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Paparazzi are independent photographers who take pictures of high-

profile people, such as actors, athletes, politicians, and other celebrities,
typically while subjects go about their usual life routines. Paparazzi tend to
make a living by selling their photographs to media outlets that focus on tabloid
journalism and gossip magazines.
First of all, being a paparazzo is a tough job. Besides being criticized (and
rightfully so) for invading the privacy of other people and damaging their
careers through negative publicity (by releasing embarrassing pictures), you
need to know where certain celebrities go/are. You always have to be alert, in
case a celebrity is nearby, so you can take as many pictures as you can. Another
tough part of the job is all the different places you have to go in order to take a
picture. You might need to hide in trees (which is dangerous) or, if you’re lucky,
you can just sit in your car. But besides putting yourself in danger while trying
to take a good photograph of a certain celebrity, you also put that celebrity in
danger. For example, people are holding paparazzi responsible for several high-
profile accidents, including the death of Princess Diana of Wales in 1997.
Paparazzi act as photographers and journalists. They follow celebrities to
gain insights to their personal lives, such as who their friends are, who they date,
and where they live, work and vacation. They document celebrities' lives
through photographs and written articles, distributed in magazines and journals.
Sometimes, paparazzi benefits some celebrities by documenting and reporting
on good deeds, such as involvement with charitable organizations and human
rights campaigns.
Due to the reputation of paparazzi as a nuisance, several states and
countries restrict their activities by passing laws and curfews, and by staging
events in which paparazzi are specifically not allowed to take photographs In the
United States, celebrity news organizations are protected by the First
Amendment. To protect the children of celebrities, California passed a new bill
in September 2013. The purpose of the bill is to stop paparazzi from taking
pictures of children in a harassing manner, regardless of who their parents are.
This law increased the penalty on harassment and the penalty for harassment of
Second of all, being a paparazzo has its benefits. Besides being payed a
big amount of money for taking pictures of celebrities, you also get access to
exclusive events, locations and you get to meet famous people. Being a
paparazzo helps celebrities stay relevant and famous. By providing pictures of a
certain celebrity to the public, you’re basically hitting two birds with one stone:
1) you get a big amount of money for doing it and 2) you keep the celebrity
relevant, therefore, you can keep taking pictures of it and, you keep getting
In conclusion, being a paparazzo is not an easy or pleasant job. Invading
someone’s privacy isn’t a delightful thing to do, but at the same time, you need
to get payed, one way or another. Even though, in most cases, both the
paparazzo and the celebrity are benefiting from the pictures, there are still many
cases when a celebrity’s life or career can be ruined by an embarrassing picture
or situation.

Matache Ioana, an I, Publicitate, grupa 2

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