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The saltwater fish of Romania are the Black Sea species of fish that live in the territorial waters of
Romania. A 2005 biodiversity inventory of the Romanian waters identified around 140 species and
subspecies of marine fish.[7] Many of the species have seen their stocks plummet in the last 50 years
due to commercial exploitation. The six species that are the most commercially viable today are all
small-sized fish: the red mullet, the sand smelt, the round goby, the European anchovy, the merling
and the sprat.[7]

According to recent reports, dozens of species of fish that were believed to be extinct in the Black
Sea have reappeared in the area in the last few years, most likely travelling from the Mediterranean,
due to the improved water quality and regeneration of the Black Sea ecosystem.[8]

Other species that can be found on the Romanian coast include two species of rays, two species of
sharks and dozens of species of teleostean fish.[1]


The amphibian population of Romania includes more than a dozen species of frogs and toads,
several species of newts and the fire salamander, out of which nine species are not found anywhere
else outside of Romania.[1][9]

The most common amphibians are the common toad, the yellow-belled toad, the European green
toad, the agile frog and the smooth newt.[9]

Known for its distinctive "horn", the long-nosed viper (Vipera ammodytes) is the most dangerous
snake in Romania

There are a total of ten species of snakes living in Romania, of which three, the common European
viper, the meadow viper and the horned viper, are venomous.[10] The horned viper in particular is
considered to be extremely dangerous and possibly the most venomous snake in Europe.[11]

The javeline sand boa, the rarest species of snake in Europe and the only species of boa on the
continent, was believed extinct in the Romania, with the last live specimen being reported in 1937.
An entire stable population of the species was discovered by experts in 2014 along the banks of the
Danube, with the exact location being kept a secret to avoid trophy hunting.[12][13]

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