss, executive producer Dean Devlin, on The Daily Show With Trevor Noah / Noggin ’ PAW Patrol ’ PAW Patrol ’ Blaze ’ Bubble ’ Blue’s Clues ’ Peppa Pig ’ Peppa Pig ’ Paddington ’ Peppa Pig ’ Abby Hatcher ’ Butterbean ’ Butterbean
this new action drama, which casts the 11:00pm (Comedy Ch) The World’s Fakest OWN ’ Dateline ’ Dateline on OWN ’ Dateline on OWN (Part 2 of 2) ’ The Real Story w/Salinas ’ Deadline: Crime ’ Dateline on OWN (Part 1 of 2) ’ Real Story
News Team weighs in; Trevor reports on the PARMT ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops (N) ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops
actor as Alex Walker, a former U.S. Drug pandemic from the comfort of home.
Enforcement agent forced to take early Science ’ Wormhole ’ Through Wormhole-Freeman ’ How the Universe Works (N) ’ How the Universe Works ’ Universe
Desus & Mero / 11:30pm (Showtime2) Syfy ’ Harry Potter-Phoenix ’ 7:17 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ★★★ (2009, Children’s) Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint. ’ Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
retirement because of his sky-high blood Desus and Mero welcome Rep. Maxine TBS ’ Family Guy ’ Family Guy ’ Family Guy ’ Family Guy ’ Family Guy ’ Family Guy ’ Family Guy ’ American Dad ’ American Dad ’ Conan (N) ’ Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld
pressure. Trying to get as far off the beaten Waters. TLC ’ 6:00 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days ’ 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 ’ 90 Day Fiancé (N) ’ sMothered (N) ’ sMothered ’ 90 Day
track as he can, Alex relocates to a small The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy TNT ’ 5:00 Star Wars: The Force Awakens ★★★ ’ Star Wars: The Last Jedi ★★★ (2017, Sci-fi.) Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher. ’ Star Wars: The Last Jedi ★★★ (2017)
tropical island in the Philippines, where he Fallon / 11:34pm (4) Singer-songwriter TruTV ’ Imp. Jokers ’ Imp. Jokers ’ Imp. Jokers ’ Hot Ones ’ Hot Ones ’ Hot Ones ’ Hot Ones ’ Imp. Jokers ’ Imp. Jokers ’ Imp. Jokers ’ Imp. Jokers ’ Imp. Jokers
runs the gift shop in a luxury hotel. Alas, Ryan Tedder; best of Fallon. TVLand ’ Andy Griffith ’ Andy Griffith ’ Andy Griffith ’ Raymond ’ Raymond ’ Raymond ’ Raymond ’ Two/Half Men ’ Two/Half Men ’ King ’ King ’ King
Alex keeps running into shady types from Desus & Mero / 12:00am (Showtime) TVOne ’ FamilyMatters ’ FamilyMatters ’ FamilyMatters ’ Fatal Attraction ’ Fatal Attraction (N) ’ Fatal Attraction ’ Fatal Attraction ’ Attraction
his previous life. Samantha Richelle and Desus and Mero welcome Rep. Maxine Univision ’ Noticiero Uni. ’ La Rosa de Guadalupe ’ Ringo (N) ’ Amor eterno (N) ’ Sin miedo a la verdad ’ Noticiero Uni. ’ Noticiero Uni ’ Deportivo
Nonie Buencamino co-star. Waters. USA ’ Chicago P.D. ’ Chicago P.D. ’ WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (L) ’ Briarpatch (N) ’ Mod Fam
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LEGEND: (L)=Live (N)=New (ITV)=Interactive Television (PA)=Parental Advisory ■ (Shaded)=Movies
TMS MOVIE RATINGS: ★★★★ Excellent ★★★ Good ★★ Fair ★ Poor No stars: not rated WGN-A ’ Blue Bloods ’ Last-Standing ’ Last-Standing ’ Last-Standing ’ Last-Standing ’ Last-Standing ’ Last-Standing ’ Almost Paradise ’ Last-Standing ’ Last-Standing ’ Last-Standing
Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews



Foreign athletes weigh staying with going home

ASSOCIATED PRESS Worry about missing Wisconsin-Milwaukee women’s tennis player
Lucy Harper, who is from Bolton, England, has

STORRS, CONN. | All but one of Anna Makurat’s class, travel restrictions decided to stay in the U.S. for now with a friend’s
teammates headed home after the NCAA canceled “A lot of the flights out to England are getting
this year’s postseason basketball tournament and For the last two weeks, Makurat has been one canceled and they’ve actually closed two of the
the school suspended classes amid the COVID-19 of about 50 UConn athletes still living at school terminals down at Manchester (England) airport,”
pandemic. with the campus largely a ghost town. She spent a she said. “I just made the decision to stay here for
For the 19-year-old UConn freshman from Po- lot of her time on her computer and phone, video now, because I don’t know sort of when I’ll be able
land, the decision was not that easy, especially chatting with family back home. She was able to go to come back if I leave. We don’t know how long
with ever-increasing travel restrictions to and from out to dinner one night with coach Geno Auriemma this is going to last.”
Europe. She worried about classes restarting while and teammate Evina Westbrook, who remained on Most of her team is from overseas. She said about
she was overseas and when — or if — she might be campus to get treatment for an injury. half the international players have gone home. Anna Makurat was one of 50 athletes still living on
able to get back to campus. Plans changed again after UConn decided to can- Tennessee’s men’s basketball team has players UConn’s campus two weeks after the school shut
Makurat is one of more than 20,000 foreign cel all events for the rest of the semester and move from France, Serbia, Uruguay and Finland, which down until she flew home to Poland on Wednesday.
athletes currently competing at NCAA schools, learning online. Makurat was booked Wednesday meant Mary-Carter Eggert, the director of basket-
according to the organization. With competi- on a flight home. She will have to self-quarantine ball operations, became a travel agent, l ooking for
tion canceled across all NCAA divisions, many for two weeks when she gets back. the best flights. “She was scheduled to leave Friday but that air-
of those athletes face a similar dilemma. Their “Poland has pretty much closed everything so “The fact of the matter is, their parents want line canceled and she was scrambling last minute,”
campuses are shut down, but the coronavirus everyone is staying home anyway,” she said. “I have them home just like I would want my kids home,” Cal coach Charmin Smith said.
situation in their homeland is worse than it is in a place at home to work out and we have a basketball coach Rick Barnes said. Evelien Lutje Schipholt, from The Netherlands,
the United States. hoop outside, so I can get back to shooting. It wasn’t This past week, several women’s basketball is staying with teammate Cailyn Crocker and her
The NCAA has advised schools to handle the a hard decision, once I knew it was an option. I think players from the University of California figured family in Southern California. Chen Yue, of Beijing,
situation as they see fit “for the health and safety of everyone right now wants to be with their families, out their arrangements. Sara Anastasieski left on is currently with friends near Berkeley as the Bay
their coaches, staff and student athletes.” and I’m the same.” a flight home to Sydney, Australia, late Thursday. Area continues its shelter in place order.


Hyattsville coach dies MCCLUNG
from virus complications From page B8
Terrance Burke, a basketball coach pandemic.
and guidance counselor at North- The 6-foot-2 guard from Gate City,
western High School in Hyattsville, Virginia, gained a following when he
Maryland, died due to complications began dunking in high school games and
from the coronavirus. He was 54. his highlight mixtapes made the rounds
“I know this news is devastating online. A 3-star recruit, McClung origi-
and shocking to many in the North- nally chose Rutgers but decommitted
western High School community and and signed with Georgetown.
all who knew and loved him,” Monica McClung also broke the Virginia High
Goldson, CEO of School League single-season scoring
Prince George’s record set by famous former Hoya Allen
County Public Iverson.
SPORTS Schools, wrote Recent NBA mock drafts have not
BRIEFS in a letter to
the community.
projected McClung to go in either the
first or second round. Theoretically, Mc-
“Please know Clung could go through the draft process
that my heart is and receive advice about whether to
breaking with yours and I am praying enter the draft or return to Georgetown
for your strength and comfort during for another year. But the status of the
this time.” NBA scouting combine and pre-draft
Burke, also a veteran of the U.S. process are up in the air amid the pan-
Navy, was one of five new COVID-19 demic, and it’s unclear how much of a
deaths in Maryland confirmed on Sat- look McClung will actually get.
urday, which doubled the state’s total “Not knowing if I will have the op-
at the time to 10. portunity to work out for teams, or the
His passing triggered an outpouring status of the NBA combine make this
of emotion with messages on social process different,” he told ESPN. “I un-
media from his cousin, fellow coaches derstand that the NBA draft process will
and others in his community: be different this year given the COVID-19
pandemic around the world. I am looking
NFL forward to getting feedback from NBA
teams, as well as give NBA teams an op-
Former Redskins assistant portunity to get to know me on a more
Manusky lands with Kentucky personal level.
Former Redskins defensive co- “I feel as if I have an obligation
ordinator Greg Manusky joined the with the platform I have to remind
University of Kentucky’s program as people the importance of ‘social dis-
a defensive quality control assistant, tancing’ and staying home as much Georgetown guard Mac McClung told ESPN that he is “looking forward to getting feedback from NBA tems, as well as give NBA
leaving the NFL after more than 30 as possible.” teams an opportunity to get to know me on a more personal level.”
Manusky spent four seasons in
Washington, the first as the team’s
outside linebackers coach and the last
three as defensive coordinator. REDSKINS Then injuries struck. This is the sec-
ond year in a row he’s had to settle for
flexor in December that shelved him for
the rest of the season.
Darby on Instagram, commenting un-
derneath a post about the move.
Kentucky is Manusky’s first college From page B8 a one-year contract, and this year, his The Eagles spent their offseason re- “Great signing, but I wasn’t worth the
job. The 53-year-old began his coach- deal is worth less than $8.5 million deal tooling their secondary, and the Red- extra (million),” Dunbar wrote, including
ing career in 2001 after he played 12 But when healthy, Darby has proven he signed last offseason. skins have done the same. Under Rivera, a laughing face emoji. “Joke.”
years in the NFL as a linebacker. to be a serviceable corner. He was even The cut in pay Washington first signed slot cornerback Dunbar is set to make $3.5 million
Manusky was not retained follow- thought to be one of the league’s top comes on the heels Kendall Fuller (four years, $40 million) in 2020, but requested a trade from
ing the 2019 season, replaced by Jack young cornerbacks when drafted in 2015 of a tough year. and then traded Dunbar to Seattle for a Washington after the team halted
Del Rio. out of Florida State. For his first two sea- While he picked fifth-round pick. contract negotiations when Rivera
sons, the former second-rounder starred off two passes and The Redskins also have Fabian was hired.
for the Buffalo Bills before he was traded defended 11 more, Moreau, Jimmy Moreland, Danny John- In comparison to Darby, Dunbar only
Ravens fill void on defensive to the Eagles in 2017. Darby struggled in son and Greg Stroman to compete with gave up 29 catches for 344 yards on 52
line, agree to deal with Wolfe That year, he enjoyed his best sea- coverage — giving Darby for the two starting spots on the targets across 13 games in 2019.
OWINGS MILLS, MD. | The Baltimore son as a pro — grabbing a career-high up 39 receptions on outside. Washington is replacing both of The Redskins have also signed a
Ravens have reached agreement on three interceptions while earning a Darby 62 targets for 664 its Week 1 starters at cornerback from number of veterans this offseason with
a one-year contract with defensive rating as one of the league’s 20 best yards, according to last season as it released veteran Josh ties to the area. Darby, a native of Oxon
tackle Derek Wolfe, ending his eight- cornerbacks, according to Pro Foot- Pro Football Focus. Norman in February, in addition to mov- Hill, Maryland, belongs in that category
year run with the Denver Broncos. ball Focus. He also won a Super Bowl, He also missed five games due to inju- ing on from Dunbar. — joining Fuller (Virginia Tech), Logan
Wolfe had seven sacks in 12 games helping the Eagles hold off the New ries. First, a hamstring kept him sidelined Dunbar, meanwhile, shared his opin- Thomas (Virginia Tech) and Sean Davis
last season before going on injured England Patriots. for four weeks. Then he suffered a hip ion about the team’s decision to sign (Maryland).
reserve with a dislocated elbow.
The 6-foot-5, 285-pound Wolfe fills
the void left by the unexpected depar-
ture last week of free agent Michael
Brockers, who initially agreed to a OUTDOORS seems pretty happy,” Anderson said.
“Everyone seems to be in a good mood.
close to home. Most are heeding that
advice, though one hiker descending
making constant decisions on modifying
operations on a park-by-park basis to
three-year deal with Baltimore. The From page B8 We’re in the mountains and that makes Mount Washington last week fell about prevent the spread of COVID-19.
sides couldn’t finalize the contract, everyone a little bit happier.” 200 feet and had to be rescued. Recently, Yellowstone and Grand
however, and Brockers ended up going in some turns on the slopes. But then For those not well-versed in back- New Hampshire’s leading conserva- Teton national parks closed their gates.
back to the Los Angeles Rams. resorts shut down. country activities, though, an important tion groups on Friday also urged hikers “Six feet of social distancing? On the
Wolfe joins Brandon Williams and Plan B: back-country skiing. message: Check the avalanche report to avoid the most popular spots so they river, you can have six miles,” Klug said.
newcomer Calais Campbell on Balti- He’s been hiking to the top of Buffalo for the area. An avalanche is always a comply with the federal guidelines on “We’re the sport that originated social
more’s revamped defensive line. Mountain — about a three-hour trek — concern this time of year on any snow- social distancing. They urged them to distancing.”
When healthy, Wolfe has been and then skiing down. Anderson and his covered slope 30 degrees or steeper. focus, instead, on the 190 quiet, conserved He said most Americans don’t have to
an effective run-stopper. He has 299 wife have also been taking their 4-year- In New England, the AMC’s Four forests at 100 towns across the state. go far to find the great outdoors.
career tackles and 33 sacks but has old son sledding and hiking. Thousand Footer Committee is calling More and more parks are starting “We forget how amazing everything
played all 16 games in only three of his “The vibe up here in the mountains on hikers to avoid difficult trails and stay to close. The National Park Service is is right here in our own backyard.”
eight seasons.

Lions reach deal with roster of Olympic and Paralympic hope- their sponsorship terms with Visa. It is discipline and focus at the same time
wide receiver Allison fuls their sponsorships will be extended the first clear commitment by a major they’re dealing with what’s happening
ALLEN PARK, MICH. | The Detroit From page B8 into 2021 after the Tokyo Games were sponsor to extend such sponsorship with their families and their loved
Lions agreed to terms with wide re- postponed, providing some financial support after the unprecedented delay to ones. One thing that we wanted to
ceiver Geronimo Allison. spending $12.6 billion to stage the games. certainty amid the disruption caused by the Olympics by a year was announced do as Visa was to take one potential
The 26-year-old Allison comes to However, a government audit report said the coronavirus pandemic. last week by the IOC. point of ambiguity and maybe concern
Detroit from division rival Green Bay. it will cost at least twice that much. All The credit card giant’s Team Visa “We elected to stand behind our off their plates, because there should
He caught 34 passes for 287 yards and but $5.6 billion is public money. scheme features 96 athletes across 27 roster of Team Visa athletes and make be none.”
two touchdowns last season. Allison The Switzerland-based IOC has sports, including soccer star Megan sure they knew affirmatively we were Visa had already filmed some pro-
played the past four seasons with the contributed $1.3 billion to organize the Rapinoe, gymnast Simone Biles — a planning to do so and that we were going motional campaigns with athletes for
Packers. Wide receiver was a position Tokyo Olympics, according to local or- quadruple gold medalist at the Rio de to offer to extend our relationship with the Tokyo Games that will require some
of strength for Detroit last season, with ganizing committee documents. It has Janeiro Games — and two-time defend- them into 2021,” Chris Curtin, Visa’s chief reworking. More immediately, they have
Kenny Golladay, Marvin Jones and a reserve fund of about $2 billion for ing 800-meter Olympic champion David brand and innovation marketing officer, spent this weekend filming their own
Danny Amendola each surpassing 60 such emergencies and also has insur- Rudisha. told The Associated Press. messages promoting hand washing and
catches and 600 yards receiving. ance coverage. The athletes were contacted on Fri- “They’re all dealing with how do social distancing that will be published
From wire dispatches and staff reports. Meanwhile, Visa has told its global day to be given the option of extending they maintain their training schedules, over the next week.
Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2020

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Georgetown’s McClung Darby deal fits mold of

to test NBA draft waters Rivera’s prove-it culture
Guard doesn’t rule out return to Hoyas Signing adds competition at cornerback
BY ADAM ZIELONKA As an underclassman, McClung had BY MATTHEW PARAS bring to the Redskins. This offseason,
THE WASHINGTON TIMES until April 26 to decide whether to de- THE WASHINGTON TIMES Washington has added a slew of players
clare. He can withdraw from the draft that figure to add depth to the roster and
Georgetown sophomore guard Mac and return to Georgetown next season, It’s not just at quarterback that Ron will battle for playing time.
McClung announced Sunday he will as Maryland guard Anthony Cowan, for Rivera wants see competition. After trading Quinton Dunbar last
enter the 2020 NBA draft while “main- example, did last spring. The new Redskins coach’s first class week to the Seattle Seahawks, the Red-
taining (his) eligibility” to return to In 21 games in 2019-20, McClung led of free agents in Washington has shown skins needed to address the cornerback
college. the Hoyas with 15.7 points per game, that’s he’s trying to deliver a message to position. Darby, 26, figures to compete
McClung also told ESPN he signed along with averaging 2.4 assists and 1.4 the rest of the roster: Get ready to earn for a starting role, but he’ll have to prove
with a certified agent. steals. But he missed 10 of the last 11 your role. he can stay healthy.
“First, I would like to thank God games of the Big East schedule with a The team’s latest signing is another Over the last three seasons with the
for blessing me with this opportunity,” lingering foot injury. example. Eagles, Darby has missed 20 of 48 pos-
McClung wrote in a social media post. A tumultuous season for Georgetown The Redskins agreed to a one-year, sible regular-season games to injury.
“I would also like to thank my parents, led to a 15-17 overall record (5-13 in Big $4 million deal Sunday with former Most notably, Darby tore his ACL in
Coach (Patrick) Ewing, along with his East play) and a first-round exit from the Georgetown guard Mac McClung has Philadelphia Eagles cornerback Ronald 2018, sitting out seven games. He also
coaching staff, for believing in me and Big East Tournament — the day before until April 26 to decide whether he wants Darby, giving them a former starter who ended last season on injured reserve
helping me become the player I am today. it was canceled due to the coronavirus to declare for the NBA draft or withdraw will compete for a spot on the outside. with a hip injury.
To the Georgetown faithful, thank you and return to the Hoyas. He averaged Darby’s signing fits the competition-
for giving me a new home!” » see MCCLUNG | B7 15.7 points per game last season. heavy culture that Rivera is trying to » see REDSKINS | B7

shelter-at-home orders are being
issued — the great outdoors Housebound Americans turn hikers are getting annoyed that
their prized spots are getting
30-year-old, it’s a chance to re-
charge and escape the cabin fever

Jim Klug’s office phone rings

provides a natural way to social
distance. to ‘great outdoors’ for escape overrun.
Then again, everyone has the
that so many people working
from home are feeling.
off the hook with anxious anglers “They may close the borders. same thought — get a breath of “It’s a place that I feel safe. It’s
inquiring about the status of their The may close the amusements fresh air. familiar and you do get away,”
upcoming fly-fishing trips. and the sports stadiums and any “It’s to get that sunlight, some Davenport said, adding that
It’s a stressful time for the co- places that lots and lots of people vitamin D. I know it will make me her day hikes of five to eight
owner of a fishing travel company gather. But they’re not going to feel better. I feel rested,”said Ryan miles are critical for her mental
as he postpones and re-books close the great outdoors and Smith, the 37-year-old owner of a and physical health. “You can
international and domestic ex- not going to close the rivers and media company from Peabody, kind of unplug and not look
peditions due the coronavirus streams,” said Klug, founder of Massachusetts, on why he is at the (computer) screen and
pandemic. Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adven- still taking day hikes with his look at the all the news that is
The best way for him to slip tures in Montana. “It’s something wife, Jennifer, along trails on the anxiety-inducing.”
away from the stress — even if that always brings inner peace North Shore of Massachusetts Skiers and snowboarders,
for a brief moment — is to follow and calmness.” and southern New Hampshire. meanwhile, are finding ways to
a bit of his own advice: Go fish. In New England, where back- Emily Davenport, who nor- hit the slopes with many ski re-
Whether it’s reeling in trout, woods skiing and hiking to 4,000 mally works as a wilderness sorts now closed in the wake of
hiking, snow activities (until the feet are almost a way of life for guide for the Appalachian Moun- the new coronavirus.
snow melts, of course) or any hardier residents, the trails are tain Club, has been canceling Drew Anderson, a freelance
other endeavor, the call from more crowded than ever. Hikers group hikes she leads until at least videographer from Denver, was
the wild delivers a much-needed report they are seeing plenty of the end of April. She’s still hitting at his condo in Silverthorne, Col-
respite in these turbulent times. newcomers who are hitting the The coronavirus has caused people to turn to the outdoors for the trails in the White Mountains orado, with the intent of spending
Typically open — although outdoors due to gym closures. entertainment and exercise at locations like White Sands National Park near her home in Conway, New a week — maybe longer — getting
national parks are increas- Those remote places? Not so at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico (top), and Organ Mountains- Hampshire, for day hikes, either
ingly limiting access and more remote right now. Many seasoned Desert Peaks National Monument near Las Cruces, New Mexico. alone or with a friend. For the » see OUTDOORS | B7


Signs pointing toward summer of 2021 for rescheduled Tokyo Olympics

“The games are meant to be in sum- of spring dates. hundreds of sponsors, sports federations Toshiro Muto have both said the added
Tokyo Olympic organizers seem to mer, so we should be thinking of a time The postponed games were to have and broadcasters. cost of rescheduling will be “enormous.”
be leaning away from starting the re- between June and September,” Japanese opened on July 24 and closed on Aug. 9. Athletes have been left in limbo by the Early estimates put those costs at be-
scheduled games in the spring of 2021. news agency Kyodo reported Mori say- Mori suggested some decisions could postponement. Many have been forced tween $2 billion-$3 billion with the sev-
More and more the signs point toward ing on Saturday. be made as early as this week when the to stop training because of the spreading eral levels of Japanese governments
the summer of 2021. International Olympic Committee organizing committee’s executive board coronavirus. Even those who can train likely to foot most of the bills.
Organizing committee President Yo- President Thomas Bach, after the post- meets. have no idea about how to schedule train- Tokyo organizers say they are
shiro Mori suggested there would be no ponement was announced in Switzer- Any final decision will be made ing to reach peak fitness at the right time.
major change from 2020. land on Tuesday, left open the possibility by local organizers and the IOC, and Mori and organizing committee CEO » see OLYMPICS | B7

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